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There was a flash of light in Zheng Zha's eyes, and a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Your sword, I want it, withdraw it!"

The blood-colored ball of light that Zheng Zha held in his hand suddenly shattered, turning into an overwhelming array of sharp flying knives, like locusts, shooting through the air, the cold light flickering!

The light in Murong Xiao's eyes was deep, without any fluctuation. Facing the flying knives all over the sky so close at hand, he stepped on the shooting stars, his internal energy traveled through hundreds of veins, and his body turned into a sword light flying through the air, shuttling between square inches.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Bursts of piercing sounds whizzed past my ears, and among the dense cold light, the sword light transformed from Murong Xiao's body was like a slippery loach, moving through it nimbly without touching a single bit!

"What a brilliant move!"

"Facing such a dense attack with ease, I am inferior!"

"Hmph! What's the skill of dodging and dodging, the true nature of a man is head-on confrontation!"

"That's right, what kind of man is he just to be a turtle with a shrinking head? There's a kind of head-on confrontation!"

The moment he stepped out of the sword step, Murong Xiaojian walked with him, and suddenly slashed out, the sword is like a rainbow!

"I said, let you withdraw!"

Zheng Zha's hands suddenly turned into a pair of steel claws, shining with a cold light, towards the weeping sword light, shrouded down!

There was a flash of light in Murong Xiao's eyes, his inner strength suddenly became fierce, and the glowing white-hot sword light shone out from the blade.

There was a slight gleam of disdain in Zheng Zha's eyes, and the strength in his hands increased again. His hands turned into dozens of claw shadows, smashing the air, aiming at the vital part of the weeping sword, covering it down, Prepare to break Murong Xiao's arm in one fell swoop!


At the moment when the two came into contact, Murong Xiao's fierce inner strength was exerted to the extreme, Zheng Zha's five fingers were instantly shattered, and a sharp force spread along his fingers!

"not good!"

Zheng Zha's expression changed suddenly, his outstretched hands hurriedly retreated, and a trace of panic flashed in his eyes.

At this time, the gap between Zheng Zha and Chu Xuan's fighting consciousness became apparent, and the fierce force soared upwards, instantly shattering the entire bone of his left arm!

Murong Xiao's body didn't stop at all, her steps were like shooting stars, she stopped Zheng Zha's footsteps, her internal energy was circulating rapidly in her veins, and the tearful sword light in her hand slashed out from an incredible angle!

"call out!"

The sword energy pierced through the air!

Gusts of strong wind blew out from under the sword of weeping tears, blowing Zheng Zha's little dress rattling.


retreat!Retire!Back off!Retire!

Zheng Zha's gaze was fixed on Weeping Jianguang, and his figure flew back like flying!

He was faster, Murong Xiao was faster, weeping sword light, shortening the distance between the two at a speed visible to the naked eye!

The sword has not arrived!Zheng Zha had already felt the sharp edge above the weeping sword light, and the strong breath of death was coming!

"Damn, stop! Stop!"

Murong Xiao's sword did not pause for the slightest bit because of Zheng Zha's voice, and swept across his body in an instant.


The bright red blood light suddenly appeared from Zheng Zha's waist, and the weeping sword light suddenly split his body in two!

Driven by the huge slashing power of the Weeping Sword Light, Zheng Zha's two remnants were thrown high up, blood gushed out like a spring, and a strong bloody aura scattered in all directions.


Zheng Zha's remnant body slammed into the ground, it seemed that Murong Xiao's slashing force was too great, and it was completely scattered!

"No, his breath hasn't disappeared yet."

While Murong Xiao was thinking about it, Zheng Zha's "corpse" suddenly turned into dozens of hundreds of big black bats, dancing in the air.

The whole body of these bats is as black as ink, their eyes are like blood, and they exude a chilly aura.

"Bat transformation skills? His breath is very scattered. I'm afraid that even if only one bat survives, he can use the special nature of the dream space to resurrect."

Murong Xiao was talking to himself, frowning slightly.

"Oh my god, it's actually the vampire's signature skill, Bat Transformation! This is a life-saving skill worth tens of thousands!"

"The background of the Zhongzhou team is indeed profound!"

"With this skill, I'm afraid none of us invitees will be able to keep him!"

"If I have this skill, wouldn't this fantasy space be my limit?!"

