The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 271 – The Return of Sweetness

The night breeze blows, and a bright moon shines on the earth. The windy and snowy Phoenix City finally ushered in a cold night. There is heavy snow all over the place, and the vast expanse of whiteness makes people feel refreshed.

"Hey, hey, can you hurry up?" In the snow, a burly man in a black battle armor with a cold sword behind his back urged the silent woman behind her with her head bowed.

The woman was unmoved, and still followed her unhurriedly, with her fingers clasped tightly, her face full of tangled and complicated expressions.

"..." The man was speechless. If this was a man, he would definitely not be able to resist killing him with a sword. Unfortunately, she is a woman, and she is also a beautiful woman. He will not match a woman.

"It's almost here." Looking ahead, the union mansion was getting closer, his words obviously made the delicate body behind him tremble.

The search all over the city even extended to the entire surrounding area of ​​Phoenix City. Yuchen has ordered all the players who go out to level up to pay attention, but there is still no news of Yanran, which also makes Yuchen feel disheartened for a while.

"Yuchen, yes..." In the trade union, Yihan said with some guilt, but before he finished speaking, he was embraced by Yuchen.

"It's okay, we will get Yanran back." Yuchen said softly. After losing it, he realized that the people in front of him are extremely important. Yanran has already left. Does he still want to take Yihanqi away? ?What else was there to blame her for?

"It's going to be so soon..." Xuan'er, who had been tired for a day, went online, and just happened to encounter this scene, Yihan blushed and didn't dare to look directly at Xuan'er or Yuchen, and hurriedly walked out of his arms. Pushing it out, she stood aside shyly with a blushing face.

Seeing Xuan'er's calculation words, Yuchen laughed for a while: "It's so late and you're still online?"

"Why? No way? I want you to take care of it." Xuan'er said dissatisfiedly, looking at the intimate picture of the two, for some reason, she was slightly angry and jealous psychologically, and a shocking thought appeared in Xuan'er's mind "Did I fall in love with him?" Glancing at Yuchen, a somewhat decadent and bitter smile was reflected on his handsome cheeks under the dark night, which made people so fascinated.

"..." Yuchen remained silent, the three of them fell into a dull state, Yihan did not speak, Xuan'er also looked away, they all had their own thoughts, and there was a silence in the union.

"beep beep"

Suddenly Yuchen's message came to mind, breaking the tranquility of the night, his expression froze, who could it be in the middle of the night?Yuchen thought it was Xuan'er, so he smiled wryly and glanced at Xuan'er whose back was facing them.

After opening it, Yuchen exclaimed, "Yan Ran!"

Hearing Yan Ran, the two women trembled and hurried to Yu Chen's side, only to find that Yu Chen's face was full of joy.

Yuchen didn't have time to say more and excitedly said to the two girls: "I found it, I found Yanran!"

The information was sent back by the members who went out to level up. They said that they saw Yanran and a player on everyone in the city, and they had already walked towards them. Guild gate.

"Yanran, where are you, Yanran?" Yuchen shouted excitedly, the mist in the mouth under the night slowly dissipated into the sky...

Xuan'er and Yihan also ran out, and there were not many players on the street.Looking at the wide field of vision, but never found Yanran's back, Xuan'er pondered: "Yuchen, who sent the message?"

"No, they won't lie to me." Yuchen still firmly believed, he kept calling Yanran's name in the snowy sky, time and time again, and finally Yihan and Xuan'er kept calling.

Hiding in a dark corner, the crystal tears couldn't stop falling, let the tears wet the cheeks, let the tears stay on the snow!

"Yan Ran!"

Tears made Yuchen of Yinlong Jue turn his head suddenly. There was no light at the side of the dark union hall, but there were crystal tears shining there. The moment the name was called, the girl's delicate body could not help but tremble suddenly.

Under the gaze of Yuchen, Xuan'er, and Yihan, a beautiful white figure slowly came out from the darkness, she didn't dare to look up, her tears fell, she was a little afraid of Yuchen's blame, and a little afraid of Yihan's dissatisfaction...


Just at that moment, when he saw that familiar figure, Yuchen had already arrived in front of the girl in an instant, looking at the beautiful girl, her trembling body, and the crystal necklace on the white neck gleaming with crystal light .

"Yan Ran." He pulled the girl into his arms fiercely, as if he was afraid of losing the beauty in front of him again, Yuchen hugged her tightly, very hard, at that moment, the tears that Yan Ran couldn't hold back finally stopped Live down.

"Wuchen..Brother..Right..No..." In the snow, under the cold night sky, Yan Ran's unstoppable sobs resounded throughout Phoenix City, and the sound of footsteps soon spread throughout Phoenix City. The online players of Dream Union rushed back, because many people witnessed Yanran's return, and the news spread instantly.

Looking at Yanran who was embracing Yuchen, this time Yihan didn't feel angry at all, instead she showed a sincere smile, and she came back... This way Yuchen won't be unhappy or sad.

