The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 202 - Lava Hell [4 more]

"it's all over!!!"

In the sky, Chen Yong's roar resounded throughout the battlefield, and even Yuchen trembled below the ground, when the members of the Dream Union looked towards the sky in horror.

A flame-colored light shone in front of their eyes. At that moment, everyone in the Dream Union, including Yuchen, trembled, fearful, and their hearts sank. They saw the crisis!

"Hahahaha, victory belongs to me, Yu Wuchen, you will not be my opponent in this life!" Chen Yong took out a scroll of red flames in his hand, which was the reason why Yuchen and the others were shocked!

"There is no prohibition on special props in this battle!" Chen Yong's sinister face is so hateful and hateful in everyone's eyes at this moment!

"Not good, level seven scroll, damn it!" Wu Xin yelled at him immediately, Mo Mo and the others changed their expressions, the crisis spread across the entire battlefield, and the members of the Prince's Guild laughed wildly!

"This distance..." Yuchen blamed himself. He shouldn't have allowed Chen Yong's freedom so much. He should have taken advantage of the victory and pursued it from the beginning. However, it was too late to say anything, and the only thing he could do now was to save it!

"Not necessarily!"

"Hidden Dragon Step!"

"The killing intent fluctuates!"


There were white ripples under Yuchen's feet, and his whole body rushed to the sky like an arrow that left the string, his whole body was glowing with intense silver light, everyone held their breath, held their breath, and quietly Watching this final battle!

"President, we will help you!"

Dugu Wulei and Long Xiaotian then flew into the sky at the same time. The distance between Chen Yong and Chen Yong was 20 meters, and the time to activate the scroll was five seconds. There was no delay!

Seeing Yuchen, who was still unwilling to give up, turning into a sharp arrow and attacking, Chen Yong fiercely tore up the special scroll and shouted: "Lava Hell!"

"Start the scroll, countdown"


Chen Yong was at a height of 20 meters, while Yuchen's Hidden Dragon Step could reach a height of only ten meters. He stepped on the sky three times in a row, and within two seconds, he came to the city wall!

"Boss, here!"

Yuchen's body fell. At this time, Wulei and Xiaotian flew from the ground, one of them held the soles of Yuchen's feet with one hand, and the three of them worked together. Can they interrupt the release of the scroll before the final countdown!



"Yuchen, come on!!"

Among the beauties, Yihan is the least willing to see Yuchen fail, and still be defeated by Chen Yong, the critical moment?Can Yuchen turn the tide?

Can they really work miracles?


Two cyclone fluctuations started from under Yuchen's feet, and Yuchen's expression froze: "Hidden Dragon Art!" With a bang, Xiaotian and Wulei were rushed to the ground by a powerful force, and Wuxin, Shen Mo and others rushed to respond.

And Yuchen finally reached the height where Chen Yong was at the last second...

"It's over! It's time!"

"Demon spirit!"

"Evil Light Slash!"


The sharp silver sword slashed towards Chen Yong in the sky carrying the hopes of the members of the dream union. At this time, the lava hell scroll was finally activated. Is everything over?

"Is it over?" Seeing the powerful power emanating from the scroll, Yuchen's eyes flashed with despair. Are all efforts going to fail here?Regret, self-blame, wouldn't it be fine if Chen Yong was killed in the first place?

However, there is no regret medicine in this world!

When the sky was full of blood red, the fierce sword slash dissipated in the sky at the last moment, and in an instant, the whole sky was dyed red by the blood red light, and Chen Yong's incomparably arrogant laughter came from there: "Hahahaha , Yu Wuchen, this is the consequence of being right with labor and management, I will accept your 600 million!"

"Bang bang bang bang!!"

"It's over..."

The members of the dream union were already dumbfounded, everything was over, and the previous efforts turned into water. When their eyes reflected the lava shells falling like meteors in the sky, it was announced that the battle was over!

"Yuchen!" Beauty Yihan cried out, because Yuchen was the closest, the huge flame lava swallowed Yuchen's figure first, and the blood-red lava swallowed the figure in the sky instantly!

It was already irresistible, when all the faces in the sky fell to the ground like meteors, it was too late for them to escape, because it covered the entire earth in just an instant...

"I lost." The members of the dream union actually had no idea of ​​resistance. When the lava flooded Yuchen's body, they knew that everything was over!

Looking at the lava that fell into the ground, the silence was a little sad, and I was not surprised to think of it from the initial establishment of the union to their desperate struggle for the union. Until now, the union has finally stepped into the right track, but here, it was defeated by money. Under power!

