The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 300 – Ten Thousand Meters Altitude

"Hey, hey, have you heard? There is a treasure on the Tongtian Pillar?" A certain wretched thief said to his companion.

"Blow it, on the giant pillar of the Tongtian Tower?" Some players said disdainfully.

The thief was in a hurry: "Is it true? Yu Wuchen, the president of the dream, was the first to go up, and then even the people from the temples went up. In the end, the Mythical Union, and Phoenix City, the four major cities, just went up." Even Long Xiang has people climbing the sky pillar."

"Is it true?" The mage was still wondering, when suddenly a group of teams walked past them, and the excited discussions immediately attracted their attention.

"Boss, I heard that there is an artifact on the Tongtian Pillar, oh, Yu Wuchen has already gone, we have to hurry!"

"Hurry up, speed up." The captain of that group of teams looked terrified, and rushed towards the teleportation point in Phoenix City excitedly. Now, the mage was killed, and the thief said proudly, "Is it? I didn't lie to you, did I? "


After speaking, the sorcerer flickered and followed, and the thief yelled when he saw this: "Nimma, wait for me! Gale!"


Like everyone else, people couldn't help cursing when they came to the teleportation point, because there were huge crowds of players teleporting, and the destination was the Floating Void City that everyone wanted to go to!

When people came under the Floating Void City, they leaned up again, because there were already densely packed players climbing on it, and it was as bright as a coat of shining light hung on the Tongtian Pillar. people's eyes.

"Nimma, who is farting!"

"Damn it, don't step on my feet!"

"You're paralyzed, hit me, fuck you!" Immediately, a skill was thrown over, and the whole scene was in chaos. Even so, nothing could stop the enthusiasm of the players, and they rushed forward bravely.

"Damn, brothers, grab the artifact quickly!"

"Ah ah ah"

Three full days have passed since Yuchen climbed the Floating Void City, and after that day, various legends have spread about the Tianzhu of the Tongtian Tower in the Floating Void City. Some people say that there are artifacts, and some people say that there are peerless treasures.

One spread ten, ten spread hundreds, and finally caused turmoil in Xuanyuan Continent. In the past three days, players teleporting to Floating Void City have been in an endless stream, and they have never stopped. Fortunately, the mastermind of the game is relatively strong. The scene is still very huge, and it is estimated that if it is replaced with another game, it will already fail.

And in these three days, the number of players climbing the Tongtian Pillar has reached more than 100 million. Such a terrifying number is simply unbearable. The crazy actions of the players have also spread to the ears of some experts. Many people have doubts about this. skeptical.

The dream players were dumbfounded, what did the president do?How did it cause waves in the entire Xuanyuan Continent?But soon they got the answer. It turned out that the president was practicing for the Budokai. Now the players who dreamed of it were waiting to see the good show. They smirked silently and let those players toss.

At this moment, at an altitude of 1000 meters.

At a glance, there are tens of thousands of players climbing crazily from all directions. The entire giant pillar needs about 50 human players to protect the environment, and there are many players of other races among them.

The giant players are exaggerated. After all, they are 3 or 4 meters tall, and some giant players are even more than five meters tall. It is frightening to watch.

"Damn it! Why don't you let me pass!" And this is, above the height of a thousand meters, a fierce dispute broke out in the clouds.

"Why? We said we won't let you pass, so we won't let you go!" I saw a group of giant players with a minimum height of three meters above the Tongtian Pillar surrounding the giant pillar, preventing the players below from passing, causing countless The stagnation of thousands of people.

"Fuck, brothers, blast them down!" Following the shout of this man, the player of the giant race was the first to strike, holding it with one hand, while shouting with the other hand, "Slash through the air!"

The slash in the sky swooped down like a missile to break through the air, attacking those exploring players. The ratio of the power of the giants to humans was 1:5, and the power caused hundreds of people to die on the spot. Falling from the sky.

"Ah ah ah ah/."

The sound of screams came from high in the sky, and the people who heard it were thrilled.

"Paralyzed, is there any archer? Shoot his paralyzed dog!" Someone shouted angrily, and soon hundreds of archers came out. The elf archers are naturally blessed with agility. The crotch of the giants.

Following the rain of arrows all over the sky, suddenly a giant's body fell heavily to the ground, and the behemoth fell, arousing the full scale of the battle.

"Death to me!"

"Come on!"

Fighting was taking place at a thousand-meter altitude, and fierce fighting also took place on the ground of the floating city thousands of meters below.

Swords, swords, and magic arrows flashed continuously, making people dazzled.

