The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 203 – The Name of Killing God, Victory

"Ding Dong, use the blessing skill Yanran's blessing, all damage will be reduced by 99% within half an hour, use times: 1/3"

"Ding Dong, your HP has dropped by 5%, triggering the skill Fury"

"Ding Dong, your anger value has accumulated to 100, and the wave of killing intent has reached the maximum attack"

"Ding dong, your attributes have undergone the brilliance of the flames, and your attributes have been strengthened and upgraded"

A series of voices can no longer make Yuchen think so much. One of the most powerful skills in the Jinyi gifted by Yanran is Yanran's blessing. This move allowed him to escape the attack of the lava. The killing was left, yes, the heart of killing spread all over his body, his face began to become ferocious, and his skin began to turn blood red!

In the state of anger, long-lost power poured into Yuchen's whole body. The blood-red skin was exactly the same as the blood-red sea of ​​flames. The highest point of the city was slowly submerged in the lava. The half-hour crazy attack finally ended.

"Hahahaha, Yu Wuchen, you never dreamed that today would happen, did you?" Chen Yong was already dazzled by the joy of victory, and he didn't even look at the battle statistics!

In fact, no one from the Prince's Guild looked at the battle statistics. How could the bone dragon die under such power?Let alone a group of players?Therefore, they are quite confident that they have won this battle!

Chen Yong fell into the ground, and the sea of ​​flames was gradually receding. He didn't feel anything wrong at all, and fell into the ground swaggeringly. The ground was full of smoke, and it was a mess after being burned. The scene was unsightly, a huge city Instant destruction happened before their eyes!

"Did you take all the photos just now?" Chen Yong smiled triumphantly, yes, very arrogant and proud, without the slightest concealment.

"Boss, it's still filming, do you want to give you a close-up?" The player in charge of shooting flattered. In their eyes, Chen Yong is a rich owner, so flattering is natural!

"Hahaha, okay, let's take a close-up of this sea of ​​flames!" Chen Yong made a gesture that he thought was handsome, with his back facing the sea of ​​flames, he showed a big smile to his subordinates!

However, when preparing to shoot, the photographer's eyes suddenly trembled?His expression froze, he thought he was wrong?Quickly staring at it with his eyes wide open, this time, he was dumbfounded on the spot..

Not only him, but even the more than 100 people all showed terrified expressions. They took a step back unconsciously, and the photographer's arms were trembling, and finally spread to the whole body..

More than 100 people were all dumbfounded. Their trembling bodies and fearful eyes made Chen Yong very dissatisfied: "What are you doing, filming? Did you see the devil?" Chen Yong didn't realize that the danger had quietly struck!

A group of his subordinates pointed at his back with wide eyes, Chen Yong's expression changed?What's wrong?Could it be that the air of brother bastard is already so strong?He goes overboard with doubts..

Then, he saw a scene that he would never forget in this life!

The blood-red skin is naked, the blood-red hair flutters in the wind, the whole body is blood-red, revealing the strong upper body, the lower body is a tattered white dress, Yan Ran's brocade clothes are completely damaged, this white dress that Yuchen cherished is now destroyed , His anger rose to the extreme.

The ferocious face and blood-red pupils made ordinary people tremble. When Chen Yong turned his head, he felt a trace of terrifying power and danger. He wanted to run and spread his bone wings. However, it was that In an instant, Yuchen's blood-red palm held his foot!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

"Help me!" Chen Yong shouted in panic, however, the enormous force threw Chen Yong from the sky to the ground heavily, and countless dust was stirred up with a bang!

There was a dizzy sign on the top of Chen Yong's head, and he was dizzy on the spot, with less than half of his life left. Yuchen grinned and smiled. However, in the eyes of the members of the Prince's Guild, it looked like a demon was attacking them. As scary as waving.

This appearance of Yuchen made countless people think of a video about him. However, they had no time to think about it, because Yuchen had already launched an attack!

"Puff puff"

Waves of waves spread on the soles of Yuchen's feet, stirring up bursts of dust. This is obviously the power of the wave of killing intent. In this state, Yuchen's attack is particularly terrifying. He dragged Chen Yong, holding a black sword, as if The devil walked towards the group of people with a smile on his face!



Blood spattered on the spot, and a mage fell to the ground before he recovered his senses. Death was so close to him. The moment he fell, the mage didn't even understand how he died?

However, the more shocking fact is that no one came back to their senses three seconds after the mage's death, because they found that Yuchen was gone, and when they searched in panic, they found that Yuchen was actually in their formation middle!

When is it

When did Yuchen actually appear beside them?A gust of wind blew by, and the hearts of all the people in the audience felt desolate. This person is a devil, a monster, and they all stayed away, but?Will Yuchen let them go?

