After Yuchen returned to Sichuan Province, he naturally spent a night that made all men happy. However, it didn't take long for such a lingering and warm night, and Yuchen returned to the game world.

The reason is of course not only Yujia, but also the pressure from the game world.

Ever since he confronted Emperor Xuanyuan in the palace, not only Yuchen's dream has been suppressed by the system, but also the unions of Quiet, Misty Rain, Longxiang Jiutian, Fengwu Qingcheng and others, the monthly tax should have been Tax-free, but suddenly mandatory, and it is several times that of other unions.

Moreover, what dissatisfied the leaders of the major guilds the most was that the purchase restriction orders, as well as the purchase of troops at high prices to buy houses, increase defenses, and build cities, were several times higher than other guilds.

How can everyone not understand what this means, Emperor Xuanyuan has already started to put pressure on them!

Therefore, during the period when Yuchen was gone, the presidents of all players' unions held a summit meeting. It is said that the entire meeting lasted for a full 10 hours, and the content of their conversations was unknown, except for those from the union. Outside of the summit, the entire meeting is classified.

After Yuchen returned to the dream, everyone cheered for a while, and soon, Yuchen and the elders of the elders entered the meeting room of the dream.

The original elders who dreamed of it, and the core elders who were trusted by the high-level members gathered here, and everyone's face was full of indifference and solemnity.

"Old Emperor, did you really give us a blow?" After learning about the situation in the game, Yuchen frowned. Now the relationship between the dream and the empire has become more and more complicated, and the relationship is very mysterious.

"Emperor Xuanyuan is also deceiving people too much. He said tax exemption, but now it is three times as much as before!" Xiaotian said through gritted teeth.

"The most abominable thing is that this guy actually used such a despicable method to collect taxes from other parts of us, and didn't give orders to our dream headquarters. This is why we can't find him to argue!" Wutear said coldly, obviously, During this period of time, many dream members were dissatisfied with the actions of the empire.

Mo Mo, Wuxin, Xiao Ting, Han, Wen Qiang, Wufeng, Xingzhu, Yan, Yuezhiyan, Yuesui, Fengran and many other core cadres did not speak, bowed their heads in thought, but looked at Yuchen who was seated above.

"Although it's hateful, we can't fight the system right! Boss, is there any way." Wu Feng thought for a while and said.

Hearing this, all the cadres also said that the opponent is the system, and from the player's point of view, there is really no reason to fight Emperor Xuanyuan.

Listening to the questions and answers from the crowd, Yuchen waved his hand, and more than a hundred core cadres were speechless for a moment. majesty.

Looking at those familiar cheeks, Yuchen smiled lightly: "It's not that there is no chance... Besides, you are thinking too seriously, who said we are against the system?"

Yuchen's rhetorical question left many people speechless. You looked at me one by one, and I looked at you. Obviously, they didn't understand what Yuchen said, but the older players were silent and unintentionally waiting. The others smiled, as if they understood what Yuchen said.

"Ah, the boss is right. We are not against the system, but against an empire! Against the emperor of the Xuanyuan Empire. I remember that in the game world, it seems that there is no one who says that you cannot establish a country?" Xiao Ting Grinning, as soon as these words came out, the faces of all the people who were doing it changed drastically. Soon, their eyes changed from surprise to excitement, and finally, their whole bodies became excited.

"How about Yanhuang's Invincible Under Heaven? Have you contacted Lin Tian?" Yu Chen meant what Xiao Ting said. However, before he is sure and sure, Yu Chen will not say something that cannot be realized. , so, he needs to confirm one thing.

"I've contacted Xiao Lin, and Wudi has not been affected." Shen Mo said with a smile, and seemed to understand more and more what Yuchen wanted to ask.

"Oh? Really?" Hearing this, Yuchen's smile grew stronger.

"It's not only Invincible, Emperor, Iron Blood, Overlord, Shura, they are all free, only our trade union in Xuanyuan Continent..." Xiaobao immediately analyzed the crux of the matter keenly.

"I see. It seems that Emperor Xuanyuan's ability has not spread to Yanhuang. In other words, even if we rebel against Emperor Xuanyuan, we are only rebelling against an empire, not a system!!" Wuxin's eyes suddenly burst into fierce light , and his words made everyone tremble, and a blood-spitting word involuntarily appeared in their minds!

Founding! !

"As long as it's not a system, what's the deal with an empire?" Shen Mo grinned, and everyone present could feel the boiling blood in their bodies. After the World Martial Arts Association, people have become more and more obsessed with games.