Not reconciled?so what?

In the end, lava covered their bodies, announcing the end of the battle. Did the Dream Union really lose here?The city walls collapsed, the city gates were damaged, and Chen Yong's final trump card deprived the dream union of the hope of victory!

No Tears, Wu Xin, Xiao Tian, ​​Xiao Ting and the others looked stern and said nothing. This union embodies too much of their feelings, just like their children. Now this growing child has been strangled in the cradle Among them, they felt uncomfortable.

Wanting to dodge, a streak of lava like a nuclear bomb swallowed their bodies in an instant. The ground was like a sea of ​​flames, the blazing flames, and the lava cannons falling from the sky mercilessly harvested their lives.

Now they are not surprised and hate the parade merchants. They appear randomly, but they will sell some special scrolls. Obviously, Chen Yong met them, and bought two seventh-level magic scrolls within the scope of purchase.

However, it’s useless to complain about others. When the battle statistics kept dropping, the 15 members of the Dream Union turned into 14, 13, and finally 5, 4, 3...

The beauties on the city wall were already decapitated, lying in the sea of ​​blood and fire, Shen Mo tried to hold on by relying on his body skills, but when his position became a sea of ​​flames, he and Wuxin He smiled, but that smile was so bitter... The invincible time has passed, and there is no longer any strength that can resist.

Bang.. was hit by the oncoming lava, blood was sprayed on the spot, and the final battle ended...

Is it all going to end?

The labor union management office, they appeared here in a state of desperation...

Sui Yue and Feng Ran had already been waiting, and when they saw that they were all dead and appeared here, everyone fell into silence!

"Why...why did this happen..." The little beauty Yihan still couldn't accept the fact that her beautiful eyes were filled with crystal clear tears. For this union, she knew that Yuchen had paid a lot, and the members all paid for it. A lot of sorrow and hard work, however, is everything going to end today?

"Is the union going to be disbanded?" Yihan murmured, looking at everyone present with questioning eyes. There were many players in the union management office, but no one spoke.

Facing Yihan's question, no one spoke, Wuxin was silent, Xiao Ting was silent, Wulei was silent, and the silence was even more silent. They couldn't accept such a failure, but it had already become a fact!

"Hahahaha, Mahler Gobi. Are you arrogant? Hahaha, our Prince's Guild won this battle!"


The members of the Prince's Guild laughed arrogantly, ridiculing Silence, unintentionally they...

"Brother Wuchen is not here..." Finally, at the moment when people were disheartened and desperate, a delicate female voice came to people's ears. It was this reminder. At that moment, in the ashen eyes, everyone A ray of light lit up, they raised their heads, and were horrified to find that Yuchen was not here! !

"Yuchen, where's Yuchen?" The little beauty Yihan raised her head in surprise, her eyes full of hope.

"Yuchen, Yuchen is not dead!!" At this moment, Shen Mo suddenly couldn't help roaring, his eyes were full of shock and hope, under such circumstances?Yuchen didn't die?

"The president is not dead, he is not dead!" The members of the dream union couldn't suppress the joy in their hearts, and they pinned all their hopes on Yuchen?

However, people were silent in just half a second, in that environment?Can Yuchen really hold on to the lava for half an hour?Everyone clenched their fists, not surprised to sweat for Yuchen, all their hopes are on Yuchen?

And Yuchen?Can it create a miracle?Facing level seven lava magic?Can he really hold on?

In the siege battle, it has become a sea of ​​flames, and the lava in the sky is still continuously splashing, mixed with Chen Yong's loud laughter, and his ferocious face is constantly cursing Yuchen!

"Snatch a woman from me, die to me, die to death!"

Lava splashing, a sea of ​​flames, within this indiscriminate super magic?Is Yuchen really still alive?The most realistic scene is shown in the battle statistics!

1: 198!

Is Yuchen really alive?However, can he really hold on?

In a sea of ​​flames, above a castle that was blasted and melted, above the highest point, a blood-red pennant was flying. It has been standing here for a long time. Although it has been completely broken, this A pennant still stands amidst a sea of ​​flames!

And the man holding this pennant is Yuchen!

"I'm careless..." Looking at the unscrupulous lava, Yuchen's body was already covered with bloodstains, and then glanced at the proud face of the figure in the sky, Yuchen's expression suddenly turned terrifying!

"Let me show you the real hell..." At that moment, Yuchen's whole body glowed with a blood-red light, and his skin began to turn red.. His eyes began to turn blood-red!

Can Yuchen win?

(Four more, begging for pk flowers, woo woo woo...)

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