The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 278 – Battle for Hegemony

"Grass, what a big deal!"

"Everyone retreat!" The Demon Wolf of the God of War yelled when he saw this, for fear of getting involved in the scope of the seventh-level magic scroll. You must know that this is the magic that the caster considers the target. If Long Xiang kills them too, then The loss outweighs the gain!

The 10,000+ people faded away like the tide, and the five seventh-level magics shone with a huge light covering the entire southern valley. People exclaimed, held their breath and couldn't help looking at Yuchen and the others location!

"Seventh-level magic?" Yuchen and the others obviously also noticed the huge magic light. The members of the four major trade unions looked at each other with expressions of fear. After all, they have seen too much power of this seventh-level magic scroll. !

"Stop them from moving forward!" The release range and distance are still hundreds of meters, Yuchen and the others naturally will not give up this opportunity, Jing Jing and others immediately issued an order, but what none of them expected was!

"A bunch of idiots, who said it was range magic?"

"Hahaha, this is an offensive long-range skill!"

"Laser beam!"

Accompanied by the loud shouts of the five members of Long Xiang, suddenly five beams of light energized, and a silvery white light suddenly emerged from the scroll, and people could only see the silvery light on the scroll being condensed drop by drop, as if about to launch generally!

"Let you all see how powerful Long Xiang is!"


"Chirp chirp chirp chirp!"

The five shock waves greeted people's eyes with a layer of silvery white, and the light shone on the earth. A burst of dust was lifted on the ground, and the air currents and fluctuations continued to sway. Players panicked!

"Death to me!"



A beam explosion immediately caused a cloud of dust to fly, thousands of players died on the spot, and huge potholes appeared on the ground, and everyone present was stunned and shocked!

"Choo Choo Choo!"

The other three rays of light are ruthlessly harvesting the lives of the members of the four major trade unions. Seeing Yuchen, Anjing, Yanyu and others are impatient, but they are helpless. This is a seventh-level magic!

"Brothers, follow this attack and rush up!" A huge gap was opened, Long Xiang's men saw the opportunity, Long Xiang Zhantian waved his big hand and shouted at the 10,000+ members behind him!


At that moment, the killing sound shook the sky, 10,000+ people entered the territory mightily, and the last shock wave directly killed Yuchen and the others. At this moment, the members of Zhantian took action!

"Knight Heart!"

"Guard the barrier!"


Then a huge barrier rose, and the skill knight's heart triggered by the Thousand Knights, facing the galloping seventh-level magic scroll, unexpectedly blocked it in front of Yuchen and the others!

"Brother Zhantian!"

"Leave us alone, hurry up and fight!" Zhan Tian yelled at Yuchen, the knights were disintegrated in an instant, but they also successfully blocked the seventh-level magic scroll, which made people exclaim.

"Brothers, go! Long Xiang turned into a worm!" With the shouts of everyone, the entire battlefield was full of gunpowder, and Yuchen and the others were surrounded by tens of thousands of masters from the four major trade unions above level 75. Surrounded!

The core members of Mengmeng never leave Yuchen's side, and Yanyu and Jingjing are also on the sidelines, keeping an eye out for thieves who are sneaking up.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

"Dang Dang Dang Dang"

The battlefield is full of flames, the sky is full of arrows and rain, the magic and sword skills are constantly flashing, the dust is flying on the ground, and the strong wind is constantly blowing. This is the real battlefield. The battle of hundreds of thousands of players shocked everyone present. eyeball!

"President Blood Wolf, do we really want to fight?" Seeing this situation, the presidents of the Union Union all showed doubts and shock. Neither Long Xiang nor the four major unions fought. power!

"Hmph, is it a man to back off now?" The person who spoke was not the blood wolf, but the coquettish little girl who twisted her buttocks lightly, with a pair of winking eyes shy and turbulent, seeming to seduce people to sleep, and the plump Xuefeng is even more so. I want to get out of my clothes.

"Who says we're not men?" The group of presidents stared straight at the sexy and charming breasts of God of War, as if they were about to swallow this coquettish college student alive.

"It's not that we don't have a chance. The two armies will fight a big battle. Wouldn't it be great for us to reap the benefits?" The Demon Wolf of the God of War looked at the battlefield where the flames of war were spreading with a smile on his face, his expression full of anticipation.

The heads of the various guild leaders also looked at the battlefield. It was completely full of gunpowder smoke and flames, and the light of skills never stopped for a moment.

"Death to me!"

"Break through the air!" The various fighters continued to send out their skills. While killing one, they were attacked by the enemy, and finally died one after another. In such a battle, there is no strategy at all in open-air battles. That full of blood and strength!

"Mage group!"

"The pastor healed the generals in front! The Taoist sent the zombie army to block the advance of some players, so that Long Xiang's people could not enter!" Silence, Bi Shuihan, Feng Kelei and others continued to direct the battle!

At this time, there is no room for any mistakes!


"Run for your dream!"

At this time, the elite members of the dream rushed to the front as if they had gone crazy, blood stained the battlefield, and their bodies were bright red. Now everything they have is given by their dreams, and the time to pay back has come!

"Thunder falls!"

"Crazy Dragon Furious Slash!"

"Sword whirling!"

"Arrogance in all directions!"

"Heavenly Sword!"

"Cloud Dragon Nine Presents!"

