The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 282 – Battle of the Phoenix Dance

"Boom boom boom boom"

The sound of hundreds of thousands running was deafening like a thunder that resounded through the earth. Feng Wu's 30 troops were all dispatched to enter the already messy battlefield.

Pushing corpses like mountains, blood scattered on the ground, their appearance made all the trade unions terrified, even Long Xiang was no exception. When they saw Feng Wu's attack with such great momentum, their eyes were full of oil. However, there is a sense of despair!

"What the hell, what do Feng Wu and those girls want to do?" Longxiang Tianmo was furious, Longxiang Zhantian and Longxiang Juetian died on the way to dare to come, but they encountered Fengwu's elite troops and had a dispute. The two were rounded instantly.

This made Longxiang Tianmo furious, but he couldn't immediately convey the information to the headquarters. Longxiang's members had been drastically reduced, let alone resisting Fengwu, even Yuchen and the others couldn't win!

In this way, Long Xiang's dream of unifying Xuanyuan Continent will come to a halt on their Phoenix City's mistakes, no, this kind of thing will never be allowed to happen, Long Xiang Tianmo secretly broke away from the battle, went offline, and sent this This matter was notified to Long Xiang headquarters, but got a shocking news!

When he got online, his face was full of excitement and joy, and he shouted to the women beside him: "Brothers, quit the battlefield, don't fight!"

Long Xiang's people have already been exhausted. After all, they not only suffered heavy losses in the free mode battle for three hours, but also reached the upper limit of their physical strength. On the other hand, the players in the player system mode of the four major trade unions have a lot of players, and their skills are uninterrupted Release, is there a magic potion anyway?What are you afraid of?

But they can't, because the system hasn't sold stamina potions yet!

Long Xiang Tianmo's order made Long Xiang's members relieved, but they would not let Long Xiang's players go easily, they beat the dog in the water, and the row after row of skills released immediately let the fleeing Long Xiang Thousands of casualties.

"Don't let them run away!" Xiaotian and Wulei fought back again, their bodies were covered in blood, they were still fighting in blood, and they didn't know how many times they brandished their weapons, but Bai Xiaosheng faithfully recorded the scene of Long Xiang's members fleeing. down.

"what is that?"

The players of the four major trade unions have not been in the joy of defeating Long Xiang for half a second, but the oncoming smoke and dust made them fall into shock. A hundred meters ahead, only the sound of running was left. It pierced through the ground, and the whole ground seemed to be shaking!

"Everyone is ready to attack!"

"Defend the position!"

"Brothers, for our glory, for our everything, stick to the territory!" Following Yuchen, Quiet, and Misty Rain's loud shouts, Feng Wu's 30-plus troops also approached in an instant.

A line of 30 players from the four major trade unions lined up outside the territory of Phoenix City. Thousands of people inside surrounded Yuchen and the others. Facing Feng Wu's [-] horses, Zhan Tian frowned...


The majestic robe was blowing, the armor was covered with bloodstains, and the durability of the weapons in their hands was gradually declining. Not only did the [-] members look at the black and dense area without the slightest fear, but each of them showed determination to see death as home!

"Brothers! Even corpses must be made into defenses!" With Zhan Tian's loud shout, the Zhan Tian Guild, with less than [-] people left, walked in the front. The incoming magic arrows have poured down!

Swords rained all over the sky, magic light filled the fiery red sky, constantly releasing skills and magic, Feng Wu showed no mercy, and more than 30 members all poured into this land!

"Hahahaha, let's fight, let's fight!" The Demon Wolf of the God of War smiled excitedly when he saw this, this kind of scene is the reason to make a man excited!Which man doesn't have that trace of blood in his heart!

Fighting is the most primitive desire!

"Yu Wuchen, as long as you call out the lord's order, I will let you leave safely!" The war is approaching, and when the two sides are fighting, there is a shout from a regional channel!

Listening to Fengwu Qingcheng's chanting, the players from the four major trade unions cursed even more!

"Damn girl, go ahead and dream, if you are our president's mistress, we may consider not killing you!"

"Let's give up and dream!"

"Brothers, let these girls know that we men are not only tough, but also hard, and want us to give up and step on our cocks!"


Everyone looked at Babao, and saw that there was a huge light behind this guy. His words and his wretched smile almost blinded the players. This guy is really shameless and wretched!

"Yu Wuchen, what do you think?" Feng Wu continued to ask, her tone was a little cold, because he hadn't seen where Yuchen was yet.

Suddenly, the crowd dispersed, Yuchen and Misty Rain, quietly, silently, unintentionally, Lei Shen, Feng Kelei and others came out, the knights immediately defended in front of their eyes, only showing a head.

"Hehe, Miss Fengwu, although you have a lot of people in Fengwu, I don't think we will lose to you? Besides, I can't do that to a woman!" Yuchen suddenly looked at Fengwu with a sharp expression. dance!

