dream redemption

Chapter 73 Combat

(Crazy for recommendation and collection! Every recommendation and collection of fellow Taoists is the greatest support for Weep!)

These are giant zombies over one foot tall, dragging a huge ax that is even taller than their height, and a strong stench blows towards their faces.

This is exactly the giant ax that appeared in Resident Evil 4 and 5!

"Boom! Boom!"

The moment the giant ax found Murong Xiao, his pace immediately quickened!

The three giant axes move in unison, as if they were training soldiers, and even the sound of their footsteps merged into one, as if they were one person!

Murong Xiao felt that the ground under her feet trembled slightly, and she moaned unbearably, as if it was not strong enough to bear the weight of these giants.

Concentration camp outside the city, control hall.

The commander in a tactical vest stood in front of a huge screen with his hands behind his back, with a sneer on his face.

"Since you are good at using cold weapons, let me let you taste the power of the army."

The huge transparent screen is divided into several small screens by each picture. The commander's eyes are on three small screens connected in series.

"Report! All biological and chemical weapons have been assembled, please give instructions!"

"Surround the mission target and consume its physical strength with wheel battles. Dispatch armed helicopters to support, pay attention to air blockade!"

With a wave of the commander's hand, all orders were quickly implemented.He smiled confidently and turned his eyes back to the screen.

As the distance got closer, Murong Xiao felt the trembling under his feet more and more clearly.

During the sprint of the three giant axes, two of them were slightly behind, forming a simple triangular formation with the previous one.

"Hoo!" "Hoo!" "Hoo!"

Three ax blades that were bigger than the door planks swung out, one first and two later, completely sealing off Murong Xiao's evasion route!

The air couldn't bear the huge weight of the giant axe, and there were heavy groans, as if it would shatter in the next moment!

There is no going back!

However, Murong Xiao never thought of retreating!The weeping sword light slashed out, powerful force burst out from the seemingly weak body, the air in front of him was directly shattered by the sword body, forming a point of pure white vacuum sword light on the tip of the sword!


Huge force oscillated from the sword body, like mountains and seas, and a huge gap appeared in the tough alloy ax blade. The one-foot-tall giant ax zombie stepped back three steps, and his thick arms were unable to bear the huge counter-shock force. A few streams of blood spewed out!

The other two huge axes almost brushed Murong Xiao's scalp, and smashed hard into the road behind him.

"Bang!" "Long!"

The gravel flew out, and the cement road was directly blasted down half a meter by the giant axe, leaving two terrifying cracks!

Murong Xiao's stature moved forward rapidly, the distance of two feet was crossed with one step, and the light of the weeping sword flashed from his hand, like the scythe of death, the book of the king of hell, irresistible!


A huge iron nail head flew out, spilling dark red blood all over the ground, setting off the bloody and terrifying atmosphere under the dim starlight.


The other two huge axes were suddenly pulled out from the road, from Murong Xiao's left and right sides, they cut horizontally in a scissoring motion!

The air shattered, and there was a huge wave of power. I believe that even a steel pillar hugged by one person would be split in an instant!

The internal energy in Murong Xiao's body was shaken, a force burst out from the spring, and his body was like pulling green onions from the dry land, soaring upwards!

A huge ax suddenly slashed across Murong Xiao's feet, and the strong wind blew up the hem of the bloody clothes, causing faint ripples.

Murong Xiao's eyes were calm, as he took a step, the air exploded, leaving a faint footprint on the broad blade of the giant axe.

Murong Xiao relied on the powerful reaction force.The body shape is like an arrow from the string, and it shoots out with electricity!

The alloy giant ax in the giant ax zombie's hand was smashed to the ground by Murong Xiao, and his stiff and huge body collapsed like a jade pillar. He was dragged forward by the handle of the ax in his hand, and his head full of rust smelled like a bright sword. Light.


The sound of the wind rose again behind him, and the huge ax blade slammed down, cutting the air, and two air currents swept to the left and right.

