Sichuan Province, Tianfu City...

After leaving Feng's house, Yuchen embarked on the journey home. On the runway of Tianfu Capital Airport, there was a group of particularly conspicuous greeting crowds. Among these people, beautiful beauties were the most attractive scenery.

However, beside such a beautiful woman, there is no man who dares to strike up a conversation. There is no other reason. Around them, there are layers of strong bodyguards in black suits. Let alone dare to strike up a conversation.

In fact, this is also understandable. When Long Qiang and Shangyi took Yihan, Xuan'er, and Ruoxue to the capital of Tianfu, Yan Yang and Bailong immediately sent people to protect the girls. After all, they were Yuchen. woman.

"Who the hell is going to show up? It's such a big show?" For those ordinary citizens who didn't know, such a lineup really shocked them. The group of bodyguards protecting the girl was even more majestic than what they saw on TV.

And, obviously, they were waiting for something.

Under the astonishment of countless people, a private jet slowly landed on the runway of Tianfu Capital. Since it had been notified in advance, Tianfu Capital International Airport had already reserved a separate space for it.

As the plane fell, a handsome young man jumped directly from the mouth of the plane. After he landed smoothly on the ground, he said hello to the pilot and walked away.

"Why hasn't it arrived yet? Didn't I say, is it coming?" Yihan's face was full of anxiety.

"Hehe, Yihan, it's only been two days and I can't wait..." Ruoxue smiled faintly, but this beauty's face was also full of longing.

"You two..." Xuan'er couldn't help smiling.

"Yihan Mommy, Xuan'er Mommy, Mommy, the handsome dad is back..." Just as everyone was looking at the position of the exit, Tian'er walked out holding Hui Yu's little hand, and pointed Looking at the exit gate full of people, she said in a childish voice.

Hearing this, everyone really looked, but their faces were blank. How could there be Yuchen's shadow there?

"Good boy, you are joking with us at such a young age!" Long Qiang couldn't help laughing.

"Uncle Long, it's true... Dad's speed is at most five seconds away." Tian'er looked at everyone with jewel-like eyes.

All the people present saw Tian'er's expression full of incredulity, and people couldn't help but rang out Tian'er's terrifying father, thinking that Yutian is Yuchen's son, they couldn't help swallowing, and then mentally, Count five seconds silently.

"Five, four, three..."

"Yuchen, it's really here." In the crowd full of people, Yuchen slowly appeared in people's sight. At this moment, while everyone was happy, they couldn't help looking at that Still a child's day....

In everyone's eyes, the shock was already indescribable.

"Hehe, there's no need to do this, right? They're all here..." In the blink of an eye, Yuchen had already arrived in front of everyone.

"Yuchen." The girls looked at Yuchen with longing faces.

"Hehe, it's okay, let's go." Yuchen was not wordy, he didn't know what was going on in the game world after two days at Feng's house, and the fetters in the game were no less than in reality.

"Murderous?" Just when Yuchen took the hands of the girls and left, suddenly, a murderous look came towards him, Yuchen's eyes froze for an instant, Yinlong Jue immediately sensed the surroundings, his eyes couldn't help Looking at an inconspicuous corner, among the passing crowd, a man in black was leaning against the wall with his arms around him, but his eyes were awe-inspiringly looking at where Yuchen was.

Everyone's senses were also very keen. Seeing the change in Yuchen's eyes, they didn't say a word.

"Handsome dad." Tian'er seemed to have sensed something, and looked at his dad with some uneasiness.

Yuchen gently touched Tian'er's head: "Tian'er, take mommy and the others out of here, daddy goes to the bathroom."

"En." Tian'er nodded obediently, unable to tell that he was only a two-year-old child, Yuchen nodded to Long Qiang and the others, Shang Yi and the others naturally understood Yuchen's meaning, nodded and left.

"Be careful." Shang Yilong said with concern.

"Don't worry, it's okay." Yuchen smiled slightly. Now, even against the Tianwuren who are the peak strength of Tianren in the later stage of Tianren, he has the power to fight, not to mention the person who is the source of murderous aura, Yuchen can completely deal with it.

After everyone left, Yuchen looked at that person again. The man in the black windbreaker did not dodge at all, and looked directly into Yuchen's eyes, and then suddenly disappeared in a corner.

Yuchen smiled slightly: "Is it the realm of heaven and man? If it weren't for the Yu family, I really can't imagine, who would have such a big hand?"

After finishing speaking, Yuchen rushed into the crowd, shuttled behind, and soon, his figure disappeared strangely.

The airport is relatively remote. In an abandoned hill a kilometer away from the airport, a gust of breeze gently blows the ground. Two figures stand motionless on the plain like sculptures...

"Yujia?" After a long time, Yuchen asked first.

"Don't be so unreasonable, logically speaking, we should call you big brother!" Yuchen's seniority in Yu's family is indeed the oldest among the younger generation, but he gave birth to some children a few years later.