Feng Wu bit her lip and trembled all over her body, her unchanging eyes flashed a flash of anger and said: "What's wrong with women? Today I will let you know that women are not easy to bully, women are not just tools for your men to play with, we We are human, and we have the power to choose!"

"Sisters, kill them! Snatch the resident!" Feng Wu Qingcheng made the heaviest decision in his heart. Psychologically, he didn't want to be an enemy of Yuchen, and even looked forward to Yuchen's future. However, everything is over up!

"Anyone who takes a step back is not a man!" Yuchen yelled, and he stood still on the spot. His actions made the members' blood boil and shouted: "A step back is a girl, and a step forward is a girl!" Big jj! Brothers, kill me!"

"Kill kill kill kill"

The sound of killing filled the entire battlefield, the confrontation between weapons, the helpless wailing and screaming, what is shocking is that Feng Wu's players are all in the free fighting mode, and they came prepared, the team was orderly go ahead!

"It's not good, we are still too weak for these guilds that have experienced the baptism of battle!" Quiet said with emotion, looking at their formation, although many people died, but the players of the four major guilds are twice as many as them !

If things go on like this, Yuchen and his companions will all perish in less than 10 minutes. Yuchen, who can only stay in the territory, will be unable to escape. Naturally, it is impossible for him to face hundreds of thousands of people and still be safe .

Misty Rain gritted her teeth and walked out: "Well, there is still a guy who wants to be a hunter, but he can't keep it now!"

"Do you want to use it?" Originally there were only three eighth-level magic scrolls, Thunder God's Punishment, but now there are only two left. On the distant battlefield, the alliance headed by the God of War Guild is still silent.

"I can't help it." Yan Yu sighed helplessly, and walked out with a ferocious face: "Women, just go home and take care of the children and take care of the house. It's not about you!"

"Heavenly Thunder and God's Punishment Activated!" Yan Yu held up the scroll in his hand, and in an instant purple-red lightning spread across his body, flickering on his arms like a dragon, and the thunder light began to spread from the scroll until the purple-red thunder light overwhelmed Misty Rain. When the body is swallowed up, the countdown officially begins!

"Good guy, there is still this move, hehe, but what do you do next?" The Demon Wolf of the God of War said with increasing anticipation.

"Bang bang bang!"


After the confrontation between Hentian and Shiqinghaozhan, the two backed away at the same time, because they both saw the terrifying power emanating from the thunder light. They looked at each other, and the two of them galloped away into the sea of ​​people. They couldn't stop the attack of the eighth-level magic. strength!

"You guys, go back and take care of your children!" Yan Yu yelled again, but this time she threw the scroll in her hand, everyone held their breaths, their gazes focused on the scroll that shone with purple-red lightning!




"Sister!" Feng Wu's sisters all looked at Feng Wu Qingcheng. The power of the eighth-level magic had already begun to vibrate, and a thunder flashed on the blood-stained ground. When people looked at the sky again, all of them were exposed The horror eyes!

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

"Thunderbolt Pulling"

"Clap clap clap"

"Hurrah la la"

"Boom, bang!"

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Afterwards, everyone within a radius of 500 meters was shrouded under the bloody sky, Yuchen and Jing Jing waited and shouted: "Brothers, step back!"

"No, no, run, run~!" Feng Wu's women discovered this horrifying scene, and they all ran back regardless of the fight. However, when they reacted, Tian Lei had already fall!



A member of Feng Wu was hit by lightning from the sky, and immediately fell into a pool of blood, and then the overwhelming thunder light enveloped the land. People felt the majestic thunder light and the strong wind blowing around them, and all looked at that place intently. A thunderous earth and sky!

"Sister, don't!"

At this moment, a delicate body suddenly jumped into the thunder light, and with the shouts of Feng Wu Qingxin and others, Feng Wu Qingcheng was instantly shrouded in the thunder light!

One second passed, ten seconds passed, ten minutes passed, the minefield was a minefield, and no one dared to set foot on it!

Ten minutes later, the eighth-level magic disappeared, and when people looked at the land again, they all showed expressions of horror!

"What! How is it possible?" The first man who yelled turned out to be Misty Rain, and then Yuchen, Jing Jing, and all the players present exclaimed, because in the thunder light, a layer of red light surrounded Phoenix. Most of the members of the dance are shrouded in it!

They were unscathed!

"I've made up my mind, and no one can stop me!" Feng Wu Qingcheng bit her lip and thought firmly, a blood-red scroll in her hand, it was this eighth-level magic scroll that protected them with an absolute barrier!

At the same time, at the teleportation point in Phoenix City, a handsome man appeared, and then he looked up at the sky, his fingers facing the sky, and a sharp sword flew into the sky. On the sword!

Looking at the scorching sun, the man's expression turned serious, and he drove the sword away, leaving behind a group of dull-eyed players...

It took a long time for someone to react: "It's's him...he's here."

Who made people panic like this?

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