"Little ghost, you will pay the price for what you said!" The demon god grinned, and ferocious horns grew on the top of Gu Jianhun's head, and some special changes were also taking place in his body.

"You can give it a try!!" The emergence of the Demon God and occupying the player's body is a very surprising thing to most people. Moreover, the impact of the birth of the Demon God is still unknown.

"Yuchen, do you need our help?" Jian Chen was also eager to try. In the devil's lair, they have suffered a lot from the demon god.

"No, I'm very uneasy, I always feel like something will happen..." After the demon god appeared, the uneasiness in Yuchen's heart became more and more intense, and he always felt that something they couldn't predict would happen.

"Hahahaha, kid, you are very smart. The moment I am resurrected, it means that the whole world will undergo earth-shaking changes." The ancient sword soul possessed by the demon god said with a grin.

Sure enough, as the voice of the demon god fell, there was a shocking ding-dong sound from the originally silent sky. People are all too familiar with this sound. It has been so long that everyone may not remember it clearly. It is the system's world announcement! !

"Ding dong, ding dong..."

"The player possessed by the demon god wakes up, rewrites his life for xx years, and enters the era of the demon god. The system will undergo a super update in one hour. All players are asked to log off in advance.!"

"Ding dong, please pay attention to all players, please pay attention to all players, the demon god has awakened, and is about to enter the era of the demon god's troubled times. The system will perform a super update in history in one hour. All players are requested to log off in advance within 50 minutes ...."

The system's update prompts several times in a row, at this moment, resounded through the entire sky!

"The system has been updated..."

"What is a demon god?"

"How did the system update? So suddenly, why is the demon god able to possess the player's body? The era of the demon god in troubled times, what is that!!" Almost instantly, voices of discussion resounded from every corner of the world. The players of the world brought shock.

However, this time, there are also game natives who cannot stay out of the matter.

"The system has been updated..." Yuchen murmured, and the uneasy premonition in his heart became more and more intense. Looking at the face in front of him that was about to change beyond recognition, Yuchen fell silent.

"Little ghost, what's the matter? Are you starting to be afraid because of my power?" Of course, the Demon God didn't hear the system prompt, and was puzzled by the discussions and blankness of the people around him, thinking that Yuchen was afraid.

"Devil God, what the hell are you?" As for the game data, everything about the Demon God may not be known until after the game is updated.

"Little ghost, are you ready to accept the punishment of the demon god?" Gu Jianhun's body has undergone a complete change. On the joints of his two arms, there are red barb-like spurs, and his body has also become Standing three meters tall, the red hair is even more shawl, and the whole body is filled with blood red.

"Let me learn the magic tricks of the demon god! First of all, I don't like to suffer!" After speaking, Yuchen's eyes were awe-inspiring, and his expression froze, and he disappeared in an instant. The ultra-high-speed teleportation was amazingly fast.

After leaving a gorgeous afterimage, Yuchen took the lead in attacking.

"Furious rage!!"

In just the first meeting, Yuchen used the power of anger that he was proud of. Among the few anger skills, Tian Chong can be said to be Yuchen's favorite skill, the terrifying and violent flame slash, It attacked the body of the Demon God Statue almost instantly, but the Demon God did not dodge, maybe it couldn't, maybe it had another purpose.

Under people's watchful eyes, the demon god's body was thrown hundreds of meters away by the impact of the angry sky, and a gust of wind and clouds was left on the ground, causing the surrounding people to gasp.

The players of the blood alliance were already shocked by the changes of Gu Jianhun. Now many people are at a loss as to what happened to Gu Jianhun's body. They don't want to leave or stay. After all, the system will be updated soon.

So, things are getting more and more complicated.

"Little devil!! Use your real power, this power will have no effect on this deity!!" In the shocking eyes of everyone, the demon god threw it into the sky after resisting the sky rush hundreds of meters. ..

Everyone who watched was dumbfounded.

"Unexpectedly... unexpectedly able to defend against the boss's angry sky, and even bounce it away, this guy..." Mo Lishang's expression changed drastically. Unexpectedly, the possessed ancient sword soul was so powerful.

"This guy, I'm afraid he is no longer the Ancient Sword Soul." Jian Chen said with a gloomy face, he also felt that something was wrong.


"It's hard to say, let's read on, there is still an hour." Jian Chen said coldly, they knew too little about the Demon God.

"He's about to attack." Bailong watched the battlefield, and suddenly noticed the demon god's move, "Damn!!"

