dream redemption

Chapter 571 Black Hole

(The new book "Suspiciousness" asks for your support!)

With the slow movement of Buzhou Mountain, the entire universe is trembling!

It seems that as long as this "Pillar of Heaven" is displaced, the entire universe will collapse!

The changes in the mythical powerhouse controlled by the negative will of the universe were unexpected by no one in advance, so that the life forms of the planet suffered a big loss in an instant!

"Buzhou Mountain!"

Bu Zhoushan determines the success or failure of the two camps, no matter what, they have to fight for it!

The guys from the negative cosmic will camp have all started to approach Buzhou Mountain, and are trying to destroy this sacred mountain with their own negative energy!

"Black hole!"

Murong Xiao's eyes shone brightly, his powerful spiritual sense had been observing these six black holes, and Murong Xiao noticed their changes at the first time!

The original six black holes have begun to move closer together, and a greater attraction has gradually formed!

Moreover, because the gravitational force of the previous six black holes is relatively scattered, or even offset, it is necessary to adjust the angle of negative cosmic will to ensure the effect.But after the six black holes began to approach and merge, the negative cosmic will became more and more relaxed, and even spared no effort to use negative energy to clean up the approaching planetary life forms!

"Destroy the black holes, don't let them merge, leave Bu Zhoushan to me!"

Murong Xiao was straightforward, and directly took Qing Wu to Shuttle to Buzhou Mountain!

In terms of destroying the ability alone, Murong Xiao, who claims to kill everything, is definitely more efficient than planetary life forms destroying black holes!

But this is a merciless war, now allies.Just now, it was still tit for tat.If these planetary life forms are allowed to guard Buzhou Mountain.Murong Xiao was really worried.

Maybe after they suppress the negative will of the universe, these planetary life forms have already merged with the will of the universe, or the failure of the fusion leads to the destruction of the entire universe, then there will be no place to cry.

"it is good!"

The three leaders didn't hesitate at all, and immediately sent a signal to let all the planetary life forms gather with them, and together they ruthlessly rushed towards the six black holes that were gradually approaching!

The negative energy carriers along the way tried to attack the increasingly large Light God Legion, but they were all wiped out by the three leaders of planetary life forms comparable to god emperors!

Negative energy can certainly pollute.Corrode their positive energy, but all things are mutual generation and mutual restraint, powerful positive energy is also the nemesis of negative energy!

With a wave of the dragon god's huge dragon claws, tens of thousands of dense energy light spheres shot out fiercely, and each light sphere is equipped with a tracking system, carrying negative energy towards the oncoming one after another. Those who chase after!

Once these guys are contacted by these powerful positive energy, they will immediately explode like a nuclear bomb in their bodies being detonated!

The lord of the bereaved family and the god of technology are not inferior in the slightest. Three powerful positive energies form three strict protective circles.Isolate all negative energy carriers who intend to stop their steps!

Murong Xiao travels through the space at an extremely fast speed, and those negative energy carriers can reasonably create a space channel.After rushing through the barriers of the heavenly beasts, he finally came to the Buzhou Mountains, and when he was about to wreak havoc, what greeted him was a sharp sword aura!

The sword of Taoism!

Murong Xiao stepped over, and the space channel continued to collapse, and even dozens of fallen negative carriers fell into the alien space!

One more step, through the space channel created by himself, Murong Xiao took Qing Wu directly to the top of Buzhou Mountain!

Immediately afterwards, Murong Xiao's body was shaken, and the aura of the god emperor level soared into the sky, forming a materialized column of energy, rushing straight into the depths of the void of the universe!

The immortal breath hangs down like thousands of willows, like an ancient star, with a power to suppress the heavens, it is suppressed fiercely!


The slowly moving Buzhou Mountains trembled suddenly, and then the speed of drifting imperceptibly slowed down a bit!


The huge realm of gods spread, and the swords of Taoism continued to condense. Once they sensed that there was a negative energy carrier approaching, they would shoot out without hesitation!

A fallen person who had just approached before he had time to set foot on the territory of Buzhou Mountain was directly targeted by dozens of swords of Taoism, killing his body and soul with a wave of shots!

The sharp sword energy can cut through even antimatter. A fallen man at the level of a god king forcibly withstood the killing of several swords of Taoism, directly hitting Murong Xiao's sharp edge, and his body corroded by negative energy was extremely unstable. The ground expanded and contracted, as if it would explode at any moment!

Murong Xiao's pupils froze, and she had no choice but to show some energy!

The silver-white sword cut across the void with a strange slash, and the fallen man who was firmly locked by the sword's intention felt a chill in his heart, and then, the sword energy struck!

A little bit of cold light continued to enlarge, and when it came to it, it had turned into a zhang Xu long sword energy, with the fierceness of shooting everything, it suddenly pierced through the body of this fallen man!


The powerful negative energy quickly corroded this sword energy, and finally it completely disappeared!

However, enough is enough!

The body and soul of this god-level fallen man were completely purified by this sword energy, and disappeared into the air without causing any damage to Buzhou Mountain!

However, this is just one statue, and there are more fallen ones coming in all directions!

They want to use their bodies to melt the volume of Buzhou Mountain, so that the engulfment of the black hole will proceed more smoothly!

"Leave West to me!"

As Qing Wu said, a surge of pure golden domineering energy gushed out of her flawless body, quickly condensed into a dragon over ten thousand feet long, and disappeared into the void as a golden lightning bolt!

Along the way, all the fallen were smashed to pieces by a powerful force!

"Be careful."

The sword energy in Murong Xiao's body was in full swing, frantically urging the field of kendo to strangle and kill the intruding fallen ones. Only the fallen ones at the level of god kings and god emperors are qualified to be worthy of his sword!

In fact, this is also a helpless move. There are too many of these fallen people, and the heavenly beasts in the ruins of Buzhou Mountain alone can't resist them for a long time!

Fortunately, their thinking seems to have been fixed, with the main purpose of destroying Buzhou Mountain.

Otherwise, they only need to lock onto Murong Xiao's figure, and then they can crush Murong Xiao on the spot with another round of concentrated fire attack!

With the cooperation of tens of thousands of mythological powerhouses, even a god emperor can't resist, and can only be resurrected slowly with the help of the immortal spiritual realm!



Another god-emperor-level powerhouse broke through Murong Xiao's blockade, and before he organized it, he exploded in the area of ​​Buzhou Mountain! (To be continued..)

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