The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 301 – The Floating Top

The legend of the Floating Void City and the mystery of the Tongtian Pillar caused an uproar because of Yuchen’s inadvertent action. After fifteen days, half a month, every player who came to the Floating Void City couldn’t help but look at the sky to see if they were still alive. Some players will fall..

However, except for one or two novices who climbed up and fell down once in a while, no one fell down. People care and look at Yuchen. It's a real treasure artifact, and players don't want to let others get it if they are vetoed by themselves.

They don't believe in legends, but they don't want others to benefit, so there are always players who look and hope that the man will fall, and then leave in disgrace like everyone else.

In fact, many players received information prompts after climbing a thousand meters, and continued to climb after falling. Although the progress was growing each time, it was very limited. Even the pedestrian who had been following Yuchen and the others could not I never tried it for the second time, and it was a kind of mental and physical torture. For players who have already experienced it once, they naturally don't want to suffer the same pain for the second time.

Therefore, there is only one person left on the Tongtian Tower today, and he is Yuchen.

After holding on for half a month, is he giving up at this moment or is he still holding on?

When the vision gradually became blurred, and when the hands could no longer move upwards, Yuchen was hanging in the air. Now his personal strength has reached the terrifying number of 5000, and he has not been offline for half a month, because He wasn't sure if he would fall because of it.

Yuchen ignored Yihan’s sirens several times in reality. If he gave up now, he would have to start all over again. In fact, Yuchen’s idea was right. Some players wanted to take advantage of it, but found the location of the offline It was on the Tongtian Pillar, and he had already landed when he went online.

This is a harsh truth, so no player wants to try it a second time.

"Is it still a failure after all?" Looking at the sight range of at least 1000 meters, Yuchen was a little unwilling. Who can guarantee that it will not be the top of Tongtian Tower after 1000 meters?At this stage, how heartache and unwilling to give up.

However, his physical strength can no longer hold up. Although his strength is growing, even Yuchen can guarantee that if he is allowed to fight for ten hours in a row and use his skills continuously, Yuchen can survive. The harvest obtained by Mi Gaokong Yuchen.

Now equipped with the black iron sword, Yuchen may be able to do tens of thousands of damage with a single blow, let alone the power of the hidden dragon art, but it is not only Yuchen who has grown up, at least his level has not changed at all , Level 77!

However, Longxiang Jiutian has already reached level 89, approaching the mark of level 90, making all players look up!

"Are you going to give up?" Looking at the still limitless horizon, Yuchen was a little frustrated and unwilling. No one would be unhappy at this point. Although he had obtained unexpected gains, it was still not enough!

"Not enough, not enough, there is still a huge gap between him and that person!" Yuchen roared, and at the last moment of letting go, he clenched the handrail again, but the huge falling force made Yuchen fall down.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Yuchen's roar was heard from the height of [-] meters. His eyes were blood red, and he kept trying to hold on to the handrail. The powerful force made his life drop continuously. his heart.

His hands finally turned blood red, and when his whole body was red, Yuchen finally stopped falling, and his hands were already covered in blood.

Panting heavily, he fell hundreds of meters in just a short moment, Yuchen had to stop for a while, with the Yinlong Jue guarding his surroundings, his breathing began to become more even, and finally his expression froze, Yuchen He began to climb up the rock with one hand and one foot.

For the dreams and beliefs in his heart, how could he give up?

Back above the altitude of [-] meters, Yuchen continued to climb up the rock. It was day and night, day and night, and I don’t know how many sunrises and sunsets passed. The night at high altitude was very cold.

He had to put on a thick armor to keep out the cold, swaying in the wind, and made unimaginable efforts to become stronger. In order to surpass that person, he endured mental and physical torture and destruction.

"The moonlight is so beautiful." Even in such a lonely and cold night, Yuchen, who was still climbing up the rock, looked at the bright moon in the sky from time to time, looking a little sad and lonely alone.

At 5000 meters, Yuchen's attribute strength did not increase any more, but his physical strength continued to increase miraculously, which caused him to survive, and the wonderful body changes constantly stimulated Yuchen's idea of ​​persevering.

"It would be better if there is someone to talk to." Yuchen laughed at himself. No one can bear loneliness and loneliness. In such a quiet night, he also wants someone to talk to.


Just when Yuchen was a little sad, the pet stone glowed, and a white object appeared in front of Yuchen's eyes in the next second, which surprised him very much.

"Xiao Ai, why are you here?" Yuchen left Xiao Ai by Yihan's side before he left, but he didn't expect Xiao Ai to appear on his own, Yuchen didn't call him!

