The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 283 – The Strongest Arrival

"Absolute defensive magic?"

There was a burst of exclamation among the crowd. When the magic scroll in Fengwu Qingcheng's hands disappeared together with the thunder, people realized that there were corpses on the ground, but only less than [-] people were buried in the thunder god's punishment. It is a great loss.

It's no wonder that Misty Rain lost his composure and yelled, no one would accept it!

"You are indeed the president of Feng Wu, it seems that we have underestimated you a little!" An Jing walked out and glanced at Yu Chen: "I will kill him!"

Yuchen didn't say a word, didn't speak, watched Jingjing leave, and killing the leader of the opponent could boost morale, but looking at the eyes of Fengwu Qingcheng, Yuchen's heart trembled for it, what kind of eyes were those?

Why such a sad and helpless feeling?Is it so similar to my former self?Looking at Fengwu Qingcheng, Yuchen actually started to think wildly.

"Brother Silence, sneak attack on their cadres!" After being shocked, Yu Chen quickly issued an order, a life-and-death battle, to protect him with all his strength is not as good as killing Feng Wu's cadres, and it is not difficult to escape with Yuchen's strength!

"Wuxin, support the trade union elites, earn one is one!"

Wuxin and silently nodded solemnly. Now is the time of life and death for the four major trade unions, and there is no room for them to be sloppy.

"Be careful yourself!" After finishing speaking, the silence had disappeared before their eyes.

"Brother Xingzhu, take a break to recover your strength." Seeing Xingzhu about to step forward, Yuchen quickly stopped and said: "The battle has just begun, save your strength!"

"Xiyang, Xiaotian, Wulei, come back!"

"Brothers, go!" He said to the core members around him again!

The war spread again, and Feng Wu and the four major trade unions fought desperately. Half of the time has passed, and there are still five hours left for Yuchen and the others to get the resident. However, the situation in front of them is getting more and more complicated !

The fleeing members of Long Xiang began to recover a lot of physical strength, and the dead players also rushed to the battlefield, but most of them fought in the city. After all, the enemies were extremely jealous when they met, and the dead members launched another desperate battle. fight.

When there was an emergency from the front line, the red-eyed players yelled at each other and rushed towards the territory together. Yuchen and his army of [-] were defeated in the battle of Fengwu.

Facing Feng Wu's ferocious attack, no one can avoid the battle!

"Sword Dance Flying!"



Fengwu Qingcheng didn't hide behind the team, but took the lead and killed them, her delicate body kept dodging, Xuefeng was trembling uncontrollably, some players were even fascinated by the beauty of Fengwu's female players , but soon the blood made them realize that this is a battlefield!


"I'm going to kill you!" Seeing that his companion had died under Feng Wu Qingcheng's sword, a warrior slashed towards Feng Wu Qingcheng crazily. Pink petals fluttered in the sky, and what the soldier saw when he was dying was the scene of peach blossoms in full bloom.

Fengwu Qingcheng looked forward, suddenly a gust of wind came from behind her, the next second a purple long sword pierced her chest, although the speed of Fengwu Qingcheng was half a beat slower, but the reaction was not slow , the red-pink petals that Zijian pierced formed a pink flower wall to block Zijian's attack!


However, before Feng Wu Qingcheng came back to his senses, the man who attacked behind him suddenly appeared in front of his eyes: "Sword dancer, it's really a strange profession, but I'm curious..."

Feng Wu Qingcheng's expression trembled, because there was a purple long sword on her neck, An Jing suddenly shouted: "If you want your president to die before your eyes! You can continue to attack and try! "

This is the shouting of the regional channel, all of which were heard by the people. The expressions of the fierce players fighting on the battlefield couldn't help but look into the dust, and the fighting stopped in an instant!

"Don't listen to him, keep attacking, what's the fear of death!" Feng Wu said stubbornly, without the slightest fear in her eyes!

"Sister." Feng Wu fell in love with Feng Wu, and they looked at this place one after another. Sure enough, Ye Weijing had already put the weapon on Fengwu Qingcheng's neck. Fengwu Qingcheng knew that Ye was very quiet and powerful, just move , will definitely die under Quiet's sword!

"Leave me alone, keep killing!" Feng Wu Qingcheng suddenly raged, raised his sword to kill An Jing, but An Jing dodged in an instant, and the magic force hit him, and Feng Wu Qingcheng immediately sent Feng Wu Qingcheng flying several meters away!

Quiet and not slow, a flash appeared behind Feng Wu again: "Hehe, yes, death is not terrible? However, if I tear your clothes little by little in front of tens of millions of players, I believe many Everyone will shout, okay?"

It’s still a regional channel. If it’s quiet, it’s unremarkable, but it makes the phoenix dance players who are watching and even fighting feel turbulent. Clothes can be destroyed during the battle, which means that as long as the quiet is properly controlled, it can even be destroyed. Tear Feng Wu's clothes with a sword.

