dream redemption

Chapter 76 Beheading

(Please recommend for collection! A cheating exam, cheating internet...)

However, compared to Beamon's head, which was the size of a house, this was just an insignificant injury, and it had no effect other than making it furious!


Behemoth opened his huge mouth and roared loudly, a ferocious aura that penetrated to the bone marrow scattered, and the zombies that had just gathered around immediately retreated at double the speed!

Murong Xiao only felt a strong stench blowing towards his face, and a giant palm immediately enveloped the void above.

Murong Xiao's eyes were sharper than ever before, and an invincible sharpness lingered from his body.

Take out the sword, cut through!

Murong Xiao didn't dodge or dodge, the weeping sword body turned into a streamer, rising like a comet!

A layer of glowing white sword light emits a faint light, like a morning star in the dark night sky, faint but not negligible!

All of Murong Xiao's spiritual will is condensed in this sword, making this sword carry an invincible will to cut through all sharp edges!

One sword!There were indifferent ripples in the void, and the ubiquitous air barriers were directly pierced, causing a violent explosion of air in the void!

This sword represents Murong Xiao's determination to never back down, his indomitable heroism!

"call out!"

The sword energy pierces the sky, pierces the sky, and shoots everything!


Behemoth's Jupalm, like metal cast, connected to the blade of the Weeping Sword in an instant.

Destroyed, completely destroyed!

The internal force that contains the sword intent, exerted its fierce characteristics to the limit, the metal-like giant palm was directly pierced by the tip of the weeping sword, and the sharp internal force vibrated, and chopped out a piece of the iron palm of the Behemoth giant beast. Huge blood hole!


A large amount of blood poured down like a waterfall, soaking Murong Xiao's whole body.

The special nature of the blood clan physique makes Murong Xiao's body like a sponge soaked in water, absorbing the blood around his body completely!

The physical strength consumed by cutting out with a sword is quickly replenished with the intake of blood containing energy by Beamon!


The behemoth Behemoth wailed in pain, and the palm couldn't drop any more no matter what!

Murong Xiao's blood-colored robe fluttered, and the blood-stained robe looked even more seductive.

The Behemoth's eyes were instantly bloodshot, and the muscles all over its body were knotted and swollen. Its already huge body was once again huge by three points, like a raging ape king, its arrogance soaring to the sky!


A trace of surprise flashed across Murong Xiao's sharp eyes.

A strong force spread from under his feet, and Bimon's maddened muscles were like huge springs, bursting out with huge elastic force, Murong Xiao's body didn't stop at all, and was directly thrown out!


Bimon's swelled steel fist directly hit the air explosion in the air, pointing directly at Murong Xiaofei's body.

In the air, there is nowhere to rely on, he cannot avoid it!


Murong Xiao's black hair turned blood red in an instant, and the dark blood wings stretched from under his ribs, setting off gusts of air.

After Bimon went berserk, his fighting instincts improved infinitely, and the sudden change immediately turned his hammer into a grasp, and the tip of a sharp claw that shone with metallic light swept a piece of Murong Xiao's bloody wing.


Blood Wing let out an unbearable moan, and cracks appeared.

A faint glow of blood gushed out from Murong Xiao's body, instantly repairing the damaged blood wing.

"Okay! Finally forced him to transform, let me see who is stronger!"

The young commander followed along excitedly, staring intently at the bloody figure standing above the screen.

Among the researchers, a young man wearing black-rimmed glasses smiled coldly.

"There is nowhere to focus in the air, which is not conducive to fighting."

Murong Xiao made a judgment instantly, at least for now.

Blood Wing shook, and Murong Xiao's figure was like a bolt of lightning piercing through the air, arriving instantly.


Bimon used both palms together, and slapped Murong Xiao from the left and the right, like a person who is angered by a fly, and is about to slap one of them to death.

However, Meng is not the spirit of all things, Murong Xiao circled strangely in the air, and passed between Bimeng's palms.


The two giant palms collided, and the left palm that had a big hole cut by Murong Xiao suddenly spurted out a large amount of blood, and it was so painful that it roared again.