"Fuck, the sky, something is falling from the sky, get out of the way!" Someone looked up at the sky, suddenly saw countless figures falling down, and immediately shouted loudly.

"Boom boom boom boom"

"bang bang bang"

As the corpses of more than a dozen giants and thousands of players fell heavily to the ground, the battle at the teleportation point of the floating city came to an end. People stared at the cracked ground and countless densely packed corpses in shock.

"What happened?" The players looked at the sky in unison. What happened on the Tongtian Tower?

"Ah ah ah"

However, when people looked over, they found that there were still many people falling down, falling down continuously. In this way, after falling continuously for a whole week, ten days had passed since Yuchen climbed the Tongtian Tower.

Fortunately, the Floating Void City belongs to the dungeon, otherwise I don't know how many players would die of grief because of this.

After ten days of competition, the Tongtian Pillar in the Floating Void City has almost become a restricted area, and the players have lost their original curiosity. Instead, they practice leveling with peace of mind to make up for the loss of relegation, and welcome the upcoming world martial arts meeting.

However, at an altitude of [-] meters in the Tongtian Tower of the Floating City, there are still players who have persisted in climbing for ten days. Not only are they not depressed at all, but they are becoming more and more energetic, but physical strength has finally become the most serious problem.

Looking at the figure that was getting farther and farther away, the eyes of the assassin man in gold equipment were filled with shock. It has been ten days, and it has lasted for ten days. Now there are only a dozen of his companions left.

"It can't be done. It seems that we can only stop here." When the air became thinner, their physical strength gradually became unbearable. Although they climbed to a height of [-] meters, they gained enough madness. Harvest, but it can only go so far.

"bang bang"

The man in gold equipment hit the huge pillar with his fist, looking at the higher pillar, he was full of unwillingness and shock: "Oh, is this guy a human being? He still has so much physical strength, although it is very uncomfortable. Willing to, but have to admit, he is very strong, he is bt!"

"Is this the end?" The faces of the five people showed unwillingness and disappointment. They persisted, and they were confident that they could get more gains, but they couldn't do it because the thin air made it difficult for them to breathe. , The body has gradually lost consciousness.

Even if they wanted to rest, they couldn't do it until the moment their tightly clenched palms let go of the armrest, they turned into small black shadows above the height of [-] meters, and fell straight to the ground. Through the white clouds, their gazes remained Looking at the sky above...

"Maybe, you can really beat that least, I hope you can beat him." The moment they turned into dust in the air and fell to the ground, the man in gold equipment murmured at this moment, because they and Yuchen The same, with the same goals and enemies.


Their landing caused an uproar in the calm Floating Void City. Ten days have passed, and there are still players landing?People can't help but think of the previous legend, that is to say?There are still people on the Tongtian Pillar, at least one more person, Yu Wuchen!

Above the Tianzhu in the sky, white clouds are floating, and the breeze is blowing, which makes people feel refreshed.

"Ding dong, congratulations on climbing to an altitude of 500 meters and gaining [-] points of permanent power!" When Yuchen, whose arms were a little numb and his face was a little pale, came to the [-]-meter altitude, he finally received the long-lost system beep.

"Five hundred permanent attributes? Hehe, it's really shocking." Yuchen said excitedly. Even now he has difficulty breathing, even though his physical strength is gradually overdrawn, but he has not given up, giving up a sliver of hope .

In fact, when Yuchen climbed to an altitude of 3000 meters, he received this exciting news, a full 500 points of attribute power, and when he climbed to an altitude of [-] meters, his attribute power had already been blessed with [-] points.

And at an altitude of 3500 meters, which is where he is now, his body strength is already close to 3500, what a terrifying number, which means that Yuchen can cause [-]+ damage with his fists. What kind of horror would it be if weapons were used?

What if Yuchen was allowed to obtain the legendary weapon Guicheshi?What will happen then?For this, Yuchen was full of anticipation and excitement. This kind of excitement made him not stop moving forward even if he was not breathing.

However, the situation Yuchen is now facing is getting worse and worse. In ten days, he climbed to an altitude of 5000 meters on the first day. Yuchen only reached [-].

Squinting his eyes slightly, Yuchen suddenly opened them: "Did they fail to keep up after all?"

In the past ten days, Yuchen has been impressed by the people who have been following him all the time, but now it seems that they can no longer hold on, Yuchen glanced at the Tongtianzhu, which still cannot see the end of the sky, and muttered He murmured, "How long can I last?"

As soon as his expression changed, Yuchen began to climb up the rock again. As long as there is still a glimmer of hope, he will never give up!

The sky soaring into the clouds, what will be waiting for him...

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