In the arena, there was the sound of weapons colliding. However, the Demon God did not use a weapon. It was his ferocious fingernails that confronted Heidao. It was amazing that the nails could confront Guiche.

"I'm so angry!!!"

Naturally, Yuchen would not give up his attack because of the demon god's words. With the continuous release of anger, the demon god's body was instantly submerged in the black sea of ​​flames. The powerful force made the demon god's body retreat continuously. .

"Monster Phantom Step!!"

The upgraded version of Yaoxia Shining, with faster speed, faster afterimages, faster killing, the demon god who is constantly being attacked by the angry sky, seems to have never thought that Yuchen would appear in front of him at this time behind.

"Raging to the Sky Slash!!" The difference from the Raging to the Sky is that the Raging to the Sky is an upgraded version of the Sky Rush, which is more powerful and more destructive.The Demon God, who had received a powerful slash on his back, let out a roar, and the entire black fire suddenly exploded, shooting straight into the sky, which was shocking to watch.

"Star magic step!!" However, Yuchen's attack did not end because of this, he suddenly used the magic step to rush towards the sky, and stretched out his right hand: "The brilliance of the stars!"

At the end of the valley, it was clearly broad daylight, but countless shining stars appeared. These stars were extremely bright. Under everyone's gaze, Yuchen suddenly burst into tears, and countless stars formed meteors and rushed towards the Demon God.

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!!"

The sound of roaring and explosions continuously resounded through the end of the valley, and the surrounding players were already stunned. Is this the strength of Killing God Yu Wuchen?This is the power possessed by the strongest man in the world.

People were deeply shocked, they could see yearning in his eyes, even though Yuchen was their enemy.

"Huh." Yuchen in the air took a deep breath and released many great skills in one breath. Even a bt like Yuchen couldn't stand it. After taking a few deep breaths, Yuchen closed his eyes and felt the dusty ground , seems to be expressing the breath of the demon god.

"Hasn't it decreased?" Yuchen opened his eyes in horror, and looked at the thick smoke in disbelief. The breath of the demon god did not weaken at all, and even faintly became stronger.

"Little ghost, are you looking for me?" At the moment when Yuchen was probing, the demon god came to Yuchen in a teleportation, the demon god grinned, and slapped it down, Yuchen fell directly from the air, and , there is still a trace of splashed blood in the air.

"Yu Chen!!" Jian Chen, Bai Long, Mo Lishang and the others couldn't help shouting, the terrifying attack just now failed to cause any damage to the Demon God.

"Yuchen, do you need treatment!" Bailong shouted in concern.

"No need... the warm-up exercise is almost over." Yuchen walked out from the smoke and dust, his eyes were sharper than ever before, and the probing attack just now made Yuchen understand that if he didn't use the power of the dragon, it would be very difficult for him. It is difficult to cause any damage to the demon god.

"Warming up..." The people around gasped when they heard the words. The terrifying attack and such a desperate style of play turned out to be just a warm-up. In the eyes of blood alliance players, there is no difference between monsters like Yuchen and Demon God .

"You'd better use Gu Taixu's bastard's power, because you are far from my opponent." The demon god said confidently with his mouth raised.

"Huh." After dispelling the black fire around his body, Yuchen never thought that the power of anger that he was proud of would fail when he faced a monster in the game world one day.

"Sure enough, aren't other powers useless? But, Demon God, don't be complacent. Since God gave me the power of a dragon, I'm here to deal with you!" Yuchen's expression changed suddenly, and he shouted, "The power of the dragon! Convert!"


Yuchen's body was immediately surrounded by a piece of gold, and he became a golden man in an instant, and Yuchen, who used the dragon power this time, turned the dragon power to his full body as soon as he came up.

The upside-down blond hair fluttered in the wind, the golden pupils revealed a frightening arrogance, and the golden power burning all over his body was like a flame.

"The power of the dragon, mature body!" Yuchen looked at the demon god coldly, and the majesty of the dragon revealed in his eyes made people dare not look directly at him.

"Is it finally going to be serious? Hahahaha, killing Taixu's inheritance, is it the biggest gift that came to this world to give me? Don't even think about the powerhouses of my major races that were sealed back then!" Run, first of all, start from Taixu's inheritance!" The demon god's black mansion formed a large formation, and a black sword was condensed in his hand, which was obviously one of the five attacks that the demon statue used at the beginning.

The wind blows, the whole land is silent, two figures stand in place, one golden and one black, with the shouts of the two, they rush towards each other, and the fierce battle begins!

(fourth more)

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