"This place belongs to our blood alliance. Didn't I tell you? Why are you doing it now?"

"Don't, don't kill me, ahhh!!"

In the quiet resource area, there were chilling screams. As far as the eye could see, there were countless corpses piled up on the ground where the blood flowed into a river. These days, the Blood Alliance committed countless crimes of killing. In just three days Over time, the number of deaths in Huaxia District has risen to tens of millions, and this number is still growing.

In the resource of building materials and wood, a group of mysterious men in black were uniformly dressed. After killing the last leader of this small union, they began to arrange for people to pack up the loot.

"You stay here, we go to the next area!" The leading men in black walked on the mountain of corpses, their expressions did not show the slightest discomfort, on the contrary, they were full of ferocious smiles.

Not long after the group left, a thief hiding in the darkness with a dream symbol on his chest took out a communicator...

The Mineral Resource Area of ​​the Chasing Wind Union. These days, the Chasing Wind Union has been struggling to sleep and eat. Their staff is no more than [-], and most of them are friends from the company. This union is formed for fun. The labor union, which is not good enough at the top and not very good at the bottom, is in deep water because of the relationship of the blood alliance.

On this day, more than 3 people were all stationed in their resource area. This mineral resource area is the only working capital to maintain their union. Here, Mengmeng generously allocated it to them. Otherwise, it would be difficult for a small union like them Survive.

"Boss, are you nervous?" A giant warrior holding a huge ax looked awkwardly at the brothers and sisters behind them.

Zhuifeng frowned, his palms and backs were covered in cold sweat: "It would be a lie to say that you are not nervous, if this resource area is lost..." Zhuifeng didn't finish, everyone knew what it meant, Zhuifeng The trade unions, their carefully run home, may be declared dead.

"Hope, Mengmeng can come to save us." The vice president is Zhuifeng's real girlfriend, Qing Wu, a hot and sexy woman. Not long ago, she had sent a distress signal to Mengmeng.

"Hehe, I hope so." Zhuifeng and the others didn't have much expectation, after all, they were just a small trade union, an insignificant small trade union, how could dreams help them?

They don't have much money, so why should people help them for no reason?

Therefore, they have no idea.

Many people are silent. For three years, Rewrite Life has been running for three years. They protect this resource carefully, and the union is as warm as their home.

"They're here!" Just when everyone was silent in the warmth of the past, a sentence from the scout in front broke their warm picture and returned to reality, no, back to the game...

"Brothers, no matter what happens after today, we will always be brothers and sisters!!" Zhui Feng froze and pointed his sword at the sky!

"Death is to die together!!" The cry of united will reverberated in the entire mine area, and their figures were stretched by the setting sun for a long, long time...

Black clothing has almost become the symbol of the blood alliance, and it has been avoided by countless people. When the figures of this group of people appeared in front of everyone in the Chasing Wind Guild, the players of the Chasing Wind Guild turned pale. They were mentally prepared, but when the war really came, they still couldn't help trembling.

"Hey, you've gathered together, are you ready to die?" said a small leader of the blood alliance. After all, it was just to eliminate such a small union. There were not many people from the blood alliance, only ten thousand. However, their real fighting power was that The power of the Hundred-Men Demon Soldiers and Demon Soldiers has already shocked the major guilds, and it can be said that they are like thunder.

"People of the blood alliance, you will suffer retribution sooner or later!! Look, in a short time, you will become insignificant characters in the long river of history... Your demise will happen sooner or later!" In a catastrophe, although Zhuifeng was nervous, he couldn't control that much anymore. In order to give himself courage, these words almost roared out.

Hearing this, the little leader of the blood alliance was furious: "Before then, you will turn into dust in the sand, demon soldiers, kill them!!"

There is no need for people from the Blood Alliance to do anything. A hundred magic soldiers are enough to deal with these players. After the magic soldiers got the order, they started their cruel killing. In front of the mine, the scene of blood stains began!

A level 300 magic soldier, with personal strength, is enough to defeat thousands of players below level 200. In the Chasing Wind Union, there are no more than 200 people who can fight against the magic soldier. However, among these people, only a few can kill the magic soldier Few, this is the power of the magic soldier.

If there is no strength stronger than the magic soldier, then the tyrannical resilience of the magic soldier will only make everyone sigh. Therefore, the entire battlefield has become an extremely miserable scene.

More than a hundred demon soldiers came out together, causing countless casualties!

"Everyone, don't be chaotic, keep the formation, these magic soldiers are not very intelligent, as long as we stay calm and keep the formation, we can defeat them! Knights set up shields, archers and mages prepare, thieves and warriors stun them!" Qing Wu can Being the vice president is not because of his hot and sexy body, but because of his real commanding ability.

