The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 274 – Ancient Warrior



The sound of the wind, the sound of footsteps, the depths of the ancient ruins, this is the location of a cliff, a shabby village stands here on this unknown land, guarded by a group of burly men and ancient ruins warriors!

Holding a black sword, Yuchen walked over with stern eyes, Fengqi, and the three beauties carefully followed behind him, their information was reflected in the demon pupils, getting closer and closer, Yuchen and the others were 50 meters away from the village When they were two meters away, the system notification sound of Ding Dong made the four of them tremble.

"Ding dong, you have entered the territory"

"Congratulations on finding the territory, obtaining the territory requirements, annihilating the enemies and obtaining the lord's token. After obtaining the lord's token, there will be a 10-hour countdown. During the second period, the tasker is not allowed to leave the territory. After death, the lord's token will be 100% dropped."

The four of them looked at each other, and each other's eyes were full of shock and excitement. Obviously, the girls had also been reminded, that is to say, this village is really a new territory!

"Xuan'er, shoot that ancient warrior with red silk on his head" Yuchen's demon pupils reflected a ancient warrior with red silk on his helmet. Your fighter has level 90!

Obviously, the lord's token is likely to be on him!

Xuan'er didn't ask too many questions, she drew the bow, her perfect figure was coveted, and the action of the beautiful woman's archery made Yuchen look at Xuan'er's chest, while Yihan stomped her feet angrily, and stretched out her cute little hand towards her. Yuchen's waist.


"Armor-piercing arrow!" Beauty Xuan'er yelled, and the sharp arrow flew out immediately!

The arrow of piercing the sky directly entered the fence, and the distance of 50 meters is enough. Even if Xuan'er is not a master, the results of the pile of attribute equipment are still very effective!

The sharp arrow shot into the village, and went straight to the warrior in the red silk helmet. Yuchen and the others also held their breath, but the result was not satisfactory. Maybe they noticed that the warrior of the hundred-level ancient monument was shooting at the arrow. The moment the arrow shot at him, a big knife flashed in his hand, splitting the sharp arrow in two on the spot.

"Hmph!" Seeing that her arrow had been cut in half, Xuan'er stomped her feet and snorted coldly, and set up the arrow again, this time it was three arrows. This is the skill attached to the green suit, three consecutive star chasing .

"Xuan'er, stop." Seeing this, Yuchen stopped Xuan'er and said, his eyes couldn't help looking at the ancient warrior who was still in the village at the moment.

"What's the matter? Hmph, I want to shoot him!" Xuan'er still said angrily, Yuchen shook his head: "I just want to see if he will leave the territory, it seems that even if the hatred is attracted, he will not leave."

Sure enough, when the women looked over, the ancient warriors who had already attracted hatred still did not move, and looked at Yuchen and the other four uninvited guests coldly.

"Notify the core members, let the notification go down layer by layer, it is best not to cause commotion, you don't move, I will come alone!" After a moment of contemplation, Yuchen quickly formulated a battle plan, about 40 90-level monument fighters and one A level [-] monument warrior.

However, Yuchen couldn't wait for all the cadres to come. In front of him was the opportunity to let his dream become the number one guild. He would not give up no matter what he said. So, Yuchen still didn't act!

"Attribute strengthening!"

"Hidden Dragon Art!"

"The killing intent fluctuates!"


Yuchen's skin began to turn scarlet, all the states that could be blessed were used, and the passive ability was perfectly triggered. Seeing Yuchen's expression, the girls knew that Yuchen was going to enter Longtan alone!

"Be careful." Said softly, Yuchen nodded, and disappeared in front of them in a swish of a big off-string arrow.

And Yihan, Ruoxue, and Xuan'er notified the cadres and members of the dream union as quickly as possible, hoping to rush here and occupy it before other players find out!

"whoosh whoosh"

Yuchen hurried away with a serious look on his face. Although he made an agreement with An Jingyanyu and others, it is impossible to say that he has no selfishness. Since he has met the territory, it is king to occupy it first!

Only when the lord's token is in hand, Yuchen feels at ease and at ease!

Under various conditions, Yuchen even has the confidence to instantly kill level 90 monsters. You must know that the demon spirit evil light is simply the nemesis of the ancient warriors, and Yuchen's most powerful is the magic attack!


Yaoxia flashed into the village in an instant, and Yuchen's appearance caused panic among the ancient warriors, and the ancient warrior even shouted: "Come here, take down the intruders!"

As he shouted, several big knives fell on top of Yuchen's head. Facing dozens of ancient soldiers, Yuchen remained unmoved. When the big knives fell, he turned around as if dancing, Walking, leaving a cloud of dust.

With his eyes closed, the perceived power of the Yinlong Jue allowed Yuchen to dodge their falling attacks continuously, leaving behind afterimages, swords, lights and swords flickering continuously, but none of the blows hit Yuchen!

