The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 297 – Blooming in the Snow Season

As the sun sets, night falls.

A gust of evening wind blew, and the moonlight diffused over the earth. On the balcony, clouds and mist rose into the sky in circles. The two men looked serious and said nothing. From morning to now, they have been silent. gazed at the other balcony.

"Xiao Ting, you really haven't changed?" Yu Chen still asked a little bit unwillingly.

"There are no changes like yours. There are things like this." Xiao Ting threw the cigarette butt in his hand, and it fell into the trash can in the community. It's windy.

Yuchen lowered his head and pondered, Xiao Ting's body has not changed, but his mental power and reaction have changed because of the game, but he is changing wholeheartedly?Isn't it because the game has changed itself?But because the game has changed?

"Alas." Both Xiao Ting and Yu Chen sighed helplessly, and their stomachs groaned in disbelief. Originally, today was Yu Chen's birthday, but because of Ruoxue's incident, they were disturbed.


"Yuchen..." Suddenly the door came, and Yihan's delicate voice came, Yuchen and Xiao Ting hurried into the room, only to see Yihan recruiting them, they went out, Ruoxue bowed head in the hall.

"Ruoxue, are you feeling better?" Yuchen asked caringly, the little girl didn't dare to raise her head, she just nodded her head and responded with a whisper like a mosquito, Yuchen looked at Yihan helplessly.

The hall also fell into silence.

"You haven't eaten yet. I made some at noon, and I'll warm it up for you now." Yuchen said and walked to the kitchen, Ruoxue raised her head and pulled Yuchen's clothes: "Yuchen... "

Yuchen turned around, still showing a touch of sadness, Ruoxue's beautiful eyes were already red and swollen from crying, Yuchen really wanted to take her into his arms to comfort and care for her, but he couldn't do that.

"I'm sorry..." Ruoxue said with some guilt, after all, today is Yuchen's birthday, and because of her own sake, he made his birthday very unhappy.

"It's okay, if you want to make up for what's wrong... give me a smile, and I'll forgive you." Yuchen smiled shamelessly.

Ruoxue glanced at Yuchen, and stared at each other. For a long time, Ruoxue showed a faint smile, and the atmosphere in the hall eased a lot.

"Let's go, let's go, I'm hungry, I haven't eaten in the morning, noon and night, shall we go out to eat now?" Yihan pulled Yuchen and then Ruoxue, and said cheerfully, Yuchen was distracted at the moment, because His arm was right next to Yihan's sister's crisp breasts, which made his mind flutter.

On a quiet night, with a cool evening breeze, a group of four people walked on the bustling street. In winter, people were intoxicated and obsessed. Their footprints were left in the snow-white world. The food street was not far from them.

Even in the cold winter, the delicacy here makes people unable to stop their inner enthusiasm, especially for a young man like Yuchen who loves spicy food, this is the best place to go, whether it is Sichuan-style barbecue or hot pot, everything is available .

Yuchen and the others did not choose a hot pot restaurant, but came to a barbecue shop on the floor. The owner is a middle-aged man, and his hometown is in the same Sichuan Province as Yuchen. It is not the first time for them to come.

"Boss, come fifty skewers each!" Yuchen greeted and ordered a few bottles of beer. Put on a mask, but it didn't cause a sensation.

After about a few minutes, the meat skewers passed the test, and Yuchen and the others ate them happily. At first, Ruoxue and Yihan were a little embarrassed, but later on they didn’t need to care about the image of a lady. Unwillingness and depression turned into appetite.

"Ruoxue, why don't you want to go home?" While eating, Yuchen still asked the question that he cared about. Although it might be very sad for Ruoxue, Yuchen was also very depressed when something happened in his heart.

Speaking of this, both Yihan and Ruoxue showed a hint of helplessness, Ruoxue was even more worried and kept silent, Yuchen didn't continue to ask, and drank with Xiao Ting and said: "Hehe, it's okay, let's continue eating."

Ruoxue held back tears and looked at Yuchen and Xiao Ting, her complexion was a little pale: "My parents want me to marry a man whom I have never met, for the sake of the family."

Yuchen and Xiao Ting, who were drinking, were unable to finish the mutton skewers for a long time, but looked at Ruoxue with shocked faces, never expecting such a beautiful girl to have such a sad story behind her.

Then Ruoxue talked a lot, and Yuchen finally understood why Ruoxue came here, and they met wonderfully.

"Allah, Ruoxue, even if you freeze your pocket money, I'm still there." Yihan stuck out her tongue and said cutely, looking at Ruoxue with a smile.


Seeing this, Yihan also showed a coquettish smile: "Besides, let this guy Yuchen support us, and when the city of dreams is on the right track, we also have credit for it~" Yihan looked at Yuchen with his chest up.

"Let Yuchen take care of you two..." Xiao Ting pretended to be shocked.

The faces of the two beauties blushed, and Yihan even put his hands on his hips: "Damn it, huh, it's almost enough for my sister to take care of him..."

