The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 298 – I want to be stronger

the next morning.



"Yuchen, tell me, did you take the opportunity to do something to the two of us last night?"

"If I do something, do you think you can still get up?" Yuchen rolled his eyes at Yihan, who nodded thoughtfully: "Hmph."

"Hehe." Ruoxue smiled lightly.

"Ruoxue, what happened to you last night?" Yuchen looked at Ruoxue in embarrassment, and the little beauty straightened her plump Xuefeng: "What? Could it be that a pervert took advantage of someone last night and now feels guilty?"


"Okay, let's go online~" After breakfast, Yuchen said, he hadn't been online for a day, and he didn't know what happened in the game. Yuchen was used to it. If he was not online for a day, he would lose touch with the game world.

The three of them went online excitedly.

"Yo, President, you are finally here."

Just as Yuchen appeared at the station, Yihan Ruoxue also appeared in a flash of white light immediately, and the surrounding members looked at them with smiles that everyone knew.With a smirk all over his face.

"President, you have to pay attention to your body."

Looking at the joking smiles of the people around him, Yuchen didn't bother to explain, let them think what they want, anyway, brother won't suffer.But Yihan and Ruoxue are girls, so they blushed naturally, and they were drunk that night, who knows if Yuchen did anything to them?

"Yo, just now." Xingzhu Lefeng looked at Yuchen with a smile.

Yuchen grinned, and didn't say much, but soon he noticed something was wrong, and his expression was raised: "What? Are you alone?" Yuchen pointed out that all the cadre-level players around him had disappeared. Yes, under the Yinlong Jue, Yuchen can perceive that only Xingzhu and Xiyang are in the headquarters at the moment.

"Of course, the brothers have all started exercising, because..." Xing Zhu showed an excited smile as he spoke.

"Did something happen again?" Yuchen also laughed, sure enough, something unpredictable would happen to many people if he was not online for a day. Behind him, Yihan and Ruoxue looked at Xingzhu in surprise.

"The World Martial Arts Association has started!" Xingzhu said excitedly, and then he carried the war blade: "Then, goodbye, I also want to practice with Xing Kong, and I will meet the World Martial Arts Association in a month's time!"

"Hehehe." Yuchen also laughed excitedly all over his body. Is the registration for the World Martial Arts Association open?Because just now he had read all the messages sent by everyone, and even Quiet and Misty Rain had retreated.

"By the way, don't forget, the registration period is only one month." Before that, Xingzhu turned his head, and outside the Dream City, Xingkong with a big gun behind his back also came out and left here with his brother, leaving behind a Lonely back.


"Wu Chen, are you here?" Xi Yang ran over.

"Are you really not going to participate in the Budokai?" Yuchen was a little surprised. In his eyes, Xiyang didn't like fighting, didn't like fame and fortune, and he didn't seem interested in money. I really don't know what such a handsome man wants. why?

Xiyang grinned: "Even if I want to participate, how much do you think I can get into? Hahaha"

"Then the trade union will trouble you." Yuchen said cautiously.

Xiyang nodded seriously: "When you come back, I guarantee that the trade union will take on a new look!"

"I believe in you." Yuchen said with a little smile. Now that the construction of the Dream City has reached half, and the territory buildings are constantly growing with the help of everyone, Yuchen can leave with peace of mind.

"Yihan, Ruoxue, I'm going to be away for a while, don't miss me." Yuchen walked to the side of the two beauties and said with a smirk, staring straight at the two beauties who were developing breasts out of the corners of their eyes.

"Go shit, who would be like you, a playboy." Yihan said dissatisfied with her mouth curled up.

"Then goodbye~"

Yihan and Ruoxue stared at Yuchen's back, unable to say a lot, Yihan could chat privately, but Ruoxue failed to send a message in the friend column that she called out, and could only look at his back and leave.

And Xiyang looked at Ruoxue with frowning eyes, and then at Yuchen, with a hint of helplessness in his eyes.


"Brother Yuchen, you are here." Yanran did not enter the Dream Capital, but is still in Phoenix City, because many players have gotten used to Yanran's existence, and Yanran is also used to such a busy life, because it can be short-lived. You can go without thinking about Yuchen all the time.

"Well, Yanran, I'm leaving for a while."

"Brother Yuchen, you..."

"Hey, I'm going to a place and I'll be back soon. In order to get closer to that man, I have to work hard." Touching the girl's soft hair dotingly, Yuchen finally made up his mind.

There is only a back view left for the girls. Yuchen disappeared under the bustling city. In the room, Yanran also clenched her pink fist and said to herself: "I have to work hard, next time I will definitely sew a legend for my brother." The chivalrous clothes in the middle."