"It's good to be back, it's good to be back, Yanran, don't leave next time, okay?" Hugging Yanran tightly, Yuchen could feel the girl's trembling body, he held back tears and said tenderly to Yanran.

Yanran didn't know what to say, these days Yuchen, and even everything that other people did for her, she saw in her eyes, she thought that she was just a bunch of data in people's eyes, but she didn't expect that the players would make a fuss all over the city because of him .

"woo woo woo woo"

"Yanran will never leave Brother Wuchen again." Yanran could not suppress her bitter emotions, she didn't know whether to be happy or sad, she buried her head in tears, and her tears wet Yuchen's white clothes.

"Silly boy, if you leave and my clothes are torn, who will help me sew them?" Hugging the crying beauty, tears welled up in the corner of Yuchen's eyes. At that moment, when the wind and snow fell, snowflakes once Drifting down, the members of the dream union standing in the snow couldn't help wiping the tears from the corners of their eyes.

"Whoa whoa whoa"

The beauties of the dream union's beauties burst into tears, even Yihan Xuan'er couldn't help shedding tears, there were no extra words, and the warmth was in the eyes full of sincerity.

There was a smile on the corner of Shen Mo's mouth: "Everyone, practice hard and prepare for the garrison battle. Who dares to be lazy and explode his ass!"

"Ow Oo"

"Elder Silence, are you gay?"

"Fuck your sister!"

The cadres, core members, and elite members left one after another. They couldn't help but glanced back, and murmured silently: "It's all right now, Yuchen can also deal with what is about to happen with peace of mind."

"By the way, who of you brought Yanran back?"

"Isn't it you?" Wuxin, Xiao Ting, Xiaotian and other cadres looked at Shen Mo in surprise. After all, after this incident, Shen Mo hadn't leveled up, and devoted himself to finding Yan Ran in order to let Yuchen recover.

"I didn't!" Shen Mo's expression froze, everyone was shocked, but then he meditated for a moment silently: "Hehe, it's good to be back, don't worry so much, we'd better deal with what's going to happen next. "

"Huh? Where's Brother Xiyang?" Babao looked back at Xiyang beside him, only to find that he was no longer there.

Everyone nodded repeatedly, with serious expressions on their faces, and then disappeared into the bustling street.

After parting, Yanran glanced at Yuchen with some fear, hopeful to look at Yihan, turned her head and didn't dare to look directly, seeing this, Yihan happily ran over and pulled Yanran's person, making Yanran flattered.

"Sister Yanran, I'm sorry, Yihan won't be willful in the future." Holding Yanran's hand, Yihan's eyes were slightly smaller, and the crescent-shaped smile warmed Yuchen Yanran's heart even in the cold wind.

"Love" Yan Ran wanted to say something, but found that she couldn't speak at all.

"Hee hee, it's okay." Yihan said cutely.

Looking at such a warm scene in front of him, Yuchen who was standing aside stopped talking, and Xuan'er sent a very ambiguous text message.

"You're quite capable, how about it? Do you want to open a harem?"

"Okay, how about you join in?"

"Okay, it depends on your ability." Xuan'er confronted Yuchen, and soon Yuchen was defeated.

The warm picture bloomed in the snow, and a dark figure in the darkness looked at the scene in front of him and cast a dissatisfied glance: "It's a failure to lose to such a loving person."

"Since you're here, let's come out." Just as he was thinking wildly, a male voice came into his ears, his expression frightened, and the women were also startled, and they couldn't help but look at Yuchen who made the sound.

The man in the pitch-black armor frowned: "Can it be found in this situation? It seems to be pretty good."

The man came out of the darkness, his appearance made the women look dignified, but Yuchen still had a faint smile on his face, the man who came out of the darkness really hated the sky!

"Hmph." He glanced at Hentian and snorted coldly.

"No matter what, I owe you a favor, but this is different from last time." Yuchen will not let such a master as Hentian slip away from under his nose just because of this matter.

"Okay, the person has delivered, I'm leaving." Hentian was also unambiguous, and after taking a light look at Yanran, he walked out.

Seeing his back slowly leaving, Yan Ran suddenly ran forward: "Thank you."

Hentian didn't look back, but no one saw the smile on the corner of his mouth, looking at the dark night ahead: "What a silly woman."

"Hentian, you have to come back for the resident refresh." When Hentian disappeared, Yuchen shouted to the front.

"I just promised to join the guild for one year, but I have to listen to you without saying anything." After replying this sentence, he disappeared into the night..

Looking at his leaving back, Yuchen had a smile on the corner of his mouth: "What a dishonest guy."

Yanran returns, Yuchen, Yihan, the emotional entanglement between the three is finally over, however, Ruoxue who has been watching this scene not far away has a somewhat sad look on her face, similarly, watching Ruoxue's sunset in the dark night There was a trace of haze on his face.

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