dream redemption

Chapter 48 Steel Building

(Third, but because of another book off the list.)

"Master, it looks so good! It seems that you have a tendency to become a girl."

The voice of Lucifer covering his mouth and snickering sounded in his head, like small beads falling on a jade plate, clear and sweet.

"Mother is mother, what's so funny."

Murong Xiao touched the cool-touch earrings on her earlobes, and rolled her eyes angrily.

All kinds of "sighing" sounds came from their ears, presumably they were changing their disguise, there was also the sound of the engine starting, and the sound of guns being pushed and pulled.

After a while, all kinds of messy voices disappeared, and there were only a few voices left in Murong Xiao's ears. Presumably, the team leaders had made arrangements for them to keep in touch with Murong Xiao.

Murong Xiao asked the vampire commander in the military restricted zone for a military vehicle, drove back to the city, and used a fake passport to get a room in a luxurious hotel.

Under the heavy blow of Murong Xiao's gold bars, the hotel waiter was dazed and took Murong Xiao to a suite where only heads of state could live, and left backwards.

"Sure enough, money can make Motui ghosts."

Murong Xiao shook his head, looked at the elegantly decorated suite, and sighed.

The size of the suite is very large, with three bedrooms and a translucent balcony enclosed by tempered glass on the opposite side. From here, you can see half of the city, but you can't observe the interior of the room from the outside. It is definitely a suggestion from some successful people. best place.

Murong Xiao lay on the bed with her whole body relaxed, using her spirit to push the blood energy in her body to swim through the whole body, making the blood energy that had become unfamiliar due to the rapid increase of blood energy slowly become familiar.

Unknowingly, Murong Xiao's consciousness gradually became drowsy, and finally fell into a deep sleep.

However, although Murong Xiao's consciousness has entered a deep dormancy, the blood energy in his body did not stagnate because of this; instead, it started from the heart and flowed along the blood vessels of the whole body, increasing at a constant speed, without any delay. side effect!

In the chaos, Murong Xiao's consciousness was in a vague state, blending into the chaos.

suddenly!A ray of spiritual light appeared in the chaotic world where Murong Xiao's consciousness was located, just like the sharp edge of the god-opening ax in Pangu's hand, the endless chaotic world was instantly divided and filled with light!

"Sir, we encountered resistance from the local vampire forces in New York, and suspected that the whereabouts of the ancestors of vampires were controlled by them! Repeat!..."

Murong Xiao suddenly opened his eyes, and a bloody light made him narrow his eyes slightly.

"Then find their stronghold and kill them, and you will naturally know the whereabouts of the ancestors."

Regarding the voice from the earrings, Murong Xiao ordered without hesitation!

"Yes, sir!"

The moment Murong Xiao regained consciousness, the blood energy in his body stopped flowing and gathered between his eyebrows, a feeling of smooth operation came to his mind.

"This is the advantage of sleeping vampires?"

Murong Xiao looked at his hands, a sense of full strength spread to every corner of his body, Murong Xiao even felt that a single punch could knock down a building!

"Lucifer, how long have I slept? How can my body improve so much?"

Could it be that he slept for several years?A ridiculous thought rose in Murong Xiao's heart.

"Master, the time is not as long as you think, only nine days."

Lucifer paused for a moment, then continued: "Because your physical fitness exceeds the [-]% soul-bound critical value, you will automatically maintain a [-]% soul-bound state."

"That is to say, my current physical strength can fully adapt to the [-]% soul binding, yes!"

Murong Xiao understands it. Before, although the compatibility between his body and soul has reached [-]%, neither his spirit nor his body can withstand that open state for a long time. According to the general understanding of playing games , which is equivalent to an overdraft skill, similar to madness.

However, after these few days of deep sleep, Murong Xiao's spirit and physique met the requirements for turning this overdraft skill into a passive skill.Therefore, Murong Xiao transformed, and his combat power doubled magnificently, from the previous 51s to the current [-]!

"Sir! Encountered strong resistance! Teams [-] and [-] have lost contact and are suspected to have been killed! Ask for support! Ask for support! Repeat!..."

"Report your location! Repeat! Report your location!"

Murong Xiao tidied up his attire, shattered the protective bullet-proof glass on the balcony with his fist, and jumped straight out, shooting out like an arrow from a string.

"173rd Street, Steel Building! Repeat!  …"


Driven by tremendous strength and supported by elementary lightness kung fu, Murong Xiao ruthlessly landed on the roof of a sixty-storey building seven to eighty meters away from the hotel!

In the previous suite, two large pits full of cobweb cracks were left behind!


Murong Xiao's legs stepped deeply into the roof of the reinforced concrete building, a series of terrifying cracks centered on him and spread around, like a huge spider web!

Fortunately, this building is not a tofu project, and it can withstand the huge impact.

Murong Xiao didn't stay in shape. After stepping out of several big holes on the roof, he jumped and shuttled in the steel jungle like a spiderman, and gradually approached the ground.

Murong Xiao is not the protagonist in the massacre prototype, he has the aura of being undead no matter how high he falls.Although the height of hundreds of meters is not fatal, it is enough to seriously injure him. Recovery requires a lot of blood energy, which is extremely unfavorable for the next battle.

Gently turn the diamond on the earring to modulate the second frequency: "Sixth to tenth teams pay attention! Go to 173 Street immediately, Steel Building reinforcements! Attention! You can go to reinforcements! Repeat..."

While running, Murong Xiao directly tore off the door of a car, pushed the driver out of the car, and stuffed a few pieces of gold into his pocket at the same time.

Twist the key, step on the accelerator to the top, the semi-new engine roared angrily, and when the rubber wheels rubbed against the ground violently, the body flew out, leaving two scorched black tire marks and The car owner with a horrified face.

Murong Xiao had only driven the car twice before, but, relying on superhuman memory and reflexes, he insisted on manipulating this car like a sword in his hand, to his heart's content.

A frightening scene took place on the streets of New York.An ordinary red private car was missing a door. However, the driver seemed to be crazy. Not only did he not drive to the repair shop, but he also increased the speed to the limit, rampaging on the street with endless traffic, causing many The citizens were sweating in their hands and kept away from it.

What reassures the car owners is that this crazy driver has very good driving skills. The car he drives is like a fish swimming through the traffic without any collision. .If it weren't for their vehicles being shown their skills, these car owners couldn't help applauding and cheering.

After more than ten minutes of desperate driving, a building made of steel entered Murong Xiao's blood-red eyes.

Keen hearing vaguely picked up the intense gunfire amidst the cacophony of other sounds.

Suddenly, the rubber tires made an unbearable "squeak" sound, leaving two strings of scorched black staggered marks on the ground. Due to the huge inertia, the car body drifted ten meters before stopping.

And Murong Xiao's figure had already disappeared in the car.

The interior of the steel building is also covered with steel as far as the eye can see, full of technological atmosphere, as if the entire building with dozens of floors is made of steel!

Murong Xiao lowered his hands, and slipped two modified pistols that looked full of metal texture into his hands, and his icy breath swayed.

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