Sure enough, under Qing Wu's command, the originally chaotic battlefield became orderly, and the offensive of the magic soldiers was gradually repulsed. Although they were strong and the chance of dizziness was very small, thousands of thieves Sap, Thousands of warriors charge, with flame knives, there is always a chance of success!

Gradually, the chasing wind union actually gained the upper hand.

"Demon soldiers, what are you doing, kill them all quickly!!" The little leader was a little angry, seeing that these people blocked the blood alliance's magic soldiers, he immediately became furious.

However, when he saw Qing Wu's hot and sexy figure, the gleam in his eyes betrayed his heart, so he made a decision: "In 5 minutes, kill them! Kill!"

It was said that the members of the blood alliance did not dare to say anything, but in this way, the pressure on the chasing wind union was even greater. The addition of the little leader brought another huge change to the battle. In the blink of an eye, thousands of people from the Chasing Wind Union fell into a pool of blood.

"Everyone, don't mess around, they only have 1 people, we can definitely do it!!" Qing Wu's cry echoed in people's ears.

"Beauty? What do you think you can do?" But the moment Qing Wu finished speaking, a little leader in black appeared in front of him, and he suddenly grabbed Qing Wu's hand, and his body was even closer On Qing Wu's sexy shuangfeng.

"Qingwu!" Seeing this, Zhuifeng was furious.

"Miss Qingwu!"

"Use Thunder Punishment Quickly!!" Seeing Qing Wu being humiliated, everyone said anxiously.

Qing Wu was full of grievances: "Thunder punishment is not allowed." At this moment, Qing Wu was already so angry that tears fell out.

"Hey hey hey, I'm a boxer by profession, and my hands are weapons, so the system judges that everything I do is an attack, hahahaha!!" The little leader laughed sinisterly, his face full of excitement, the pair of giant *ru But clearly presented in front of him, the abyss simply fascinates him.

"I'm going to kill you!!" Zhuifeng was already dazed with rage, and he directly charged at the little leader, but just after rushing out, the magic soldier cut his chest with an axe, and Zhuifeng's eyes suddenly enlarged. ...

A fatal blow floats overhead...


"Chasing the wind!" The players in the trade union burst into tears.

"Damn blood alliance, I'm fighting with you!!" A cadre ignited the light of self-destruction in anger, and then countless people followed suit. Dozens of those who were not afraid of death blew themselves up instantly, killing thousands of people in the blood alliance.

"You bastards are moving. I took off this woman's clothes. Don't doubt, my ability is fine!" The little leader said angrily. Hearing this, the people around did not dare to move anymore, even begging for death.

"You despicable bastard!"

"You are not a man!"

"It is precisely because I am a man that I chose to arrest this woman!" The little leader said in a terrified tone.

The players of the Chasing Wind Union were furious, but there was nothing they could do. At the moment when they were helpless, suddenly, a black light flickered in front of Chasing Wind's hands.

In the next second, the little leader's eyes were dull, and he roared suddenly: "Ahhhhh, it hurts so much!!"

"I've known for a long time that the blood alliance is full of scum, but I didn't expect that there are people as thick-skinned as you, who are worthy of being produced by the blood alliance." In the empty space, there was a icy chill, and the figure of a thief slowly appeared In front of people, on his chest, the symbol of dreams is engraved.

"It's a dream!!"

"Oh my god, it's really a dream. They came to save us!" The players of the Chasing Wind Union wept with joy when they saw this. Unexpectedly, the dream really came to save them.

"Are you okay?" Zhuiying glanced at Qingwu, his expression didn't change at all, after cutting off the little leader's hands, his stern face was full of murderous intent.

Qing Wu blushed, and said shyly, "No, it's all right..."

"Ahhhh, I want you to die!!" The little leader lost his hands, his bloodshot eyes became even more angry, and he roared to tear Chasing Shadow into pieces.

Chasing Shadow was unmoved, looked at the little leader sternly, and said coldly: "How dare you speak so boldly when you are about to die!"

"Do it!" With Shadow's order, countless sharp edges suddenly burst out in the surrounding air, and in an instant, the roars of countless people came to mind in front of the entire mine.

"Demon soldier, hurry up, hurry up!!" The little leader said dumbfounded. He didn't understand when the enemy appeared, and it was so powerful.

"Your magic soldiers? Hehe, I'm sorry. They've been burned in clusters!" When the little leader saw that his magic soldiers were connected in a string by a ten-meter long spear, he was already startled and speechless. It is a spear warrior of the giant race!

"The hunt has already begun, Blood Alliance!!" The team leader Zhui Ying grinned, the bloodthirsty and excited smile made the little leader tremble uncontrollably.

(one more)

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