One month passed in the blink of an eye. For the players in the game world, nothing special happened. Of course, the game world is entering a new batch of players, who have become new blood for the major guilds to absorb talents.

And among these people, there is no shortage of capable people. In just one month, they have established an astonishing force. Among them, one is called the blood alliance, and the other is the king!

There is an undercurrent in the game world, but all of this is going on without anyone knowing it. Of course, it is not completely without any rumors and news. After all, the intelligence organizations of the major guilds are not just decorations.

However, when people got these sparse news, it was already a month later, and the first person to discover the changes in the power of the game world was Bao Inquiring, who was called a ghost.

The dream headquarters, the temple, this secret realm is still kept in the hearts of dream brothers until now, and it has not been disclosed to the public. Almost all dream members who come to the temple are the core and are absolutely loyal to dreams.

As for the others, it was Quiet. The guild leaders like Jian Chen knew about it. Of course, Yu Chen deliberately let these guys know. For this, Jian Chen and Jing Jing joined forces to beat Yuchen up. The reason was that they were envious and jealous.

"Hey, the head of the Killing Society actually showed up here when he has time. This is really big news." In the temple, Xiao Bao sneered at the silent and indifferent shadow beside him.

Shadow, Dream Headquarters, head of the Assassination Society, his assassination skills are so proficient that it has reached a heinous level. Except for bts like Yuchen, he can successfully assassinate other masters, even if he encounters a super strong , can also retreat completely, and if he finds an opportunity, he can also give a fatal blow to a master who is several times stronger than himself. This is the method of killing the shadow.

"This is the information you need..." Xiaobao and Shadow have not cooperated for a day or two. Through Killing Society, Xiaobao can quickly learn the information of important people in the game world, and Killing Society can also pass Tianyan learned all the information about the assassination target, even if it was not so well prepared and perfect, it was almost the same.

Shashe and Tianyan are both the most mysterious organizations in the dream. Of course, in the dream, there is a team that is the most terrifying and powerful existence, and that is the God Killing Legion!

Under the leadership of Feng Wu Scar, the terrifying demon, it has grown stronger day by day.

Xiaobao put down everything in his hands, and seriously studied the information in his hand. Only at this time, he would look serious and frown quietly while looking at the information about the information he wanted.

"Why, I still can't find out. A territory has been established in just one month, and there is no news. The terrifying army power is definitely not something that ordinary forces can have. However, we didn't find it before. Moreover, the elders The above-mentioned cadres have not had the slightest rumors, and their president is even more mysterious, how could such a power have not been discovered!!" Xiaobao said in shock.

"Besides, this king's union is too scary, right? In one month, it occupied the western territory of Shennong City, and with only 500 people, it took down a city. This kind of means..." 500 people, Only 500 people took over a territory, it's too crazy, Xiao Bao couldn't suppress the shock in his heart.

"What's so shocking, this kind of thing can be done by the God Killing Legion, and even we can kill the society. Compared with this terrifying king, Xiao Bao, shouldn't you pay more attention to this blood alliance?" Shadow embraced with both hands. , sitting on the seat, said coldly, this guy's murderous aura is stronger than before.

"Blood Alliance?" Hearing this, Xiaobao calmed down. As the leader of a super intelligence organization, how could Xiaobao not understand the key to this. After calming down, his expression became more serious.

"President... the files above the elders are almost blank, and even the name of the lord has never been heard. This Ren Xiaoyao seems to be a military commander. It is said that he used to be an imperial guard in the palace. We did not have such a character before. I've heard of it!" Inside the intelligence organization, Xiaobao said thoughtfully.

"Don't forget, he is the acting president, that is to say, this guy is only superficial," Shadow reminded.

"The blood alliance is too mysterious, and it is precisely because they are so mysterious that they deserve our attention!" Shadow paused, then continued, he seemed to be very vigilant about this blood alliance.

"I see. I'll follow up on this matter myself." Xiao Bao also seemed to have noticed something unusual and asked. This blood alliance, whether it is an enemy or a friend, the dream intelligence team must also put their intelligence first. Time to get it, otherwise, such a terrifying existence has zero knowledge of them. If it is an enemy, it is scary to think about it.

"Then, I'll go first, you boy, it's best to finish it before the boss comes back." After the shadow finished speaking, it disappeared in place.

