Xuanyuan Continent....

In the Guangming Camp of Huaxia District, within the imperial palace of Xuanyuan Imperial City, the meeting between Emperor Xuanyuan and a group of mysterious men in black officially started. This can be said to be the first cooperation between players and NPCs in the history of the game.

In a sense, this is a huge threat.

"See His Majesty the Emperor." After learning that Emperor Xuanyuan would agree to his request, Gu Jianhun seemed to see the infinite dawn, and with the terrifying power he had mastered in the dark camp of the Yanhuang Continent, he is now starting to Work hard to manage a force that can compete with dreams and against Yuwuchen!

"You warriors don't need to be too polite." Emperor Xuanyuan smiled, but he was extremely gloomy psychologically. In his opinion, as long as he was an adventurer, he was a great threat to Emperor Xuanyuan. Therefore, the psychological Mian couldn't have any good feelings for the player, but on the surface, he was still very kind. After all, he still needed the power of the ancient sword soul to fight against the threat of Yu Wuchen and other powerful forces.

"Warriors, please sit down." His Majesty the Emperor waved his hand and sat on the dragon chair in the study. He sat upright without anger and majesty. The aura of the emperor radiated, and the whole space seemed to become dull.

However, Gu Jianhun is also the number one master of the dark camp in the Yanhuang Continent after all, and he has experienced so many things, no matter how strong the majesty of the emperor is, for him, he can just ignore it.

Gu Jianhun and others sat down, but no one spoke. Not only Ren Xiaoyao, but also Lin Xiyang followed Gu Jianhun. After everyone sat down, the whole study room was silent. Even Emperor Xuanyuan didn't say a word. hair.

Everyone was so deadlocked in place, so silent, it seemed very strange.

"We really don't want to talk?" In the team formation channel, Ren Xiaoyao, who is a military commander, couldn't understand it. It stands to reason that now is the time to raise conditions with the old guy Xuanyuanhuang, but Lin Xiyang told them to stand still.

The old emperor seemed to be waiting for Gu Jianhun and the others to speak, so he sipped tea in high spirits and sat about his own business.

In this way, one is a whole day.

From dawn to sunset....

As the sun goes down....

Emperor Xuanyuan's patience seemed to have finally reached its limit, and he frowned and asked, "Well, I have underestimated you a little bit. It depends on whether you have the strength?"

"If you can't fight against the dream led by Yu Wuchen, then I didn't take the risk to give you such great benefits, and there is no need to put everything on the impossible!" Emperor Xuanyuan finally said, and He said straight to the point.

"It seems that His Majesty still doesn't have enough trust and confidence in us, but it doesn't matter, one month, just one month, we will let His Majesty see our strength, even if it is not too late to start cooperation at that time, but, I I hope that one more thing is added to the previous conditions, we want the Royal Iron Blood Army for free!!" Gu Jianhun said coldly.

Hearing this, the old emperor's face changed drastically: "Imperial iron-blooded army, ancient sword soul, how dare you say that? That is the strongest army in the empire, and you want it for free?"

Facing the questioning and anger of the emperor's old man, Gu Jianhun remained unmoved: "If Your Majesty is not willing, then we will leave. However, we will only develop our strength in the dark camp. Although we have a grudge against Yu Wuchen, But there is no need to take the risk of being destroyed to serve His Majesty, right?"

The old emperor naturally didn't know that Gu Jianhun's hatred for Yuchen was indelible in this lifetime, for Gu Jianhun, it was immortal!

The old emperor's lungs are exploding. First, there is Yu Wuchen, and now there is an ancient sword soul, but he needs to rely on the player's power to control the battle behind the scenes. After all, the current him cannot actively attack the player's city However, on the contrary, if the player knows the secret he has always wanted to hide, I am afraid that the whole Xuanyuan will be in chaos!

At that time, he will have to face even the players of the whole world, as well as the oppression from the Yanhuang Empire.

Therefore, before these players find out, he must control the power of all the players' cities, and even personally support an existence that can balance the power of the faction!

And the ancient sword soul was selected!

"One month!! I'll give you one month, if you don't meet my requirements, then everything before that will be void!!" Emperor Xuanyuan said angrily.

"No problem! I don't know what His Majesty's request is?" Gu Jianhun has absolute information about this. For this day, he has waited and deployed for a long time, and with the help of Emperor Xuanyuan, he has no reason to fail ,.

"At least you must become a first-class strength! In three days, the northern part of Shennong City in Xuanyuan Continent will refresh a new territory. After holding this lord's order, this territory can become yours in advance!" The emperor's old man has this little authority There are still.