"Chirp..." Xiao Ai gently rubbed Yuchen's neck with her furry cheeks, and made a small sound from her mouth.

Although he didn't understand what Xiao Ai was talking about, Yuchen was still happy: "Hehe, thank you for coming to accompany me."


The little guy was flying in the air excitedly, its snow-white body was so eye-catching in the dark night, three days later, 23 days passed in a blink of an eye, and Yuchen was still on the Tongtian Pillar.

His body is as nimble as a thief, passing by the shadows and going straight up, if someone is there, he will be shocked, because at this moment, Yuchen is flying close to his face, no, he is running towards the sky.

"Xiao Ai, let's compete faster!" When Yuchen reached an altitude of [-] meters, all constraints disappeared, and he stretched his whole body into Qingyan, walking like flying. At this moment, he realized that not only strength, but also strength. Even agility is growing strongly.


Xiao Ai was flying in the air, and Yuchen turned into a galloping afterimage and ran towards the sky. Yes, Yuchen was running on this sky pillar at this moment. His speed was like a swift eagle, and he was dazzled. He was able to run on this vertical pillar, which shows how bt his speed is now, if it is the ground?How terrifying?

"Air Walk!"

"bang bang bang"

In the upgraded version of Yinlong Jue, Yuchen finally created his own skills in the game world, white ripples appeared under his feet, and he flew out as an afterimage. Xiao Ai was not to be outdone. Yuchen was surprised to find that this little guy not only Flying also has a magical skill.

Xiao Ai, who was originally lagging behind, suddenly disappeared, and when she appeared, she was already behind Yuchen.

"Good guy, here we go again." Seeing Xiao Ai's appearance, Yuchen also quickened his pace, and the two chased in the air. It was not until an hour later that Yuchen climbed up.

"It can't be done, I can only hold on for so long." Yuchen gasped and said to Xiao Ai behind him.

"Hrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" Xiao Ai protects her hands, and looks at Yuchen with a weak expression like yours, and Yuchen is dumbfounded by his expression...

"Your sister!"




"You are ruthless..." Yuchen was defeated by this little guy, and without speaking, he looked at the white sky and murmured: "How long is it? Could it be [-] meters?"

Yuchen was heartbroken. Anyway, there is no negative state, so he should just practice agility. In fact, Yuchen had forgotten the time, but he vaguely remembered that more than half a month had passed, and he didn't want to check the system settings. specified date and time.

Yuchen continued to go forward for 500 meters, chatting and laughing with Xiaoai at ease.


All of a sudden, Xiao Ai's hair was terrified, and this sudden scene surprised Yuchen: "What's wrong with Xiao Ai?" Following Xiao Ai's gaze, Yuchen froze there for a second!

At a position less than 100 meters away from them, a tiny black shadow appeared in front of his eyes. At that moment, Yuchen couldn't help but tremble with excitement. After 23 days, isn't his unremitting efforts just for the arrival of this moment? ?

Because the top of the tower was right in front of his eyes.

When Yuchen gave up climbing and used his self-created skill to walk away in the air, his eyes showed the entire appearance of the black shadow. This is a top with a dark entrance, not big, about One hundred square meters.

"Where is this place?" Yuchen was surprised for a while, it didn't seem like the terrain of Floating Void City?Although there are floating islands above the floating city, Yuchen has never seen such a strange top.

Walking up along the entrance, there is nothing but a [-]-square-meter open space, standing in the clouds, when Yuchen glanced at it, he couldn't help trembling, looking at the sky from here, Yuchen could vaguely see it. When you look at the face of the floating city, you can see the world in the towering clouds.

At this moment, he couldn't help but think of a sentence: "I will be Ling Jueding, and I will see all the mountains and small ones."

He actually gave birth to a feeling of loneliness as a master. Yuchen looked down on everything on the ground like a king above all living beings.


Suddenly, Xiao Ai's voice pulled Yuchen back, and his expression turned serious: "What's wrong with Xiao Ai?"

"Chirp!" Xiaoai's hair was terrified, and there was a trace of fear in her dark eyes. Before Yuchen could recover, a purple-black light enveloped them in the next second.

But at this moment, there was a huge light on the ground where Yuchen was!

"This... this turned out to be a magic circle!" At that moment, Yuchen exclaimed, he was actually shrouded in the light of the magic circle. In his shocked expression, a gust of wind blew up, and Yuchen and Xiao Ai disappeared in an instant. On the top of the tower, only the blue sky and white clouds have not changed at all..

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