"Oh? Really? But this big brother, I'm afraid it's not easy to be a big brother. You don't come from thousands of miles just to recognize me as a big brother, right?" Feeling the disdain in the man's words and the killing intent in his eyes, Yuchen didn't think , The other party came to recognize his relatives.

"As you said, of course it won't be that simple! I'm here to kill you!" The man smiled ferociously, and the windbreaker hood was suddenly lifted by the wind, revealing his handsome and ferocious face.

After finishing speaking, the Yu family in front of him suddenly made a move, and a terrifying invisible wave killed Yuchen!

Yuchen turned sideways lightly, and an invisible wave blew through his hair: "You just rose from the early stage of the realm of heaven and man, do you think you can defeat me?"

Yu Xing snorted dissatisfied: "In the early days of heaven and man, it is enough to defeat you!"

"Oh? Really? Then, let me see and see." Since breaking through to the realm of heaven and man, Yuchen has become more and more eager for real battles. The Yu family is here to practice for himself!

"Gathering Qi and Transforming Blade!" After the realm of Heaven and Man, all Tianwuren's best move is to gather Qi and transform into a blade, condensing their own powerful power into a weapon, causing irreparable damage to the opponent.

Facing the ferocious Yu Xing, Yuchen didn't have the slightest fear, he didn't even use the gas-gathering blade, and greeted him with bare hands!

The battle between the two started in an instant, just like the scene in the martial arts world in the movie, the sword energy is vertical and horizontal, the ground is blowing up, the figures of the two intersect each other, the space punishment that gathers energy and turns into a blade, launches the most violent and direct attack, Every blow is a killer move, and every move will put Yuchen to death!

Yuchen dodged calmly, and Youlong's phantom steps kept getting better and better. Soon, more than a dozen phantoms appeared on his figure on this piece of land. Not only can you never forget, you can even create your own!

"A shocking sword!!" Seeing that Yuchen dodged his own attack again and again, Yu Xing suddenly ran away, and the blade in his hand swung a terrifying sword slash. Seeing this, Yuchen's face changed, and he quickly used a flash In an instant, it disappeared in an instant.

When he looked back at the same place, he couldn't help but take a deep breath. At this moment, a neat and terrifying sword mark was left on the overgrown ground!

"Cut, have you avoided it? But, you won't be so lucky next time. Let you experience it, the unique skill of the Yu family!!"

"The majesty of the emperor!!" Yu Xing's eyes froze, and the dark pupils instantly turned blood red, and a majestic force rushed towards Yu Chen. Under this aura, Yu Chen was horrified to find that , his power was actually suppressed and sealed!

"Is this the might of the emperor?" Yuchen had seen it before, in the Gu family, the father of that day, just relying on this aura, made the ancestors of the Gu family speechless, and even self-destructed his whole body.

"Let me see, the theory of heaven and earth, this is the blood of the Yu family!!" Suddenly, Yu Xing, who gathered energy and transformed his blade, pointed the blade directly at the sky. A thunder cloud appeared above Yuchen's head.

Everyone in the Yu family has the ability to go out of the Tianwu people themselves, which is called awakening. However, even if they are born with special physiques, the chance of giving birth to a sky-defying person is only one in ten thousand, and Yuchen is this thousand. One of thousands!

However, it is still unknown whether Yu Chen, who has not yet fully awakened, can win against the Yu family who are false against the sky.

"Unexpectedly, I underestimated you a little bit, and almost forgot, what is special about the Yu family's bloodline!" Yu Xing's ability is not thunder and lightning, but the ability to summon thunder, which can control the weather and induce powerful thunder clouds. The cloud plus electricity is enough to form a terrifying thunder and lightning!

"I just know now? Don't you think it's too late?" Seeing the victory, Yu Xing couldn't help becoming arrogant, as if he had forgotten Yulong's exhortation, the horror of Yuchen's identity, and the fact that Yuchen was once With the talent of sealing, the current him is a true heaven defiant!

"The one who is really late is you? Tell me something, go back and tell them, if you want to be the Patriarch of the Yu family, just come!" Yu Chen suddenly stretched out his hand, and when Yu Xing didn't know what it meant, A terrifying black flame immediately filled his whole body!

"Drink!" With Yuchen's explosive drink, the black flame exploded in an instant...

Yu Xing's body appeared in the pattering rain, was hit by the anger, and slowly fell to the ground, looking at Yu Chen's figure who was gradually leaving, before thinking about Yu Chen's answer.

He suddenly laughed wildly: "Hahahaha, you can take advantage of the moment to be proud, we will destroy everything you are most proud of!!"

Yu Chen, who had just walked a few steps, suddenly stopped, and Yu Xing, who was facing the end sideways, said coldly: "If you want to be the young master of the Yu family, you just let your horse come here!"

At that moment, Yu Xing's pupils suddenly enlarged, and at that moment just now, he clearly felt a majesty, a majesty of the emperor belonging to Yuchen!

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