The world of online games is invincible


(Fifth update! Please subscribe for the new year, ask for VIP, ask for support) Yanran's departure made the distraught Yuchen search the game world all over the city. However, after one night, there is still no news of Yanran. offline.

In Phoenix City, he was still searching for Yanran's whereabouts, but Yuchen went off the assembly line and got drunk, Yanran left, just like that, at first it was his responsibility, but now he realized that Yanran was so important in his heart. important.

Every time he thinks of the sweet and beautiful face, Yuchen's weak face suddenly twitches a few times, and the feeling of heartache is felt again, the same as four years ago!Feeling sad for love.

Standing up unsteadily, he found that it was already dawn outside.

He walked out the door, seemingly determined.

"Yuchen, you?" Seeing this, Xuan'er stopped Yuchen who was about to go out. He was in an unstable mood at the moment, and Xuan'er didn't dare to let him go out alone. You must know that Yuchen's wound had not completely healed.

That kind of injury would take at least three months, and Yuchen's quick recovery has already amazed Xuan'er.

"I'm fine, don't worry, I'll be back." Seeing Xuan'er was so worried, Yuchen showed a slight smile, Yuchen went out in the shock of Xuan'er, and borrowed her car. Xuan'er was silent, because she was very bitter when she saw Yuchen's smile.

Sometimes, what a man decides is not what she can stop.

"Bah, I thought my sister was hoping for you to come back~" Seeing Yuchen's leaving back and getting into the car, Xuan'er gave Yuchen a hard look from the window, but then remembered the wonderful misunderstanding that had happened between them, There was even a slight fluctuation in that lonely heart.

Yuchen drove Xuan'er's BMW to the Xiyang community. Although his injury was not healed, he was able to move. This time his speed was very slow, and his heart was much calmer.

Yanran left, which made him think through a lot of things. Looking at the sunset community in front of him, Yuchen sighed: "It should be solved." The car stopped at a certain building, and Yuchen glanced at the second floor , went up.

What choice will he make?

It was rare that there was no snow in Suzhou City on this day, but the sun was shining brightly and the sky was clear..

Yuchen opened the door, and a face in the living room was surprised.

"Yuchen, you..." Ruoxue was making lunch, and when she saw Yuchen came back, her beautiful eyes showed a gleam of joy, she hurried up, but Yuchen just smiled lightly: "Don't worry about me, I'll be back Get something."

In the shock of Ruoxue, Yuchen walked into his room, and after a sound came, Yihan was awakened by the strange sound, and walked out, just the moment Yuchen opened the door and walked out.

The beautiful girl's eyes were reddish, she had obviously cried, but when she saw Yuchen coming back, Yihan held back her tears, bit her lip, and looked forward to Yuchen's explanation, even if it was just a word, Yihan would not care Yes, because she really likes Yuchen.

However, when her gaze focused on Yuchen's hand, Yihan's eyes showed a look of shock and panic, because at this time Yuchen was actually holding a suitcase in his hand!

"Thank you so much for these years, I think it's time to move away." Glancing at Yihan's slightly swollen eyes, Yuchen said so coldly although his heart ached. Instead of having the courage to say anything, they chose this way to torture each other.

"You... Yuchen, do you want to move away?" Ruoxue was the first to speak, her beautiful eyes were full of surprise. She knew that she was still angry when she saw Yuchen's expression, but she didn't expect Yuchen to be angry. To move!

Yuchen nodded without saying a word, and then slowly walked towards the gate, passed by Yihan's side, the two looked at each other, but neither of them spoke until Yuchen's figure walked away from Yihan Pass.

At that moment, Yihan's face turned pale, his expression was extremely flustered, and his delicate body trembled uncontrollably. Yuchen walked over and slowly opened the door.

"Yuchen..." Ruoxue wanted to say something, but found that she and Yuchen could only be regarded as friends, how should she keep her as a friend?Therefore, Ruoxue never said anything.

The door opened, and the creaking sound echoed into Yihan's heart. She really didn't expect it to be so serious, she really didn't expect Yuchen to leave, accompanied by the sound of the door opening.

Yihan's beautiful delicate body couldn't stop trembling, the moment Yuchen left, Yihan turned her head in a panic, and suddenly rushed up as if she had made up her mind!The moment Yuchen left, he rushed behind him!

"Woooooooh, Yuchen, don't go, I know I'm wrong, I know I'm wrong!" Yihan hugged Yuchen in pain, and each other's bodies were close to each other. At that moment, Yuchen Because of Yihan's crying, the hardened heart disappeared in an instant.

"Yan Ran, I don't want much, she is just a pure girl, but you have hurt her time and time again." Thinking of Yan Ran, Yuchen's eyes glistened with tears.

