The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 284 – Yuchen’s Attack

The blue sky, the dusty and war-filled land, people's eyes are looking at the sky, surrounded by white clouds, a white figure is condescending like an emperor looking down on all living beings...

All the players in Phoenix City stopped fighting because of his appearance, including Long Xiang, Feng Wu, and the four major unions all stared at the sky, looking up at the man flying with the sword!

"You guys make me very angry." The man's cold words came from the air, and the hearts of the players trembled because of these words. Some people's weapons even trembled faintly, and the corners of their mouths trembled, even a little afraid of this man.

"Long Xiang Nine Heavens!"

People exclaimed, and no one thought that the second generation president of the Long Xiang trade union who was fighting for territory in Golden Dragon City, who was praised as a genius and a mythical man who was undefeated, would appear here.

Especially the players from the four major trade unions.His complexion sank, and the figure looking at Long Xiang Jiutian revealed a trace of despair in his eyes. The strongest man, the super powerful hidden professional sword god, and the myth of undefeated appeared in front of them. Psychologically, they were already defeated. up!


With the help of Xiaotian, Jing Jing and the two escaped the falling sword glow, each other's eyes were full of shock, Jing Jing looked at the sky with a dark and stern look: "Is it really here?"

In fact, Yuchen and Jing Jing had already had such an idea when they heard the announcement, but they didn't expect it to be true!

Looking at the man like a king, Fengwu Qingcheng didn't feel the slightest joy, but his eyes were full of resentment, and he gritted his teeth as if full of unwillingness. He couldn't help but glance at Yuchen. The lord's order is fine, why, why is this happening!

Looking at Longxiang Jiutian and everyone present with resentful eyes, Fengwu Qingcheng's heart is bleeding!

"Are you okay, Qingcheng."

Just when Feng Wu Qingcheng was thinking wildly, a magnetic and very gentle voice came from behind her. The next second, everyone in the crowd trembled and took a few steps back slowly. The flow of people was like the tide ebbing, because Long Xiang Jiutian, who was still in the sky just now, came to the ground in an instant and appeared behind Fengwu Qingcheng!

"So fast!"

Yuchen was quiet, Yanyu and others exclaimed, Mengmeng's cadres were as if they were facing a big enemy, and they didn't dare to breathe a bit. After all, they joined Mengqiqi, and they knew that they would be like fire and water with Longxiang!

"Don't worry about it." Feng Wu Qingcheng looked at Long Xiang Jiutian with resentful eyes, their words shocked the surrounding players, the legendary man was also trapped by love!

It turns out that he is just a mortal, and people are not surprised to give such thoughts in their hearts.

Long Xiang Jiutian looked at Feng Wu with gentle eyes. Not only was he not angry, but he was afraid of offending Feng Wu Qingcheng, his eyes were full of tenderness: "If you want a territory, I can give it to you, why bother to endure such insults?" Woolen cloth?"

Listening to Long Xiang Jiutian's words, Fengwu Qingcheng's delicate body trembled, and her gaze was even more resentful: "I...don't... need it!" word by word spread into the ears of everyone present, and their eyes all looked at Let's see what he will do after holding Long Xiang for nine days.

However, under everyone's attention, Long Xiang Jiutian sighed unmoved: "This territory, let me help you take it over." Wanting to drink up, Long Xiang Jiutian then whispered something in her ear, Feng Wu trembled all over, and looked at Long Xiang Jiutian with shock in his eyes.

"Since you know, why do you still want to do this?" Feng Wu Qingcheng calmed down instantly, and looked at Long Xiang Jiutian in disbelief.

Long Xiang Jiutian showed a rare smile: "You finally talked to me."

Feng Wu looked at Long Xiang Jiutian with hateful eyes: "Why!"

"You look so beautiful when you're angry!"

"Tell me why!" Feng Wu Qingcheng's roar resounded throughout the audience, making the players gasp. What kind of story do Feng Wu and Long Xiang have?

Longxiang Jiutian and Fengwu Qingcheng turned their backs, with a smile on the corner of their mouths: "Why? Because I really like you, I want to tell you that no matter what you do, you can't change your destiny!"

"I'll take the territory for you!" Long Xiang Jiutian took a step, his eyes froze, and the aura of a strong man intimidated the players around him. At that moment, the murderous aura released by Long Xiang Jiutian shocked everyone!

"All core cadres protect Yu Wuchen!" Seeing Jing Jing felt a little bad, he yelled at the members of Doomsday Floating Life behind him!

"Protect President Yu Wuchen!" Yan Yu also shouted loudly, and was the first to rush in front of Yuchen. Long Xiang Jiutian's actions touched the hearts of everyone present, and there was no doubt that Long Xiang Jiutian was about to make a move. !

"Protect the president, protect the president, don't let Longxiang Jiutian come over!" Mo Moxin, Xiaotian, Xiao Ting, Han, and Xiyang all panicked. Once Longxiang Jiutian succeeds, all their efforts will be worthless. Turned into running water and disappeared.

This is the dream, no, all players are allowed to happen!

