dream redemption

Chapter 781 Lurkers

(Please recommend for collection!)

The Flame Lord, who has been here for a full five months, is a little bored, and the range of activities is limited. Except for the time for research, he spends it wandering or watching the research of the umbrella company.

Weeks didn't hide it either, and opened up to Murong Xiao directly, not afraid that he would learn it.

Of course, the Umbrella Company naturally attacked Murong Xiao secretly. After being easily cracked by the Lord of Fire, he didn't point it out. It's so boring. Wouldn't it be more boring to tear the skin apart?

On this day, the Flame Lord had just cooperated to complete the research, and found that the research room was locked tightly, and even the air was sucked out in an instant!


The Lord of Flame condensed a blurry figure, stretched out his finger, and knocked on the thick glass cover, making a crisp sound.

"Crash! Crash!"

From the enclosed space, a thick water column poured down, and the water level in the entire sealed research room rose at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"Well, several tricks have been combined this time. It's a pity that the fire of hell doesn't need air to burn, only the soul."

The water in the research room was quickly filled, and the body of the flame lord was in the water, and it seemed that it was not affected at all, and it was still burning.

"Well, maybe you can play like this..."

The Lord of Fire held his chin with his hands, and the terrifying heat of hellfire spread out!

"Chi chi chi!"

Like a red-hot soldering iron being suddenly thrown into water, a large amount of it was evaporated into steam!

With the terrifying temperature of the hellfire, this room is full of water.Almost instantly.It becomes water vapor rich in internal energy.The power contained in it can even push a train to move!

"This cover is of good quality..."

The flame lord's body was completely covered by water vapor, making it extremely blurry.

"But it's impossible to trap me..."

The Lord of Flame whispered to himself, and his palm, which was completely condensed by flames, was squeezed into a fist, like a hot rock, smashing hard on the thick heat-insulating glass!


The cracks are like spider webs.With the flame fist as the center, it keeps spreading!


A crack was born, and a breakthrough point suddenly appeared in the originally sealed research room. The water vapor with extremely high pressure continuously opened the crack blasted by the Lord of Fire, and finally, it exploded!

"Ha ha……"

The Lord of Flame let out a strange laugh, against the background of the flames of hell, he looked like a demon crawling out of hell!

One of the research rooms was blown up, and the body of the Lord of Fire did not stop.Go straight to the next lab.

One, a research laboratory for studying t-viruses.

Since they brought fun to the Lord of Fire.The Lord of Fire will naturally return it.

At this time, several months have passed since the plot of Resident Evil [-], and things like zombies have begun to spread around the world.

However, because of the intervention of the two groups of invitees, the spread of the t-virus has been extremely suppressed, and most of the state machinery can still operate normally. All major countries in the world, except India, have held their defenses. Keep zombies out of the city walls!

Now, 40.00% of the world is still in the hands of humans!

It is worth mentioning that until this time, various countries are still fighting openly and secretly. Not only did they not criticize Umbrella Corporation, the instigator of the disaster, but they all secretly purchased biological and chemical weapons from here.

No, the day before yesterday China just bought a t-virus missile and dropped it on the city where the Lord of Fire is now. Except for the people from the umbrella company, the entire population of this city either became zombies or became the rations of zombies.

The research room that Lord of Flame went to was the one dedicated to the study of mutated t-viruses and the use of t-viruses in the human body.

The entire umbrella company is the most core project.

A cart passed by the Flame Lord, and a rope made of composite materials was used to tightly bind a corpse on the cart!

The direction is from the research room!

A faintly familiar smell floated by.

"and many more!"

The current words of the Flame Lord are not much lower than that of Wicks, and for these researchers, it is even more effective than what Wicks transformed.

Because the number of researchers whose souls have been devoured has exceeded double digits, it is impossible not to establish majesty.

"First...sir, what...what's the matter?"

A researcher who covered his face stammered, with great fear in his voice.

The Lord of Flame ignored him, but walked up to the cart and looked at the "corpse" carefully.

Suddenly, the Lord of Flames let out a strange laugh, and a finger condensed by the flames pointed at the forehead of the corpse. The scorching heat immediately carbonized the skin and bones of the "corpse", revealing the black and smelly brain tissue!

"Okay, let's go."

A trace of the power of hellfire was exerted on the "corpse".

"Hey, I hope Weeks can have enough surprises."

The Lord of Flame laughed strangely, and the body of Flame turned into a hellish fire, floating towards the [-]rd floor of Wucai's incarnation retreat.

After five months of refining, the body of Wuque Avatar has been refined for more than half, between half empty and half solid. It is estimated that in about four months, the body can be completely refined into a blood shadow!

The flames of hell floated at the door of the perfect incarnation, but the powerful spiritual power was vaguely perceived through the flames of hell left on the corpse.

"Well, a researcher has been replaced, what is this guy going to do?"

Through vague perception, the Flame Lord sensed that the "corpse" that was originally lying on the stretcher had replaced a researcher.

They used the ability in the Prototype of Massacre, the Virus Enhancer. It seems that there are quite a few loyal fans of that violent game. Among the invitees that Murong Xiao met, two of them chose the Virus Enhancer of the Prototype of Massacre. .

"His target is the t-virus..."

"The perfect fusion of t-viruses that devoured an Alexander..."

"Well, I changed my identity, I'm already a senior researcher..."

"His target, is Weeks?"

"Unfortunately, a few people disappeared inexplicably in the base, and they have entered a state of alert. If they don't succeed within three days, it will be dangerous..."

The Flame Lord casts a trace of hellfire on himself, just like watching a movie, watching the "protagonist" fight wits and courage in this base, which is thrilling and exciting.

The "protagonist" is an ordinary researcher, looking for opportunities step by step, and gradually devouring him as a confidant of Wicks. The difficulty is much greater than that of a stand-alone game.

"Unfortunately, Wicks has already completed the strengthening of the t-virus, and can already faintly perceive the existence of another virus." (To be continued...)

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