The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 270 – Chen Yong joins

Yuchen was hospitalized, and Yihan's confession caused a subtle change in the relationship between the two. I don't know whether it was a further step or a estrangement. Yuchen was discharged from the hospital that day. After all, he still had a lot of concerns in his heart.

The haze of Yanran's departure still lingers in Yuchen's heart. If Yuchen doesn't find Yanran, Yuchen will have no way to develop with Yihan, but Yihan has returned to his previous playfulness, and even actively proposes to Yuchen to find Yanran.

How can this prevent Yuchen from being shocked and excited, which means that Yihan has accepted the fact of Yanran!

Yuchen returned to Xuan'er's house, Yihan gave the two of them a weird look when he found out, Xuan'er was very embarrassed by this, if there was nothing between them, even Xuan'er himself didn't believe it.

But everything ended because of Yihan's confession and Yuchen's admission to the hospital. The core members of Dream also rushed home and returned to the game world as soon as possible. After all, no one can guarantee when the resident will be refreshed.

At this moment, the game world is undercurrents, and if you are not careful, you will miss the opportunity, so the major guilds have their own ghosts, but the search for Yanran is still not lost, and the surrounding area has been expanded from the entire city, but there is still no news of Yanran .

"Yanran!!" Standing on the high wall of Phoenix City, Yuchen originally wanted to stand on the Phoenix stone statue, but he couldn't go up anyway, which shocked him. The scene under the clothes kept calling Yanran's name.

"Yanran, where are you? Please come out, please." Next, Yihan and Ruoxue also joined the search team, calling continuously, begging for Yanran's forgiveness, if Yanran really left like this, Yu Chen will be very sad.

Another whole day has passed, and there is still no news from Yanran. Yuchen and many union members are already a little tired, and gradually some people give up. After all, it is not someone who gave up the time to hunt monsters and level up to find an npc that might disappear. Can do it all.

In the end, only the dream members were left desperately searching.

"Haven't you given up yet?" Feng Wu Qingxin and Feng Wu Qingcheng looked at Yuchen and the others who were approaching, and murmured.

Yuchen also spotted the two sisters, but he didn't say hello. To be honest, they just met a few times.

"Master Yuhui, it's really rude. You can ignore people when you see them?" Feng Wu was dissatisfied, and no one wanted to say hello. This Yuchen actually ignored them directly. Is this npc so important?The woman's jealousy made Feng Wu fall in love and stop Yuchen.

"Oh, hello." Yuchen didn't think much at all, and ran out of the city without looking back. It was another dusk, and there was a heavy snowfall in Phoenix City, and Yuchen came back disappointed and decadent.

"Yuchen..." Yihan bit his lips and hesitated to say something, only to realize that Yanran's departure had something to do with her, so he was not qualified to comfort Yuchen.

Looking at the beautiful girl in front of him, Yuchen hugged Yihan: "Don't worry, everything will be fine, everything will be fine." As long as he can find Yanran, Yuchen can face Yihan's feelings calmly, after all, now In this case, he couldn't accept Yihan at all.

"Yeah." Tears fell silently from the corners of Yihan's eyes, this kind of feeling is what he wanted, leaning in Yuchen's warm embrace, everything was worth it, Ruoxue who witnessed all this was sad, smiled and said nothing , I don’t know whether to be happy for Yihan or feel sad for myself.

This man, from the time he met him, has continuously created miracles, scenes of struggle and struggle appeared in front of Ruoxue's eyes, which made her show a faint smile.

"Let's go, let's go see the union?" Yuchen took Yihan and Ruoxue to the place where the union was recruiting. Now that the temporary residence of the union is banned, it has almost become a centralized location for recruiting members.

About Yanran's matter, Yuchen's heart was very confused, but he was helpless. Searching all over the city could only explain one problem. Yanran was deliberately avoiding them, otherwise such a carpet search would at least have news.

What Yuchen is most afraid of is not Yanran hiding, but fearing that something will happen to Yanran. Once the NPC in this game world dies, I am afraid that they will not be resurrected. Yanran is not a monster, so naturally she will not refresh.

Yuchen, who was in a mess of thoughts, came to the guild's residence. At a glance, it was full of people, dark and dense, and there seemed to be a quarrel or something among the crowd?

All the members of the surrounding guilds were watching here, and Yuchen's expression froze, because that place is the direction of the dream to recruit people, what happened?

"Come on, let's go and have a look." Yuchen took Yihan and Ruoxue up, and the fierce voice came into their ears clearly!


Wulei drew his sword and said coldly: "So, you don't intend to leave!"

"Hmph, what? Isn't dream recruiting people? Can't I join!" Wu Lei had a fierce quarrel with a man, which attracted the attention of the people around him, and this man was also a famous existence in Phoenix City!

