"bang bang bang"

"Dang Dang Dang Dang"

The fiery battlefield is full of gorgeous skills and magic, and the rain of arrows is pouring down on the land. In the battle of tens of thousands of people, the two sides have already killed each other. As long as it is not for the companions around, Head-on is a full-scale attack!



"Rage Slashing Thorns!"

"The sky is full of wind and snow!"

"Thunder and lightning!"

Skills are constantly emerging, and the strength of both sides is evenly matched. On the surface, the four dream unions do have the upper hand. However, over time, a subtle change can be found, that is, the number of players killed by the four major unions is also faster!

The Longxiang group is all in free mode. Although it can't afford to fight, it can pull up five peripheral members one at a time, and kill a dozen or twenty members if they are more ferocious!

"Grass! Come, come, here is a master!" The members of the four major trade unions were full of panic, and saw that on the filled battlefield, the players at the beginning of Long Xiangtian harvested their lives extremely sharply .

Seeing this, more than a hundred people from the four major trade unions surrounded the three of them, but what surprised everyone was that the hundreds of people were unable to harm them, but were massacred to death!

"Hmph, is this the only strength? The four major trade unions teamed up is nothing more than that." Long Xiangtianyu pointed his sword at the ground, blood dripping from the sword body, and his face was full of arrogance. The two companions around him snorted coldly, with arrogant eyes Looking down at members of the Big Four trade unions.

Even so, no one dared to step forward to stop them, because the three in front of them were too strong!Everyone is not their opponent at all!


Just the movement of raising the sword made the peripheral members of the four major trade unions tremble, and they stepped back a few steps. Seeing the mob in front of them, Long Xiang Tianyu snorted coldly: "A bunch of trash."

"Sword swings in all directions!" Long Xiang Tianyu shouted loudly, the sharp sword in his hand was instantly surrounded by a layer of powerful sword energy, and suddenly sent out a powerful sword energy to slash at the group of people, but at that moment, between lightning and flint!


"Garbage is not as good as it!" With a clear sound of weapons colliding, a burst of dust rose from the ground, and people looked at the back of the galloping figure. The members of the four major trade unions cheered and shouted: "Leader!" !"


"Blinking feet!"

The person who came was Long Xiaotian, the moment he sent out the sword light, that Longxiang Tianyu didn't react too slowly, and immediately escaped the attack with his blinking feet, leaving a deep black hole mark on the ground.

"Oh, it seems that someone who is more qualified has come? However, you are still too weak!" Long Xiang Tianyu did not change his expression because of Long Xiaotian's appearance, and the surprise in his eyes flashed past.

Facing Long Xiang Tianyu's disdain and sneer, Xiaotian grinned ferociously: "I should be the one who said this, right?"

In an instant, the wind blew up, and Long Xiangtianyu's pupils suddenly enlarged, because at this moment, Long Xiaotian, who was still five meters in front of him just now, spoke loudly in his ears. When he turned his head in shock, It was discovered that the man had come to him at some unknown time!

"Paralysis, there are thieves, archers, and archers shoot lighting arrows!"

On the battlefield where the flames of war spread, the thieves had an opportunity to take advantage of. Whether it was Long Xiang or players from the four major guilds, the thieves showed their wretched potential one after another. I have to say it is very shameless and wretched!

"Grass!" Before dying, a core member of Mengmeng looked at the thief behind him unwillingly, wanting to pick up the weapon in his hand and give him a fierce sword, but he couldn't do it, and he raised his head to the sky and let out a loud roar. fell to the ground.

"A dream elite? That's all!"

The thief from Long Xiang had just finished saying this, and his eyes were lax for a second, and he couldn't help looking at his chest. A dagger that shone with cold light pierced his chest, killing him with a fatal blow.

"Long Xiang, that's all." Before dying, Long Xiang's thief heard the cold and emotionless words behind him, his expression was full of surprise!

"On the thieves' group!" After killing the thieves, Xiao Ting's figure disappeared from the battlefield again, leading the thieves of the elders to fight in person. Have the dream cadres already started to act?

On this battlefield where arrows are flying and magic is everywhere, Dream, Floating Life in the End Times, Misty Rain and Jiangnan, and the elite core members of the four major guilds of Zhantian are all dispatched. If they want to stop Long Xiang's masters, they can't sit still!

"Yuchen, is it really okay?" An Jing Qingjian stood by Yuchen's side, looking at the fewer and fewer cadres around him, and said with some concern, no one knows how strong Long Xiang is, a behemoth. .

"I don't think anyone can defeat us when the three of us work together!" Lined up, Yuchen, Jing Jing, and Misty Rain are like the core of the entire battlefield. Create a visual majesty!

