dream redemption

Chapter 72 Awareness

(It’s off the list, still asking for recommendations and collections!)

When he called out, all eyes were immediately attracted!

"What! Quick!"

A young man wearing a tactical vest quickly approached, and after he saw Murong Xiao clearly sitting in the car, he immediately shouted excitedly: "Do as he said! All biological and chemical weapons gather towards the 01 coordinate of the evil god of revenge."

The young man's voice immediately made all the controllers busy, and one by one instructions came out from the bottom of the screen. In Lakun City, all the scattered biochemical weapons immediately gathered towards a certain outlet.

"Negro, change lanes."

Under Murong Xiao's voice, the black man turned the steering wheel subconsciously.

"The objective of the mission is determined, allowing the use of heavy weapons."

The unrecognizable evil god of revenge showed a cruel smile, and a high-explosive gasoline rocket blasted out with a wave of hot air!


The rocket collided with the road, and a violent explosion occurred, and a cloud of miniature mushrooms rose up.

The explosion set off a violent air shock, lifting one side of the commercial vehicle high, almost causing it to completely overturn.

Fortunately, the black man turned the vehicle around in advance, otherwise, it would not be a question of whether the vehicle overturned.

"I'll fix it and catch up with you as soon as possible, keep in touch.


Murong Xiao took out two earring-style communicators from the dimensional bracelet and put them in Alice's palm.

"do not go!!!"

Alice, Jill and the little girl spoke in unison.

"No problem."

Murong Xiao glanced at Alice and said, "Protect them well."

When the words fell, Murong Xiao's figure had already jumped out of the car, facing another rocket bomb from the Nemesis God.

Murong Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly, this kind of rocket is extremely explosive, don't touch it head-on!

While her thoughts were spinning, Murong Xiao suddenly stretched out her left hand, and the moment the rocket hit her body, she activated the charging ability of the dimensional bracelet!


The rocket that was about to explode was instantly included in the dimensional bracelet!


Murong Xiao felt the Dimensional Bracelet vibrate slightly, densely covered with cracks, and then shattered.

"What the hell!"

Murong Xiao felt distressed for a while, and stepped forward with a big stride, her body turned into a sword light under the circulation of internal energy, and the distance of three feet passed by in an instant.

As the sword light flashed, Murong Xiao's body rushed to get close before the Nemesis God fired the third rocket!

"What kind of ability is this? It can actually catch rockets with bare hands!"

"Unbelievable!! This is impossible!"

"This unscientific!"

Several controllers sitting in front of the computer exclaimed one after another, as if seeing a ghost, their eyes were full of horror.

"Everyone, don't forget, our goal is to create a god! It's getting more and more interesting, we must capture him alive!"

A short-haired Caucasian youth who appeared to be the commander-in-chief spoke excitedly.

All the technicians were refreshed when they heard the words, and their eyes shone with a gleam of fanaticism.

"Look! Here he comes!"

"So fast!"

"What a horrible look!"

"It's not an opponent! It's not an opponent at all! Vengeance Cthulhu 01 probably won't survive ten seconds!"

"Murder! It's completely torture!"

"Unbelievable! This unknown species may really be called a god!"

These researchers looked at the computer whose screen went black in three seconds, and kept shouting in amazement. At the same time, they worked harder at manipulating their own biochemical weapons.

Murong Xiao glanced at the evil god of vengeance who had been mutilated into thousands of pieces, and shook off the few drops of contamination on the sword.

A god of vengeance is equivalent to 1000 zombies!

"It would be nice to have a few more heads."

Murong Xiao shook her head slightly, letting go of this unrealistic thought.

After all, in the movie, the Nemesis God has only one head.


"Da da da!"

Behind Murong Xiao suddenly came the wild roar of the evil god of vengeance.

What followed was the angry roar of Vulcan Gatling.

"Bang bang bang!"

The hard concrete road was swept away by this storm of metal, and the stone chips were flying around, making it uneven.

"and also?!"

Murong Xiao's figure was like a sword breaking through the wind, and he stepped out of two big holes in the ground. The air around him seemed to be unable to withstand the rapid explosion, and twisted slightly, making Murong Xiao's figure blur for a while.