He is actually Chen Yong!

"Anyone can, but you can't! Three times. Get out of here, or don't blame me for killing!" Wu Lei, and the veteran cadres are very aware of what Chen Yong did back then, which almost destroyed their dreams. At this moment, it is this vain attempt to kill The man whose dream they destroyed actually wanted to join the dream.

This made Wulei and other members unacceptable, so a quarrel broke out, but Chen Yong insisted on joining, and he refused to leave. Wulei was furious, and pulled out the 70-level golden weapon, Golden Years!

The golden flashes illuminated people's eyes, but Chen Yong still said unmoved: "Didn't Dream claim that anyone with a dream can join? Why can't I!"

"Everyone in the world can do it, but you can't!" Wu Lei was furious: "It seems that you did it on purpose!"

"Broken Sword Style!"

"Stop the disabled!"


Wulei actually made a move, which shows how deep the hatred for Chen Yong is. His move caused an uproar, and the members shouted: "Surround, don't let the guards see!"

An afterimage passed by, and a tearless figure flashed. However, at the moment of the attack, a light appeared behind Chen Yong, and then disappeared. People looked around in a panic, and finally found his figure in the sky.

"Wind and snow!"

"Stop!" Just when Wu Tear was about to fly up into the sky, a voice stopped him. Chen Yong in the sky also looked at the person coming, and found that Yihan was also among them. He flew down, and instantly Came to Yihan's side.


"Well, Yongjie, why are you here?" Yihan still said gently, even though she didn't like Chen Yong, Yihan, who understood the feeling of being ignored by others, became gentle towards Chen Yong.

Chen Yong looked at Yu Chen, and the sharp gazes of the two collided, and everyone held their breaths. From everyone's point of view, there is a huge hatred between Yu Chen and Chen Yong!

"Do you want to join the dream?" Yuchen asked coldly.

Chen Yong didn't care at all: "What? Don't you dare? Fair competition, that's what you said, so I'm here!"

"Yongjie..." Yihan said with some embarrassment, after all, she had already confessed her love to Yuchen.

Looking at Chen Yong's sharp eyes and firm gaze, "Hahahaha, I'll let you join!" Yuchen smiled, and personally invited Chen Yong to join the dream, and he is also an official member!



Wu Lei and other core cadres were shocked, and even the other players showed incredulous eyes. Yuchen actually let the enemy join his union?What the hell is this guy thinking?

You must know that Chen Yong almost destroyed his dream once!The dream members all looked at Yuchen incomprehensibly.

"It's okay, I want to see what you want to do!" Yuchen looked at Chen Yong, showing a faint smile, and the members calmed down. After all, no one can deny Yuchen's decision. They all looked at Chen Yong with hostility.

Chen Yong seemed to be a different person: "Yihan, I'm going to level up first, do you want to go together?"

This was Chi Guoguo's provocation, but Yuchen didn't care. Yihan glanced nervously at Yuchen for fear that he might misunderstand: "No, the trade union is accepting people, I want to receive them."

"Well, that's good, goodbye." Chen Yong disappeared from their sight.

"Boss, why did you let him join!" Wu Lei was the first to express his dissatisfaction.

Yuchen smiled: "Don't worry, it's fine. Besides, what can he do alone? Just order surveillance, don't think too much, he can't make any trouble." The reason why Yuchen is confident that Chen Yong Joining is entirely because of Yinlong Jue, because Chen Yong didn't reveal any other thoughts, judging from his expression, he should just want to get close to Yihan.

Everyone also nodded thoughtfully, but if they want to get along well with Chen Yong, I'm afraid it will be difficult for them to do so, right?

However, what everyone didn't know was that it was not far away after Chen Yong left.

The sun was setting and he came over to pass by Chen Yong. A gust of wind picked up and the setting sun brought the cadres back to the direction of the dream union. At that moment, Chen Yong seemed to have thought of something and looked at the back of the setting sun. .

"It's him!" Chen Yong's pupils suddenly dilated, and the momentary exchange of glances allowed him to see the face of the setting sun.

"Dream? Strange, why would he join the dream, how could he be inferior to others?" Chen Yong's mind suddenly flashed a hint of shock, watching the scene of the sunset entering the dream, his heart became very heavy.

Yanran was still looking for it, and not long after night fell, Yuchen had completely given up.

"Hey, let's go."

Under the dark night, a man in black and purple battle armor urged the girl behind him impatiently, frowning and looking at the sky: "Hmph, I'll give you a favor, Yu Wuchen!"

The girl behind him turned out to be Yanran!

(Sixth watch, the climax is coming soon, the battle is about to start)

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