The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 286 – Phoenix Nirvana


People looked at the sword stabbed by Long Xiang Jiutian in horror. Ordinary players couldn't see how to make the sword clearly, but Yihan and the girls had already exclaimed and called Yuchen's name. The sword wants to kill Longxiang Jiutian!

Facing the sharp sword that was galloping towards him, Yuchen's heart trembled, and he couldn't help but think of how he lost to him. When the wind picked up, the players all stared at the scene in that scene with wide eyes.

"Hidden Dragon Armed Defense!"

At the very moment, Yu Chen's expression became extremely sharp, a powerful air mask energy filled his side, the sharp sword stopped abruptly in front of Yu Chen, Long Xiang Jiutian's expression changed slightly !


Jing Jing yelled, and the two backed away from Long Xiang Jiu Tian at the same time. The man in front of them was really terrifying. A face-to-face fight made the two of them sweat on their foreheads, and the weapons they held tightly became excited and excited.

Especially Yuchen, after being attacked by Long Xiang Jiutian, not only did he not have the slightest fear or fear, but even looked excited and excited. He stared at Long Xiang Jiutian, his eyes full of fighting spirit!

Time seemed to stand still, only the smoke and dust flying in the air, everyone didn't speak, just quietly watching the scene in front of them, the battle between two tigers and one dragon affected the hearts of everyone present.

"What? Didn't you say you wanted to defeat me? Didn't you dare to step forward?" Seeing Yuchen and An Jing backing away, Long Xiang Jiutian looked at Yuchen with a slight smile, his eyes filled with anticipation. The growth surprised Long Xiang Jiutian.

Long Xiang Jiutian's contemptuous demeanor and words spread to everyone's ears, but Yuchen looked at him disapprovingly and didn't speak, but his heart was filled with excitement. He finally knew the gap between them!


The entangled Yinlong Jue defense disappeared immediately, even Yuchen didn't bless the special power of the Yinlong Jue, so he just stood quietly in front of Long Xiang Jiutian, slowly raised his head to look directly at him and grinned: "It turns out, it's not Is it impossible to surpass?"


At the moment when Yuchen's voice fell, under everyone's attention, Yuchen came to Longxiang Jiutian like a ghost. The clothes danced with the wind, and the ink-like black hair was blowing quietly.

"So fast!" Not only did this thought flash in Long Xiang Jiutian's eyes, but the movements in his hands did not weaken in the slightest. The moment Yuchen attacked, he also launched an offensive!

Everyone present exclaimed!

Yuchen's flash suddenly sparked the spread of the flames of war. People looked at them and saw two powerful men. At some point, each other's weapons had been drawn out, and their killing intent was everywhere. Yuchen's sword was placed on Long Xiang On Jiutian's neck, and Longxiang Jiutian's sword also landed on Yuchen's neck!

This time, everyone in the audience looked at Yuchen's performance in horror. It turned out that he could also do it so fast, and the dream members even shouted, all excited!

Tit for tat, the air is filled with war!

"This is really terrible!" The Demon Wolf of the God of War looked excitedly at the battlefield, and now he was no longer in his control. Even if they all rushed in, it seemed that there was no chance.

"Boy, when..." Misty Rain's eyes were full of shock and anticipation, Yuchen didn't have such a terrifying speed when they fought against each other a month ago, and now Yuchen's movement was completed in the blink of an eye just now!

"Has it reached this level?" An Jing raised a smile on the corner of her mouth. At this time, Yuchen is really qualified to be included in the ranks of super masters. There are really not many people who can fight side by side with Long Xiang Jiutian!


Crazy laughter suddenly came from the silent battlefield, and the man making the laugh was Long Xiang Jiutian. Yuchen's growth surprised everyone, and Long Xiang Jiutian was even more shocked!

"What's so funny?" Yuchen said lightly, as long as the weapon penetrated another centimeter, Longxiang Jiutian's head would fall to the ground, but Yuchen would also die under his sword.

Long Xiang Jiutian showed a ferocious face: "Don't you think it's funny? Do you think that if you can attack me, you can defeat me?"

"Gap, I will let you experience the feeling of failure again!" Long Xiang Jiutian shouted suddenly, his whole body burst into a wave of power, and the dust on the ground was even more violent!

Yuchen's expression was terrified: "I'm afraid, you don't have this chance!"

(I'm afraid you won't have this chance!) Almost at the same time, two extremely sharp thunderclams resounded through the audience, and the players were still calmed down, because Yuchen and Ye Jingjing activated the game again. Violent attack!

Stepping forward, the speed of the two of them was completely blurred in everyone's eyes. Yuchen's black sword pierced Longxiang Jiutian at a strange angle, and at this time, An Jing also came to Longxiang Jiutian without anyone noticing it. behind!

Seeing the two attacking at the same time, Long Xiang Jiutian's eyes became sharper!

"Dang Dang Dang Dang"

"bang bang bang"

There were only bursts of golden light shining in the field, and the sound of weapons clashing continued to resound. Yuchen and Anjing joined forces to launch an offensive. Who said they were going to fight alone?Who said that Yuchen was going to fight Longxiang Jiutian one-on-one?