Murong Xiao's sprinting route is not straight, and often makes some fine-tuning due to the turning of the Nemesis God's gun.

Murong Xiao's nerve reaction speed was far faster than the Nemesis God and its controllers, so all the bullets passed by his body without hurting him in the slightest!

"call out!"

The weeping sword light bloomed in Murong Xiao's hand, and in the void, a white light came out from the tip of the sword.

Like a long rainbow in the sky, like lightning breaking through the sky!

Amid the sound of piercing through the sky, in the pale yellow pupils of the evil god of vengeance, a radiant sword light replaced the world.

Then, no more.On the ground was a corpse that had been neatly cut in half.

"Xiao, are you alright?!"


"I'm fine, I've fixed it, report your location."

"Okay, we are..."

"It seems that I can't come to you for the time being. You go directly to the western suburbs. I will come to you before dawn."

As Murong Xiao said, she turned off the communicator.

On the side of the street, a creature like an orangutan crawled on the surface of a building with a height of dozens of floors.

The creature's skin seemed to have been peeled off, and what was exposed was the bloody, ferocious muscles, which were still twisting slightly, looking extremely disgusting.

A jagged tongue on the back and sides sticks out of the giant mouth from time to time, and the cloudy eyes are full of violence.

The creature is a cross between a creeper and a nemesis.

"Could it be that the evil god of vengeance was killed by Fear Walker?"

In this world full of infinite possibilities, superstitious plots can kill you.

Murong Xiao couldn't help but think of this seemingly impossible idea, and felt a faint sense of uneasiness in his heart.


The moment this second mutated creeper saw Murong Xiao, without the slightest hesitation, he pounced down, and several cracks were kicked out of the solid building wall by it!

The tongue like a saw knife suddenly stretched out, and bursts of piercing sounds came out!

"It has a clear goal, unlike ordinary animals. Could it be...someone is manipulating it?!"

Murong Xiao tipped her toes, and her body floated backward like a feather, and at the same time, this thought flashed in her mind!

Reptiles have the same habits as wild beasts, even if they determine their hunting target, they will at least observe it.Instead of being like this now, just after discovering Murong Xiao, it seemed like an instinctive reflex, and directly launched an attack.


The second-generation crawler slammed a big hole in the road surface, throwing up large pieces of stone debris.

There was a flash of light in Murong Xiao's eyes, and the retreating body suddenly stepped forward, and the sword light slashed out with tears!


A spray of blood spewed out from the still-fallen stone chips, and a muscular arm fell to the ground.


A huge fist rushed out of the stone chips suddenly, and gusts of wind blew up, instantly tearing the raised stone chips apart, revealing the visually striking body of the second-generation crawler.

Murong Xiao took a step forward, and with a flash of sword light, his figure appeared beside the second-generation creeper, and a bright sword shadow passed by.

Like a cold moon, clear and bright, it does not stick to dust, and it is cut from the neck of the second-generation creeper!


The sharp edge of the Weeping Sword directly cut through the hard muscles and bones of the second-generation crawler, and a hideous and disgusting head fell off.

"Another thousand zombies and a hundred dream powers."

"Could it be that the Umbrella Company learned of my superhuman strength, and they want to arrest me for research?"

Murong Xiao thought about it, this possibility is very high, with the huge power of the umbrella company, it seems not surprising that he knew that he jumped from the eighteenth floor and was safe.

"No! Perhaps, they know more."

Murong Xiao looked up at the dim starry sky with his deep black eyes, as if his faint eyes could travel through space and land directly on the observation satellite far away in space.

"See how much Oneiroi power you can give me."

Murong Xiao's indifferent tone reveals a strong self-confidence. This is not arrogance, but the sharpness of a swordsman!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

After Murong Xiao's words fell, his figure moved up, and the sound of several heavy footsteps came from the other side of the street.

Murong Xiao glanced back, and there was a hint of surprise in the depths of his calm eyes. Three huge monsters whose heads were wrapped in rags and whose brains were pierced with iron nails appeared in Murong Xiao's eyes.

These are giant zombies over one foot tall, dragging a huge ax that is even taller than their height, and a strong stench blows towards their faces.

(ps: Although there are two exams today and tomorrow, but there are enough manuscripts, don't worry.)

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