dream redemption

Chapter 570 Negative Universe

(The new book asks for your support!)

Perhaps this point, both sides of the war did not notice!

Father, like son!

Murong Xiao sensed the unusualness of these black holes for the first time, and an ominous premonition swept through his heart in an instant!

"Qing Wu!"

Murong Xiao suddenly tore through the void, and before the space channel was formed in time, she forced herself to shuttle back and forth against the powerful force of space tearing!

When these alien creatures invaded, tens of thousands of celestial beasts sprang out from the ruins of Mount Buzhou at the same time, and all of them were at the mythical level!

Murong Xiao has lived in the ruins for several years, but she has never discovered that there are so many mythical celestial beasts in it!


A wood spirit clan god emperor who was fighting with Qing Wu was pointed at by the wood spirit clan's sword, and immediately retreated thousands of miles in fright, his liver and gallbladder were torn!

"what happened?"

Although Qing Wu was puzzled, she still followed Murong Xiao back along the formed space passage!

"There's a problem. The campaign."

As Murong Xiao said, she added something later, pulling Qing Wu away from the battlefield for a few light years.

"Look, those black holes..."

Without Murong Xiao's further explanation, Qing Wu already understood, because the six black holes have completely formed a connection, forming a strange six-pointed star array!

A powerful attraction suddenly appeared at the moment when the hexagram formation was formed!

The Buzhou Mountain area, which stretches for a full nine light-years, began to move slowly under the action of this gravitational force!

"What... do they want?!"

When Qing Wu rarely lost her composure, she lost her voice when she saw Bu Zhoushan start to move.

"No. Maybe they don't even know..."

Murong Xiao didn't finish speaking.Represents the huge pyramid where the Oneiroi resides.Like a baby swallow returning to its nest, it went directly under the hexagram!

"I feel the power of my hometown..."

The voice of the earth's will suddenly echoed in Murong Xiao's mind!

No!Not only Murong Xiao and Qing Wu, but all life forms on the planet, and even all living things, echoed such voices in their minds!

"Damn it! It's the guy with negative universe!"

"I should have thought a long time ago that the program of the Oneiroi system cannot be wrong just because it devours a fellow!"


Planetary lifeforms that have never shown any emotions.After sensing the power released by Oneiroi, each of them finally turned pale, showing blunt emotions!

Even Murong Xiao and Murong Xiao, who were several light years apart, could clearly feel the exasperated voice!



Sensing the powerful negative aura released from the hexagram array, Murong Xiao felt the world spinning and was extremely surprised!

The aura that can affect even the gods and emperors is no small matter!

Facing the request for cooperation from the planetary lifeforms that had been fighting before, they did not immediately refuse.

"The negative universe is trying to come to our universe. We were competitors before. Now, we are in the same camp!"

"Because... once the negative universe comes, our universe will be destroyed!"

The will of the god of technology contains a lot of information, besides the stakes, there is also information about the negative universe.

Just like Tai Chi Yin Yang, magnet poles, everything has a completely opposite side, even the universe is no exception!

In addition to the universe where Murong Xiao and planetary life forms exist, there is a completely opposite negative universe.

If the universe is mostly composed of matter, then the negative universe is composed of antimatter!

In the negative universe, there are also living beings, but there is only one, and that is the will of the negative universe!

The negative cosmic will is different from the cosmic will, it is always sober and ambitious for this universe!

In the past, the negative cosmic will tried to silently swallow the positive universe where Murong Xiao and the others lived, but the planetary life body discovered it in time, and used the Buzhou Mountain where the cosmic will is located to block the connection port of the negative universe, completely eradicating it. future trouble!

This is also the reason why they are at peace with civil war and created the Oneiroi system to study the will of the universe!

However, he never expected that the will of the universe would take advantage of the loopholes, assimilate with the Oneiroi system, and break away from their control!

Several generations of invitees are used as test subjects, and the cultivation method is the result of Oneiroi's systematic study of the will of the universe, studying the rules, and using the rules!

Breaking away from the control of the god of technology, in order to paralyze these planetary life forms, they have been using the initial instructions of the Oneiroi system as a cover, and continue to select invitees, step by step, until now, it has just been exposed, using six black holes to form an array, to make the unstoppable Zhou Shan moves away!

When the God of Science and Technology told this, there was still a hint of excitement in his tone, as if he was excited to participate in this historic moment!

The collision of antimatter and matter will undoubtedly release a terrifying energy!

What's more, it is the combination of positive and negative two substances, I am afraid that everything will be wiped out!

Although he doesn't have much contact with these planetary life forms, Murong Xiao also knows that they are a group of guys who can't lie.

The endless years have worn away too many things, and they have even forgotten their feelings. If it weren't for the sudden appearance of the negative cosmic will, they might have died in peace, without showing any emotional fluctuations at all.

Survival or death, this is not a question at all. After learning the cause and effect of the matter, Murong Xiao couldn't help feeling a little bit sad.

But now, there is no time to lament that fate has tricked people, because "fate" is facing a huge danger!

If you guessed right, the Negative Cosmic Will, which has already done enough research on the will of the universe, is going to send Buzhou Mountain, together with the will of the universe, to the negative cosmic space!

The existence of the entire universe is based on the will of the universe, and even the entire universe is a dream of the will of the universe. Once it disappears, I am afraid that the entire positive universe will be wiped out!

With the opening of the black hole, a strong negative aura swept away, distorting the space, and all the mythical powerhouses controlled by the Oneiroi, or the negative cosmic will, all changed drastically at this moment , One by one, they all transformed into pitch-black ferocious monsters. When a planetary life body whose mecha was destroyed was touched by these mutated mythical powerhouses, its light body instantly turned into pitch black!

As a result, a planet tens of thousands of light-years away became pitch black, collided violently with the surrounding matter, and finally exploded, a shock wave that was hundreds of times more terrifying than a nuclear explosion of the same volume instantly swept across the entire galaxy , Let all the planets suffer a devastating disaster!

"Boom boom boom!"

With the slow movement of Buzhou Mountain, the entire universe is trembling! (To be continued..)

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