The blood wings contracted, and Murong Xiao's feet suddenly exerted force, his figure was like a stream of light, the light on the Weeping Sword flickered, and he rushed close in an instant.


The behemoth Behemoth was furious, and a monstrous flame burst out from the giant roar, and a terrifying bloody light appeared in its eyes.

The Behemoth giant beast is naturally irritable, and now being teased by Murong Xiao again and again, it is naturally furious, it opened its huge mouth directly, aimed at Murong Xiao and devoured it!

The sound of air flowing into the body could be heard clearly from the air, Murong Xiao's eyes flashed, and his left hand suddenly reached out, tightly grasping the fangs of its lower jaw.


The Behemoth bit down vigorously, and the collision of its hard teeth made a loud noise.

After chewing hard a few times, a large amount of blood flowed from the corner of Beamon's mouth, which looked extraordinarily cruel in the vast night.

"What! Swallowed?! Bastard! Spit it out!! Spit it out!!!"

The commander yelled at a group of controllers sitting in front of the computer.

"Yes! Yes! I'm trying."

A researcher wipes the cold sweat from his brow, his fingers almost leaving afterimages on the keyboard.

"No, it can't understand such precise instructions, and it is in a berserk state, which makes it more difficult to control."

"Damn it, you trash!"

At this time, the young commander had the same temper as Beamon. He took out his pistol and said coldly, "I will pay for your mistake."

You know, the superior has issued a death order to capture him alive. Now that he is killed in his hands, his end is almost predictable, and becoming the evil god of revenge is the best destination.


Blood burst out, and the researcher's head exploded directly under the penetration of the bullet, and the screen was stained red with his blood.

"Sir, don't worry, the mission target should not die so easily."

An oriental young man wearing glasses pushed his glasses and pointed his finger at the screen: "Look."

Behemoth's fangs were soaked in blood, emitting a strange red light.

However, Behemoth's expression froze, and his body remained motionless, like a marionette with a broken string.

Immediately afterwards, Behemoth's head exploded, as if a cloud of blood was born out of thin air.

Murong Xiao didn't get a drop of blood, or in other words, any blood that touched him was completely absorbed.

"Ten thousand zombies! One thousand points of Oneiroi power, this big guy is really valuable."

Murong Xiao muttered to herself, standing on Beamon's shoulder.


Behemoth's huge body collapsed like a mountain avalanche, smashing the ground into several terrifying cracks.


Murong Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, the combat strength of the Behemoth was absolutely over [-] after it went berserk, the last swallow made him feel extremely dangerous.If Murong Xiao hadn't reacted quickly and took the opportunity to attack Beamon's brain directly from his mouth, it might have become a snack at this time.

However, there is a saying in Dream Space that the risk is directly proportional to the reward, a bimon directly makes the task progress in Murong Xiao's mind jump [-] times!Worth a thousand points of dream power!

Gently touching Bimon's bleeding wound, the physique of the blood race makes the blood that touches Murong Xiao directly absorbed by the skin, and quickly converted into consumed blood energy.

However, as the time of Beamon's death prolongs, the vitality and energy contained in its blood are also rapidly disappearing, and finally completely disappeared, and Murong Xiao didn't use it at all after absorbing it.

"Commander, quickly send biochemical weapons to attack, he is recovering his strength, don't give him the slightest chance!"

The young commander glanced at the same young researcher, and asked, "Is the strange behavior he's showing recovering?"

Although the tone was full of doubts, the commander still quickly ordered the biochemical weapon team to assemble with an attitude of rather believable.

"I killed a Behemoth, and I still have a giant dragon here. I dispatched the ultimate biochemical weapon, the fire dragon! At the same time, all biochemical weapons assembled and entered the state of preparation!"

"Sir, the fire dragon has never been controlled by us, what if we kill the mission target by mistake?"

A middle-aged researcher looked at the dark screen in front of him and raised concerns.


The young commander snorted coldly and said, "You may choke to death if you eat steak every day. What nonsense! Release the fire dragon!"

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