dream redemption

Chapter 780 Pseudo Realm

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In a black suit and full of mystery, Weeks greeted him personally. Of course, the purpose of his visit was to discuss specific cooperation matters with Murong Xiao.

Murong Xiao's attitude is very good, as long as he provides satisfactory blood, the Lord of Fire will cooperate with their research.

Then Weeks tactfully expressed that he wanted to study Murong Xiao's perfect incarnation, and Murong Xiao simply gave him a drop of perfect blood, and then went to collect the blood prepared by Weeks under the guidance of the guide.

Wicks is indeed the giant of the umbrella company. In the world of biochemical crisis, the energy is greater than that of the heads of state, and the request made by Murong Xiao is just strange and not difficult. Therefore, after entering the [-]rd floor of the underground base Finally, he was slightly pleasantly surprised by the huge pool of blood in front of him!

"Sir, our boss has ordered that if it is not enough, we can suspend some base affairs and do our best to create blood for you."

A bodyguard in black, a burly man who is also a surveillance and guide.

"Not enough, of course not enough, temporarily stop all your research, and help me make blood for a few days."

Murong Xiao looked at the blood pool in front of him that was more than ten times larger than the cloned blood bank, and said.

"Uh... well."

Although he was surprised by Murong Xiao's special conditions, the bodyguard in black still agreed to the order.

Murong Xiao shook his fingers, and the Blood God Needle, which was initially sacrificed by the Lord of Flame's spiritual power, connected with Murong Xiao's mind, instantly transformed into a hundred and eight thousand needles in the air, and threw them into the blood pool together. The infinite space inside was urged with all his strength hair.This blood pool like a great lake is at a speed visible to the naked eye.Descend quickly!

Judging from the arrangement of the blood pool on the [-]rd floor.It was temporarily cobbled together with several ultra-era blood manufacturing machines.

The days that followed were boring and boring. The Lord of Flame cooperated with them to do various researches. As you can imagine, even if these researchers racked their brains and exhausted all advanced instruments, they could not analyze the fire of hell. The energy response of hellfire is much higher than that of ordinary flames.

It was the drop of perfect blood.They were asked to decipher the genetic code and clone a group of Alexanders. Under Murong Xiao's kind suggestion, they were used to conduct t-virus experimentation, and sure enough, a group of evolutionary bodies capable of perfectly merging with the virus were developed.

After the incarnation of Wucai collected enough blood, he pierced one hundred and eight thousand blood god needles into the hidden blood channels all over the body, and used the secret method to activate the charms on the human skin, triggering the Nine Nether Fires to refine the body!


Murong Xiao sat cross-legged on the human skin covered with charms, the dark red flame was pulled by a strange force, and burned blazingly on the human skin.Refining the perfect incarnation of Murong Xiao!

Because the inscribed spells have been slightly changed, and some runes have even been added to represent the power of hellfire.This fire is no longer the pure Nine Netherworld Fire, but a special flame that Murong Xiao calls Blood God Flowing Flame!

At the moment when the Blood God Flowing Flame began to refine Wu Que's incarnation, one hundred and eight thousand blood god needles burst into a rich bloody light, and the blood stored in its infinite space began to pour down fiercely along Wu Que's body !


It was as if several barrels of gasoline had been poured into a raging fire, how could the fire be so violent!

Under the perfusion of blood, the dark red flame suddenly rose a few feet, turning into a bright red flame, like flowing blood, full of texture!

The speed at which Wu Que's body was refined suddenly increased tenfold!


Practicing this kind of awesome skills is very boring, especially during this period, you have to bear the pain of your body being refined.

Fortunately, these two things are not a problem for Murong Xiao.

The Lord of Flame cooperates with the research for one hour a day, and the rest of the time can be allocated freely.There were fanatical researchers who raised objections to this, but after a few souls were swallowed by the Lord of Flame, they completely fell silent, and no one raised any objections.

Neither the Lord of Flame nor the Incarnation of Wuque need to pay more attention here. Murong Xiao's body is next to the Lingquan, devouring the chaotic energy and trying to break through the realm!

Finally, after the first month, the three swordsmanship of the main body all broke through the bottleneck and entered the late stage of the second stage together!

Moreover, because of the incomparably rich background, once a breakthrough is made, it will be the pinnacle of the late stage of the second stage, a half-step legend!

Only half a step away, you can condense your own kendo field in one fell swoop!

In the next few months, it was to consolidate, consolidate, and then consolidate, and suddenly completed the leap of the realm. What Murong Xiao needs to do is to consolidate!

Only by fully consolidating one's own strength and turning it into a foundation, can one triumphantly advance all the way on the next road, impact legends, and even myths!

"Field of Sword Dao, Ning!"

Murong Xiao took a step forward, the sword energy, sword intent in his body, and the sword intent in the Weeping Sword merged into one in the void, forming an invincible field!

The spiritual power continued to spread, and Murong Xiao could clearly feel that the air was completely shattered under the pressure of this field, and the energy in the air was stripped away, completely shattered!

Extremely fierce, cutting through all attributes!

Everything is shattered in the space where the kendo domain is located!

"Well, the power is not bad, I believe that it will not be defeated when it collides with ordinary domains..."

Murong Xiao groaned, and retracted the domain of kendo into his body.

The three swordsmanship is worthy of being the most top-level kungfu. It has condensed Murong Xiao's spiritual will, true energy, and body to a limit, which is not inferior to ordinary legendary powerhouses in the slightest!

With the technique created by Qing Wu, when all the strength, true energy, and spirit of the whole body are condensed into one place, this domain is formed!

To be precise, it is a pseudo domain!

When the solipsistic sword energy in the body is fully poured into the spiritual realm, the god and the spirit are only one step away. When one's body is integrated into the realm at the same time, one can condense one's real swordsmanship realm!

After trying out the pseudo-kendo field, the ontology put it away, and the whole small world was doubled in size because of his great improvement in cultivation!

The World Tree has grown taller again, becoming stronger, devouring Chaos Qi and spewing out more Chaos Energy, but obviously, it cannot keep up with Murong Xiao's demand progress!

Murong Xiao continued to practice, slowly refining the chaotic energy in the small world, enriching the essence, qi, and spirit that had reached the limit again, and trying to make the three become one, improve the fit, and create a better life for herself. Enter the legend in the future and accumulate background information!

Mission World, the Japanese branch of Umbrella Corporation, and the underground secret research institute.

The Flame Lord, who has been here for a full five months, is a little bored, and the range of activities is limited. Except for the time for research, he spends it wandering or watching the research of the umbrella company. (To be continued..)

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