"Now, the hunting has begun~" Zhuiying's smile echoed in the little leader's mind. Of course, these were the last words he heard during the battle, because Zhuiying's dagger had already harvested his life.

The players of the blood alliance were defeated under the siege of thousands of elites, and the hunting team did not spare any of them, killing them all.

The players of the Chasing Wind Guild were still silent in shock, looking at the scene where the blood flowed into a river and piled up like a mountain, they were silent for a long time, I don't know how long it took before they came back to their senses, their eyes were full of superpowers The hunting team formed by the trade union...

Looking at the burly bodies and their resolute cheeks, a kind of light called yearning glowed in these people's hearts. The setting sun shone brightly, and the people of the hunting team, on this blood-stained battlefield, were incomparable. handsome...

After a long time, Qing Wu finally recovered from the shock, and she came to Zhui Ying with a blushing face: "Thank you, thank you, I didn't expect that the dream really came..." Qing Wu thanked her very sincerely From the bottom of my heart, I thought that they were doomed this time, but I didn't expect that Dream really came to save them.

Chaying was very calm, even though there was a big beautiful woman with a hot figure in front of him, but he was still unmoved, facing Qingwu's thank you, he said lightly: "It's nothing, if you want to thank, thank everyone , this time, you don’t know us.”

Hearing this, Qing Wu took a look at them, and sure enough, the symbols on these people's chests were not just dreams, but also the super elites of the trade unions such as Long Xiang, Feng Wu, Doomsday Floating Life, Misty Rain Jiangnan and so on. After the distress signal, the hunting team had already started to act, but they also killed a blood alliance force on the way, so there was a little delay. It can be said that Chasing Wind was forced to drop a level for nothing.

But this is no longer important to the players of the Chasing Wind Guild. Even the revived Chasing Wind himself thinks it is worth it in exchange for the survival of the entire union.

Chasing Shadow and the others didn't stay for too long, because, as he said, the hunting had already begun. At this moment, the land of Huaxia had already started a frenzied killing. This hunting that was prevented by superpowers represented , Their crusade and anger against the Blood Alliance!

Of course, Chasing Shadow and their hunt had just begun.

In this troubled battlefield, the killing continues!

"Stop, this is the territory of our blood alliance, get out if you don't want to die!" In another battlefield, a group of ten people appeared in the building materials area occupied by the blood alliance. These ten people faced the arrogant blood alliance without a word, and the answer to them was , a cold attack.

"Dare to come here to find trouble, brothers. Kill them!!" Seeing that the other party was the first to attack, the members of the blood alliance shouted violently without saying a word. Immediately afterwards, thousands of men in black surrounded the team of only ten people.

"Dragon Colt...the number of opponents..." A player named Long Zhan glanced around, there were thousands of people densely packed, surrounding them airtightly.

Longju is the captain of the hunting team this time. However, their hunting team is different from the rest. Of course, among these hunting teams, there is even one person acting alone. Groups, groups of thousands of people.

And these ten people are just one of them, a hunting team of ten people.

"Hmph, boy, are you afraid now? It's too late, brothers, kill them!" The blood alliance players thought they were afraid, and their expressions became arrogant.

Long Zhan grinned: "I just want to say, you guys are not enough for us to kill!"

"Fart your mother, brothers, let these scumbags know how powerful our blood alliance is!" Thousands of people yelled, and the battle began. These ten people moved, and their movements were extremely fierce. The player had his head cut off on the spot.

The ten people are combined together seamlessly, any attack is defeated by them one by one, and they can find the right time to fight back. In the blink of an eye, hundreds of people died in their hands. Their formation It also continued to move forward, leaving behind the corpses of the men in black wherever they passed.

At this time, the people of the blood alliance realized that the players in front of them were not something they could fight against.

"Damn it, demon soldiers, now is the time for you to play!" Seeing the defenders die one by one, the little leader didn't dare to confront them head-on, but took out the hundred-man demon soldiers here.

The appearance of hundreds of demon soldiers immediately boosted the momentum of the blood alliance, and the remaining players of the blood alliance began to shout excitedly, but they didn't know that the scythe of death had already begun to wave at them.

"This is the magic soldier in the legend, and there are quite a few of them." Long Ju glanced at these magic soldiers. As strong men, they could clearly feel the terrifying evil spirit emanating from these monsters. The eyes of these monsters were as cold as from hell.

"Now I know I'm afraid! It's too late, demon soldiers, kill them!" Hundreds of demon soldiers were dispatched directly, and the sound of their running and heavy footsteps made the whole ground tremble.

"Hmph, let me see if these magic soldiers are as rumored!" Long Ju stood up.