"Despicable, Jiutian, I'll help you!" Long Xiang Zhantian came out, but Longxiang Jiutian said: "I'm enough alone!"

Without skills, the three of them were fighting with real swords and guns, the collision of fire and light, the confrontation of swords, bang bang bang, bang bang bang, like a melody, and all the players present exclaimed from their fighting style!

Some are even more excited, the duel of the top masters makes everyone's blood boil!

Yuchen and Jing Jing looked at each other, because they succeeded, Long Xiang Jiutian really chose to fight alone, just like that, just like this until the end, there are still three hours, and everything is over in three hours!

Quiet walks freely, Yuchen restrains Long Xiang Jiutian, Jing Jing takes the opportunity to explode, and the purple sword covers a trace of the blessing of Mowujue, looking for a chance to kill with one blow!


Yuchen and Longxiang Jiutian confronted swords, their strength was equal, and in the same free mode, even Longxiang Jiutian had to admit that Yuchen in front of him was so proficient in using his black sword. Countless sword shadows swayed out, but Long Xiang Jiutian avoided the attack unhurriedly. Seeing Yuchen's sword posture and sword technique, he grinned: "Sword pulse!" "

A burst of white gas suddenly came out from the tip of the sword. Yuchen was about to draw the sword, but when he realized the sudden scene, he suddenly withdrew the sword, and hurriedly became defensive, causing a wave of turmoil in his heart.

"So that's it, that's it!" Yuchen seemed to have figured out something, his current strength might not be able to completely defeat Long Xiang Jiutian, and Long Xiang Jiutian's fighting and attacking methods once again gave Yuchen a huge blow. Inspired, this man's movements are perfectly done in one go, flowing without a trace of procrastination. On the other hand, his fighting style is completely a life-and-death attack!

This is the gap between the two, Longxiang Jiutian is a warrior!Yuchen's eyes became more certain. This person is definitely not an ordinary person. However, Yuchen did not give up. He obtained the power from the life-and-death battle, and the sword is deadly!

"Sword Qi!" An Jing struck from behind, but Long Xiang Jiutian pulled out a sword, An Jing bent to dodge, stared at his feet, and the purple sword dragged out, like a lightning bolt that rushed towards Long Xiang Jiutian.

"Looking for death!" Long Xiang Jiutian yelled loudly. At the moment when An Jing was here, people were horrified to find that there was a shining silver sword behind An Jing, and it was suspended in the air. The tip pointed directly at Ye's very quiet back!

"Quiet get down!" Yuchen shouted loudly, the moment the sharp sword stabbed at Jingjing, he jumped up, and Jingjing bent over, Yuchen's black sword immediately blocked the floating sword, his heart was full of surprise!

"Full of loopholes!" Long Xiang Jiutian's icy voice sounded behind Yu Chen, and suddenly drew a sword at his back, and the people watching were worried for a while!


However, there was no blood splatter as imagined. Instead, Jing Jing bent over and suddenly blocked the sharp sword that was killing Xiang Yuchen, with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Who said there are many flaws?"

The figures of the three intertwine, and the flames flew out fiercely again. The players have been attracted by the battle of the three. Their duel is like a fantasy in a special movie, completely out of the scope of the online game You One Sword, I One Sword .

Is this the free battle mode?Players in system mode are excited, and players in free mode are even more excited. The official website said that anyone can play in free mode. As long as you work hard, can such a powerful mode not make their blood boil?

After fighting for 10 minutes, it was impossible to tell the winner. When people were surprised by Yuchen and An Jing's fierce offensive, they couldn't help but look at the powerful man. Facing two powerful players, Long Xiang Jiutian not only stood firm Bai has not even been attacked by a drop of life so far!

Similarly, neither did Yuchen and the others!

Such a battle is completely beyond their comprehension.

"Longxiang Nine Heavens is really strong, and he can do well in the combination of Wuchen and Quiet." Shen Mo's eyes were bright, not only shocked, but also denied his own weakness. Dreaming of fighting Long Xiang, not only Yuchen wants Strong, they must also become stronger!

Not only him, Dream, but also the desire of other trade union cadres to become stronger has filled their hearts!

While they were sighing, a huge change took place in the field. Yuchen and Anjing suddenly stepped back, and there was a trace of blood on their chests, and Longxiang Jiutian was no exception. There were two wounds, and blood-red numbers floated Up, dazzling!

Long Xiang Jiutian looked at Yuchen and Jingjing coldly: "So that's how it is," he said indifferently, looked at the two, and then glanced at Qianjun Qianmao.

"Did you realize it now?" Yuchen looked at Long Xiang Jiutian with the same sharp eyes, without any fear.

"Hahahaha, do you think you are the only ones who are delaying time?" After Long Xiang Jiutian's voice fell, suddenly, the entire southern valley of the ancient ruins was filled with darkness in all directions!

"Not good! 30 members of Long Xiang have come to kill us!"


Looking at the dark scene, everyone's expressions were the same, and each other's eyes were full of shock. The three of them were fighting just to delay time?

Long Xiang's army has arrived, and there are still 2 hours before the end of the territory!

(It's a new week, it's breaking out, flowers, pk, VIPs, please come)

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