(Please recommend for collection! Every click of fellow Taoists is also a great support for weeping!)

In a daze, Zheng Zha seemed to see a pure white condor swooping down from the Nine Heavens, and its vigorous eagle claws were torn apart!

"not good!"

The breath of death rushed towards his face, Zheng Zha's pupils suddenly shrank to the shape of needles, and his hands instinctively stretched the tiger's soul across his chest, using the hardness of a magic weapon to protect his safety.

"Bang! Dang!"

The blade of Tiger Soul is extremely hard, Murong Xiao only felt a tingling numbness in his fingers, if it hadn't been tempered by the Swinging Sword Art, it might have been broken!

However, Murong Xiao's sudden blow was not without the slightest effect, the internal energy accumulated by Yingsting exploded in one fell swoop, and the unparalleled power fluctuation directly shook Zheng Zha's body without any center of gravity, and flew backwards.

Murong Xiao's pupils suddenly turned blood red, and his black hair turned blood red in an instant, and his speed suddenly doubled!

The pupil of the blood gorilla!Activate Soul Binding!

Murong Xiao didn't give Zheng Zha any chance to breathe, her sword steps and elementary lightness kung fu were pushed to the limit, and she outrageously caught up with Zheng Zha's retreating body at an unrelenting speed!

Nine strikes!

Murong Xiao suddenly refined his sword intent into his internal force, and a destructive aura emanated from the fiery internal force!

Crack the wood!Crack the rock!Crack the city!Crack the river!Crack the mountain!Earth shatter!Crack Star Strike!Crack the Moon!Crack!

Nine strikes!

Nine strikes!

Flowing clouds and water!

The successive waves of attacks were mobilized by Murong Xiao's destructive internal force, not only did the Nine Strikes have the original charm of flowing clouds and flowing water, but also a tsunami-like destructive aura.

"Bang bang bang!"

With the first three blows, the Tiger Soul in Zheng Zha's hand was blown out.

On the fourth blow, the seven holes bleed.

With the sixth blow, Zheng Zha's entire body began to crack.

In the eighth blow, Zheng Zha's body was completely split apart, the bones and internal organs were visible, and blood was sprayed and splashed.

Ninth strike!The internal force poured out from the previous eight blows was condensed by Murong Xiao at an incredible speed, and exploded in his hands!


A thunderous explosion burst out from Murong Xiao's slender palm, and the unparalleled internal energy rushed down Zheng Zha's body unreservedly, blasting it into a blood mist in an instant!He didn't even have a chance to turn into a bat, and the extremely strong aura of the blood gorilla spread out in all directions!

"Wait for me to make a move, there is really no chance."

After a flash of golden light, all the evidence of Zheng Zha's existence disappeared, even the blood stains all over the ground disappeared.

"Ding, kill a senior invitee and get 1000 Dream God Power."

Murong Xiao casually glanced at the onlookers and the more invitees who had come, before disappearing from everyone's sight.

"Lucifer, why is this Zheng Zha only worth a thousand Dream Powers?"

"Master, if you use a duel card, the reward for the winning side will be halved, and the loser's items will be recovered from the space. This is also a measure to reduce fighting in the space."


"Qing Can, let's go."

The young man in Tsing Yi jumped up, and his figure flew out of the residential square in an instant like a wisp of smoke.

"Master, wait for me."

At this time, everyone was already in an inexplicable shock, and they didn't notice the departure of the master and servant at all.

"Domineering! This is the real master! Take off your clothes and leave your body and name behind!"

"'Why use a sword to kill you?!' How confident is this?! What arrogance?! She is simply my idol, and the Zhongzhou team is so weak!"

An invitee expressed admiration in his eyes and sighed.

"Uh, it looks like you were supporting the Zhongzhou team just now."

One of the invitees next to him rolled his eyes, pointing out his inconsistencies.

"What do you know? Without someone like me, how can you show the tall and domineering idol?!"


"Bang and kill to the scum! It's really a bomb and kill to the scum!

