The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 288 – Phoenix Nirvana

On the battlefield, people's eyes were focused on the territory. That delicate body, a tulle veil was blown up by the wind, and the wind blew up smoke and dust. People forgot to breathe, and they all looked at the wind exposed in front of people in shock. Dance allure.

Her cheeks and her beautiful face are presented in people's eyes.

What kind of woman is this?The unmodified face, the rosy white skin is crystal clear, the delicate and perfect facial features, especially the pair of shining eyes make people forget the time and everything.

Her beauty makes all men hold their breath and makes all women eclipsed. Even the fairies in the sky may have to hide their faces. This is a perfect woman, a woman who can make any man thrilling.

Under the white and flawless skin, there were faint red lips, and even under the neck was a piece of white skin. The plump snow peak stood up, and he opened his jade hand to block Stegosaurus.

At this point, people finally understand why Longxiang Jiutian is only so gentle towards Fengwu Qingcheng, because such a woman is enough to make any man's heart beat, even the strongest Longxiang Jiutian is no exception!

Delicate and slender waist, plump snowy peaks, perfect cheeks, eyes shining like jewels, Yuchen and Anjing are standing next to Fengwu Qingcheng, and they saw this breathtakingly beautiful woman in front of them with a sideways glance. Such a glamorous beauty.

Everyone was stunned, even the lovely and beautiful Yihan, the goddess-like Ruoxue, and the sexy and charming Xuan'er couldn't help showing a gloomy gleam. The proud women showed a look of shock.

"Qingcheng, get out of the way!" This was the first time Longxiang Jiutian said such loud words to Fengwu Qingcheng.

"Don't let it go!" Feng Wu Qingcheng stubbornly shouted, looking directly at Long Xiang Jiutian, who is above ten thousand people, and his tone was resolute without even the slightest room for negotiation. Although Long Xiang Jiutian in the air was angry, he took Feng Wu Qingcheng helpless.

"I don't want to attack a woman, get out of the way!" Feng Wu Qingcheng disrupted Yuchen's battle. Although he was shocked by Feng Wu's appearance, he came back to his senses in an instant, and Yuchen drank coldly!

"What's the matter with the woman!" Feng Wu Qingcheng turned her head, revealing that firm expression, Yuchen couldn't help but flickered, this woman, this makes men even more crazy, why is the perfect woman that women are jealous of, always showing an unconcealable expression on her face? Sad, every time he meets her eyes, Yuchen actually has a funny idea of ​​wanting to protect her and save her?

Just because she is beautiful?Is it a woman above everyone else?Not only mature and charming, but also sexy and charming, as well as the stubbornness of a strong woman and the momentum of a superior, what kind of woman is she?Yuchen couldn't help thinking wildly in his heart.

"Ding dong, there is still one hour before the end of the territory!"

Just when everyone was shocked by Fengwu Qingcheng's actions, a system announcement resounded in the sky, which surprised everyone, and Long Xiang Jiutian's expression became more dignified: "Qingcheng, get out of the way! "

"I will never let it go!" Feng Wu Qingcheng said even more resolutely, Long Xiang Jiutian was angry: "You want to help Dream, right? Well, well, I will let Dream be ruined here today!"

"Full of flaws!"

Long Xiang Jiutian's anger actually caused his heart to become disordered, but it was at that moment that a figure suddenly appeared behind Long Xiang Jiutian, but it was not Quiet, nor Yuchen, nor was it everyone present, but a A man with bone wings behind him!



This person turned out to be Chen Yong who had been lurking on the ground all this time. When he opened his bone wings, he instantly came to the back of Long Xiang Jiutian, without any reason to hit him on the back!

Following Chen Yong's sneak attack, the Stegosaurus disappeared instantly, turning into a rain of swords and falling to the ground.

Under the eyes of everyone, the angry Longxiang Jiutian failed to dodge the attack, not because he didn't want to, nor because he didn't want to, it's just that his heart is now on Fengwu Qingcheng, Fengwu What he did made Long Xiang Jiutian's heart ache like being cut by a knife.

But to everyone's surprise, Chen Yong's attack only knocked out thousands of points of damage from Long Xiang Jiutian.You know, he is a knight professional, and his defense is very weak.

Long Xiang Jiutian didn't pay attention to Chen Yong at all, and attacked from behind. Although Chen Yong was despicable, he let the flying sword under the feet of Long Xiang Jiutian, who was high above the sky, be released from the flying state. He fell to the ground slowly, and Chen Yong also flew towards Yuchen's direction.

The dream players looked at Chen Yong's performance in surprise, Yuchen was also taken aback, and then relieved: "Good job."

Chen Yong glanced at it indifferently, did not speak, and came to Yihan's side, watching the battlefield quietly. As Long Xiang Jiutian fell, everyone's hearts also lifted.

Falling to the ground quickly, Long Xiang Jiutian's expression froze, and he fell to the ground unscathed. He glanced at Yuchen and then at Fengwu Qingcheng.

"Everyone stop fighting!"

What everyone didn't expect was Long Xiang Jiutian's loud shout, which actually made Long Xiang's troops stop fighting. On the battlefield, hundreds of thousands of Long Xiang members and the trade union headed by God of War were all stunned.

