The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 285 – Two Tigers and One Dragon

"bang bang bang"



"Ghost Slash!"


The ground seemed to be shaking, and the two were still fighting fiercely in this remote place on the quiet battlefield. A powerful attack was launched, and the two immediately took a step back, staring at each other.

Then, their eyes looked towards the center of the crowd.

"Longxiang Nine Heavens? Is that the undefeated myth?" Hentian asked puzzled, and looked at Shiqing Haozhan: "Forget it, stop fighting, stop fighting, it's boring!" After all, hate Tian unexpectedly rushed to the field, and Shi Qing Hao Zhan followed after cursed secretly.

On this silent battlefield, the sword light fell, and the cold blade ruthlessly harvested the lives of Dream and the other three union members. They died tragically under the thousands of blades. Looking at this scene, four The players of the big union roared angrily!

"Long soars to the nine heavens! Ahhh!" Xiaotian recovered, before his physical strength was fully recovered, he charged forward again, Wuxin couldn't stop him, and Shen Shen also killed him, while Zhantian, Feng Kelei, Bi Shuihan and the others also all rushed forward. rushed over!

"Don't!" An Jing yelled, and it took only a moment for him to understand that the person in front of him, no, he is not a human, but a monster. Only when he fights with him will he understand how terrifying he is. There is an illusion in An Jing's heart, Even if Longxiang Jiutian has no equipment, the players present are no match for him!

However, it was already too late, all the important members of the trade union launched an attack, Xiao Tianchong was the fiercest, he raised his sword and shouted: "Kill me!"

"Swordsman Profound Truth!"

"Three thousand world!"

"Eye of the Profound Truth of Death!"

"Death purgatory winks!"

"Water God's Fury!"

"Holy Light. Great Holy Flame!"

All the stormy attacks poured into Long Xiang Jiutian's body from all directions. Facing that gorgeous skill and powerful skill, Long Xiang Jiutian's eyes finally changed slightly, but it was only for a moment!

"Go to hell!" Accompanied by everyone's shouts, on the smoky battlefield, people held their breath and looked at the dusty land motionless!

"Did you die?" The players asked in shock. After all, under that kind of attack, it is impossible to survive every day.

On the ground filled with smoke and dust, Wuxin, Xiaotian, Lei Shen, Feng Kelei, and hundreds of core members stared there with wide-eyed eyes. There was only a piece of dust for the time being, and they couldn't see the situation clearly.

"Quickly open!"

But on the silent battlefield, An Jing shuddered all over and shouted, people's expressions froze, and in the next second, tens of thousands of cold sharp blades appeared around them out of thin air!

"what happened?"

They panicked, because they were surrounded by these sharp swords in the blink of an eye, tens of thousands of them, and they felt terrified and shivered, the smoke and dust dispersed, and a figure was slowly revealed.

"Swords become shields."

In front of Long Xiang Jiutian, clusters of sword flowers and sharp blades turned into sword shields to block all attacks, and the sharp blades surrounding Wuxin and them in front of them were obviously also caused by Long Xiang Jiutian!

"Sword burns the earth." Accompanied by Long Xiang Jiutian's murmur, tens of thousands of swords flew towards the ground, but at that moment, two figures galloped towards Long Xiang Jiutian!

"Magic martial arts!"

"Wrath of the Martial God!"

An Jing's whole body released a strong black-purple aura, his eyes also turned into purple pupils, and the sharp sword in his hand rose like a flame, and flashed in front of Long Xiang Jiutian!

"Drink!" With a loud shout, Zijian fiercely slashed at Long Xiang Jiutian's chest. Seeing this, Long Xiang Jiutian obviously realized the power of Quiet's attack. He raised his sharp sword and drank coldly: "Sword Swing into a shield!"

Another brilliant sword blade formed a shield to resist the black-purple slash, bang-bang-bang continuously splashed the scattered black-purple light, An Jing and Long Xiang Jiutian confronted the sword, loud shouts kept ringing, flooding the crowds ear!

"what is that?"

Suddenly, a figure came behind Long Xiang Jiutian and people exclaimed. When everyone came back to their senses, they saw that the man had already grinned and raised the black sword that was shining with cold light in his hand!


"Dust free!"

People exclaimed, because the man who suddenly rushed behind Longxiang Jiutian at this moment was Yu Wuchen holding the lord's order!

"Yuchen!" An Jing also discovered the existence of Yuchen, and a trace of surprise flashed in Longxiang Jiutian's eyes. He didn't expect that Yuchen would choose to take the initiative, looking at the more determined person than when he saw him before. In his eyes, Long Xiang Jiutian showed a smile: "What? Have you forgotten that you were defeated by me at the beginning!"

"Do you want to repeat the same mistakes?" Facing the murdered Yuchen, Longxiang Jiutian actually showed a hint of excitement. Yuchen remained silent, and the sharp sword stabbed at his chest. When Wu Chen was still a rookie, he challenged Long Xiang!

Will the old scene reappear?

Everyone held their breath, Yihan, Ruoxue, Xuan'er even hid their faces, they couldn't bear to see Yuchen being defeated!

"President, kill him!"

