(Please recommend for collection!)

This young man was dressed in an ancient costume, his face was crowned like jade, and he held a long sword in his hand. He looked like a knight who traveled from ancient times, and his whole body was naturally chivalrous.

"Clean, be careful with your words."

In front of the boy in white, a boy in Tsing Cloth who was about the same age as him but with a much more mature temperament moved his body slightly and stopped the boy in white clothes behind him.

"Brat, who are you talking about!"

A middle-aged man who was one foot tall, with muscles as strong as a rock, who could tell at a glance that he had strengthened the blood of a giant, shouted gruffly, his brown eyes bigger than a bull's eye widening.

"Whoever answers me is the one who talks."

The white-clothed boy, that is, the Qing Can in the mouth of the green-clothed boy, immediately retorted and returned the color, confronting the giant man tit for tat, without any fear.

"Stinky boy, court death!"

The brown eyes of the giant man were instantly filled with blood, and the rock-like muscles all over his body immediately doubled in size, and his body also grew to a height of three feet. !

The giant man seems to have a bad temper, and he transforms immediately when he disagrees with him. The ten-meter-high body has a strong visual oppression, giving people a feeling of looking up from a high mountain, which is very eye-catching even among the invitees.

The invitees travel through various mission worlds and obtain various equipment, abilities and bloodlines, so their appearance is naturally different from the real world.

There are even more exaggerated ones, someone once flew a Gundam.

I have to feel the magic of the dream space. When the invitee is huge, the various buildings will be blurred selectively, and it will not affect anything.

Even a fat brown bear entered the private space just now, which is amazing.

Of course, the vast majority of invitees are more human-like. [Tucao: sweating profusely. 】

There are western knights in heavy armor and huge swords on their backs, magicians and warlocks in robes and wands in their hands; there are also Taoist priests in their hands, cultivators surrounded by magic weapons, and chivalrous oriental warriors...

In the dream space, only you can't think of it, nothing doesn't exist.

Cough, let's get back to business.

"Why, just this little air?"

Qing Can raised his brows, his eyes flashed with eagerness to try.

The giant man kept panting heavily, and his eyes almost seemed to swallow Qing Remnant alive.

"I really don't know how you have survived until now with your personality."

Qing Can seemed to feel that the fire was not big enough, and poured a large ladle of oil on the fire again.

"Go to hell!"

The giant man let out a yell, and with his huge hand grasped a fist, he slammed down on Qing Can.

However, when Qing Can was about to turn into a puddle of flesh under the giant fist, this fist, which was like a huge rock, could not move no matter what. It doesn't help, it's like an ant wrestling with an elephant, it's not on the same level at all!

"Idiot, private fighting is forbidden in the dream space. If you want to come, it's a life-and-death fight, do you dare?"

What Qing Can said with a smile changed the expressions of most of the invitees, and even looked at him as if they were looking at a monster.

"Life and death."

The giant man accepted Qing Can's invitation without hesitation, and the bodies of the two of them disappeared in the residential square at the moment the giant man confirmed.

In less than ten seconds, Qing Can's figure reappeared in the square, with a hint of disappointment on his face, muttering in his mouth: "It's only worth 1000 Oneiroi points, not even a small change..."

The young man in Tsing Yi shook his head and said nothing more.

"This brother, from your tone, it seems that you know what skill that one is using."

A middle-aged man in a suit stepped forward and spoke in a friendly manner. At the same time, he pointed at Murong Xiao with a concealed gesture.

"Good talk, good talk."

Qing Can smiled at the middle-aged man, and said, "If that big guy was as polite as you just now, he wouldn't have died."

The middle-aged man wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said, "Naturally, naturally."

"That's sword intent."

Speaking of Murong Xiao, Qing Can's eyes became respectful.

"Sword Intent?"

The middle-aged man is obviously not a novel reader, he is confused and confused.

