dream redemption

Chapter 98 Red Star Bar

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"I disagree!"

The dwarf stood up suddenly, expressing his dissatisfaction: "Why?! Our Zhongzhou team may not be afraid of anyone?! No matter how powerful the blood-clothed man is, he is alone. I don't believe it. With the three of us working together I can’t deal with him yet! It’s really unreasonable to hide him! Hearing from them, that man sneaked up on Zheng Zha, so he didn’t even have a chance to use many hole cards, so he was aggrieved and killed!”

"Calm down! Listen clearly, you are hiding your strengths and biding your time, secretly accumulating strength, not being a coward! Moreover, according to their dictation, the most powerful man in blood should be swordsmanship, but he killed Zheng Zha with his bare hands. , This is the iron-clad fact!"

The lion man raised his hand to signal the dwarf to sit down, and after he sat down calmly, the man in golden armor slowly opened his mouth.

"After this incident, I realized that our strength is not strong enough. If we are strong enough to be fearless, will we still be as frustrated as we are now? Maybe this matter is not for us, let us be invincible Come out of the misunderstanding. At least, we still have a strong chance, and we can feel proud!"

The voice of the man in golden armor was like metal rubbing against each other, but it was very crisp, giving people a very weird feeling.

"I'm elated..."

The dwarf clenched the sledgehammer behind him, with a decision in his heart.


The square in the entertainment district, where various stores are booming due to the increasing number of invitees, is the second only place in the fantasy space after the mission hall and the exchange hall.

Here, you can find all kinds of entertainment items that are available in the real world, or not.

Walking in the entertainment area, various hustle and bustle came from the casinos on both sides. Among them, there were shouts of excitement, sighs of regret, and even more hoarse roars. This was the sound of desperate gamblers. .

What's more, it's the sound of clinking glasses and persuading people to drink in restaurants and romantic places, as well as the woman's Jiao Didi's laughter and cursing.

Murong Xiao shook his head, the invitee who often wanders between life and death is indeed under a lot of psychological pressure, and wine and women are undoubtedly the best way to vent the pressure.Of course, with the magic of the dream space, if there are women who are unwilling to take risks and change their appearance, the flesh and blood business is also a way to make a living. Even men can change their gender...

Walking through a few corners, and turning around, a simple and neat wine bar suddenly broke into Murong Xiao's sight from various entertainment venues.

Red Star Wine is the name of this wine.

Pushing open the door without any decoration, the deserted hall forms a strong contrast with the hustle and bustle behind it, as if two completely different worlds are close at hand.

His eyes swept over, except for the green plants dotted among them and an old man with meticulously combed hair, there was only Murong Xiao alone.

"Welcome, here is the menu, what do you need sir?"

In the fantasy space, the redemption hall only provides bloodline enhancement and item redemption, and does not include food. The purpose may be to promote the development of restaurants and other entertainment venues and stimulate the consumption of dream power.

Murong Xiao came to this wine shop once by chance, and the marching rations they sell are very good, containing a very strong grain essence. Murong Xiao came this time to buy a batch of marching rations and bloody wine.

Last time Murong Xiao was shy, so he just glanced at it hastily. This time, after looking carefully, several items on the menu aroused Murong Xiao's great interest.

"Blood rice, ordinary quality, heterogeneous rice, watered and cultivated with fresh blood, eating can replenish blood in the body. Price: 10 Mengshenli one tael."

"Low-grade blood yuan rice, high quality, different species of blood rice, cultivated with the blood of various beasts with strong qi and blood, and contains a lot of blood qi and essence. Price: 50 Mengshenli one or two."

"Medium-grade blood yuan rice, excellent quality, different species of blood rice, watered and cultivated with the blood of formed fierce beasts, contains exuberant blood essence. Price: 500 Mengshenli one or two."

"Top-grade blood rice, a different species of blood rice, watered and cultivated with spiritual blood, eating it can replenish the body's spirit, energy, and spirit in large quantities. Price: 5000 Mengshenli one tael."

"Blood rice marching rations are of good quality, volume: one cubic centimeter, and refined from blood rice. Eating them can replenish a lot of blood energy. Price: 100 Mengshenli a piece."