More and more invitees, Wen Xun, came towards the residential square to watch the rare public duel in the fantasy space!

These invitees, who were watching tens of meters away, kept uttering words of amazement, envy, jealousy, and jealousy, but they forgot, who forced Zheng Zha's skill out!

Hundreds of bats were hovering over the residential square, neighing unwillingly, staring fixedly at Murong Xiao who was standing quietly, tall and straight like a sword.


The sound of hundreds of pitch-black bats finally gathered in one place, and a large black mist rose up.

The black mist surged, and the neighing of bats came from within, which was very strange and terrifying.

"Bastard! Bastards! Damn it!"

Zheng Zha's embarrassing, angry voice surged out of the black mist, piercing the clouds and cracking rocks, causing the black mist to roll, and those with low strength suddenly felt pain in their eardrums and became dizzy.

"Ahhh! I will definitely peel your skin and cramps, crush your bones to ashes! I will torture you to death, your sword will become my shit stick, and I will make you dare not think of me even if you are a ghost! "

Zheng Zha's body tore through the black mist and stepped out, his face was terribly pale, and the scars on his cheeks looked extremely ferocious under his anger!

"You should be honored to be able to die under my tiger's soul! Today I will take your sacrificial knife!"

A crystal yellow long knife suddenly appeared in Zheng Zha's hand, and the strong evil spirit and extremely resentful tone spread, causing all the invited onlookers to shudder, and a cold air suddenly rose in their hearts, as if suddenly On an Antarctic glacier.

"Amber Soul! It's actually Tiger Soul!"

"I've never seen the Tiger Soul used by Zheng Zha!"

"This is a murderous weapon that kills the master!"

"This kid is dead!"

Murong Xiao's eyes flickered coldly, and the internal energy in his body was accumulating, like a volcano about to erupt, or like a divine sword gradually unsheathed, an invisible oppression spread around him, and several people wanted to shout The invitees kept their mouths shut, with sweat on their foreheads.

Zheng Zha's eyes were already blood red at this time, thinking about when he, the representative of the Zhongzhou team, had experienced defeat, which invitee had met him, not being polite, when had he been insulted like this, and it was still in full view. How could he feel so embarrassed about being attacked by surprise? !

Thinking of this, Zheng Zha only felt ashamed and angry, and a flame was burning his soul. This kind of shame can only be washed away with the blood of the person in front of him, and vent his anger!

Thinking of this, Zheng Zha looked at Murong Xiao with blood-red eyes, and under the influence of the Tiger Soul Knife, his spirit was extremely manic.

An aura like a landslide and tsunami suddenly pressed towards Murong Xiao!

"Use the Weeping Sword as a shit-stirring stick? Make me, a ghost, dare not think of you?"

Murong Xiao whispered to himself, the cold light in his eyes was unprecedentedly serious.

"Ants, use your sword! Wait for me to make a move, and you will have no chance."

Zheng Zha's body floated back to the ground. Until now, he thought that Murong Xiao knocked him down by sneak attack.

"Heh, a sword? Why use a sword to kill you!!"

Murong Xiao suddenly let out a stern shout, and the rolling sound waves stirred up, shaking the onlookers dazzled for a while.


Everyone seemed to hear the sound of the divine sword being unsheathed, and an extremely fierce momentum suddenly burst out from Murong Xiao's body!


Everyone kept backing away, feeling their eyes were dazzled, as if there was a sharp sword against their hearts, and their hair exploded. Although this extremely tyrannical aura was not aimed at them, it still made them feel the fear of death. threaten!

Murong Xiao's aura is like a divine sword piercing through the sky, smashing the aura condensed by Zheng Zha with the help of Tiger Soul in one fell swoop!

At the same time, the left and right hands were clawed, and in Zheng Zha's horrified and inexplicable eyes, they suddenly poked out!


Amidst the gusts of wind, a long eagle's cry suddenly sounded, and two phantoms of pure white eagle claws suddenly wrapped around Murong Xiao's arms and stretched out together!

Eagle strike!

The eagle preys on the prey, carrying the force of the nine heavens, it will kill with one blow!

Murong Xiao's eagle attack is naturally not as proficient as Chu Xuan's, but the charm of the eagle's predation is even better than that!

In a daze, Zheng Zha seemed to see a pure white condor swooping down from the Nine Heavens, and its vigorous eagle claws were torn apart!

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