The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 299 – Climbing the Heavenly Pillar

In the vast white world, there is only a huge pillar that towers into the sky. If you want to surround it, you need to be a player of the giant race. It is in this white world that this thick pillar leads to the legendary floating city.

However, the players were all teleporting, but none of them imagined how high the floating city was. Some said it was [-] meters high, while others said it was [-] meters high.But no one can be sure and sure.

Today, all the players stopped here, because in front of the teleporter's floating guide, their way was blocked by a man, but no one was angry, but they all looked at the floating guide and the guide in shock. The man's conversation.

Yuchen's expression at the moment seemed very shocked. His eyes could not help looking at the vast white world in the distance, and finally concentrated on the huge Tongtian Pillar.

"Let me climb up?" Yuchen still looked at the old man in disbelief, his eyes full of shock and horror, climb up?And it's still a sky pillar that can't be seen?This is completely like a blank check.

"What's the matter? Is your heart shaken?" The old man ignored the shocked Yuchen, but looked at him suspiciously and said calmly. The old voice came to Yuchen's ears, making him tremble.

"Of course not!" Yuchen said firmly.

The thin figure under the hat showed a smile on the corner of the old man's mouth: "Then why are you hesitating? I can't make you stronger, and there's nothing I can do to stop you from becoming stronger, but if you want to become stronger and get the legendary weapon , it’s impossible with the current you.”

Listening to the old man's narration, Yuchen's heart also became complicated, his gaze became firmer, and his desire to become stronger became intense. He looked at the Tongtian Pillar that shot straight into the sky: "After climbing up, you can Get stronger?"

The old man did not speak, but looked at Yuchen with a smile, and looked at the white world with deep eyes: "I don't know, but there was once a person who climbed up this celestial pillar. A man who is famous all over the world, later he built a sky city and became a generation of kings!"

Hearing the old man's words, Yuchen became excited: "The owner of the Floating Void City has ever climbed up? Discovered the Floating Void City? And also gained great power!"

"Go..." the floating guide said lightly, stopped talking, and Yu Chen didn't stop, and walked to the foot of the huge pillar?Can climbing really make you stronger?So illusory, can Yuchen really gain great power?

"If you can succeed, you will have a chance to get the legendary weapon - Onitsu"

"Is it Guiche?" Listening to the old man's words, Yuchen murmured to himself, and his figure slowly walked under the huge Tongtian Tower. At first, the players thought he was going to teleport to the Floating Void City.

Soon someone noticed something was wrong.

"Huh? If you teleport, why did he go under the tower?"

"Yeah, didn't the teleportation go away with a flash of white light? Strange..."

Facing the players' puzzlement, Yuchen didn't pay attention to it. He went straight to the giant pillar and looked up at the blue sky and white clouds.

I'm afraid no one can answer for Yuchen.

"That's it." Yuchen was relieved when he saw the handrail on the giant pillar. It turns out that the Tongtian Tower can really be climbed, but what is the purpose of this?Can it really make a person stronger?

Under the attention of the surrounding players, Yuchen put away the black sword, and then stepped up to the residence step by step, pulling the steel handrail, Yuchen climbed up like a giant spider!

"My God!"

"Damn, is Yu Wuchen crazy?"

Some players who didn't understand had already screamed dumbfoundedly, while some calm players stared at Yuchen motionlessly, and then looked at the floating guide. What must have been said between them?

Yuchen's actions touched people's hearts, puzzled, and even laughed. However, all of this has nothing to do with Yuchen, because at this moment he has climbed ten meters into the sky, and his figure is getting farther and farther away from the ground .

"Go, follow." A man in gold equipment glanced at Yuchen, and chose to follow. Then, amidst the shocked expressions of the people, more than a dozen players followed.

Someone recognized the man in gold equipment and exclaimed: "It's them? They followed, brothers. Let's go too." Curiosity always makes people follow him unstoppably.

These dozen or so people actually followed Yuchen and began to climb up the Tongtian Tower. This weird behavior also stunned the players who came to the Floating Void City in an endless stream, and some of them even had heated discussions. .

Afterwards, many players who followed suit struggled for a while and even climbed to the Tongtian Tower. This weird behavior attracted more and more players, and finally it spread throughout the Xuanyuan Continent, causing a wave of climbing craze.