With the opening of the Tianxia Martial Arts Association, the game world has already undergone earth-shaking changes. The Martial Arts Association will be held in the Imperial City on New Year's Day. Engage in fierce battles.

That is to say, the masters from the entire Xuanyuan Continent will gather together, which is why everyone attaches so much importance to it, because even if only a thousand players are entered, they will become famous, and the name will be famous in Xuanyuan Continent.

The night is very quiet, misty and rainy, unintentional, silent, hating the sky, soaring in the sky, poetry and battle, the masters of the whole dream have all carried out their own cultivation path, all for the purpose of becoming stronger.

Everyone's goal is to go straight to the world's number one martial arts association.

And Yuchen is no exception, the fight with Long Xiang Jiutian again let him know the gap between them, now he can't guarantee whether he can kill Long Xiang Jiutian under the condition of pulse door!

Even during the garrison battle, Longxiang Jiutian didn't use his full strength, and so did Yu Chen. He didn't use the blessing skills or the technique of opening the pulse door. Yuchen had reservations, let alone Longxiang Jiutian.

In order to surpass that godlike man, Yuchen made up his mind to defeat him in the World Martial Arts Association, let him know the counterattack of the weak, and let him taste the taste of failure.

So, he embarked on a journey, embarked on the road of practice.

After the snowstorm, Phoenix City was still in the cold weather. He was wearing a brocade suit fluttering with the wind. After the last announcement with Xuan'er, he went to the teleportation point in Phoenix City.

"Floating Void City." Yuchen said to the teleporter with a stern face. In the next second, Yuchen disappeared here amidst the exclamation of the surrounding players and girls.

With a flash of white light, he had arrived at the foot of the Floating Void City, under the Tongtian Pillar. The place was already overcrowded. There were countless people recruiting teammates and even selling equipment and materials!

At a glance, the white world is more lively and joyful than before. Yuchen's arrival immediately attracted the attention of countless people. After all, he is no longer the unknown pawn or unknown player, Be the lord of the famous city of dreams in Phoenix!

"Hey, is that God Killer?" His appearance attracted the attention of many strong people.

"Look, Yu Wuchen, it's him, and he also came to the floating city."

The players exclaimed for a while, although the level of players has generally reached above level 65, and even level [-] has become the mainstream, but facing the floating city still makes all the experts feel overwhelmed, with more energy than energy.

Even though the floating fighters on the first floor are only level [-], countless players are helpless in the face of thousands of fighters attacking in groups. Now it is said that the lineup of all-level [-]-level masters can only reach the third floor, the floating warriors.

It is said that that layer is more bt, more terrifying.

And the progress of the Floating Void City has also stopped at the fifth floor. That man is Long Xiang Jiutian. He is the only one who has been there. No one knows what the fifth floor is. They only know that even Long Xiang Jiutian has not beaten it. .

But this time, apart from challenging the Floating Void City to make himself stronger, Yuchen also has a legend about that Floating Void City. The legendary weapon is on the top floor, and the black iron sword is no longer enough. This is a game after all. In order to make yourself better, you must strengthen your own equipment and attributes.

This is also one of Yuchen's reasons for coming to Floating Void City. Another reason is that Yuchen's expression froze and he ignored the players around him. He searched the crowd and saw that old figure.

Slowly walking to the old man's side, the originally gloomy expression guided the old man to slowly raise his head, looking directly at Yuchen, the two of them just stared like this, neither of them spoke.

For a long time, amidst everyone's shocked and horrified expressions, the floating guide who never said a word even took the initiative to say yes.

"You came."

"Ah, yes." Yuchen nodded solemnly.

But their conversation made the players around them petrified on the spot, and they couldn't help exclaiming: "Oh my god, didn't you? That weird old man actually took the initiative to agree?"

"how is this possible?"

You know, some teams have done it here countless times, because the floating city can produce suits, so even if there is danger, people die again and again without the slightest fear. However, every time this floating guide old man never He didn't speak, but now he took the initiative to speak, how could this not shock the players.

"Your eyes..." There was a gleam in the old man's deep eyes, and he continued with a wrinkled smile, "It seems that you already understand what you have been pursuing and guarding all your life?"

"So, what do you want to do this time?" The old man's continuous questioning made the surrounding players dumbfounded, and they all looked at Yuchen in disbelief, their eyes full of envy.

Looking at the faint smile of the old man, Yuchen took a deep breath: "I want to become stronger!"

As soon as this remark came out, the players were in an uproar, but the old man laughed!

"Want to become stronger? Hehe, I can't help you, but you can become stronger yourself. Let me tell you, young demon..." The players couldn't hear the following words, and Yuchen His face became more and more serious.

The road to becoming stronger is now unfolding before his eyes!

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