Grinning, bloodthirsty, terrifying, blood-red skin like a devil from hell, whoosh, a gust of wind blows, a scream, a bloody head, a headless corpse...


Huangshan was flying all over the sky with blood red. At that moment, the members of the Prince's Guild experienced a battle they would never forget. It was a one-sided massacre, no, it was a massacre!

The blood spread across the battlefield, and Yuchen's blood-red figure was reflected in their hearts. Finally, someone realized the counterattack, and he shouted: "Kill, he is only one person, only one person!"

Both sides were red-eyed, this is the game world, on this blood-stained battlefield, the members of the prince's guild aroused their final anger, and they rushed towards Yuchen fearlessly!

And Yuchen, this time, he didn't use body skills to escape, but regretted hundreds of people!



A blood-red number floated up, Yuchen's black sword harvested their lives, and the opponent's fighters could also hit Yuchen's body during the chaos of war, leaving a blood-red sword mark, but their damage was very little..

The more they killed, the more frightened they became. From nearly 200 people, to one hundred, then to fifty, and finally when there were only 10 people left on the entire battlefield, they could no longer resist, and despair spread in their hearts!

Frustrated and unable to resist, their eyes were dull, terrified, and intimidating, and the rest of the people were not surprised to think of the countless people calling Yuchen in that video again!

His name is: "Killing God, Yu Wuchen"

His legend has been extended all the way to today. After this battle, not only will the name of killing gods resound throughout Xuanyuan, but the name of his dream union will even shake the four king cities!Phoenix, a supernova is rising!

The black sword took away their lives, and it was their heads that splashed into the air on the spot. A piece of blood scattered across the ground. Under the blood-red sky, this battle is not over yet!

The battle statistics stayed at 1:1 "Do you know you are afraid now?" Yuchen, who was in a state of anger, actually remained sober?That blood-red face, blood-red pupils, and blood-red palm lifted Chen Yong's desperate face, hanging high in the sky...

With the sluggish light and the godless expression, Chen Yong saw the terrifying scene of time, just like a hell on earth, what Yuchen passed was not only death, but also bloody terror.

Chen Yong, who witnessed all this, was already dumbfounded, and the last trace of luck left in his mind was also shattered by Yu Chen. If he was given another chance, he would definitely not go against the devil in front of him...

However, he can no longer regret it, because everything has already happened.

Think about the self who was domineering just now, but now he has become a prisoner in the hands of the enemy?Chen Yong was not surprised to find it ridiculous, very ridiculous, facing the cruel Yuchen, he was completely desperate...

"It's over!" Seeing Chen Yong's desperate expression, Yu Chen said coldly. Hearing these words, Chen Yong felt pain like a sharp knife piercing through his heart. It turned out that he was the one who really ended!

"Yihan doesn't belong to anyone. If you like it, you can compete fairly. What's the trick? If you don't accept it, you can find me at any time! 600 million, I accept it!" Yuchen raised the sword in his hand, and the black sword pierced through Chen. Yong's chest, huge damage floated up from his head, announcing the end of this battle!

"Ding Dong, congratulations to your trade union victory!"

"Ding dong, the dream guild defeats the Prince's guild in the life-and-death mode battle, gets 600 million bets, and gains the guild's current experience!"

"Ding dong, the prince's guild was defeated in the life-and-death mode battle, and the guild is forcibly disbanded!"

In the peaceful Xuanyuan Continent, there was another system announcement that resounded through the sky. However, this announcement caused a shock in the entire Xuanyuan Continent. Did the Dream Union win?

Yes, with only 17 players, did the Dream Union really win?

"We won..We won!!" Wu Lei, Wu Xin, and Xiao Tian couldn't help embracing each other excitedly. Their inner joy had already made them unable to maintain their composure. How difficult it is to overcome!

However, it's all over and they won! ! !

"Win" the little beauties Yihan and Ruoxue couldn't help but burst into tears of excitement, while the beauty Xuan'er closed her eyes and smiled faintly, the tears at the corners of her eyes betrayed her inner joy.

"I won, I really won..." Looking at the sky, he said to himself in silence, he really won, Yuchen really did it, he really created a miracle!

Seeing their happy faces, Yan Ran, who was standing in the distance, smiled faintly, with a warm heart...

"I lost... How is it possible, how is it possible..." The people in the prince's guild were dumbfounded. The boiling union management office, when the light flashed and Chen Yong and Yuchen appeared here, people had no choice but to accept the shock Heart fact!

Yuchen won, and Dream Union won. From today onwards, their names will resound throughout Xuanyuan Continent!

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