dream redemption

Chapter 79 Mission Completed!

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Murong Xiao's back was also exposed to the scorching heat of the magma. Hearing a "chi chi" sound, the entire rear half of his body lost consciousness!

Murong Xiao knew that this was a symptom of complete necrosis of nerve tissue, but the burning pain that followed almost made him go into shock. This kind of pain seemed to penetrate the body and reach the soul directly.

The spiritual world was in chaos for a while, almost falling into chaos!

"The will of the sword, suppress!"

In the sea of ​​qi, the invisible sharp edge that was born not long ago appeared in Murong Xiao's spiritual world in an instant as if it had passed through the limitations of time and space.

In the spiritual world that gradually began to be chaotic, it turned into a thousand-foot divine sword and suppressed it. Ten thousand feet of light swayed from the sword, more dazzling than the sun, smoothing Murong Xiao's spiritual world.

Murong Xiao gritted her teeth, resisting the pain that erodes her brain all the time, waved the tears tightly in her hands, and kept penetrating into Huolong's muscles!

The moment the fire dragon's blood came into contact with Murong Xiao, it was absorbed by his unique physique and quickly transformed into blood energy.

Strands of burning sensation emanated from all over the body, like little snakes, running through the muscles, and finally flowing into the blood, everything they passed was like a fire.

Murong Xiao didn't have time to think too much, so he used his spiritual will to directly guide these newborn blood energy to gather on his back.

Murong Xiao's back was directly watered by magma, and most of the tissues were directly carbonized, and a large amount of blood energy was needed for complete repair.

This is also Murong Xiao's tyrannical physique, the underground magma can melt rocks, if it were an ordinary person, it might be turned into fly ash in an instant!

On the back, the scorched flesh slowly squirmed, and under the effect of the blood energy, it regenerated rapidly. Although it was not as fast as the three-second recovery speed of the pseudo-immortal body, it was amazing enough.

Murong Xiao kept waving the Weeping Sword, penetrating into the fire dragon's body little by little, and the Weeping Sword would cut in whichever direction had more blood.

The muscle tissue of Huolong is extremely hard, like twisted red steel wires, Murong Xiao, who is already extremely weak, can't cut too much at once.

However, as the fire dragon's blood continued to flow into Murong Xiao's body, Murong Xiao's physical strength began to gradually recover, and the strength of his sword continued to increase. It would not take long before he could find the fire dragon's heart and kill him in one fell swoop!


Just when everything is developing for the better, accidents often happen at this time.

A huge impact force came from between the muscles of the fire dragon, causing Murong Xiao's internal organs that were already injured to be shocked again, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

This is the fire dragon using external force to eliminate the "blood-sucking insects" parasitic in its body.


There was another violent impact sound, and Murong Xiao who was in the fire dragon's body was hit again, but because he was prepared this time, it didn't affect him much.

"Looks like it's time to get rid of it."

Murong Xiao murmured to himself, the Weeping Sword slashed out with all its strength, and vaguely transformed into a sword light.

After this moment of recovery, the injury on Murong Xiao's back has almost healed, but there is always a lingering feeling that makes him unable to exert more strength.

Murong Xiao broke through all the way, suffered countless impacts, and even made a surprise attack with sharp claws, finally getting close to the heart of Huolong.


Five gleaming sharp claws pierced through the flesh and pierced deeply into the body!

Murong Xiao tried his best, but now his physical strength was exhausted, his reaction speed was much slower, a sharp claw pierced through his left shoulder, and nailed him firmly into Huolong's body.

"Now, it's too late."

Murong Xiao sneered, the tearing pain in his left shoulder could not affect him in the slightest, his eyes were full of sword intent, the Weeping Sword burst out with unprecedented light, and in the midst of Murong Xiao's slashing with all his strength, it condensed into a sword Mang, chopped off the heart in front of him, which was as big as half a house!


The pitiful scream of the fire dragon resounded in the city and spread far away.Its sound pierced the clouds and cracked the stones, shaking away the gradually thinning ink clouds in the sky!

The powerful vitality makes the fire dragon not die instantly even if the heart is severely injured.

Of course Murong Xiao would not let go of the opportunity, taking advantage of the slackening of the sharp claws, he instantly pulled out his body and plunged into the beating heart of the fire dragon.