Opening his eyes suddenly, ten ancient warriors had already surrounded Yuchen. He raised the black sword in his hand, and his whole body was surrounded by silver-white light. His killing intent fluctuated and his blood-red skin became more and more intense. He shouted: " Xuanguang Slash!"


The black slash flew out like black flames, killing the surrounding fighters with a violent aura. Suddenly, more than ten thousand points of damage floated above their heads, and those ancient fighters were shocked when they saw this!

However, Yuchen's attack did not stop because of this, killing him instantly!

Appearing behind one of the ancient warriors like a ghost, the corners of his mouth moved with a sharp look: "Demon spirit evil light slash!"


Today's demon spirit evil light slashes out, and the whole ground is full of strong winds, and the dust churning like langoustine fills the entire air. I can only see silver-white and red sword lights flashing continuously, and there is a huge tragic sound coming from inside. Shouts and blood-red numbers!


The damage was as high as 3, which shows how terrifying it is under the blessing of Yuchen's full power. The ten ancient warriors did not pose any threat to Yuchen today, and they died under his sword!

"Kill my subordinates, you are courting death!" His eyes turned red even more. Seeing that Yuchen had killed more than a dozen of his subordinates in the blink of an eye, he shouted and charged towards him with his sword gleaming. A powerful slash!

"Volley Break!"


Lifted from the ground, the dusty slash directly killed Yuchen. Just after killing the last fighter, the oncoming slash made Yuchen's expression tremble suddenly, but he calmed down instantly and shouted: "Block instantly!"


A huge 0 damage floated above Yuchen's head, which shocked the surrounding ancient warriors, and the ancient warrior was even more shocked, but the next second, his pupils dilated, because Yuchen had disappeared!

"General!" The moment Yuchen disappeared, the ancient soldiers screamed in panic, because the disappeared Yuchen appeared behind their general, and the black sword was so shining under the sunlight Eye-catching!

"Hidden Dragon Art martial skill!"

"Dragon Transformation!"

"Demon Spirit Evil Light Slash!"

"Xuanguang Slash!"

"Broken Sword!"

The stormy attacks fell one after another, a burst of dust flew all over the sky, and the blood-red numbers were shocking. The soldiers of the ancient monuments held their breath and stared at everything in front of them, their expressions were full of panic and shock.

"Have 50 lives? There seem to be too many blessing skills!" Yuchen said dissatisfiedly. Just now, he only killed [-] lives of a hundred-level warrior. In the eyes of others, Yuchen is simply a god. However, From his point of view, if there was one more active skill, it might not be as simple as [-] lives!

Withdrawing and retreating, he could already imagine how angry the Ancient Monument Warrior would be, and he had to withdraw. Although the opponent might take this opportunity to regain blood, there was no other way!

After the skills were used up, and it was obviously not the time to procrastinate, he couldn't help but look into the distance and thought to himself, "Aren't you here yet?" There should be quite a few core members on the new map.

"It seems that this is the only way to go!" Yuchen originally didn't want to rely on the power of the first pulse door, which is completely cheating. After all, once he gets used to it, Yuchen will develop a kind of dependence, and his strength will disappear instead. How much growth must there be!

"Prepare to die!" The ancient warrior swept out from the smoke and faced Yuchen with a powerful knife. With a bang, the black sword and the big knife collided. At that moment, Yuchen was so powerful that he unexpectedly He was also taken several steps back by the ancient warrior general!


A footprint was left on the ground, and Yuchen's eyes were full of surprise. He didn't expect the opponent's arm strength to be so strong. Seeing that Yuchen was a bit overwhelmed, the ancient warrior even increased the strength in his hand!

"Grass! Kill me!" Yuchen's temper also came up, and the murderous fluctuations on the ground suddenly poured into Yuchen's back.


There was a sound behind Yuchen, and the circle-shaped first pulse gate had been formed. Yuchen, who was still below, suddenly rose up, and the black sword and the big knife collided, and the fire continued to splash in the air!

"Dang Dang Dang Dang"

"Bang bang bang bang!"

"Demon Spirit Evil Light Slash!"

"Hidden Dragon Slash!"

Two powerful slashes fell continuously, and the eyes of the ancient warrior were full of shock. Before he could recover, Yuchen came behind him in a blink of an eye. The black sword wanted to penetrate the armor, but the opponent was Warrior monsters!

Even the Hidden Dragon Art can't penetrate the battle armor of this hundred-level monster, after all, the attributes are there!

One blow failed, Yuchen suddenly hid the dragon's step and screamed, and there was a wave of ripples in the air, aiming at the back of his neck and slashing, the force was so great that even the ancient warrior couldn't stop it, and Yuchen endured it abruptly. This blow!


Lethal damage!

The blow was almost [-], and the ancient warriors were bleeding profusely from their necks. At this moment, those ancient warriors finally came to their senses: "Kill him, kill him!"

At the same time, people from all walks of life were quietly approaching the ancient ruins. They looked flustered. What news did they get?And where they are going, it is the direction where Yuchen and the others are!

These people are not all dreams, they even have Long Xiang!

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