The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 273 – Relic Territory

"beep beep"

"Ding, the virtual conference room is about to open"

With a swipe, Yuchen, who was at the ancient site, disappeared, leaving behind the beauties who looked stunned. They stood still, their eyes full of shock.

Virtual mirror meeting room.

"Phoenix City and Golden Dragon City are refreshed at the same time, which may be good for us." In the virtual conference room, Yuchen had just entered, and Zhan Tian, ​​Misty Rain, and Jing Jing had already gathered together.

"Hehe, Wuchen, here we come." Zhan Tian got up to greet him, Yuchen quickly waved his hands, and sat down: "20 total. It means that the main human city of our Xuanyuan Continent only has 20 territories? Resources are really limited."

"What do you think? Phoenix City's residence, so Longxiang's headquarters will be at a loss. As far as I know, there is a temple in Jinlong City. The strength is not weak, and the members of the union are all first-class masters. It is an existence that gathers all the strengths that were dismantled by Long Xiang back then!"

"So, is there only Longxiang branch left?" Yuchen murmured with a serious expression, and the other three nodded.

Yuchen thought for a moment and raised his head: "Little Anzi, let's talk about your level, I'm more interested in this."

Jing Jing was stunned for a moment, and cursed: "Fuck your sister's Xiao Anzi, there is still a bit of a gap between brother and Long Xiang's bt, he is level 88, and I am level 84!"

Everyone present was taken aback for a moment, they didn't expect that the night is very quiet and it is already 84!Even Misty Rain trembled: "Oh, uncle, I'm really old, and it's really uncomfortable to be the third in the rank list."

"Level 84, it seems that my last opponent is you?" Yuchen couldn't help but glance at Ye Jingjing. The two have the same occupation, but there is a world of difference, because Yuchen's race is different!

However, Quiet's level, and even his game experience is stronger than Yuchen's, so it's really hard to determine who will win and who will lose when the two fight.

"Hehe, you don't have to worry about it, one-on-one, at least we still have a chance, Uncle Misty Rain and Uncle Zhantian, let's help us defend the city, hahaha." Quiet laughed arrogantly.

"Damn, you kid is arrogant. If you have the guts, come now, and the loser will win and defend the territory!" Misty Rain pulled up his battle armor and was about to fight hard, Jing Jing also laughed, and took out the purple sword.

"..." Zhan Tian and Yu Chen looked at each other speechlessly.

"Let's find a resident first!" Yuchen gave the two of them a blank look, and then left the resident. The strength of Phoenix City is intricate, and what they are discussing now is just a cloud.As soon as Yuchen left, the others disappeared immediately.

As soon as Yuchen appeared, system information flooded in!

The player Mythical Blood Wolf shouted: "Ask for the coordinates of the territory, and the provider will reward [-] gold coins"

The player Longxiang Juetian shouted: "Those who provide the territory coordinates are invited to join Longxiang's official members, and the bonus is [-]!"

The notification channel of the entire system has now become the player's world, all kinds of information are constantly being refreshed, and the mythical blood wolf is the most loud one. On the other hand, the dream and other unions have not moved!

"Yuchen, what should we do? The Shinhwa union, Long Xiang, and many other unions have taken action, so what should we do?" Yihan and the others were in a hurry, and the entire dream union channel exploded.

"Refresh the resident!"

"Brothers, hurry up and find it!"

"Everyone is scattered in the territory of Phoenix City, looking for coordinates, let us know as soon as possible!"

"Everyone searched separately, and acted in a group and at the helm. If you find it, you must notify it and guard it!"

In the channel, Wuxin was silent and all the cadres were already ordering the members who were about to move. Yuchen also sent a message with a serious look: "The elite members of the elders go to the new map refreshed in Phoenix City to find them."

"Yes, look for a new map!" Shen Mo and the others also looked terrified. After all, the system has just been refreshed, and the new maps are also scattered around. If we say that at this time, the most likely place to refresh may be the new map. Although there is no basis, But this is at least an undeniable guess.

And it just so happens that the place where Yuchen is located is the ancient ruins of one of the new maps!

"Hehe, actually, Yihan, you can also shout out, how can you say that you are also the beauty consultant of our union~"

Yuchen's words reminded Yihan, the little beauty blinked her beautiful eyes, and spread her hands with a smile, Yuchen was taken aback: "What are you doing?"

"One thousand gold coins once, you don't know that she is a girl, and there are no gold coins." Yihan smiled lightly, and the appearance of spreading his hands was very cute, and an evil fire rose in Yuchen's heart. If there were not so many people, he really wanted to take a bite .

(Player Lianyu shouts) "Those who provide the coordinates of the resident can join the dream, and there is also a family portrait of the dream beauty group~ If you want to find the coordinates, please immediately chat with our president Yu Wuchen~ In addition, if you send Longxiang or other The trade union also brought it here, and the dream will give you free rewards, and send it back to the underworld for free."

"Pfft..." Xuan'er and Ruoxue both laughed at Yihan's last words, even Yuchen couldn't help laughing, this girl is really funny.

