The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 1005 – Chapter Ruoxue Comes

Los Angeles Airport, USA....

The long boarding queue is like a long queue. In the airport, a tall and handsome American handsome young man stares at the beautiful figure, but his image is very funny, wrapped in gauze, accompanied by medical staff, sitting in a wheelchair. Arrived at the airport...Many people looked at him suspiciously, but every time people saw his eyes, they couldn't help but get a little bit sad...

There is an emotion in this man's eyes that is easy to make people sad. From the eyes of this injured man, you can feel that his eyes are full of reluctance... The lonely figure, with a somewhat hurt expression, even sitting in a wheelchair, the whole body package, but his temperament has attracted many women.

However, there is only one person in his eyes, the woman who will never be forgotten in this life...

"Uncle John, my beautiful mommy and I are leaving." Standing outside the airport, John could only be sent here. He stared deeply at the beautiful woman wearing sunglasses in front of him. John knew that today they were going to gone...

To go back to their country with that man.

Listening to Yutian's words, John nodded: "Little brother, you have to take good care of your beautiful mommy, if your father treats you and your beautiful mommy badly, remember, Uncle John is still waiting for you. "

"Uncle John, the handsome dad is very kind to Tian'er and the beautiful mommy. Uncle Lin Tian also taught me martial arts. From now on, I will protect the beautiful mommy and dad. Of course, there is also Uncle John." Milky voice The milky voice lingered in their hearts, and a tear appeared in John's deep blue eyes...

Although he didn't spend much time with Yutian, he really liked this clever child, and Ruoxue was the woman he was willing to give up his life to love...

"John, these days, thank you for taking care of me and Tian'er, I will remember it in my heart." Ruoxue smiled lightly, and she was also very grateful to John in her heart.

John nodded heavily, and looked at what Ruoxue wanted to say, but because of Yuchen beside him, John stopped abruptly and never said anything.

"John, for the sake of protecting my wife with all your might, remember to find me when you come to Huaxia." Yuchen left a number for John. For this sincere handsome American guy, Yuchen still has a good impression of him. ...

John could only nod helplessly. He had a lot to say to Ruoxue, and he also wanted to hug Ruoxue...

"John, we are leaving, you have to take care of yourself..." Ruoxue smiled, revealing her white teeth.

Yuchen, Ruoxue, Tian'er, and Lin Tian turned around and were about to leave. At that moment, John finally made up his mind, and he suddenly called out: "Xue."

Ruoxue looked back, she was charming, even though the sunglasses blocked most of her face, she could still feel her beauty.

"Can I remember your appearance? I want to remember it forever." John said affectionately. Ruoxue smiled and took off her sunglasses. That beautiful cheek is so touching.

"I...can I give you a hug?" When John said this, he didn't look at Ruoxue, but at Yuchen.

Hearing this, Ruoxue was also taken aback for a moment, and she also looked at Yuchen. This move made Yuchen a little confused. At this time, can Yuchen still refuse?

Besides, this kind of etiquette in the United States is too normal. It is precisely because Ruoxue and Yuchen are Chinese that John cautiously made such a request. Yuchen nodded and smiled...

John was very happy, if he hadn't been shot, maybe he would have danced and danced so excitedly that he couldn't speak. Ruoxue walked up to him and gave him a big hug, which was very fragrant. John greedily sucked Ruoxue's charming aromatic...

When he came to his senses...the figures of the four people had gradually faded away, the fragrance permeated from the tip of his nose, and the temperature that seemed to remain in his body, John felt satisfied, staring at the back of Ruoxue and the others, John smiled He smiled: "Huaxia....I, John, must go!"

"Handsome Daddy, why did you and Uncle Lin go there that night?" Tian'er asked curiously, when Yuchen and the others came back two days ago, their bodies were stained with blood, which made the careful Ruoxue discover , but without asking...

Two days later, John's physical condition improved, and Lao Mo also completely destroyed the arsenal. It was impossible to take this thing away. Take care of things in the United States.

And Yuchen and the others will get on the flight back to China as soon as possible. As for what happened that night, the two of them will recall it as an important memory in this life. After Yuchen killed Lina and Zach with thunder , Lin Tian also successfully defeated an awakened person, and after reuniting with Brother Mo Lishang, they encountered stubborn resistance from militants!

In the hail of bullets, they finally destroyed the entire base and destroyed all the general's arsenal. Of course, they also inevitably suffered minor injuries. After all, they were bullets. The body resisted.

Embarking on the way home, this is something Ruoxue has never thought about since leaving Huaxia...

Staring at the blue sky and daytime outside the window, Ruoxue's thoughts seemed to return to the past memories. The more so, the more deeply worried Ruoxue was in her heart. She was afraid that after she had just obtained it, she would lose it in an instant.

"I have informed Yihan and the others. After mother and father learned about Tian'er, they also decided to come. Xue'er, don't worry, it's fine. Don't have any psychological burden. No one can stop us from being together. Now I am already capable enough to protect you and protect Tian'er..." Perhaps feeling Ruoxue's worry, Yuchen held Ruoxue's tightly and said affectionately.

Staring at the cheek that she has never forgotten, Ruoxue still feels like a dream, a little unreal, but it happened in front of her for real. Ruoxue has been praying to God, if this is a dream, then she I hope that I will never wake up for the rest of my life, because Ruoxue is afraid that when the dream wakes up, she will lose everything...

Going back from Los Angeles to Seoul, Yuchen and his group finally came to the land of China after going through ups and downs. ....

Stepping into the familiar land of China once again, and coming to the unfamiliar Sichuan Province, Ruoxue's heart is full of ups and downs. Looking at the beautiful night scene of the city in front of her, she has mixed feelings in her heart.

Yuchen took her hand and hugged Tian'er: "Xue'er, Tian'er, let's go home..."

(Speed ​​up and start the final Budokai! Cleaning the house today, I'm exhausted. It's still the same at [-] o'clock)

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