Leaving Xiao Bao with a wry smile on his face: "Ah, the boss is so kind, why am I so aggrieved as the boss..." Every time I think of a month ago, after Yuchen disappeared with a group of girls, the dream of the big boss... Veteran cadres will look up 90 degrees to the sky, cursing the most respected man in their hearts, Yuchen, who will die from exhaustion...

At the same time that Xiaobao started his actions, super unions such as Longxiang, Fengwu, Floating Life in the End Times, Misty Rain Jiangnan, Shura, Emperor, Legend, etc. also began to investigate the blood alliance and the king...

However, these trivial matters did not attract the attention of most people until one day, after an unimaginable thing happened, people began to pay attention, blood alliance and king! !

However, these are all things to say later, the picture is fleeting, where did our Yuda beast go in a month?

There are mountains, rivers and girls...

This is the life of Yuda animals, hugging left and right, and the days when beautiful women are in their arms. In this month, Yuchen can be said to have thoroughly enjoyed it. With Yihan, Xuan'er, Ruoxue, Qingcheng, Yanran, Yuchen Chen and the others visited almost all the places of interest and scenic spots in the world.

Wherever he went, Yuchen was the focus of everyone's attention. Fortunately, the girls covered their faces, and Yuchen had a mask of the sky, so he could change his information and face at will, which also saved a lot of trouble. However, this The focus of attention is a bit different. Everyone looks at Yuchen as if they want to eat it.

On this day, Yuchen took a few girls all the way to visit the mountains and rivers, trekking long distances. It took Yuchen and the others a month to complete the Yanhuang Continent, which originally only took about half a day to reach...

When passing by Sin City, Yuchen was also very low-key. After meeting Wuqing, he went straight to Yanhuang. It is worth mentioning that the current Sin City has been invincible. Several super unions in Yanyu Jiangnan divided up, and Wuqing is the person in charge here. After all, he is familiar with this place. As for the division, it only distinguishes the areas of interest for everyone. Of course, many of the remaining areas belong to the public. These trade unions also get along very harmoniously, so far, there has been no dispute.

Yanhuang Continent....

"Finally back here again..." Looking at the majestic and bustling imperial city of the Yanhuang Continent, Yuchen couldn't help but sigh with emotion. For Yuchen, the Yanhuang Continent is his life. The turning point is also the turning point of his fate.

The girls showed yearning looks, especially when they heard Yuchen's story about Yanhuang, their hearts were filled with longing, even though it was not the first time they heard about it...

During that time, Yuchen experienced great joy and sorrow, great ups and downs, loneliness and desolation, until he rose... He performed a wonderful life, even if Yuchen has everything now, he created it himself.

So, Quiet, Jian Chen and the others don't have a trace of hatred towards the incomparably outstanding Yuchen, some are just jealous, but more of them are gratified, which is why their relationship is so good.

"First of all, let's go back to Wudi..." For Yuchen, there are too many worries there.

Walking on the familiar streets, teleporting from the imperial city to invincible....

The bustling street was full of people, and soon, Yuchen and the others came to the headquarters of Invincible Under Heaven...

When Yuchen and his group of handsome men and beauties appeared in front of the guards, they immediately attracted a lot of attention, and then Yuchen took the girls directly into the dream without any hindrance.

The people around were extremely surprised... When they saw that the guards did not stop them, they showed fascination again. Everyone knew what invincibility under heaven represented, and that was the dream branch of the No. [-] guild in the game world!

Even Yuchen was a little surprised at this hotness, but when he saw that the guards were NPCs, he seemed to understand. It seems that NPCs have the ability to discern. Yuchen and the others are the badges of the dream of the Invincible Headquarters, and they will not stop them if they want to come to the guards.

"Huh? What's going on..." After Yuchen entered, he found that there was hardly a core member inside Wudi.

Ever since, he randomly grabbed someone and asked, "Brother, why isn't Lin Tian here?"

The invincible member looked at Yuchen with a surprised face. It seemed that he had never seen Yuchen in his image. After glancing at the girls behind him, his eyes fluctuated slightly, and he quickly came back to his senses: " Are you?? New here??"

Hearing this, Yuchen smiled and almost forgot that his appearance had changed, so when he recovered, the member became excited when he saw Yuchen's real face!

"Boss, boss, you are back!!" Seeing Yuchen's familiar face, this member was extremely excited. Yuchen's face will never be forgotten in his whole life. This is this man who grew up from scratch. , Developed the small trade union at the beginning into the overlord of the world! !

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