"Thank you, Your Majesty! We will definitely not disappoint His Majesty the Emperor." Gu Jianhun and the others were full of joy, but thanked them quietly, and then left the study.

After they left, the old emperor in the study lost his temper and lifted the entire desk. He was threatened again and again by the players, which made his anger reach a critical point, and he might explode at any time!

"Come on!!"

"Your Majesty..." The guard entered the door.

"Pass down the order and continue to put pressure on the major guilds in the city, except for the blood alliance, give them the most privileged privileges!!" This sentence, the old emperor almost gnashed his teeth!

The Blood Alliance, this is the new Avengers Alliance established by Ancient Sword Soul, a group of terrorist forces established for revenge!

One month, for the ancient sword soul, as long as one month, he will definitely unify the dark camp in the entire Yanhuang Continent.

It seems that the camp of dark forces in Huaxia District is about to encounter an unprecedented huge storm.

However, the real power against Yuchen is not limited to this. On the same day when the emperor summoned the ancient sword soul, such a group of terrifying guys came to this world...

They, Mingyu!

"Is this the world of the game? It's really good. What's more, the most terrifying thing is that the aura is even more abundant than our secret realm. If you practice here, I'm afraid the effect will be twice the result with half the effort!" A group of players wearing coarse linen novice suits , quietly feeling the mystery and magic of this world.

"No wonder, that guy Yuchen can break through in such a short period of time. The aura world with such ample blood in the Yu family is enough for him to break through to the current level. Thinking about it, there is nothing terrible about that guy. Yu Zhan, you are worried. It's too much!" Yu Jue said with a smile.

"Isn't Yu Xing the best example?" Yu Zhan looked at it coldly, and didn't say much. Hearing this, Yu Xing, who was not far away from him, trembled with fear, and then said with a ferocious expression: If I meet him, I will definitely not fail!!"

"Don't be too careless, otherwise, we may be the ones who suffer. Forget it, although Yuchen has never met most of Yu's family, there are many people who support Yuchen's line, even that guy... " A handsome man stood up and said coldly, his words immediately attracted everyone's attention!

This handsome man is named Yu Feng, and he is a leader among the generation of geniuses in the Yu family, second only to Yu Long! !

"Oh, Feng, are you talking about Yu Xingchen?" Yulong seemed to have remembered an important thing.

"Yu Xingchen..." Hearing this, Yu Jiaerlang who was present showed a trace of fear.

Yu Feng nodded with a serious expression on his face.

"That guy, do you think he will be inferior to Yuchen? If he doesn't bother Yuchen, that guy Yuchen will be lucky, even if that person is his big brother..." Yulong didn't seem worried Yu Xingchen, who has the same strength as him, is a mysterious existence in Yu's family...

"However, this world is really very mysterious. I am familiar with it for a day, and within a month, I will build a dreamlike existence in this world! You guys, do you hear me clearly? Do your best to build your own world. Strength!!" Yulong is not a brave man, he is very clear that it is too late for them to start now.

"Yes!" There are more than [-] members of the Yu family who support Yulong's lineage, and each of them is the best among human beings. Together, I'm afraid it will be an incomparably terrifying force.

With the intervention of the Yu family, the conspiracy of the ancient sword soul, and the behind-the-scenes of Emperor Xuanyuan, more and more conspiracies are gradually being forced into Dream, and they seem to form a huge force that threatens Dream invisibly, targeting Yuchen.

However, Yuchen is not so unlucky, some people are silently supporting him!

"Brother Xingchen...Brother Xingchen, Brother Long seems to have started to act." In Yujia, there is a place that is incompatible with the magnificence of Yujia Villa. Here, the surroundings are rural and simple thatched cottages. Before, there was a clear pond, where the most mysterious man of the Yu family, Yu Xingchen, lived.

Yu Xingchen, a figure from the back who is fishing by the river, with a piece of dogtail grass in his mouth, looks wild and unrestrained, his face is a little immature, but also a little stable and mature, his age cannot be seen, but his eyes, as if As deep as it has been for hundreds of years.

"Oh? Have you acted..." Yu Xingchen heard the voice behind him, as if it was facing him, and it seemed to be facing the air.

"Lin, why don't you go, go to which game world, and see if there is anything worthy of my help in him, I don't want a useless big brother to hold back..." After finishing speaking, Yu Xingchen continued Keep fishing, soon, the fish will be hooked...

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