"Empire... If it is really possible, we naturally cannot give up the opportunity, but before that, I always feel that the national war is what we need to prepare for now." Yuchen said after a calm analysis, although the establishment The temptation of the empire is great, but at present, what they have to beware of is the national war.

"Ah, the humiliation at the martial arts meeting must be unbearable for those guys, maybe soon...the game world will usher in a world-shattering battle?" Shen Mo said with enthusiasm, thinking of the future Fighting fiercely, the group of fighting madmen couldn't help getting excited.

"However... let's continue to do our business now. Since Emperor Xuanyuan has given us a bad start, let's show them some color!!" Yuchen stood up domineeringly, waved his big hand, and the counterattack began!

After that, Yuchen contacted the major guilds, and then the players began to counterattack. Of course, Yuchen and the others would not do things that would damage their own interests. , the Longxiang Super Union united together and refused to buy anything in Xuanyuan City.

Afterwards, the commercial stores of the major guilds began to sell at various low prices, and the players seemed to have heard the news and boycotted all the things of the Xuanyuan Empire. In this way, the Xuanyuan Empire suffered heavy losses overnight.

Of course, such a counterattack soon spread to Emperor Xuanyuan's ears!


"I am the supreme emperor of the empire, how dare they rebel against me!!" After learning that he had lost immeasurable wealth in one day, Emperor Xuanyuan was furious. All civil and military officials dared not speak for fear of offending Emperor Xuanyuan.

"Your Majesty, calm down. These thieves have already rebelled against the empire. Why don't we kill them all before they rise up!" the prime minister said cautiously.

Emperor Xuanyuan's face was embarrassed when he heard the words, and then he said helplessly like a deflated ball: "Why don't I want to, but..."

"Your Majesty, since we have something to consider, why don't we agree to the request of Ren Xiaoyao and that person and let them kill each other!" The prime minister said.

The emperor's face suddenly became even uglier. In fact, Ren Xiaoyao had already led that person here, but their request made the emperor hesitate. But now, what Yuchen and the others have done has been judged by Emperor Xuanyuan and others Because of the threat of the empire, Emperor Xuanyuan was silent this time.

After a long time, he waved his big hand and his dragon robe flew up: "Let Ren Xiaoyao bring that person to see me!!"


Above the main hall, Emperor Xuanyuan stared out of the palace, with a frightening light shining in his deep eyes, and a ruthless look on his face: "You damn adventurers, I will kill all of you in the cradle, If you let you know the secrets of the empire in advance, I am afraid, things will be even more difficult!!"

In the dark abyss, there are such a group of players who think they have fallen into hell.

They returned from the underworld, and they abandoned all dignity for revenge, and they did not hesitate to do anything! !

"This is a good base, so, how are you going to start now?" In the abyss forest of a certain dark camp, in an ancient castle.

A group of men in black gathered together, their gloomy faces gleaming under the gloomy light.

"How to do it? The old man of Emperor Xuanyuan doesn't seem to want to agree to my conditions very much. Although there will be many fewer opportunities to operate without this advantage, but with that secret weapon, I can also destroy the world. ! However, we are still not strong enough now!"

"Brother Xiyang, your old department is still there. As long as you contact them now and wave your arms, I believe that our chances of making a comeback are infinite!" Gu Jianhun's face was gloomy, and his blood-red eyes were shining with hope.

"I'm already in touch, but it still takes some time." Lin Xiyang said with a cold gaze.

"Damn it, I can't wait!!" Gu Jianhun said angrily.

"Little brother... With the help of Xiyang, you will definitely be able to realize your wish. Now you should study hard with Xiyang..." Gu Yue stepped out with a flirty figure, fiddled with her sexy figure. People are dazzled.

"Boss, boss!!" Just as Gu Jianhun gradually regained his composure, Ren Xiaoyao's familiar voice came from outside the castle cave.

"Xiaoyao, what's the matter?" Gu Jianhun attached great importance to Ren Xiaoyao, so his tone was very gentle.

"Boss, boss..." Ren Xiaoyao was full of excitement, panting heavily.

"Slow down, don't worry!" Gu Jianhun said patiently.

"Emperor Xuanyuan, you have agreed to our request!! Our chance has come!!" Ren Xiaoyao said excitedly. Hearing this, everyone present showed a look of excitement in their eyes.

"Hahahahaha...God is helping me, Yu Wuchen, dream, you just wait for our revenge!!!" The ancient sword soul's crazy laughter echoed in the entire gloomy domination.

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