"Sword intent is a kind of spiritual energy unique to warriors who uphold the ancient will of martial arts and have firm beliefs. It is not understood by those of you who rely purely on external forces to improve."

As Qing Can said, he ignored him, the middle-aged man was also sensible, and after getting what he wanted, he left thoughtfully.

From when Murong Xiao released his sword intent and shattered everyone's eyes, to killing the giant man, it was a long time to say, but in fact it only took 30 seconds. Murong Xiao's gaze suddenly found its focus!


A burst of piercing sound suddenly resounded from the sky above the residential square, and a black figure shot towards the entertainment area in an instant!

This is a young man wearing a black dress with a slightly pale complexion.

The young man was handsome, with a three-centimeter scar on his left cheek. Against the background of his aristocratic temperament, not only did he not look ferocious, but he even showed a soft and noble air.

At this time, his pair of jet-black eyes were as sharp as a falcon, full of murderous intent, and quickly passed over the bodies of many invitees, and finally fell on the body of Murong Xiao who was showing his sharpness.

Especially when his eyes fell on the silver ring in Murong Xiao's hand, the murderous look in his eyes suddenly rose to a limit, and a powerful aura rose up, forcing away the invitees with a radius of several meters. .

"Master, do you want us to..."

Qing Can glanced at Murong Xiao and the young man, and spoke to the young man in Tsing Yi.

"No, let's wait and see for a while."

The young man in Tsing Yi was obviously much more mature and stable, his eyes were on the young man and Murong Xiao.

"It was you who killed Chu Xuan!"

The young man's eyes were bare, and he spoke word by word, in his tone, with the spirit of gods blocking killing gods, and Buddhas blocking Buddhas.

"it's me."

Murong Xiao lifted his eyelids slightly, his eyes had regained their composure.The oppressive force brought to him by this young man is not as strong as that of Chu Xuan. Perhaps, Murong Xiao's own strength has changed compared to before.

"Hahaha! Good! Very good! Very good!"

The young man laughed back in anger, and said three good words in succession, the murderous look in his eyes continued unabated!

"Chu Xuan! Could it be Chu Xuan from the Zhongzhou team?!"

An exclamation came from the invitee dressed as a magician, and his tone was full of uncertainty about the news.

"Chu Xuan, that is a very powerful telekinetic power user, how could he be killed by someone?!"

"Psychic power? Is it the spiritual power of a qualitative change? That is a very powerful existence!"

"Zhongzhou team, Zhongzhou team, one of the top ten teams in the dream space?!"

"This one, could it be Zheng Zha?!"

"I seemed to see the bat wings on his back just now! According to the news from Tianji Pavilion, Zheng Zha is the only one who has strengthened the blood of vampires to this extent!"

"My God! Did you notice what he said?!"

"Chu Xuan once blasted and killed a top [-] strong man in the space in an instant before, how could he be killed by the invitee?! Even the number one dwarf king may not be able to keep him !!"

"Chu Xuan is already a big mountain for us people, so what is the strength of the person who killed him?!"


"I can't see it. Maybe it's a play they made on purpose? To gain fame and develop more peripheral members."

"That's right, how could such a powerful invitee as Chu Xuan kill him?"

One by one, the invitees talked and communicated with each other, most of them expressed disbelief in their tone, and some of them were surprised and uncertain.

Most of the information leaked out of these people was unknown to Murong Xiao, a closed-minded person like this.

Tianji Pavilion, combat rankings, teams...


Zheng Zha seemed very satisfied with his words, which caused such a big reaction among the invitees, chuckled, and pulled out a golden card from his coat pocket with his left hand.

"Remember, I, Zheng Zha, will kill you, a madman who dares to offend the majesty of our Zhongzhou team, under the eyes of everyone today!"

Zheng Zha's eyes suddenly became cold and gloomy, and he gently pointed the card in his hand at Murong Xiao and threw it.

"It's a duel card!"

"Within half an hour, the designated parties can ignore the iron law that private fights are not allowed in the fantasy space!"

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