Xiao Ting smirked for a while: "Yuchen, hurry up, beauty Yihan is so merciful that she wants to take care of you, you are so developed."

"Go to hell!" Yu Chen didn't bother to pay attention to Xiao Ting.

The dinner table was very cheerful, Xiao Ting said again: "Yuchen, I will go home in another month, and wait for the injury on my hand to heal."

Yuchen, Yihan and Ruoxue were all surprised: "So fast?"

There are still nearly three months before Chinese New Year, and Xiao Ting will leave next month?As Yuchen knew, Xiao Ting's hometown was in Shennongjia, a place full of mysteries.

"Well, the family is calling."

"Hehe, it's okay, there is a lot of time in the game." Yu Chen smiled, and Xiao Ting nodded seriously: "Yu Chen."

"Huh?" Yuchen nodded, and Xiao Ting said solemnly: "I will accompany you to the end, no matter what our final outcome in the game is, I believe you will become the Xuanyuan Continent, no, Huaxia No. 1. Our trade union will also become the strongest!"

"For the dream and to celebrate Yuchen's birthday, let's drink!" Raising the glass, Yuchen, Yihan, and even Ruoxue smiled knowingly, stood up, and the four wine glasses collided together, overflowing the orange youth..

"Hey, hey, that table over there, can you keep your voice down?" In the night market, there will inevitably be one or two pretending hooligans, a group of young men with gold necklaces and bald heads pointing at Yuchen's table ordered.

Yuchen and Xiao Ting smiled and said nothing, but Yihan was upset, you must know that it was Yuchen's birthday, maybe Yuchen didn't feel it, but Yihan thought it might be more important than Yuchen himself.

"Hmph, let's eat ours, don't care about your business." Yihan pouted dissatisfiedly, her beautiful cheeks were so red that it made people's hearts flutter.

"Oh, little girl, you're quite angry." Several young people stood up and walked towards Yuchen's table. The bald head was taken aback: "Oh, I didn't realize that she is still a beauty!"

Yuchen and Xiao Ting stood up in an instant, and their expressions became stern.

"Brother Guang!" Just when the bald man wanted to play with Yi Han, a voice suddenly sounded, and a young man came here quickly, and said a few words in the bald man's ear.

Then the group of people all stayed on the spot.

"Brother Chen, I'm sorry, Brother Guang went out last time, so I haven't seen you, don't be surprised." The young man came to Yuchen's side and quickly handed over a stick of Su Yan and said reverently.

The people around were also taken aback, Dong Bi, the boss of a food street, bowed and nodded to a young man?Now who doesn't know that the entire new area is his Zhantian Gang's territory?

The bald head also walked up fearfully after a while, "Brother Chen, I have offended you so much, I punish myself with a drink, forgive me, you forgive me."

Yuchen and Xiao Ting also gradually breathed a sigh of relief. Compared with this group of people, they should belong to Zhantian. If they were other gangsters, they would probably start molesting Yihan when they saw Yihan. Seeing that the other party had a good attitude, Yuchen didn't have to pretend , smiled lightly: "It's okay, everyone have a drink."

The bald head and Dong Bi apologized and resigned, while a group of younger brothers were shocked.

"Brother Dong, who is this person?"

Dong Bi glared: "It's good not to know some things!" The group of gangsters nodded heavily, bowed their heads and remained silent.

Before they knew it, most of the night had passed, and Yuchen and the others returned to the room. Yihan was already a little drunk, and leaned against Yuchen's body in a daze, and Ruoxue did the same.

This was the first time Yuchen entered the boudoir of the two beauties, and it was decorated very sweetly and warmly.

"Yuchen, happy birthday, I still want to drink..." Put Yihan on the bed, Yuchen did nothing, but Ruoxue hung on Yuchen's body, Yuchen just wanted Pulling it away, Ruoxue hugged her even tighter.

"Good boy..sleep." Gently pushed away, but Ruoxue didn't want to, and hugged Yuchen tightly, Yuchen was so helpless, the aroma, the smell of alcohol permeated the tip of his nose, and he couldn't help feeling a burst of evil fire rise.

"Ruoxue..." Yuchen just wanted to evade, but Ruoxue's whole delicate body fell into his arms, Yuchen was anxious, pushed both hands, and a softness spread into his palm immediately.

"Yuchen, Yuchen..." Ruoxue called Yuchen's name confusedly, her faint red lips wanted to touch Yuchen's lips, and in the next second they kissed together unexpectedly!

"Not good!" Yuchen turned pale with shock.

"Yuchen, I like you...I like you, take me away, can you take me away?" Ruoxue was already drunk, of course Yuchen would not take it seriously, finally broke free from Ruoxue, helped the two After the beauty changed the quilt, he left slowly.

The door of the room was closed in response, and after Yuchen left, a beautiful and moving woman under the quilt quietly shed tears...wetting her beautiful cheeks.

Looking at the snowflakes falling outside the window, Yuchen also shook his head and went to sleep... Will this love that blooms in winter be able to bloom as delicate flowers one day?

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