The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 1006 – The Returning Ruoxue

Tianfu Airport, even though it is already late at night, the flow of people here is still unabated, especially one of the teams is even more eye-catching. Among the crowd, there are handsome men and handsome women. They are anxiously looking at the exit of the airport. Seems to be waiting for something...

"Xiaohan, Xuan'er, do you think Auntie's dress is okay today?" Yu's mother has asked countless times along the way, especially when she heard that Yuchen already had a child, her mother was both happy and angry. It's not enough for Yuchen to have Yihan and Xuan'er, why would he want to provoke other women?

Yihan was afraid that Mama Yu would misunderstand, so he told Mama Yu Ruoxue's story, from the beginning to the end, after listening to it, Yuchen didn't say much, because he knew everything about Yuchen in Sioux City very well. ..

However, he kept hiding from Yuchen's mother and his wife, just because he was afraid that Wenqin would worry about his son and blame him, his original determination...

Yu's father didn't sympathize with the girl Ruoxue, but was angry at the separation of her life. Now, Yuchen can take Ruoxue back and have a son, and Yu's father can accept it. After all, a woman, with Yuchen's son, how can I say, is also the blood of the Yu family. As for Yuchen's private life, Yu's father will not ask about it. Let these young people solve these matters by themselves.

That's why Dad Yu decided this time to come with Yihan and the others just to pick up his daughter-in-law and to see his genius grandson that day.

"Auntie, you are already very beautiful today..." Xuan'er and Yihan both praised.

For these two girls, Mama Yu also loves them very much, but in order to let Ruoxue feel the care from her, and to make her son less difficult to be a human being, Mama Yu specially dressed up to welcome Ruoxue...

Time passes quietly...

At the entrance of the airport, Yuchen and the others quietly approached. When he saw Yuchen holding a one-year-old child in his arms and a beautiful young woman beside him, Yihan's eyes were moist... ..

That woman is Ruoxue without a doubt...

When Yuchen stood in front of them, Yuchen glanced at his father in surprise. It was beyond his expectation that his mother could come, and he didn't expect that even his father would come.

"Dad...Mom..." Yuchen was very happy. When the two elders came, Yuchen naturally understood the reason. For himself, the two elders did their best.

"Uncle and aunt..." Ruoxue was very shy and didn't dare to look up. When she saw Yihan and Xuan'er, Ruoxue felt lost in her heart, but she was full of relief and happiness. However, due to Yuchen's Parents are here, Ruoxue has not greeted them for the first time.

"This is Xiaoxue, right? Good boy... come, come to Mom." Seeing this lovely girl, Yu's mother was filled with sympathy again, but Yu's father focused his eyes on Yutian.

Ruoxue walked to her mother's side, but Yufan looked curiously at the little guy in Yuchen's arms.

"Tian'er, this is grandpa." Yuchen hugged Tian'er and smiled gratifiedly.

Tian'er looked at the middle-aged man who had been staring at him with jewel-like eyes, and glanced at his father suspiciously, before showing a happy smile: "Grandpa."

"Good boy, you are indeed a descendant of my Yu family. Your talent is stronger than your father's. You have already awakened at such a young age. You know, your father awakened his ability when he was only three years old!" Yufan said in Yufan. When Chen was three years old, he sealed Yuchen's power because it was too scary, but it is obvious that Tian'er's awakened power is stronger than Yuchen's when he was a child.

Tian'er listened curiously to what his grandfather said. Of course, he couldn't understand a word, but he knew that Grandpa Yufan really praised him. There was a happy smile on the little guy's face. He felt very warm and happy. ...

"Little guy, let grandpa give you a hug." Yufan, an upright young man, unexpectedly had an extra grandson. However, it was obvious that Yutian was very satisfied with Yufan.

Yuchen handed over Tian'er to his father, the little guy was extremely clever and pleasing to the eye, and soon made Yufan laugh heartily, and the smiles of his grandfather and grandson infected Ruoxue who was crying in a mess, and Yihan and the others...

Yutian's cute appearance made Xuan'er Yihan love her so much, even her mother had a smile from ear to ear...

On the side, Yufei and Lin Tian are kissing me, but they have been misunderstood by everyone. Looking at the large group of people laughing and crying, the passers-by around all showed puzzled eyes...

"Ahem, let's...should we go home first?" Reminiscing about the past, you have to be at home, obviously, this place is not suitable.

"Brother Yu, didn't you bother?" Tianlong appeared again appropriately. In fact, he knew that Yuchen was going back here a long time ago, so he waited here early in the morning.

"Brother Tianlong, I'm afraid I will trouble you again." Yuchen said politely.

During the day, Long smiled calmly, called "uncle and aunt" to Yufan and Wenqin aggressively, and then said: "Hehe, Young Master Yu, I don't need it this time, there is someone who prepared earlier than me..."

Tianlong looked to the side, Yuchen stared blankly, just in time to see Yan Yang who came out...

"Brother Yan?" Yuchen didn't expect Yan Yang to appear here.

"President, haha, I heard that you are coming back. I happen to have something to do with Xuehan here. Don't mind, let's go back together?" Yan Yang smiled, but his words made Yuchen's heart tremble. Han is here too?

Yuchen glanced around, but didn't find Xuehan's figure...

Yan Yang was also a little melancholy. He didn't know what happened between Yuchen and Xuehan. It seemed that the two hadn't communicated for a long time...

"That's it, thank you very much." Yuchen was not polite to Yan Yang, they were all his brothers.

Under Ruoxue's shocked eyes, Yuchen and the others boarded the Yan family's private jet. Yuchen's first sight on the plane was the beautiful Xuehan. However, the formerly beautiful beauty is now Not only a little thin, but also a trace of sadness in the eyes...

Yuchen was a little heartbroken for a moment, but seeing the three girls behind him, Yuchen already felt his head was getting bigger, and only one scoop of three thousand weak waters, this is still Yuchen's complex, but every beauty, Yuchen can't let go...

What caused the current situation, Yuchen only wanted to protect them well...

As for Xuehan, Yuchen really doesn't want to involve such a beautiful woman...

The two of them didn't speak, but nodded. Xuehan's eyes couldn't see any expression, but this moment of looking at each other made the girls behind him feel something, especially Ruoxue. stretch...

"Yihan...what happened in these years?" What shocked Ruoxue the most was that tonight, everyone seemed to be very respectful to Yuchen, and Yuchen also said that no one could stop them from being together...

"Hee hee, I knew you would ask, I wanted to say it a long time ago..." Yihan said excitedly, and then told Ruoxue everything that happened in these years, especially when Yuchen went to snatch a kiss In addition, this girl Yihan is not stupid, she can be as majestic as father Yu said, and a single sentence can instantly make a family disappear, etc., for this clever and sweet son Daughter-in-law, Yufan couldn't keep his mouth shut either.

Listening to the wonderful things that happened in these years, Ruoxue's eyes were full of obsession, especially when she heard that Yuchen dared to rob the Tianwu family, her heart was touched, but Yuchen just smiled...

For Ruoxue who has returned, there are still many things that need to be contacted again. Of course, Yuchen really dare not make up his mind about how to explain the current situation...

Although Yuchen felt happy and happy about Ruoxue's return, the sadness in Xuehan's eyes and her thin appearance also made Yuchen feel sad...

(The game will be played soon, so don't be impatient.)

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