"Xueyuan rice marching rations, excellent quality, volume: one cubic centimeter, refined from the following grades of blood yuan rice, containing a huge amount of Jing Yuan Qi and blood. Price: 1000 Mengshenli per piece."

As for the marching rations refined by mid-grade blood yuan rice, it is not on the menu. Murong Xiao estimated that it would cost [-] Mengshenli, how much supplement would it take?I'm afraid that if people without certain strength take it, they will be overwhelmed by the huge blood energy and die!

"Baicao brew, the quality is ordinary, brewed from hundreds of herbs for strengthening the body, with a faint fragrance of herbs, drinking it to strengthen the body. Price: 10 Mengshenli a bottle."

"Ten years of brewing with hundreds of herbs, sweet and clear wine, long aftertaste. Price: 20 Mengshenli a bottle."

"Century-year-old grass-brewed wine, long and strong aroma of cotton, with overbearing stamina, like drinking fire. Price: 40 Mengshenli."

"Give me a catty of low-grade blood yuan rice, and a bottle of ten-year-old Baicao brew."

Murong Xiao's taste tends to be light, so he didn't choose the century-old wine with strong stamina.

"Okay, please take it slow."

When the waiter responded, a tray had been lifted up on the stage, and Murong Xiao's order of Xueyuan Rice and Baicao Noodles were neatly placed, bursting with blood and fragrance.At the same time, Murong Xiao also received a reminder to deduct the dream god power.

The quality of low-grade blood-yuan rice is much greater than that of ordinary rice. A pound of blood-yuan rice is just packed in a small bowl the size of a fist. Murong Xiao even feels that he can eat a pound of it with one bite...

However, the appearance of Xueyuan rice is still very good, round and crystal-clear, the size of a thumb, emitting a reddish blood-colored light, like plump pearls, with an attractive luster and bursts of blood If you close your eyes, even Murong Xiao's sense of smell will be tricked into thinking it is a bowl of fresh blood!

Baicao Niu is stored in a jade wine jug, the color of amber can be vaguely seen, and bursts of fresh air of herbs overflow from the opened bottle.

Murong Xiao took the tray and sat down in a corner of the wine hall.

Practicing body swordsmanship consumed a lot of energy of Murong Xiao, which made him feel very hungry. As soon as he sat down, he immediately picked up the bowl and chopsticks, and put the lovely blood rice into his mouth.

The texture of blood yuan rice is soft and full of elasticity. If it is an ordinary person's teeth, it may not be able to chew it!

Murong Xiao's upper and lower rows of steel teeth closed together, and the pearl-like blood yuan rice immediately turned into a burst of fragrant rice noodles and was swallowed into his stomach.

It took less than three seconds for a catty of blood-yuan rice to go into his stomach, so he couldn't blame Murong Xiao for gobbling it up, but only blamed the size of this catty of blood-yuan rice for being too small, and he ate it up in one or two bites.

As soon as the blood yuan rice entered the stomach, it turned into rich blood energy and rose up, washing over Murong Xiao's entire body, making up all the energy he had consumed before in an instant!

not only that!Under the warm nourishment of this blood energy, all the cells in Murong Xiao's whole body gave out bursts of silent cheers, and there was a tendency to temper all the meridians and bones in his body again!

However, this feeling is fleeting, as faint as the singing on a tall building in the distance.

"Maybe a catty is too little."

Murong Xiao thought to herself, shook her head, raised her head and took a big sip of Baicao Nong.

Baicao Niang tastes fragrant, sweet, but slightly alcoholic, which suits Murong Xiao's appetite.

A bottle of Baicao Brewing is not much, and Murong Xiao drank nearly a third of it in one gulp.

Drinking wine, Murong Xiao's thoughts turned in his mind. After a period of time without paying attention, the composition of the invitees in the dream space changed greatly. It seems that he should find someone who knows about this to ask for advice.

At this time, the simple and unadorned door of Red Star Wine was gently pushed open, attracting Murong Xiao's gaze.

Those who can find this wine in the bustling restaurants, casinos, and romantic places are all people with delicate thoughts, and their attention to information will undoubtedly be much higher than Murong Xiao himself.

The one who entered the wine was a handsome young man in a blue and white gown.

The two teenagers had red lips, white teeth, and delicate features. They both carried long swords with sheaths in their hands, like knights who stepped out of martial arts, and they were naturally chivalrous.

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