dream redemption

Chapter 80 Convergence

(Please recommend for collection!)

Murong Xiao didn't say anything more, but the contempt in his eyes had already explained everything, at this moment silence speaks louder than words.

He tightened his knuckles holding the sword, blood dripping down the blade and dripping from the tip.

"You are already at the end of your strength, put down your weapons and surrender... Shoot!"

An evil god of vengeance persuaded him to surrender with a cold tone, before he finished speaking, he saw Murong Xiao's figure rushing towards him, and immediately ordered to shoot.

"Bang bang bang!"

Dozens of evil gods of vengeance immediately fired a hundred guns at the commander's order, and hundreds of narcotic bombs intertwined into a dense firepower blockade, shooting towards Murong Xiao!

Murong Xiao listened to all directions, and his brain was fully calculating, and the trajectories of all the anesthesia bombs were calculated instantly.

Murong Xiao is ten feet away from the commander of the evil god of revenge.To him, the distance of ten feet is only two or three seconds.

After all, it was Murong Xiao who sprinted first, and the commander gave orders later, and there was a gap of one second between them!

What can you do in one second?

For ordinary people, one second is just the blink of an eye, but for Murong Xiao, it is enough for him to shorten the distance by five feet!

These vengeful evil gods don't have gun specialization skills, so they can't hit every shot, let alone predict shooting.Therefore, among the hundreds of bullets, less than ten actually threatened Murong Xiao, and eight of them came from behind!

Murong Xiao turned a few times and avoided most of the bullets that threatened him. Those who could not be avoided were smashed to pieces by the weeping sword.

Seeing that Murong Xiao didn't dodge or dodge, the leader of the evil god of revenge directly used it as a breakthrough point, his pale yellow pupils suddenly burst out with a frightening cold light, the police stick at his waist was drawn out, and blue arcs flowed.

"Poor reptile! Come!"

But a bright white sword light flashed, leaving bursts of fiery breath in the air.

Immediately afterwards, a ferocious head flew up.

Commander of the evil god of vengeance, kill with one sword!

Murong Xiao kept walking, and the sword light in his hand flashed repeatedly. These vengeful evil gods didn't even have time to fire a second shot, and their heads were beheaded by the weeping sword light.

Streams of dark red blood spewed out, and their bodies were thrown backwards driven by a huge force, and they hit the ground heavily. The dark red blood spread in the darkness, together with the ground that was riddled with holes. Create a weird atmosphere.

"Sure enough, there is no reward."

Murong Xiao easily rushed out of the encirclement of the vengeful evil gods, combined elementary lightness kung fu with footwork, broke out at the fastest speed, and disappeared at the corner of the street in the blink of an eye.

"The internal strength seems to be different..."

While running, Murong Xiao carefully sensed the inner force flowing through the meridians.

Before, although Murong Xiao's internal energy was full of light breath, but this breath can only cause extra damage to dark creatures, and the rest is still non-attributed.

However, these internal forces formed by refining the fire poison seem to have activated some characteristics of the light force and become hot, not the scorching heat of the fire poison, but the blazing heat and purification of light!

"After refining the sword intent, it becomes even stronger."

Murong Xiao felt it for a while, a ray of invisible sharpness in the dantian completely merged into the internal force, immediately imbuing it with an unparalleled sharpness, even the strengthened meridians could not bear this sharpness, bursts of stinging pain spread.

"Open it for me!"

Murong Xiao let out a low shout, and his sharp internal energy soared upwards, piercing through 41 meridians in one fell swoop, crashing into the blocked meridians.


A soundless light sound came from Murong Xiao's body, and the nine meridians were pierced through in one fell swoop!

The internal force that has lost its sharpness circulates in the body for several weeks, and there are fifty meridians.

I fiddled with the communicator a few times and adjusted it to the same frequency as Alice and the others. Fortunately, it was not broken.

"Alice, where are you?"

When Murong Xiao's voice sounded through the communicator again, Alice's hanging heart finally returned to her stomach.

"We're on Xijiao Road, are you...all right?"


Murong Xiao turned his eyes and looked at the city shrouded in night.

