The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 287 – Phoenix Nirvana

"Boom boom boom boom"

The sound of running was as deafening as thunder, and the dense crowd in front of them was rushing towards them, making everyone's faces turn ashen. Long Xiang actually tried his best to bring the large army to Phoenix City?

"Damn! Long Xiang seems to want to wipe us all out!" Zhan Tian roared, with a big knife horizontally in front of him, his face pale, as a free mode player, his physical strength has reached the upper limit.

"Did it really come?" Fengwu Qingcheng looked at the scene of the army pressing down on the border with a trace of sadness in her beautiful eyes, and then looked at the huge circle on the battlefield where there were only three figures, and she couldn't help showing a trace of sadness. Is there still no way to change fate?

Not to mention whether Longxiang Jiutian gave her the territory, even if it was true, Fengwu Qingcheng would never accept it, her eyes finally fixed on Yuchen with a firm face, staring at it for ten seconds, she gritted her teeth as if A decision has been made.

"Unexpectedly, do you also need assistance?" Yuchen said sarcastically, standing with An Jing.The eyes of both of them were full of astonishment. Unexpectedly, Long Xiang actually mobilized the power of the other two cities to Phoenix City, and started a desperate battle with them.

"A person's power is limited, otherwise why does Long Xiang exist?" Long Xiang Jiutian said coldly, even a man as strong as him understands this truth deeply!

"Then let's see who wins in the end!" Yu Chen yelled, but he was no longer in love with Long Xiang Jiutian. Now they have not reached the moment of the final battle, and the overall situation in front of them must protect the lord's order!

"Do you think I'll give you a chance?"

"I not only want to defeat you personally, but also defeat your dreams as a whole. Why do you think I let you live?" Long Xiang Jiutian said gloomily and sneeringly, defeating the strong, every time he sees their desperate faces Long Xiangjiutian felt excited.

"Don't tell me I'm not standing here with strength. If that's the case, I'll let you try the pain of failure!" Long Xiang Jiutian's words completely angered Yuchen's heart, and the killing intent on the ground suddenly fluctuated greatly. Vibrated, the air wave rolled up a cloud of dust.

Not only that, after the wave of killing intent, Yuchen's whole body was surrounded by Yinlong Jue, not only for defense, but also for armed attack. Not completely angry!

Every time, after Yuchen gets angry, he will gain stronger power. He doesn't know the reason, the anger in his heart erupts, and the killing intent fluctuates round and round. Seeing this situation, everyone's expressions tremble. !

Once this appears, it means that the man is about to turn into a god-killer!

The real god-killing Yu Wuchen, this is the symbol of Yuchen's strength!

Seeing that Yuchen turned on the mode, the fluctuations on the ground continued to enlarge, shrink and continue to enlarge, Quiet was shocked for a while, he knew that Yuchen was going to use that special skill, but he had to stop Yuchen at this time!

Warm hands placed on Yuchen's shoulders: "Now you are not alone!" Hearing this, Yuchen trembled, and the wave of killing intent gradually weakened until it disappeared.

"The flash of the monster." An Jing wanted to leave with Yu Chen, but Long Xiang Jiutian didn't agree, he raised his sharp sword lightly, swung an extremely fierce slash, and flew away from the ground.

"How could it be possible for you to continue to be arrogant!" At that moment, Xiaotian, Wulei, Wuxin, Xiyang, Feng Kelei, Lonely Sadness, Black Mi, Thor, Bi Shuihan and others suddenly came out. In order to stop Longxiang Jiutian alone!

"Long Xiang, plus the previous team, there are a total of 40, how much time is left?" An Jing and Yuchen returned to the village, and all the 10,000+ members stood in front of them. They must not fail, absolutely must not fail!

"There are still more than two hours!" Shen Mo frowned deeply, looking at the dark place, they had already killed here.

"Two hours?" Yuchen and Jingjing both murmured, as if they were debating whether they could sustain it. After all, 10 people and 40 people are completely different concepts!

"Yuchen, look!" Just when everyone was worried, colorful skills were flying all over the sky in front of them, arrows were falling all over the sky, and the sound of killing was already resounding in the valley!

"It's them?" Yaotong instantly made Yuchen and Jing Jing react, and then a regional announcement that resounded also surprised everyone.

(Player War God Demon Wolf yells) "Yu Wuchen, you owe us a favor this time. If Long Xiang gets the territory, we will all be wiped out. Today we helped you, and we only want to settle down in Phoenix City. If you If we can't, we'll leave immediately!"

As if waiting for Yuchen's answer, the fighting ice has not fully intensified.

Yu Chen's expression froze, but he didn't expect it to be like this at a critical moment. He had no intention of attacking the God of War Guild and the others.

"A word is settled!"

On the hillside, outside the valley, the Demon Wolf of the God of War smiled with satisfaction: "I wanted you to teach me how to gamble, but forget it, right now the battle is more important!"