The war is over, the wind is blowing, the smoke and sand are everywhere, and the voice of Long Xiang Jiutian on the battlefield filled with flames of war echoes in the ears of the players. What exactly does he want to do?It's only been an hour, but Long Xiang Jiutian announced to stop fighting at this time?

Long Xiang Jiutian walked over with a gloomy face, no one dared to refute his words, all of them stopped fighting, Long Xiang's players felt unwilling, but they couldn't say anything more.

Looking at Longxiang Jiutian who was walking step by step, Fengwu Qingcheng was not afraid to stand on the same front with Yuchen and the others?

"Are you so optimistic about this man?" Long Xiang Jiutian asked coldly.

Feng Wu Qingcheng remained silent, looking directly into Long Xiang's eyes, Long Xiang Jiutian then asked: "Do you like him?" These words were a bit cold, even with a hint of anger and killing intent, Feng Wu Qingcheng looked at Long Xiang Jiutian With an angry face, not only did he not restrain himself in the slightest, he deliberately prodded: "So what?"

"...." Yuchen is so innocent, he really wants to yell at Fengwu Qingcheng, what on earth is he trying to do?But Yuchen was speechless when he saw Feng Wu's stubborn expression?What happened between her and Long Xiang Jiutian?Not a fiancee?But Feng Wu Qingcheng's attitude seems to be Long Xiang Jiutian's unrequited love?

Hearing Feng Wu Qingcheng's words, Long Xiang Jiutian's complexion changed, and his veins were exposed: "What if I kill him?" Hearing Long Xiang Jiutian's words, Feng Wu Qingcheng shuddered, because these words had In a deeper meaning, Long Xiang Jiutian means killing Yuchen in reality!

"How dare you!" Fengwu Qingcheng only wanted to be soaring for nine days, but he didn't want to harm Yuchen.

"Okay, okay, you care about him, don't you? You want to stop me, right?" Long Xiangjiutian became hideous, looked at Yuchen and shouted: "With him alone, he can't surpass me in this life, and he can't have you !"

Seeing the situation getting worse and worse, he remembered with a yell: "Huh, our Yuchen don't say that we can surpass you in this life, and we will surpass you in the next life! Also, you woman, don't talk nonsense, okay? You like Yuchen, don't you?" Yuchen likes you Yihan came out, Yuchen was taken aback, this little girl actually said it outright, which surprised the people around, whether it was true or not, people would not care, their eyes were still focused on the dragon Xiang Jiutian and Feng Wu Qingcheng's body.

"Longxiang Jiutian, it seems that we think highly of you, and your mind has become disordered because of a woman. You are not our opponent at all!" Ye said very quietly, but if I really want to say, the wind dances all over the city. It was so beautiful that even his heart throbbed.

"Hahahaha, it's up to you? Or it's him!" Long Xiang Jiutian pointed at Yu Chen and An Jing, and then pointed at the surrounding Phoenix masters and continued: "Even if you all add up, you are still not my opponent!"

"Arrogance! Try it if you have the guts!" Mo Mo waited for the ** to shout, and the scene was once again tense.

The battlefield, which was originally full of killing sounds, became weird because of this unexpected ending. Time passed by, and with the sound of an announcement resounding through the sky, the dust of this battle finally settled!

"Ding dong, the territory of Phoenix City has been refreshed successfully. Player Yu Wuchen has obtained a territory certificate. Players are not allowed to issue a siege order to the dream union within one month."

"Ding dong, the territory of Golden Dragon City has been refreshed successfully. Player Longxiang Mietian has obtained a territory certificate. Players are not allowed to issue a siege order to the Longxiang union within one month!"

The wind blows, the dust is flying all over the sky, people are silent in the notification of the system, only Long Xiang Jiutian is still unaware: "Qingcheng, I can tell you clearly that no matter how hard you work, no matter how hard you put your hopes On whose body, your fate cannot be changed in this life, even if you don't like me, I will get you!"

"In this life, don't even try to change your own destiny!" Long Xiang Jiutian said viciously, and under everyone's gaze, he left here with hundreds of thousands of Long Xiang members!

"Wait!" But at the moment Long Xiang turned around, Yuchen suddenly burst out drinking!

All the lights of the people looked at Yuchen, their eyes full of puzzlement and doubt?What Yuchen wanted to do, Long Xiang Jiutian asked coldly with a gloomy face: "What? Do you want to die?"

"Hehe, I don't want to die! Besides, I don't think you can kill me!" The two looked straight at each other, Long Xiang Jiutian took a look and then turned and left, but Yuchen shouted in a low voice: "Look at it!" , The final champion of the World Martial Arts Association must be me!"

"Hmph, dreaming, unless I'm not there!" Long Xiang said coldly without looking back.

"If you have the guts, join the World Martial Arts Association and let everyone see who is the strongest!" Yuchen shouted loudly, resounding throughout the audience, and the players in the audience were in an uproar. Is Xiang Jiutian declaring war?

At that moment, Long Xiang Jiutian stopped in his footsteps, but did not answer, and left here in aloofness, his back was a little sad. At this point, the battle for the territory ended!

A new journey is about to begin.There is still an unfinished duel between Yuchen and Long Xiang!

The battle between the two is directed at the world's number one martial arts association!

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