All of a sudden, skills were continuously released, and even the members who were as strong as Long Xiang were greatly hindered. Although Long Xiang's members were strong, the four major trade unions had the upper hand in terms of numbers!

Seeing that the situation in the arena was not good, Long Xiang Zhantian was not in a hurry to shout: "We didn't spend money to let you watch the show!" His voice came to the side, and he said with a little anger!

"After taking your money, we will naturally take care of things. Our boss has already done it, hasn't he?" Huo Wu rolled his eyes at the huge man Long Xiang Zhantian, fiddled with the black hair covering his cheeks, and even cast a wink.


As soon as their words fell, there were bursts of screams in the field, and the players couldn't help looking at the battlefield. On the battlefield filled with gunpowder smoke, black light flashed continuously, mercilessly devouring the dream members and The lives of the other three major union players!

"whoosh whoosh"


A long spear is like torrenting water, which is unstoppable. Even if you block his attack, you will fly out in the next second. When you fall to the ground, you don't know how you died!

"Water-binding method!"

The black gun was entwined with a light blue water glow, and the players facing the gun wherever it passed were all bound as if unable to attack. When the black gun swung horizontally, blood splashed from the tip of the gun, five high-level players on the spot of players died!

"It's him! Poetry and battle!" Yuchen in the demon pupil discovered the existence of the other party. He was wearing a black armor and a black spear. It was like a no-man's land among thousands of troops. The players in front of him were enough There are thousands of people, but no one can keep him!

"Follow Shiqinghao and fight!" Although Long Xiang disdains such an approach, in Phoenix City, they really can't support too much, because the same battle is spreading in Golden Dragon City!

Their opponent is the powerful combination of the Pantheon!Therefore, for a guild with strong personal strength like Hunting Demon, it would be great to be able to hire it with money, because Long Xiang Zhantian said that money and full strength are stronger!

The powerful surprise attack of Poetry and Haozhan opened up a huge gap, and Long Xiang's players even found a breakthrough point and all moved in his direction. One man is the one who guards the gate and the other is not allowed to open it, which caused the members of the four major trade unions to have a headache!

"Star Bamboo, Yan!"

"Sorrow, black fan!"

"Shuihan! Mad God!"

At the same time, Yuchen, Quiet, Misty Rain shouted, and six generals around him appeared with their swords in their hands. Yuchen waved his hand: "Stop Shiqing Haozhan! It doesn't matter if you kill him!"

"Is it finally our turn?" Six people lined up, standing in the strongest side of the battlefield, and the players who discovered this scene couldn't help shouting with enthusiasm: "It's finally started, dreams, misty rain, and the three major trade unions in the last days The cadres and members of the company have also taken action!"

"Thunderstorm marksmanship!"


Thunder and lightning flashed in the black spear, and the players around were stunned. Not only the four major trade unions, but even the members of Longxiang couldn't help but admire. The man in front of him is indeed the second best player in the rank list!

The reason why Shiqing Haozhan agreed to Long Xiang's fight was not because of money, but because of that man, he looked at Yuchen who was surrounded by a crowd and said sneeringly: "This is restraint, this is the labor union. , is really troublesome!"

Shi Qing Hao Zhan's expression froze suddenly, and he pointed his spear at the ground and shouted: "Pierce and crack the ground!"

"Hmph, don't be arrogant!" The moment Shi Qinghao entered the ground with his spear, a gust of wind suddenly struck, and in the next second there was a man with a stern expression behind him!

Shiqing Haozhan's expression froze, the man behind him was Gale Swordsman Yan, and a powerful wind blade had already killed Shiqing Haozhan's head, seeing that Shiqing Haozhan turned around to dodge the attack perfectly, but Between the lightning and the flint!

With a loud shout, Shiqing Haozhan's heart sank suddenly!

"Frenzied Seven Slashes!"

Shi Qinghao's eyes trembled, because the moment he turned around, an incomparably violent seven-slash attack hit him!

"Magic gun marksmanship!"

"Magic Spin!"

"Bang bang bang bang!"

"Dang Dang Dang Dang"

Seven consecutive slashes, the most powerful power of a violent fighter, ordinary people can only do three consecutive slashes, but Xingzhu is the man who can hit the highest seven consecutive slashes, his slashes are more violent than one blow, poetic Zhan stepped back ten meters!

However, while people are exclaiming that Xingzhu is powerful, they are also terrified by the horror of poetry and battle!Under the berserk seven consecutive slashes, he did not die!

Raising his head, Shiqing Haozhan showed a blazing light and said: "You are still the first person to knock me back head-on, berserk seven consecutive cuts? It's really a powerful skill!"

"Hmph! In the dream, there are many people who can knock you back!" Xingzhu shouted with a serious expression, and fought shoulder to shoulder with Yan, causing Long Xiang and others to stop.

Long Xiang Zhantian frowned and looked at the battlefield: "There are too many cadres and members around him, we must find a way to disperse them."

"Hey, brother, leave this to me!" Juetian was eager to try, grinning with a bloodthirsty smile and looking forward: "Just draw it away, so you have a chance to do it, Yu Wuchen, You can't think of it? Hahahahahaha!!!"

What does the smile on Longxiang Zhantian and Juetian's mouth represent?

(Going home, there are a lot of trivia, please forgive me for unstable update time)

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