Long Xiang Jiutian slowly walked away from Fengwu Qingcheng, walked towards the field step by step, without even drawing his sword, his stern face made the players feel terrified, every step he took, the members They turned out not to attack but to retreat.

An Jing choked up her throat and swallowed her saliva, because the distance between Long Xiang Jiutian and him was only five meters, and Xiaotian was also on the other side of Long Xiang. In a passive state, even though he was only one person, he made thousands of troops dare not move rashly!

Looking at the man approaching him step by step, Yuchen's body was trembling, and the black sword he was holding tightly made a faint sound. He stared at Longxiang Jiutian, the corners of his mouth trembling, only his eyes revealed a terrifying look. clean!

The trembling body, and then a bloodthirsty smile appeared on that handsome cheek. Yuchen's eyes were full of excitement and excitement and murmured: "Is it finally here?"

"Is the lord's order with him?" It seemed that he had discovered Yuchen's existence, and his eyes met him, but Long Xiangjiutian glanced at Yuchen disapprovingly and muttered, he slowly pulled out a sharp knife on his back. Sword, under the sun, there is a glint of cold light!


"How could it be possible for you to pass by!" Just when Long Xiang Jiutian was about to activate his blinking feet, An Jing and Xiaotian came to him in an instant, and they attacked from left and right, with great power Like a beast!

With a powerful sword slash, An Jing and Xiaotian unleashed a powerful sword energy around the weapon, and the tip of the sword approached Long Xiang Jiutian's head!

The expressions of the two masters who were oncoming, Long Xiang Jiutian still did not change at all, the moment their weapons were about to collide with his body, Long Xiang Jiutian disappeared instantly under all the hot attention.

Jing Jing and Xiaotian glanced at each other, their eyes were full of shock, Long Xiang Jiutian's speed was so fast, before everyone recovered, the body of Long Xiang Jiutian suddenly appeared behind Xiaotian!

"not good!"

"Sword pulse!"

Long Xiang Jiutian did not draw his sword, put his index finger into Xiaotian's left arm, and with a bang, amidst the exclamation of people, Xiaotian flew more than ten meters away and fell to the ground. Seeing this, Wuxin immediately stepped forward to treat him .

"Sword pulse!" Long Xiang Jiutian's attack did not end, and the other hand appeared on Quiet's left shoulder without a sound. Everyone held their breath at that moment, quietly waiting for the next scene!

Jing Jing was even more shocked, and shouted at the moment the opponent attacked: "Magic Wu Shield!"


With a dull voice, Quiet's body retreated a few meters. Although he was not injured, everyone was shocked. Without a weapon, he defeated the head of Dream with just his fingers, making Ye Quiet retreat a few meters meters away, is this the gap?

People stared at that man stupidly with their eyes wide open. Is this the strongest man?The strongest player, will his undefeated myth continue in this game world?

"The number one player is indeed very powerful!" An Jing stabilized his figure, and a long mark was drawn on the ground. At this moment, the blood in his body began to get excited, and his eyes became sharp instantly, and It was different before, the quiet sword body began to be surrounded by a layer of purple-black breath.

Long Xiang Jiutian still walked into the crowd arrogantly and unrestrainedly, approaching Yuchen's position, but the surrounding players did not dare to step forward, because Long Xiang Jiutian exuded an extremely terrifying aura, which made them feel intimidated!

"Ahhhhhh, brothers. Kill him! We are myths!" Babao finally couldn't stand such a scene, his cry was like a thunderbolt that brought people back to their senses, and everyone looked at Longxiang Jiutian, showing a ferocious expression faces!


1000 people killed in an instant, rushing towards the strongest man recklessly!

"Death to me!"

"Frenzied Triple Slash!"

"Heavenly Sword!"


"Cyclone Sword!"

The melee profession killed him, and the brilliant skills wrapped Long Xiang Jiutian's figure, holding his breath, and the tens of millions of onlookers didn't dare to blink at this moment that will determine the fate of Phoenix City!

There are still 4 hours until the end of the territory!

"Hahaha, with so many people attacking, no matter how strong you are, you will definitely die, right?" the players shouted excitedly.

"No matter how many ants there are, they are just ants after all..." Long Xiang Jiutian's cold words came from the smoke and dust.

"What?" The players roared in horror.

"Sword rain all over the sky."

In the next second, thousands of sharp swords appeared from behind Long Xiang Jiutian. The players present, especially the knight-errant players, were all petrified. As we all know, the upper limit of the rain of swords in the sky is 201!

However, Long Xiang's rain of swords filled the sky with thousands of swords, and that white sharp blade fell into the ground like rain, washing all the players present with blood!

"Yuchen, don't leave us!" Shen Mo turned back in shock, but his eyes suddenly enlarged in the next second, because there was Yu Chen's figure behind him, and there was an empty space, Mo Mo suddenly turned back and shouted: "What the hell, brothers. Rush forward to protect Wuchen!"

"Finally, let me know how far we are now!" With the black sword in hand, Yuchen's speed reached a terrifying state, and people could only see an afterimage passing by!

At this moment, Yuchen actually chose to attack?

How big is the gap between him and that man? With Yuchen's attack, the duel kicked off!

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