The road in the western suburbs is only a few miles away, Murong Xiao hurried on the road with all his strength, and it was convenient for Alice and others to join together after a while.

In this team, in addition to the original few people, there are three more mercenaries with signs of being bitten by zombies and a little girl.

"How long have you been bitten?"

Murong Xiao's eyes fell on the three mercenaries with submachine guns.

"Hey, don't worry, they've injected the antidote, and your torture methods won't work anymore."

The resentful black man was the first to speak, holding a gatling in his hand that was exclusively used by the evil god of vengeance.

Murong Xiao nodded, even if he needed blood energy to heal at this moment, he didn't have any blood energy to use.

"There is an antidote, so she must be the daughter of a certain doctor?"

Murong Xiao's eyes fell on the little girl, who hid behind Alice.

"You even know this?!"

Jill's eyes were shining brightly, and he looked Murong Xiao up and down, as if he was some precious animal.

"Hello, I have known you for a long time, and I heard from Liu Yang that you are amazing!"

The mercenaries greeted Murong Xiao friendly, and the latter nodded politely, "Did the doctor give you an evacuation plan?"

"Yes, through here, straight to the city center, there will be a helicopter there."

Alice supported the little girl behind her and said, "We are about to come to you, and there is a lot of movement over there."

Alice said, showing the direction of Murong Xiao with her eyes.

"There's no need to go to the city center. It's a trap. The doctor probably has exposed it. We left the city from the western suburbs as originally planned."

Murong Xiao glanced around for a week, and said lightly.

"No! I want to find my father!"

The little girl jumped out from behind Alice and shouted at Murong Xiao.

"Believe me, it's a trap, they won't do anything to your father, but if we go, most of them will die there."

The incomparable affirmation in Murong Xiao's flat tone made everyone shake in their hearts. This is a debt that anyone can settle.

"Murong, what happened to your hand?"

Jill was the first to notice Murong Xiao's abnormal state, his hands were trembling all the time.


With a stride, Alice quickly came to Murong Xiao's body, took his sword-holding hand to inspect.

The little girl was very sensible, so she fell silent at this moment.

"I am fine."

Alice saw Murong Xiao's palm with bones exposed, and gave him a hard look.

"He said it's okay, put down the sword quickly, and I'll handle it for you."

As Alice said, she took out a medical kit from a car on the road.

"Let's get in the car."

Jill touched the little girl's blond hair and said quietly.

Several people nodded and got into an ambulance one after another.

"Get in the car and talk."

Murong Xiao smiled at Alice, besides Qing Wu, she was the second person who cared about her so much.

Although, her concern may come from the fantasy space, but...

The back compartment of the ambulance is relatively spacious, which is more than enough to accommodate these people. When Murong Xiao handed the Weeping Sword to his left hand, there was a sound of gasping for breath.

A large piece of flesh and blood was attached to the hilt of the sword. After the sword left his hand, Murong Xiao's entire right hand was only left with thick bones and frightened veins. Looking at it, one felt a chill from the bottom of his heart, and he couldn't help fantasizing that if he also met to this situation...

Cold sweat rolled down their foreheads.


Alice held Murong Xiao's right hand in distress, speechless.

"He's a man! I wonder if I can't keep my face like this sir with such an injury."

"You are a true fighter."

"I, Sean, obey you."

The three mercenaries spoke out one after another, their eyes shining with sincerity, they are all flesh and blood people!

"You are seriously injured. I can only do some simple treatment. I will go to the hospital for treatment after I leave the city."

Alice said, after washing the wound with normal saline, she applied some medicine to stop the bleeding, and carefully wrapped it with gauze, trying not to irritate Murong Xiao's sore spot as much as possible.

"Much better, thanks."

Alice shook her head and said, "You should try not to participate in the subsequent battles."

Murong Xiao found an emergency blood bag in the ambulance, but there was almost no energy contained in it, and it had no effect on the recovery of his blood energy.

"Everyone has approached the police cordon of the umbrella company!"

"Stop the car, Liu Yang, black man, you two stay here to protect the non-combatants, the others approach me on foot."

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