Seeing someone challenge the magic soldier, the little leader sneered: "You are courting death!"

"It's you who are dead!" Long Ju yelled violently, his whole body was full of light, and the giant sword in his hand glowed with a strong light, which was the precursor to the activation of the skill.

"Big Crack!!" Long Ju slashed down with his sword, and the entire ground instantly cracked, and those running magic soldiers lost their balance instantly. At this time, Long Ju's partner showed his mighty side, and he shot in an instant, just a face-to-face Suddenly, ten demon soldiers turned into rubble and disappeared between the heaven and the earth!

"Who are these guys..." The little leader was shocked when he saw this, as if he still underestimated the strength of this group of people, "You smashers, let them all come here, let you see and see, our Tenglong Legion That's amazing!" Longju pointed his sword at the members of the blood alliance, full of pride.

"Tenglong..." Hearing this, the players of these blood alliances all showed horror. It is said that the Longxiang Union, the strongest team, and the Tenglong Legion have disappeared for several years. Unexpectedly, they still exist, and, Still so strong.

Shock is shock, but the resistance is still going on, the blood alliance forces are constantly disintegrating, and such things continue to happen on the entire battlefield.

dream headquarters.

Wu Xin and Shen Mo stood at the highest place, which is their favorite place, because here they can see the whole dream city, and every time they stand here, there is always a sense of pride in their hearts.

"This time, it must make Gu Jianhun's heart hurt a bit, right?" Wuxin said with a smile.

"Of course, the elites selected by Yanhuang Xuanyuan's strongest guild, a thousand hunting teams, and even a lot of people in our God Killing Legion acted alone. This time, let Gu Jianhun know that we are not easy to mess with .” Silence said sonorously.

"However, there is no news from Yuchen and the others..." Wuxin said with some melancholy.

Shen Mo frowned, didn't speak, stared into the distance, and said after a long time: "Hehe, Wuxin, sometimes, don't you think we rely too much on Yuchen?"

Hearing this, Wuxin was taken aback for a moment, then nodded: "Ah, yes."

"Hehe, so this time, let's try it!" In fact, the two people standing here are not weaker than Yuchen in talent, and their leadership ability is even higher than Yuchen's. It is a fact that a certain person's personal charm can guide the audience, and Yuchen is such a person.

"Ah, this time, let us protect everything!" Unlimited self-confidence also emerged in Wuxin's heart.

The war lasted for three days. In just three days, the hunting team crazily slaughtered the blood alliances, causing the blood alliances' power in the light camp to drop sharply. Many blood alliance strongholds were completely destroyed and suffered heavy losses. Bright battlefield.

And all of this is just the power of the tip of the iceberg used by the super powerful trade union...

After being defeated by the United Hunting Team, the forces of the Blood Alliance remained silent, and the entire continent returned to calm once, but everyone knew that this was just the eve of the storm.

The dark camp, the mysterious demon hall, except for the secret method, outsiders cannot enter here at all, and this is also the headquarters of the blood alliance, and it is also where the ancient sword soul is located.

"In the past three days, we have lost a lot of resource areas, and the number of deaths has reached 80. The magic soldiers have all been wiped out, a total of [-]." The sunset is reporting the information after the war.

"Hehe, Xiyang, don't talk about these spoilers, come and drink." Gu Jianhun didn't seem to care about the defeat of the past few days.

"Hehe, Brother Gu is indeed a person who does great things, but he still doesn't change his face until now." Salted Duck Dan said with a smile.

"I can't say that. In fact, it was originally a resource of the light camp. How can we lose it? As for the sacrificed people, if they have money, how much do they want, magic soldiers? Hahahaha, I have a lot, of course, If the opponent doesn't even have this means, then wouldn't the next battle be a lot less fun?" Gu Jianhun, a lunatic, really couldn't use common sense to judge.

The setting sun stopped talking, the current Gu Jianhun is crazy, arrogant, arrogant, no one exists in his eyes, and the setting sun certainly will not remind him at this time, even if he said it, it would be It's just boring yourself.

"Hahaha, it seems that cooperating with Brother Gu is indeed the right choice. Cheers to our grand plan and dominance!!" Salted Duck Dan raised his wine glass in pain, and the people around him also booed.

"By the way, brother Gu, is Yu Wuchen dead?" Salty duck's pain actually really wanted to meet this legendary figure.

"Him? Probably not..." Gu Jianhun smiled.

Hearing this, Salty Duck's painful expression changed, and Gu Jianhun continued: "I'm afraid, they are enjoying the hell's dinner now... Hahahahahaha..."

(Tomorrow it will start five more)

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