Hearing Yuchen's words, Yihan trembled visibly, and then let go of Yuchen, but she cried and growled: "What about you? You are also hurting me. She doesn't want much. Do I expect too much from you?" What have you been?"

"Yuchen, I like you! I like you, do you know that! Seeing you happy with Yanran, I know she is an npc, I know she is a good girl, I know..."

"However, my heart also hurts. Looking at your happy appearance, have you considered my feelings? She is a weak girl who needs your protection. She doesn't want much. Don't tell me you just turn a blind eye to me ?"

"woo woo woo woo...."

Yihan's cries echoed throughout the room, Ruoxue's expression darkened after being surprised, she retreated silently, closed the door and hid in their room, only Yuchen's silence and Yihan's silence remained in the whole hall. crying.

Hearing Yihan's cry, Yuchen was dumbfounded, and his brain went blank, because Yihan confessed, Yuchen seemed to understand a lot in an instant, yes, he was always thinking about Yanran's feelings, but he ignored the feelings around him. This is the heart of a girl who loves herself deeply.

"What the hell did I do?" Yuchen murmured, he realized that he was wrong, really wrong!

Yihan sat on the ground aggrieved, tears wet his face, seeing the playful and lively girl in the past crying sobbingly, a sense of guilt welled up in Yuchen's heart, he bowed his head and walked to Yihan's side, wanting to help her But Yihan shouted sadly: "You go!"

"You go! Don't come back, I don't want to see you, I don't want to see you, you bastard, you bastard!" As he spoke, Yihan began to beat Yuchen's body continuously. His face changed suddenly, because his chest was full of wounds!

Even so, he endured it silently.

"Bastard, bastard, why did you treat me like this, why did you treat me like this, since you saved me four years ago, I have always liked you, but you always cowardly escape, woo woo woo"

"Bastard, bastard!!" Crying, the strength in his hand became stronger, hitting Yuchen's chest continuously.

Yuchen hugged Yihan's hair with some sadness, wrapped her tightly in his arms, and let her beat his body, although it was painful, but it was not as painful as the pain in his heart.

Finally, Yihan was tired. Lying in Yuchen's arms, she had become a tearful beauty, her cheeks were already moist, and Yuchen's eyes had also left teardrops. Looking carefully, a piece of water had leaked from the place where the zipper burst out. Blood red...

The wound is open!

The most serious thing was eighteen stitches!It's only been a week, and the wound hasn't healed at all, and Yihan's blow caused Yuchen's wound to open, causing bleeding!

I don't know if it's tears or what, Yihan raised his head and wanted to beat and scold Yuchen, but the moment he raised his head, blood red was reflected in his eyes, he looked at Yuchen, but found that his face was even paler color.

In an instant, jealousy and dissatisfaction were all forgotten, and Yihan panicked and asked anxiously: "Yuchen, Yuchen, you, what's wrong with you? Wuwuwuwuwu, why, why is it like this, why? ..."

"Yuchen, don't scare me, I won't be angry with Yanran anymore, woo woo woo, I will be obedient in the future, Yuchen..." Seeing Yuchen's pale face and not speaking for a long time, at that moment, also Han could no longer hold back the stubborn tears that could not stop flowing.

"Fool, I like you too." After pulling Yihan into his arms, Yuchen was already staggering because of his pale complexion.

The frightened Yihan yelled, Ruoxue and Yihan hurriedly sent Yuchen to the hospital, when the two listened to the doctor's narration, the shock in their beautiful eyes almost passed out.

Soon, Xuan'er, Xiao Ting, Xiaotian, Yudie, and even the core members of the trade union heard the news and all dared to come over. Even Xingzhu and Yan in Shanghai hurriedly dropped their affairs and came to Suzhou city.

"Xiao Ting, what happened to Yuchen? Why didn't anyone tell me about such a serious injury?" Shen Mo was furious. Hearing the doctor's account, Yuchen had more than a dozen scars all over his body, and now the wounds have worsened due to bleeding.

Xiao Ting didn't hide anything, and told the process, all the people present were trusted friends who had met before!

"No wonder Panlong disappeared completely." Yan said emotionally, his expression was full of shock, and Yihan who learned everything couldn't stop falling, deeply blaming herself, because her waywardness not only Chen Yong was hurt, and Yuchen almost lost his life.

After Yuchen woke up, he looked at the familiar cheeks and Yihan again. Everyone walked out with understanding eyes. There were only two of them in the whole hospital.

"Yuchen, it's all my fault, it's all my fault." Yihan cried, tears wet his cheeks.

"Okay, am I okay? It doesn't look good when I'm crying."

Dumbfounded by Yuchen's expression, Yihan wiped the tears from his eyes: "When we get back to the game, let's find Sister Yanran back together."

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