"Brothers, fellow presidents, once Longxiang takes control of Phoenix City, you all understand what it means. Since Yu Wuchen has agreed to us, and now becomes a stepping stone for Longxiang, it's better to seek stability and just play games. What we want is fun!"

"Brothers, it's not a man who is afraid of death, go!" The Demon Wolf of the God of War was even more unambiguous, and was the first to rush out with that coquettish and sexy charm, looking at his back, maybe he really 2 , but a person with a real temperament. A game world should not have all kinds of constraints in the real world. Who can do him so freely?

The presidents of the major guilds also gritted their teeth. Long Xiang’s approach has been verified in other cities. If he obeys, he must disband the union.

"Brothers, go!"

At one time, 20 troops were killed, and 40 were duel, and the battlefield was filled with gunpowder and smoke.

Seeing this scene, Long Xiang Jiutian was also shocked. He didn't expect that they would choose to help Yu Wuchen. Facing the attack of the strong, Long Xiang Jiutian suddenly flew into the sky, and once again defended against the shocking sight of the people. Walk in vain.

"What, it's really annoying. We can only fly in the sky on the ground. The gap is not so big!" The onlookers also shouted dissatisfied, as if everything was occupied by Long Xiang Jiutian alone same.

"It seems that I still underestimate you." Long Xiang Jiutian regretted underestimating Yu Chen, and now he is already an opponent that Long Xiang Jiutian has to look directly at.




He in the sky pierced through the sky like a ray of stars, and when people came to their senses, Longxiang Jiutian had already arrived in the village, and was right above Yuchen and the others, and everyone felt like an enemy!

"Archer, mage!"

Arrow magic continued, but the effect was not satisfactory, and curses came soon.

"Damn, we can't, we can't!"

The distance, just like the gap in strength, is close to the eyeball, but can never be touched, full of powerlessness.

"This time, I'll bury you with my own hands." Long Xiang Jiutian said coldly, the white figure in the blue sky suddenly had a flash of light that made people's figures sting.

"My God, what is that, what is that."

"No, it's impossible..."

"Ahhh. He's not a human, not a human, but a monster!"

The vision in the sky made the expressions on everyone's faces wonderful, from shock, fear, panic to the final madness, the dazzling silver light shone on people's eyes.

"Isn't it, isn't it, isn't it too bt?" Jing Jing couldn't help but muttered, feeling a sense of crisis spontaneously.

Yuchen's eyes reflected the scene in the sky, and he saw the blue sky, behind Long Xiang Jiutian, no, within a distance of 20 meters around him, there were floating and rotating sharp swords, dazzling sunlight There is a dazzling light below.

At a glance, there are tens of thousands, at least [-] sharp blades are still growing!

"Human Sword Unity"

"Wan Jianjue" Long Xiang Jiutian gestured with his fingers, and those sharp swords obeyed his command as if they had life, pouring into the land where the flames of war spread from a height of 50 meters!

"Come on, run, run!"

"Don't run! Block, block!!"

"President, you must be behind us!" Looking at the sharp blades falling like a meteor shower, all under the control of Long Xiang Jiutian, the rain of swords that fell finally formed a stegosaurus. Forcing Yuchen to leave.

Looking at the terrifying Stegosaurus, everyone trembled, but no one escaped. Instead, they all gathered together and stood in front of Yuchen. The sharp blade of the Stegosaurus shrouded the entire territory. in it.

There is no way out!

"The killing intent fluctuates!"

"Dragon Transformation!"

"Hidden Dragon Art!"

"boom boom"

Yuchen's hair became furious, and his whole body of chivalrous clothes fluttered in the wind. An Jing didn't hold back this time, and all kinds of blessings were added to his body, and both of them made preparations to fight Stegosaurus head-on!

Looking at the Stegosaurus flying down from the chicken wings, Yuchen and Anjing's weapons actually glowed with a five-foot flame. The dazzling brilliance made the players tremble. Are they planning to destroy the Stegosaurus?

"Depending on you, the attack that wants to destroy me is dreaming!"

"Wan Jianjue, return!"

"Hidden Dragon Profound Truth!"

"Magic martial arts!"

Just at the moment when the three people drank, suddenly a galloping figure stood in front of everyone's eyes, the moment the sword was swung out, the moment the sword dragon fell, suddenly an unexpected person blocked the three of them In front of the one who wants to attack!

"You have the ability to kill me!"

A soft shout spread throughout the entire battlefield, and everyone looked at that delicate body, she was astonishingly charming!

"Get out of the way!" Long Xiang Jiutian yelled!

"You don't need to meddle in your own business, get out of the way!" Anjing and Yuchen were also angry!

Feng Wu Qingcheng said stubbornly: "I am not helping you, but helping myself! Instead of letting Long Xiang get a resident, instead of enduring Long Xiang Jiutian's charity, it is better to let you get a resident!"

Following Feng Wu's coquettish shout, the eyes of the three men entwined on the battlefield showed a hint of surprise!

The battlefield became silent.

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