The leading Yuchen has disappeared from people's sight, and behind him are a group of vice-chairmen of the Temple of Gods, as many as five, and the others are also members of the cadres, and behind these people, At least hundreds of players followed.

But looking at those rock-climbing players, the floating guide was unmoved, neither stopped nor said much, glanced at Yuchen for the last time, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and finally murmured: "Come on!" , the top of the floating city..."

But at this moment, a lot of figures gathered densely on the Tongtian Pillar, and Yuchen was still leading alone. His speed was neither slow nor fast, and he seemed very calm, but behind him were dozens of black shadows.

"What does Yu Wuchen want to do? Does he have a convulsion or does he really have a purpose?" One of the first group of people who followed Yuchen climbed was an older warrior with a look of doubt on his face, but his hands didn't stop. More than a dozen people followed Yuchen steadily.

"Do you think such a strong man will act idiotically? Anyway, let's take a look first. If it doesn't work, let's go." The man in gold equipment stared at Yuchen's back, but his heart was full of doubts. After all, Yuchen's actions But it is puzzling.

"This game has gone beyond common sense. Keep up and watch. Maybe we will have unexpected gains. We didn't hear the conversation between him and the floating guide." A refined man narrowed his eyes and grinned. road.

The few leaders looked at each other and nodded, their hands and feet speeded up and followed behind Yuchen. In a blink of an eye, they had already reached a height of [-] meters. After all, the game is not reality. can be faster.

And Yuchen also discovered the following situation. The perception of Yinlong Jue made him clearly sense that no less than five or six hundred people followed his pace, but he ignored it. After all, what is the mystery of this Tongtian Tower? He didn't even know it, and with so many people following him, he wasn't lonely.

Thinking about the old man's words, Yuchen didn't speed up, but still maintained his strength to climb upwards, because he was thinking about a very serious problem. As a player in free mode, what if he had no energy in the middle of the climb?

And, can you go offline?Is the character still on the Babel after going offline?

These have become the factors Yuchen considers at the moment.

"Wait?" Suddenly, Yuchen's expression froze, thinking of something, free mode, free mode, the corners of his mouth squirmed and muttered, and then Yuchen had a flash of inspiration, and a secretly happy smile appeared on his face.

"Hahaha, no matter whether it will become stronger or not, if it can exercise the physical strength of the free mode, maybe it will become stronger!" Putting aside the temptation on the floating city, Yuchen found After a brief goal, the whole person is also radiant.

Both hands and feet began to exert strength, but did not use any skill blessing, pure physical strength, pure own strength.

"bang bang bang"

Yuchen's speed began to become very fast, and the distance in the blink of an eye had already climbed 50 meters away, and the group of players behind him were also surprised when they saw this.

"Look, Yu Wuchen is speeding up, do you want to dump us?" The man in gold equipment smiled, and with the blessing of the blast skill, he rushed up suddenly, and the rest of the people also released their skills to rush up after seeing this.

"Grass, what is he doing?"

The group of people behind Yuchen narrowed the distance with Yuchen a lot due to their skill advantages. However, when they took a step closer to Yuchen, they found that this Yu Wuchen had nothing but a pair of shorts. All other equipment is gone!

But Yuchen ignored their shock. Now that he has the method of training, he can simply exercise in an all-round way. Equipment is an indispensable part of the game world. However, how to fight when there is no equipment one day?

After all, equipment is durable, and there are times when you can’t own the equipment in a critical moment. Your own strength is especially important, so Yuchen simply dragged the whole body equipment, which is light and light, and can also exercise the pure strength of the body at the same time.

Naturally, the players behind couldn't understand Yuchen's thoughts. They were looking at the benefits, but Yuchen was purely for training, to defeat that man in the World Martial Arts Conference!

A strong fighting spirit poured into Yuchen's heart, and his speed became sharper. At present, he only has one idea, which is to exercise his own strength, and to master the free mode and use more proficiently!

"Ah ah ah ah ah"

Yuchen started to roar crazily, and then the whole person was like a beast, and began to climb up the rock crazily. The players behind were stunned. Is Yuchen crazy?

Of course they couldn't think of Yuchen's inner thoughts!

Staring at the blue sky and the Tongtian Pillar piercing through the sky, Yuchen's heart was full of enthusiasm. Thinking of Longxiang Jiutian's invincible face, Yuchen murmured with a serious expression: "Look, the world's number one!" In a martial arts meeting, I will definitely defeat you!"

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