Uncle Misty Rain grinned: "Actually, I think so too!" Looking around, there is no one among the ten thousand troops who can hurt Yuchen and get the lord's order with the three of them working together.

Quietly and helplessly shrugged, but acquiesced to this statement, and began to direct the battle continuously. However, their ideas were indeed correct, but they seemed to ignore a very important thing, that is, the enemy does not necessarily invade from the outside, In fact, it can also be done from the inside.

Behind them, someone grinned sinisterly, and the weapon in his hand was trembling!

"What the hell, there is a knight at 11 o'clock who is too fierce, please help!" At this time, a voice calling for help came from the alliance channel, and the entire battlefield was full of voices from the direction of 11 o'clock. The screams continued to come.

"Long Xiang Jue Tian?"

The three of Yuchen all received the message, where Long Xiangjuetian attacked, and the elite members of the four major labor unions were unable to stop his offensive, Yuchen looked even more serious: "Is the person after the end of the day really so strong?" ?”

"Boss, let me go." At this moment, Wulei next to Yuchen opened his eyes, the black long-haired chivalrous suit floated in the wind, the Aoxue sword in his hand had been replaced by the golden years, and the golden equipment exuded shining light.

Yuchen thought for a moment and nodded, and Wulei disappeared in front of their eyes in a blink of an eye.

"It's not good, it's three o'clock direction, please help, the priests ask for help!"

The constant bad news resounded through everyone's channels, Yuchen frowned, [-] members of Dream had died at this moment, becoming the most dead in the union, after all, the peripheral members were from the third and second batches players, the equipment level is all low-level!

"The priests follow me!"

There are two elder groups in total, one group of priests Wuxin is in charge, the other group of thieves is in charge of Shen Mo, and Xiao Ting is the deputy head of the group. Shen Mo and Yu Chen glanced at Wu Xin and said: "Be careful."

Wuxin nodded solemnly. In this kind of large-scale war, even a powerful Wuxin can play a very limited role, but if Wuxin goes out, there is no need to worry about healing.

"What the hell, the front line can't be stopped!"

"President, let me go!" Sunset took the initiative to ask for Ying, and Yuchen couldn't help but look up: "Your defense..." Yuchen knew that Sunset's defense was very fragile, and one hit would kill him!

"If this goes on like this, there will be no chance for dreams!" Xiyang said anxiously, and rushed out with 1 people without saying a word. Looking at his leaving back, Yuchen shook his head helplessly. There are fewer and fewer members, only Babao, Shen Mo, Setting Sun, and a dozen other core members are left.

"Long Xiang, this is just the power of a branch." Looking at the distant battlefield, Yuchen said with a sincere sigh.

"Mad Dragon Explosion!"


"What's going on?" Everyone on the scene was startled, only to see the dragon screaming loudly on the battlefield ahead, and the whole field exploded like an explosion, and hundreds of members of the four major trade unions died immediately!

"Longxiang Zhantian, he has made a move!" An Jing's expression trembled, and the situation ahead was clearly seen in the demon pupils.

"In this way, we can't stay out of it." Lei Shen was the first to go out, watching his leaving back, Misty Rain frowned deeply: "I'll go too."

"Brother Yanyu?" Yuchen was horrified, as if he felt that there was no need to even fight Misty Rain, Misty Rain smiled: "Don't question, he is just so powerful!"

Misty Rain and Thunder God went out, the masters around Yuchen were gradually decreasing, everyone looked anxious, and even Yuchen had the idea of ​​going out to fight, but he was stopped by Jingjing.


"The bounty is 50 for killing the core members of any trade union! 100 for cadre members! Whoever can kill them will get a reward of [-] for the president!" One of Long Xiang's leaders yelled, making Long Xiang's members become As ferocious as a wolf or a tiger!

"Didn't you expect my head to be so valuable?" Yuchen couldn't help laughing at himself, and An Jing also laughed: "Is it really expensive?"

When the two were talking, they didn't realize that a ruthless sharp blade behind them was exuding a dazzling cold light, grinning and smiling, with a victorious look on their faces, but Yuchen and the others never thought that there would be weapons coming from them Attack from behind! ! !


Just when Yuchen and Anjing focused their eyes on the battlefield, a dream member who was guarding around the village suddenly shouted, Yuchen and Anjing trembled at the same time, and when they came back to their senses, a sinister expression , a weapon exuding a silver glow, at this moment, a companion behind them was facing Yuchen with a blade!

No one thought that this man, the person in front of him turned out to be the core member of the dream, and when Yuchen had no time to turn around, that man had already launched an attack!



The members in the distance saw this exciting scene the moment they turned their heads, dreaming that there was a traitor!

"Hey, Yu Wuchen, die! The bounty of 100 million is mine!" He grinned ferociously, and with the shout of this dream core member, everyone held their breath at that moment.

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