Longxiang Jiutian was restrained by An Jing, Yuchen's sharp sword fell, and An Jing's power increased. Under people's gaze, Long Xiang Jiutian was really the same as before, holding the sword with one hand, and holding Yuchen's hand with the other strangely. Black Sword!

"Did it fail?" The players couldn't help but sigh in their hearts. Sure enough, no one can break the myth of Longxiang Nine Heavens!

"You still haven't grown up?" Long Xiang Jiutian's face was full of disappointment. He thought that Yuchen could bring him a little excitement, but he didn't expect to hold his weapon so easily!

"Oh? Really?" Long Xiang Jiutian held the black iron sword tightly, not only was Yu Chen not disappointed, he showed excitement on the contrary, he suddenly looked terrified and shouted: "Because, I don't feel comfortable using a sword! "

Accompanied by Yuchen's loud shout, the eyes of the audience looked at Yuchen again, and saw him raise his clenched iron fist, and amidst the exclamation of the people, Yuchen actually punched Longxiang Jiutian with a fist. cheeks!

"Huh!" Naturally, Long Xiang Jiutian couldn't be hit by Yuchen's speed, so he easily dodged Yuchen's attack by turning sideways. He just wanted to laugh, but suddenly a burning pain came from his cheek!

"Isn't it?"

Everyone looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief, because Long Xiang Jiutian, who was hit by Yuchen's punch, was knocked back one meter away. Although it was only one meter away, the audience fell into silence!

The real silence was only the sound of dust flying all over the sky and people holding their breath. At that moment, Fengwu Qingcheng exclaimed, covered his face, and couldn't help standing up and looking at the man's body!

"Yuchen..." The corners of Yihan's eyes streamed with tears, Yuchen hit Long Xiang Jiutian, which detonated the audience!


Jing Jing and Yu Chen stood side by side at the same time, Qing Jian looked coldly at Long Xiang Jiutian who was retreating, and Jing Jing murmured: "How is it? Does it feel good?"

"So-so..." Yuchen said lightly, it was just a hit. This is not the result Yuchen wanted. The gap between him and Longxiang Jiutian is only now being tested!

"Is that No. 1? It only retreated one meter?" Compared with people who were horrified by Yuchen's performance, Hentian lamented the distance that Longxiang Jiutian retreated. You must know that Yuchen's blow When hit, he spit out a mouthful of blood, and the opponent only retreated one meter!

"Are the two masters fighting Long Xiang alone? This is really exciting!" Shi Qing Hao Zhan also looked at the battlefield full of excitement. In fact, the moment Long Xiang Jiutian appeared, people had already stopped fighting!

All eyes were on Yuchen and Longxiang Jiutian.

"Huh?" It was the first time in history that this feeling was repelled by Yuchen. Long Xiang Jiutian's eyes became more and more sharp, and the light that appeared became stronger. He stood firm, and Long Xiang Jiutian exuded an aura all over his body. It was even more intense, making Yuchen and Jing Jing frown!

"I'll come alone!"

"The flash of a monster!"

"Please, you have a lord's order on you, okay?"

"The flash of a monster!"

The two activated Shining at the same time, and in an instant they killed Longxiang Nine Heavens from the front and back respectively. The battle officially started, and everyone watched intently.

"Hidden Dragon Art!"

"Magic Martial Art!"

"The Shining of the Hidden Dragon!"

"The brilliance of Mowu!"

"Boom boom boom boom"

The bodies of Yuchen and An Jing embraced the silver-white and black-purple aura at the same time, and the whole person was enveloped in it. The two launched powerful slashes at the same time, and the target was locked on Longxiang Jiutian!

"Are the two teaming up? Hehe, let me enjoy the fun of fighting a little bit."

"The sword burns the earth!"

At the moment when the two of them slashed, Long Xiang Jiutian stabbed the sword into the ground, Yu Chen and An Jing were in midair, and then a silver-white sharp blade suddenly appeared on the ground!

"not good!"

"Hidden Dragon Step!"

"Flash step!"

"bang, bang"

There was a halo of light under the two people's feet, and they gave up killing Long Xiang Jiutian. Dodging the sword flower that soared into the sky, a burst of bright light from the blade of the sword formed around Long Xiang Jiutian, forming a crystal-clear sword flower, It is impossible to kill at all, because the tip of the weapon is outward and upward!

"Is it possible to operate a weapon like this?" An Jing and Yu Chen landed, leaving behind a cloud of dust, and their eyes became stern. Yu Chen glanced at the time, and there were still 3 hours left before the end of ten hours!

"Is the lord's order with you?" Long Xiang Jiutian turned his head to look at Yuchen.

"You talk a lot of nonsense today." Yuchen said coldly with the same fearless tone.

"Things are much simpler."

"Then, go to hell." After Longxiang Jiutian's voice fell, everyone present, including Yuchen and Jingjing who fought with Longxiang Jiutian, didn't react. Yuchen's heart stabbed...

"How is it possible?" Looking at the moment when the sharp sword pierced his heart, a trace of panic emerged in Yuchen's mind. Is this the gap they only saw?

Will Yuchen repeat the same mistakes?This sword decides Yuchen's fate!

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