"Be resentful, be angry, vent all your unwillingness..."

The words of the Demon God echoed in the ears of Gu Jianhun. In the past, Gu Jianhun could maintain the last rationality to reject the request of the Demon God, but this time, he couldn't do it. Yes, he was blinded by desire and let hatred Filling his heart, the desire to take revenge constantly stimulated Gu Jianhun to wipe out the last sliver of reason.

"Come on, dedicate your soul to me completely, and I can give you infinite power, and even let you destroy the whole world!" That seductive voice echoed in the ancient sword soul again. heart...

"Power...the power to destroy the world, I want power!!"

"No, you can't, you will completely lose yourself like this, and become a puppet controlled by the demon god, you can't be a puppet, you are the proud young master of the ancient family!!" Two voices kept wandering in the heart of the ancient sword soul , in fact, from the moment Gu Jianhun released the Demon God's soul, he knew that the Demon God possessing him would one day devour him. Therefore, Gu Jianhun has always been resisting the powerful lure.

But now, the reluctance and anger in his heart are constantly impacting his last rationality, and the Demon God is also taking this opportunity to add fuel and jealousy, wanting to completely control the body of the ancient sword soul, and then resurrect with a new posture .

"What's wrong? What are you still hesitating about? As long as you have this power, you can take revenge and realize your ambitions. Come on...give your soul to me, and I can give you great power..." The voice of the demon god once again echoed in Gu Jianhun's mind.

"Power....I want power...Give me your power!! I want revenge, I want revenge on the whole world!" In the end, the last sliver of reason was completely drowned in hatred, Gu Sword Soul's heart became a piece of darkness.

"Tsk tsk tsk..." The demon god's strange laughter echoed in Gu Jianhun's mind at this moment...

"President, Yu Wuchen, you bastard!!" The revived Ren Xiaoyao's eyes were bloodshot, and he kept shouting. Cut by the sword, of course, Yuchen's actions did anger the entire blood alliance.

Even if it was death, they were not afraid. More and more people rushed towards Yu Wuchen's position.

Looking at the ancient sword soul who was kneeling on the ground and had no fighting spirit, Yuchen had a calm face, let out a long sigh of relief, and suddenly turned to everyone. Seeing Yuchen's eyes looked at himself, everyone in the blood alliance , stopped almost instantly, not daring to take another step forward.

Because, the man in front of him is too strong, and his methods are cruel.

Yuchen walked step by step to where Jian Chen and the others were, swept away the 600 million people present, and said coldly: "Listen, people of the Blood Alliance, if you want to fight, we will carry on with our dreams, but I hope you will not regret it." , against our dreams, against all trade unions in the entire light camp!"

"Lao Mo, Jian Chen, Bai Long, let's go..." Before leaving, Yu Chen said indifferently after glancing at the ancient sword soul who had no fighting spirit.

Mo Lishang nodded, and opened the door of space...

Seeing that Yuchen and the others were about to leave, the members of the blood alliance would naturally not agree. Ren Xiaoyao even asked everyone to attack, and the scolding resounded even more in the valley.

"Yu Wuchen, you're paralyzed and want to leave, grass! Brothers, kill him~!"

"You guys, do you really want to die that much?" Yuchen's black knife made the appearance of falling to the ground, as long as this group of people dared to take a step forward, Yuchen would not mind giving them a big gift, and they would be buried in anger.

When Yuchen released his arrogance, many people couldn't help but took a step back. Due to Yuchen's fierce reputation, many people were shaken at this moment.

"Remember what I said..." Yuchen glanced at everyone with a cold look, and then said to Mo Lishang and the others: "Let's go..."

A group of four people slowly walked into the door of space, 600 million people, no one dared to stop, this is the prestige of the strongest man in the world.

"Yu Wuchen...do you want to leave now? Isn't the show just beginning?" But just as Yuchen and the others were about to leave, the voice of Gu Jianhun came into their ears.

"Do you still want to fight?" Yu Chen turned around and said with some doubts.

"Hahahaha, hahaha... Good show, this is just the beginning!!" Gu Jianhun stood up from the ground, and the faces of the people around him changed drastically. His feet were clearly cut off by Yuchen, How could it be possible to stand up.

"You can still stand up!" Yuchen said in surprise, Yuchen knew very well the ability of the black knife, Gu Jianhun's feet must have been useless.