Hot!Incredibly hot!

Murong Xiao felt that the blood from his heart was pouring on his body, it was no different from magma!

No!Murong Xiao felt that the scorching heat in the fire dragon's blood was directly transmitted to every corner of his body, as if every inch of flesh and blood, every cell, was going to be burned into ashes!

The pain in the body was fed back to the soul, the huge pain almost tore the soul apart, and the chaotic spiritual world began to collapse!

Such a violent stimulus is enough to instantly annihilate any weak-willed invitee!

"Suppress! Suppress me!!"

Murong Xiao saw blood in his eyes, and let out a sonorous growl from his throat, in the spiritual world, the Qianzhang Excalibur released thousands of bright rays of light, and an aura of eternal light hung down.

The collapsed spiritual world seemed to be suppressed by an extremely powerful force, which instantly stopped the spiritual world, and became stable under the suppression of this spiritual sword.

"This is the fire poison of the fire dragon!"

Murong Xiao suddenly thought of this possibility!

"Bright God Art, refining!"

Enduring the pain of eroding the body from the fire poison, Murong Xiao conceived a picture of the movement of all the meridians in the spiritual world, and drew the fire poison to the meridians with his will.


The tender meridians could not withstand the erosion of the domineering fire poison, and quickly dried up and cracked.

With firm eyes, Murong Xiao mobilized half of the newly recovered blood energy to repair the meridians, and at the same time fully promoted the operation of the Divine Art of Light.

The fire poison in the body began to gather towards the meridians, and flowed continuously. Speaking of the meridians, there is nothing but the blood energy that has been lingering for a long time, and it immediately took effect, quickly repairing the damaged parts.

Destroying, repairing, and transporting Zhou Tian, ​​this is a cycle. In the cycle after cycle, the violent fire poison is gradually tamed and transformed into a bright internal force. Compared with the previous one, it has a bit more fiery breath.

Every damage and repair of the meridians is a strengthening from the inside out.

"Ding, kill the genetically synthesized beast and get 3000 Dream God Power."

The moment the fire dragon's heart stopped, the voice of the dream space sounded in his mind.

"Task: Crazy scoring, progress: complete; return immediately?"

The progress of the task in Murong Xiao's mind suddenly filled up, task, complete!


"It is detected that number 9527 has a random mission in this world that has not been completed, and the oneiroi power will not be deducted until the mission ends."

Murong Xiao swung his sword and slashed horizontally, a flash of sword light flashed, and the heart of the fire dragon that had lost its vitality was instantly sliced ​​open.

Outside the city, concentration camp.

"Sir, it is confirmed that the fire dragon is dead."

The middle-aged researcher wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said, "The objective of the mission is unknown, and the survival rate is estimated to be [-]%."


Huolong's chest that had stopped heaving suddenly jumped, and then, a streak of blood emerged, and Murong Xiao's figure emerged from it.

"Sir, he is already at the end of his strength, and ordered all biological and chemical weapons to be shut down."

The calm researcher pushed his black-rimmed glasses, and said to the excited young commander beside him.

"Okay! All biochemical weapons will put down the lethal weapons, and only anesthesia bombs and electric shock batons are allowed. Be sure to capture him alive!"

The commander hammered the table, knocked down the water glass, and shouted orders excitedly, with uncontrollable joy in his eyes, as if he had already foreseen the situation that he would enter the top of the umbrella.

Murong Xiao's bloody clothes were in tatters, no better than a beggar, her right hand holding the sword was tightly attached to the hilt, bursts of tingling pain eroded her nerves all the time.

However, these Murong Xiaos have no extra blood to repair at this time, and the energy transformed by the fire dragon's blood is completely used to restore internal strength and repair meridians, without any excess.

In the dantian of Qihai, an invisible ray of sharpness entrenched, making his internal force even fiercer!

This is a ray of real sword intent!

"Boom boom boom!"

On both sides of the street, dozens of evil gods of vengeance surrounded them like a pack of wolves with light rifles and police sticks on their waists.

"Heh, tranquilizer gun? I still have some fears like Gatling, but now..."

Murong Xiao didn't say anything more, but the contempt in his eyes had already explained everything, at this moment silence speaks louder than words.

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