"Let's go, let's look for it too, we can't just sit and wait for death." Yuchen said to the girls, Yihan, Xuan'er, and Ruoxue all seemed a little excited, with excited expressions on their faces.


The girls nodded obediently, followed behind Yuchen, and carefully went to the depths of the ancient ruins. Along the way, they found many high-level players, and even the core members of Dreams were here, =.

"Hello, president, hello Lianyu Meimei, hello big sister Xuan'er, hello withered beauty." When everyone saw Yuchen, they hurriedly greeted him. Yuchen nodded: "Thanks for your hard work, everyone pay more attention."

Speaking of Yuchen, he walked into the depths of the ancient ruins under the attention of people, holding a black sword. At present, the black iron sword is already an obsolete weapon in terms of Yuchen's needs, but it is not useful for the time being. Yuchen is nostalgic. , this sword followed him all the way and witnessed his growth, so he was reluctant to change it.

A burst of bright sunshine is dazzling, and the soft majesty is blowing on the cheeks. Compared with the snowy sky in Phoenix City, the ancient ruins are much warmer. The powerful monster shot.

Level 85, level 90, as they got deeper and deeper, Yuchen's heart also became tense. A monster cruising in front of them hovered on the road they were about to pass. Yuchen's expression froze, black eyes flashed, and the monster's Information came into his eyes.

[Relic Warrior] Level: 90 Life: 50000 Physical Attack: 6000 Physical Defense: 4000 Skill: Slash through the Sky Introduction: After the war, the dead soldiers cruising around are still defending this piece of land.

A powerful level 90 monster, Yuchen and the others discovered after walking in that it turned out to be a warrior-type humanoid monster. There are humanoid monsters in such a place?The monster turned its head and apparently noticed Yuchen's existence.

Ten yards away, he rushed over!

"Charge!" Yuchen's eyes trembled, and he immediately discovered the power in it. When the girls reacted, the warrior was already in front of them, and the sword in his hand fell. , Take a closer look, where is Yuchen's back?

With a sharp look, Yuchen was like a dancer. After a burst of dust rippled on the ground, he appeared behind the relic warrior, and the black sword in his hand had already launched an attack.

"Hidden Dragon Slash!"



"-5968!" The powerful Yinlong Zhan took tens of thousands of lives from the relic warrior in an instant. The relic warrior turned around and suddenly slashed at Yuchen with a sword. There was a burst of fluctuations, which showed its great power!

Dodging the opponent's attack, Yuchen just wanted to launch the next blow, but there were exclamations from a few women behind him, and Yuchen realized that the monster in the shape of a humanoid soldier suddenly swept across the sky, facing Yuchen A sharp slash was issued!


Such a short distance immediately made Ruoxue, Xuan'er, and Yihan's expressions tense, and they couldn't help calling Yuchen's name directly.



The powerful force caught Yuchen by surprise. The moment the big knife approached, Yuchen actually leaned back, the big knife was almost touching his face, and a few strands of hair in the air were blown up by the wind and scattered in the air.

Seeing this, Yuchen took a quick step back, not to be outdone, his hands were entwined with the Hidden Dragon Art, and the npc monster looked at Yuchen with a half-smile, as if he was provocative.

"It's kind!" Yuchen glanced at the other party, his whole body was entwined with silver-white gas, like a thread like a dream, and at that moment, Yuchen's expression froze, and he stayed on the spot with a bang, leaving a cloud on the ground. Spinning white ripples!

"Hidden Dragon Slash!!"

Accompanied by Yuchen's loud shout, this time the attack became more sharp and violent. In less than three seconds, the relic warrior fell to the ground, leaving a large piece of gold coins and equipment in the dust.

After the death of the relic soldier, Yuchen quickly picked up the items on the ground, but his expression became serious instead. He could not help but activate the hidden dragon art, which covered all within 300 meters.

The demon pupil suddenly appeared, and half a second later, Yuchen's face became agitated, and even his whole body trembled.

"Yuchen, what's the matter with you? Xuan'er and the girls all looked at Yuchen who was trembling with excitement, with sudden expressions on their faces. Yuchen withdrew his excitement: "Go, go! "

At this moment, he wasn't sure, but he had indeed sensed a huge living body, and a vague scene appeared in Yuchen's demon pupils, which was somewhat similar to a village.

When Yuchen and the others ran for 500 meters and there were no monsters around, they came to a steep cliff, and there was a broken mountain village at the foot of the mountain!

Yuchen couldn't help taking a deep breath. In front of him, a group of about dozens of relic warriors guarded the dilapidated village. However, at this moment, Yuchen's eyes showed unconcealable excitement and excitement.

"Yuchen, this..." Xuan'er also thought of something, looked forward in disbelief, and then turned to look at Yuchen.

Yuchen nodded heavily, looked forward, and said excitedly: "There is no doubt that it is the first territory of the system! It will be mine!" The proud Yuchen looked down at the vast expanse On the vast land, a small village of about 90 square meters stands on a cliff! ! !

The territory finally appeared, who is the final winner! !

(Sorry, I am with my family on New Year's Day, and I am going back to my hometown in Sichuan. The update will be unstable after the 15th, please forgive me)

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