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"It's a duel card!"

"Within half an hour, the designated parties can ignore the iron law that private fights are not allowed in the fantasy space!"

"Good guy, this thing is worth [-] in the auction house!"

"The Zhongzhou team really has a deep foundation!"

"This kid is doomed! He actually went against the Zhongzhou team!"

"Death without a whole body! Definitely a death without a whole body!"

"I don't know how to live or die! I'm actually against the Zhongzhou team!"

"It's simply lawless!"

"Young master! Those who can comprehend the meaning of the sword are definitely ancient warriors in reality. Now, under the attack of Zheng Fu, the number of folk ancient warriors is less than double ten. More than a hundred people, why do you..."

"Don't worry, this gentleman is by no means comparable to Zheng Zha."

The young man in Tsing Yi waved his hand, interrupted Qing Can's words, and said: "Just now, you were too ostentatious, a single word of disagreement would kill someone, after you go back, you will be fined to face the wall for ten days, so you can change your temper. "


As soon as he heard that he was going to face the wall, Qing Can's expression turned bitter instantly: "Is it okay if I change it, I must be prudent in the future."

"Okay, then face the wall for a hundred days."


Murong Xiao saw a ray of golden light attacking, and immediately enveloping his body, he had no chance to react at all, just like a person's speed, which cannot be compared with light at all, as if restricted by rules.


a private space.

This place is arranged as a luxurious meeting room. The owner seems to have a special liking for gold. All the facilities are all made of dazzling gold, covering this isolated room with a layer of golden light and nobility. among.

The conference room is very cleverly designed, not only does not look vulgar, but has a kind of dusty air, which makes people feel that "it turns out that gold, which represents luxury and greed, can also be so elegant".

At this time, three people were sitting on the golden chairs in the conference room, distributed in order of priority.

The appearance of these three people is very distinctive. Among them, the person on the left has a short stature, slightly green skin, and long stubble on his face. At first glance, it is hard to tell whether it is the face or the back of the head. Armor added to the body, and a huge warhammer on the back, it looks extremely weird and funny.

However, those who are familiar with him will never make an issue of his appearance. Under the thick beard and hair, a pair of fiercely shining eyes show that this person is definitely not easy to mess with. Anyone who has laughed at this dwarf's appearance will be bombarded. It became a meat slag!

The person on the right is tall, with muscles twisted and coiled, full of explosive power. The rough animal skin blouse cannot cover his lush hair, and there is a mass of black chest hair protruding from the slightly open chest.

The most surprising thing is that his head is actually a lion's head!

This is an invitee who has strengthened the orc blood, and has completely inherited the characteristics of this blood. From this point of view, his orc blood has been strengthened to a fairly deep level, and his strength cannot be underestimated.

And the person sitting on the main seat is a golden man who is covered in golden armor and does not meet anyone.

"Why isn't Zheng Zha here?"

The golden armor man's voice was hoarse and low, with a hint of dissatisfaction in his tone.

"Hey, when the tracking magic signaled, he rushed away."

The five short dwarves smiled, and a big mouth suddenly appeared on the stubble-covered face, like a blossoming back of the head, which looked extremely strange.

"Nonsense! I don't know Chu Xuan's strength, but he is definitely higher than him! Is he in such a hurry to die!"

The man in golden armor slapped the golden table, and a shallow palm print immediately appeared on it.

"Boss, don't worry, I think it's better to let him try it out, and we can adapt accordingly."

The orc's eyes on the right rolled, showing a shrewdness that didn't match his appearance.

"But he is our teammate after all. If something happens to him, it will be difficult for us. Moreover, if we meet other invitees in the mission world, our team's deterrence will be greatly reduced."

The man in the golden armor seemed to be worried, and said in a hesitant tone.

"Boss, don't worry too much about this. If the person who killed Chu Xuan just picked up a leak, there is no need to worry about it. Zheng Zha's limelight is not harmful to us. If the opponent is really strong, those who are as strong as us The team naturally understands Zheng Zha's strength, and will not intentionally make life difficult for us."

The lion-headed man spoke slowly, analyzing all the possibilities one by one.

"What if Zheng Zha is also killed? Then the strength of our team will be greatly reduced..."

The golden-armored man's fingers shrouded in the armor tapped the table lightly, making crisp impact sounds.

"Jin Jia, don't forget, Zheng Zha's ability, he is the 'protagonist'..."

"Hmph, do you really think Zheng Zha is the protagonist? I think it's better to wait and see, dwarf, and follow the magic display."

As the man in golden armor spoke, he turned his gaze to the dwarf on the left. As the leader of a team, he must always consider the overall situation.

Under the gaze of the golden armor, the dwarf, who couldn't tell the difference between the face and the back of the head, reached out his hand angrily, using his finger as a pen, and quickly sketched a mysterious magic circle in the void.

"No, this tracking magic was forcibly broken."

The stubble on the dwarf's face suddenly stood up, like a hedgehog.

The expressions of the other two also suddenly became serious.

"Where was the last displayed position?!"

In the golden armor's eyes, which were protected by transparent metal, there was an eager light.

"I have a bad feeling."


After the golden light flashed, both Murong Xiao and Zheng Zha were surrounded by a layer of faint golden light. A sacred light set them off like two gods!

From the mouths of other invitees, Murong Xiao already understood the function of this card, therefore, the first time it took effect, Murong Xiao suddenly moved!

The weeping sword in his hand turned into a traceless sword, and the dazzling sword light pierced the sky like a shooting star, coming brazenly!

"Hmph! Blood magic, blood crystal shield!"

Zheng Zha quickly chanted the mantra, and after a burst of energy fluctuations, three small blood-colored shields that were crystal clear like jade surrounded his body in an instant, dancing quickly into an airtight shield shadow.

At the same time, Zheng Zha recited the spell again, and a bloody light the size of a washbasin immediately floated in his hands, ready to go!


The weeping sword light cut into the blood crystal shield for the first time!

The blood crystal shield flying into a shadow was shattered under the edge of the weeping sword light, and instantly turned into bloody chips splashing out all over the sky, just like a sharp rain of blood suddenly fell in the residential square .


"Go back!"

Among the invitees watching, bursts of exclamation came out immediately, and the splashing debris made them feel the danger.

All of a sudden, there were waves of fluctuations among the invitees, the lights of various magic shields lit up, various magic weapons were sacrificed, and various movements were moved; the invitees used their best methods one after another to avoid Watching the aftermath of the battle between the two.

Most people reacted quickly and dodged. However, there were still a small number of invitees who were weak. Although they had tried their best, it was still useless. They watched the sharp fragments shoot towards them, and their eyes shone with horror.

However, a magical scene was staged at this thrilling moment.

The moment these bloody fragments touch the invitee's body, they pass through like phantoms!

Naturally, there will be no obvious loopholes in the fantasy space. The aftermath of the battle between the two who use the duel card is directly blurred the moment they touch the invitee!

"so close!"

"What a horrible feeling!"

"The strength of the sword bearer is really not simple!"

"So what if it's not easy, under the Zhongzhou team, which is as strong as a cloud, he is also a grasshopper after autumn, and he won't be able to jump for long!"

"That's right, the strength of the Zhongzhou team is beyond your imagination!"

The invitees who "survived a catastrophe" retreated one after another, making all kinds of noises. Although they knew that under the protection of the rules of the dream space, nothing would happen to them, the crisis of dying was real. , and even one person fainted from fright!

Other people's opinions have no effect on Murong Xiao, and the weeping sword light did not stop at all, and suddenly clicked to kill!

"Nice sword."

There was a flash of light in Zheng Zha's eyes, and a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

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