dream redemption

Chapter 75 Beamon

(Please recommend for collection! Every click of fellow Taoists is the greatest encouragement for weeping!)

Alice handed over Gatling, which had more than 2000 bullets left by the Nemesis God, to the blacks, and Jill picked up the bazooka with three ammunition.

Everyone has no objection to this allocation, after all, the two of them have received relevant training and can maximize the effect of weapons.After they got familiar with how to use the weapons, everyone had almost rested.

"Okay, let's go."

Murong Xiao left the team, and Alice temporarily gained command.

Alice looked at her watch and said, "It's not far from the western suburbs. I suggest walking. What do you think?"

Alice looked around for a week and spoke slowly.

"Finding a car is faced with problems such as fuel, keys and sound. It is not easy for us to find a commercial car with keys."

Jill nodded slightly, agreeing to Alice's suggestion.

The black man also nodded, and said, "Walking can also pass a section of trail that cars need to detour, which can save a lot of time."

"I listen to my wife."

Liu Yang nodded and agreed.His opinion represented the whole family, and in the end, Alice's proposal was passed unanimously.


In a city ravaged by the t virus, there is no other sound except for the hungry roar of zombies.

Alice and the others were lucky, they didn't encounter a decent group of zombies along the way, and they killed all the small groups of zombies with their bare hands.

The silent city is like death, without a trace of movement, it is so quiet that it makes one's heart shudder, and even the stars in the sky are slightly dimmed.


A series of crisp telephone ringtones rang from the public phone booth that Alice and the others passed by, shocking everyone with their hearts in their throats, and they all patted their chests and panted.

"Go, before this sound attracts those damned zombies, go!"

Everyone had no objection to Alice's words, and trotted up one after another.


This time, before them, the phone rang strangely again.

Alice made a silence and raised the microphone: "Hi."

"Oh, I thought you would have to walk a few streets before picking up."

On the other end of the phone came a calm and wise voice.

When Alice turned her head, Liu Yang vaguely pointed to a road surveillance camera that was pointing at them.

"Isn't it just a chat when you call? I don't have time to spare."

Alice glanced at the camera, her deep eyes seemed to be able to look directly at the other end of the phone.

"Of course not. You're trying to get out of town, maybe I can help you."

"Wow, fascinating subject, but we were able to get out of town on our own."

"Why? With that egomaniac who is already struggling? I'm sorry, but I have to say that he may not be able to help you for the time being."

"What did you say?!"

Alice's hand clenched instantly, and five clear finger marks appeared on the metal microphone.

"Don't be nervous, his life will not be in danger, but you are in danger."

"What the hell do you want to do?"

Alice suppressed anger in her tone.

"Don't be angry, I don't mean anything malicious, there is one thing I want to ask you for help. As a reward, I will help you escape from the city."

There was a trace of eagerness in the voice on the phone, which didn't seem fake.

"Why should I trust you?"

Alice turned and leaned against the phone booth, and the emotion in her tone showed that she was not asking someone from her group.

"Please, please trust me! This disaster was planned by the Umbrella Company, and its main purpose is your husband. You can rest assured!"

The voice on the phone paused, and said, "My daughter is still in the city. I'm sure she's not infected. Please, help her!"

Alice was silent for a while, and said, "Tell me where she is?"

"She should be at La Quin Secondary School by now."

"Okay, I'll go to her, but I'll wait for my husband."

"Don't be stupid! Once they control your husband, they will launch a nuclear bomb and level the entire city to destroy the evidence..."


Before the voice on the other end finished speaking, Alice hung up the phone.

"Hey guys, I think it's time to get a car."

Everyone heard the conversation just now very clearly. In the silent city, any sound is very clear.

"Actually, you can drive without a key."

Jill glanced at the black man and said, "Of course."

The black man nodded, picked up Gatling and smashed the window of a car on the side of the road, drove skillfully, disassembled the keyhole, and pulled out a few wires.

Judging by his appearance, he doesn't look like a policeman at all, but a professional car thief.


"This is……"

"Bemon Behemoth?!"

Murong Xiao looked at the three-foot-tall giant beast in front of her, and a trace of surprise flashed in the depths of her calm eyes.

This giant beast is about ten meters high, like a three-story villa. Its huge body gives people the feeling of looking up from a high mountain, and unconsciously gave birth to a very small psychology in the subconscious.

Murong Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes roving over the body of this giant beast.

This giant beast looks like the gorilla King Kong in the movie "King Kong", but it is several times more ferocious and terrifying!

There are two pillar-like thick and long fangs exposed in the air in the lower jaw, making its already ferocious animal head even more ferocious.

Thick limbs, thick pale yellow skin, and gleaming claws all remind people of a legendary creature, the overlord of the earth, Behemoth!

"The Umbrella Company can actually create such a terrifying creature?"

Sensing the ferocious aura emanating from Bimon, Murong Xiao couldn't help but get serious.

"Master, here is its information."

After Lucy finished French, a series of messages appeared in Murong Xiao's mind.

"Name: Gene Synthetic Beast; Features: Extremely destructive and destructive, difficult to control; Combat Power: 87."

"It turned out to be a product of gene synthesis."

There was a trace of understanding in Murong Xiao's eyes.

"Hey, although the mythical monster is expensive to build and has a survival time of only [-] hours, it's enough for you to enjoy it."

The commander smiled coldly and gave the order to attack.

Murong Xiao's unscrupulous scrutiny seems to make Beamon very unhappy. Relying on its huge size advantage, it stepped out, and the ground made a "bang" sound.

As Murong Xiao's figure flickered, a huge foot stepped on a huge hole in the original foothold, and several terrifying cracks spread to the entire street!

"What a terrifying power! Just by crushing this huge body, it can cause huge damage!"

Murong Xiao's eyes flashed, a cold light shone like a giant claw made of metal, and he slapped it vigorously, as if Murong Xiao was a fly!


The huge claws suppressed it with a mighty force.The air under the claws was oppressed by a huge force and twisted, making its palms blurred, like a burning flame!

The strong wind blows down, kicks up the dust, and shakes Murong Xiao's bloody clothes.

Murong Xiao's eyes were condensed slightly, his body turned into a sword light while his internal energy was circulating, and he moved a zhang to the right, narrowly avoiding the palm.


There was another huge palm print on the road, the cracks spread, and the houses on both sides trembled slightly!


The sound of wind and thunder faintly resounded in Murong Xiao's ears, and an outrageous wind pressure descended!

Murong Xiao's eyes turned, but he saw a huge hammer that seemed to be made of cast metal suddenly hit, like a big seal, almost completely suppressing the air around him!

The light in Murong Xiao's eyes was unusually serious, and a force shook out of his body, completely shattering the air current that restrained his movements!

Murong Xiao felt his body lighten, and he used his sword steps again, fighting with Fang Cun with anger!


Under Murong Xiao's feet, a pitch-black, bottomlessly deep, terrifying crack appeared, and a faint red light came out, as if it went straight to the magma in the center of the earth!

Murong Xiao's figure is like lightning, he actually used Bimon's hanging arm as a ladder, and climbed onto its shoulder with light steps!

The weeping sword light slashed out, and the sharp sword intent between the eyes was condensed.


A bloody flower bloomed from Bimon's face, and the tearful blade cut open its hard skin, leaving a bloody mouth half a foot long!

However, compared to Beamon's head, which was the size of a house, this was just an insignificant injury, and it had no effect other than making it furious!


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