After Gu Jianhun stood up, he didn't speak. The moment he raised his head to look at Yuchen and the others, the faces of Yuchen, Jianchen, Bailong, Molishang and the others changed drastically. What kind of eyes did they have, why, now Ancient Sword Soul can still show such a firm gaze.

"I... want... to kill... you, even if I give my soul to the devil!!" With the intermittent voice of the ancient sword soul, the body of the ancient sword soul underwent a huge change.

A black magic circle flashed around him, black mysterious runes appeared on his body, and a light appeared on his forehead. At this moment, his aura was surging violently.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!" However, Gu Jianhun seemed to be in pain, his whole body was wriggling, and it seemed like something was about to come out of his body.

"That guy's mask..." Jian Chen took a look, and was surprised to find that the mask of the ancient sword soul started to condense on his cheeks again, and the body of the ancient sword soul was unexpectedly swelling.

"What happened..." Not only Yuchen and the others, but also the players of the blood league around them couldn't understand. The changes in the ancient sword soul in front of them were so strange that they were a little afraid.

Yu Chen frowned and looked at Gu Jianhun, but didn't speak, but looked at Jian Chen and said, "Did you feel it?"

Jian Chen on the side didn't seem surprised at all, and answered Yu Chen's question decisively: "I feel it, it was at that time..."

"The breath of the demon god." Bai Long said with a frown.

"This bastard can't be..." Mo Lishang suddenly thought of a certain possibility, and suddenly felt that the gaffe had changed from what it was before. The current Ancient Sword Soul might not be the original Ancient Sword Soul anymore.

"You guessed right, this guy is really related to the demon god..." In fact, Yuchen had suspected Gu Jianhun from the very beginning, how he controlled the tens of thousands of demon soldiers and generals, and now, this guy The answer is already there.

Yuchen, who had just left, suddenly turned around and returned to the original place, looked at the ancient sword soul, and the gate of space also slowly disappeared, because this sudden scene made everyone curious to know what happened .

"Hahahaha, hahahaha, hahahaha, finally revived!!!" The ancient sword soul, who fell to the ground in pain, was covered with black rays of light. After a burst of painful wailing, he stood up, stood on the spot, and looked up to the sky Long laugh.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Gu Jianhun's expression suddenly turned cold after burning his fighting spirit again, and he let out a loud shout.

"Hey hey hey...hey hey hey" Gu Jianhun looked at the land in front of him and gave a gloomy smile.

"You are not the ancient sword soul!!" Yu Chen stood against the wind, standing in front of the ancient sword soul, and said with awe-inspiring expression.

The ancient sword soul shook his head, grinning with sharp fangs: "Drink!!"

However, what everyone didn't expect was that Gu Jianhun suddenly launched an attack. His speed was so fast that everyone's expressions changed drastically.

"Boss, Yuchen be careful!!" Mo Lishang and the others burst into shouts almost at the same time, that guy Gu Jianhun had already come in front of Yuchen.

"It's so fast." Yuchen didn't expect that the ancient sword soul would attack suddenly, and the speed was so fast that he didn't even have time to react. When Yuchen came back to his senses, the magic claw had already come to his before.

With a hard slap, Yuchen's whole body flew out.

"You brat, you actually dare to destroy my demon statue. Now is the time to kill you. You who possess the power of the ancient dragon Taixu, although you are still very weak, are still a threat to me. ...." Gu Jianhun looked at the direction Yuchen flew out with a gloomy face and a smile.

On the smoky ground, Yuchen put his feet on the ground, supported his body with one hand, and on the other hand, there was already a black sword ghost: "What a powerful force, it is a demon god!!" Yuchen is almost sure, now His ancient sword soul is just a puppet dominated by the demon god.

"Gu Jian Hun, you are really going to make trouble for us." Yu Chen shook his head helplessly. In just that moment, he clearly felt the terrifying power of the Demon God.

"Little ghost, I know you are not dead yet, come out, so that I can completely destroy you, so as to fulfill the wish of the master." Under the gloomy cheeks of the ancient sword soul now, what is hidden is the demon god. False face.

"You want me to die...I'm afraid you will pay a big price, right? Demon God?" Yuchen said with a smile, with the corners of his mouth raised, and there was excitement in his words, "Little devil, I know You are the strongest among human beings, but now you are too weak to be my opponent at all, it is so easy for me to kill you!" Gu Jianhun grinned.

"Oh? Really? Then I'm going to ask Lord Demon God to teach me how to kill me easily!!" Yuchen's words were full of provocation.

There was a strong smell of gunpowder in the air.

(three more)

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