"The Zhongzhou team's good days are over, and they have provoked such a strong enemy."

"Who is that blood-clothed man? Does any of you know his serial number or code name?"

another invitee asked.

"Bah, who wouldn't sell it to Tianji Pavilion if they knew?! With his mystery, he can definitely sell a large amount of Dream God power!"

"Just now my friend used a detection skill, but he was backlashed and lay down."

"My friend is the same. Isn't skill counterattack counted in the rules of fantasy space? This news may be able to sell for a good price."

"That's a good idea."

"I brought it up first!"

"I thought of it first!"

The faces of the two invitees were flushed.

"Stop arguing, someone has already gone to sell it..."

The invitees who watched the game before dispersed in a rush, no essential difference compared to the hooligans in the market, leaving more invitees who came after hearing the news to look at each other, puzzled.

When Jin Jia and the other three from the Zhongzhou team arrived, they saw a large group of bewildered invitees and a few spectators who were spitting and talking happily, listen carefully , the atmosphere among the few people suddenly became serious, and the bad premonition was completely confirmed!

"The man in blood? When you look at his face carefully, do you feel a sting in your eyes?"

"Swordsmanship is unfathomable? Use a move with bare hands to blast Zheng Zha into a cloud of blood?!"

"Agility is extremely flexible, even the magic of covering strikes can be easily dodged?!"

The three people in Jin Jia looked at each other in blank dismay, with surprise and shock in their eyes.

At this time, all the invitees who heard the news found the three members of the Zhongzhou team, and immediately stopped all kinds of discussions.

Although Zheng Zha of the Zhongzhou team ended badly, it depends on who the target is. They are not Murong Xiao. They have the strength to kill Zheng Zha to the brim. Come to kill God.

Although there are not many duel cards, most of the invitees have not even seen the appearance of duel cards, but this does not affect them knowing that every strong team has at least ten such cards in reserve, which is almost recognized by all invitees that's it.


The man in golden armor winked at the other two and signaled to leave. Although most of these invitees didn't know what happened, they had heard about the general situation. , but the way they look at them is always weird, which makes them feel old and uncomfortable.

Back in the golden conference room of the Jin Jiaren, the three of them didn't even bother to sit down, and walked a little anxiously.

"I have to admit, we've got ourselves into a big mess."

The man in the golden armor sat down, and the golden armor and the chair made a crisp sound.

"Although I'm stronger than Zheng Zha, I absolutely can't keep him, let alone kill him forcibly. We are indeed in a lot of trouble."

The lion man shook his head. After a little guesswork from the discussions of the invitees and his understanding of Zheng Zha, he had already guessed the facts. The next days will be very, very sad.

Not only is there pressure from other strong teams, but also those teams that were slightly weaker than the Zhongzhou team before, coveted the title of top ten teams very much.

"Captain, I have a suggestion, why not just recruit this blood-clothed man into our team, so that all troubles will be gone?"

The bearded dwarf let out a cold laugh and made his own suggestion.


"Absolutely not! You are leading wolves into the house!"

The golden armor and the lion man spoke in unison and instantly rejected the dwarf's suggestion.

"I'm just talking. What's your suggestion, Boss Jinjia?"

The dwarf looked at the man in golden armor with his bright eyes.

"Boom boom boom!"

The armor-covered fingers tapped the gold-cast table rhythmically, making an exciting sound. Both the dwarves and the lions knew that this was a decision that determined the development and survival of the entire team, and even the fate of the team, and they did not interfere with it. Waiting for the answer from Jin Jiaren.

Suddenly, the golden-armored man stopped tapping.

"Boss, is there any result?"

"It's war, it's peace. In a word, being disturbed by one person is really f*cking aggrieved!"

The dwarf also hammered the table heavily, his eyes flashing fiercely.

"Our Zhongzhou team, temporarily hide our strengths and bide our time. After losing two main players, we can no longer take any risks, otherwise the entire Zhongzhou team will be destroyed!"

"I disagree!"

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