"You!" Feng Wu Qingcheng's delicate body trembled, and she couldn't help pointing angrily, but the quiet sword was on her neck, and it would be better to die than to be humiliated. Thinking of this, Feng Wu launched a fierce attack!

"It seems that you asked for it!"

Quiet's sword slashed at Fengwu Qingcheng's chest, and her clothes were torn, revealing her white skin. Fengwu Qingcheng's face turned red immediately, and she dared not attack again: Shameless, rascal! "

"Don't say that, if it were Yu Wuchen, maybe the little beauty would have lost her clothes." An Jing said teasingly, the actions of the two detonated the audience, and the wolves roared and clamored. Quietly stripped off all Feng Wu's clothes..

"elder sister."

"do not come!"

"Everyone stop fighting!" Feng Wu couldn't bear to be humiliated by Qingcheng, and immediately ordered to stop fighting. No one thought that there would be such a scene. Looking at this scene, Yu Chen, Yan Yu and the others couldn't help but cursed: "Shameless, Ni Ma is really shameless!"

"The person who told you to leave here immediately!" An Jing actually had to make such a bad move, otherwise they would really be doomed today.

Fengwu Qingcheng's expression was tangled, her veil bit her lips full of unwillingness, but the night in front of her was very quiet but she kept her promise, Fengwu Qingcheng's own chastity was also very important!

For a moment, the battlefield fell into silence... deathly silence!

"Hoo hoo hoo" the breeze blows the earth...

In the sky of white clouds, a black figure galloped above the blue sky. There was a huge bone wing behind him, and his eyes were looking forward anxiously. He said with some self-mockery: "I made a mistake or what? Obviously Hate him so much, and now worry about his union??"

The person in the sky is Chen Yong, and the bone wing is bound to his soul. Even if he dies many times, it will be his. He is soaring in the sky, and he is a little worried about the battle of the dream station.


However, when Chen Yong was thinking wildly, suddenly a fierce afterimage flew past him. At that moment, Chen Yong only saw the profile and back of that person, but the man did not look back at Chen Yong. at a glance..

Looking at that familiar yet unfamiliar figure from the back, Chen Yong was still thinking carefully about who he was, and the next second he stopped in place trembling all over, and his body in the sky was trembling uncontrollably!

"It's him! He's here, it's over, it's over!" Chen Yong murmured in shock, and quickly called out the trade union channel. He wanted to tell them the news, otherwise everything would really be over!

On the silent land, everyone is waiting for Fengwu Qingcheng's decision.

"Surrender quickly." Yu Chen murmured looking at Feng Wu's stubborn eyes.

"Hurry up!" An Jing increased the strength in her hand, Zijian suddenly raised her hand, and the clothes on Feng Wu's arm disappeared immediately, revealing that pure white jade hand!

"The night is very quiet, are you a man, to be so despicable *shameless* obscene!"

Jing Jing didn't take it seriously: "It's better than waiting to die, right? We all work hard on our own, don't you do the same?" Jing Jing's words made everyone speechless!

"Say it one last time, take your people and leave!" An Jing shouted, her powerful momentum made the timid girls tremble.

Biting her lips, Feng Wu Qingcheng was engaged in a complicated inner struggle. For this victory, she gathered all Feng Wu's strength. If she failed, then her fate really could not be changed, which also meant her life Will....

"Even if I die! I won't agree! Whatever you want, sisters, kill Yu Wuchen and snatch the resident!" In the end, Feng Wu Qingcheng shouted with tears in the corners of his eyes!

At that moment, Yuchen, Quiet, Misty Rain, Silent, Unintentional, everyone trembled, a trace of surprise flashed in Quiet's eyes, what made a woman so persistent?Would you rather give up your chastity?

"That's it, that's it!"

"Mowu berserk!"

An Jing had lost her mind, and raised her sharp sword to kill Feng Wu's face glistening with tears!

"Quiet, be careful!"

But at this critical moment, Xiaotian, who was closest to An Jing, knocked An Jing and his body into the air at the same time with a blink of an eye. On the spot, hundreds of sharp swords pierced into the ground with a cold glow, where An Jing was originally. location!

"Yu Wuchen, Longxiang Nine Heavens is here! Hurry up and find a way, or your dream will be over!" Chen Yong's eager cry came from the trade union channel, making everyone tremble!

"My fiancée, how can I be insulted by you, you guys make me very angry!"

The shouts in the trade union channel, along with the icy sound from the sky, people's eyes focused on the sky, but at that moment, everyone's eyes were flickering with fear and shock!

"Long soaring nine days..."

Looking at the figure in the sky, the white clothes of the man flying with the sword fluttered in the wind, his black hair danced like ink, he looked down at everyone from a high position, and everyone gasped!

This is the strongest man, that undefeated myth, the sword god Longxiang Jiutian actually came from Golden Dragon City to Phoenix City!

Yuchen looked up at the sky tremblingly, clenched the weapon in his hand, fate, finally meet!

(Normal update before NO.15, three more)

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