Murong Xiao turned slightly, the alloy battle ax shattered the rusted head that was thrown flying, and then slammed into the concrete road, a terrifying crack spread.

Murong Xiao took a step forward, completely stepping into the ground with the ax blade that was still half exposed in the air, a huge force was transmitted along the handle of the axe, and was directly shaken out from the giant axe's hand.

With the help of this counter-shock force, Murong Xiao's figure leaped high, like a swallow murmuring, she slashed out with tears and sword lights between flips.

This sword is just an ordinary horizontal slash, but in this case, it is so wonderful that it is like a magic pen, which has the effect of turning decay into magic.


The head of the last giant ax zombie was chopped off, and its huge body crashed down, with dark red blood splattered all over the place.

"Has the data been recorded?"

The young commander stared at the screen and asked without looking back.

"All data has been backed up. The power displayed by the target is about [-] times that of ordinary people, and the threat level is A."

A rigorous researcher pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose and answered quickly while sorting out the information.

"Okay, ten wonderful solutions, I'll show you something powerful."

The commander waved his hand and said, "Let the mythical giant go, don't give him a chance to recover his strength."


Murong Xiao quickly dealt with the three giant ax zombies, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, but the heavy footsteps suddenly sounded from behind made his eyes sparkle.

"Wheel fight?"

Murong Xiao raised her eyebrows, and put her down on the stone.

"It seems that their purpose is to capture me alive. There should be no nuclear bombs before I fall down. I don't have to worry about the time issue."

Murong Xiao's thoughts turned, she let go of her worries about Alice and the others, and looked back lightly.

"This is……"

Murong Xiao's pupils suddenly contracted, and a light of surprise flashed in the depths of his eyes.

After Alice and his party separated from Murong Xiao, they drove towards the western suburbs according to the road map given by Murong Xiao.

In the car, in order to divert emotions, everyone was chatting, and most of the topics revolved around Murong Xiao.

"Alice, how long have you been married to Murong?"

Jill's slender fingers tapped on the window lightly, making a rhythmic sound.

"Today happens to be our wedding anniversary."

A smile appeared on Alice's face, and she added: "If the date in the newspaper is correct."

"But, Murong doesn't seem to be familiar with you, and has already forgotten about you."

Jill lit another cigarette, her face clouded by the cloud of smoke.

"Perhaps the umbrella company manipulated his memory. For example, some strange memories often flashed in my mind, which made me feel very bad."

Alice groaned, her fingers twisted together.

"Why? Why is Umbrella cleaning his memory?"

The rhythm of Jill's tapping on the car window became a little restless, but she didn't know why.

"Maybe it was an experiment, or something went wrong in the transformation process. These bastards, I must kill them!"

Alice's eyes showed killing intent, and her pupils were slightly deformed, but they returned to normal immediately.

"Have you ever thought that perhaps the memory of Murong was transplanted to you by them..."


Before Jill finished speaking, Alice interrupted her.

"Xiao hasn't changed at all, so the memories about him are all real!"

Alice's tone became slightly agitated.


Jill was speechless for a while, smoking in silence.

"Hey ladies, what do you know about him?"

The black man driving the vehicle avoided a zombie, turned around and asked: "The terrifying skill, and that damned blood power, I don't even feel that he is human! Humans can't be so strong!"

As soon as Jill mentioned his skills, his spirit was slightly lifted, and he said: "Can the Umbrella Company really make human beings so powerful?! Isn't the world waiting for them to rule?"

Everyone's attention was immediately focused on Alice, who used to work for the umbrella.

Shaking her head slightly, Alice said helplessly, "I was only responsible for the security work of the research institute before, and I didn't know anything about their research content."

Alice's words not only did not dispel everyone's curiosity, but made them even more curious.

"What about you? I'm good at fighting, but not without you."

Thinking of Alice's agility and deadly skill in the cemetery, Jill sincerely admires her.

"You don't think so."

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