The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 302 – Floating City Lord

There are still six days before the opening of the World Martial Arts Association. All the masters have stopped their cultivation and are preparing to face the huge challenge in six days.

All the masters, even the rookies dream of being famous in this battle and becoming famous all over the world. Countless girls and fortunes are coming like themselves, even Longxiang Jiutian is no exception, and his level has already stayed at 89 Level, motionless.

These days, the undercurrent on the ranking list is turbulent. Longxiang Jiutian is still far ahead, but the second to No.15 are fiercely fighting. Return to the top three in the rating list in the past 20 days!

The battle after the [-]th place is also particularly fierce. The cadres of Dreams and Long Xiang, as well as the masters of Floating Life in the End Times, Misty Rain Jiangnan, and the temples are staring at the ranking list. If you blow him up today, you will be defeated tomorrow. The return of anti-explosion has become one of the hot topics among players.

Of course, what shocked the players the most was No.2 on the ranking list!

Now it is no longer a poetic battle, but a woman, just a woman, who is also a legend in the game world. I don’t know what happened. The level suddenly soared, and I reached the second place in the level list with level 84.

After more than 20 days of hard training, most players have given up on crazy leveling, and all the dream cadres have returned to the station.

They couldn't help laughing when they learned that Yuchen had nowhere to return and that the legendary incident of the Tongtian Tower had been set off not long ago, but soon the cadres discovered a huge problem, Yuchen's head portrait was gray.

Moreover, according to what they said, Yuchen hasn't come down yet?

Then, everyone learned from Yihan that Yuchen hadn't been offline for 23 days, which made everyone tremble. One person was online for 23 consecutive days. If it was climbing the Tianzhu, how much perseverance and effort would it take? patience?

The dream cadres were speechless, afraid to speak, and staring at each other with horror in their eyes.

"I hope the boss can come back quickly." Wulei said worriedly, and then all the cadres of Mengmeng went out to relax, pick up girls, and wait for the upcoming martial arts conference.

Moreover, Dang Ye is very quiet and Yan Yu were also shocked when they knew what happened to Yu Chen, looking forward to how Yu Chen would change when he came back, no matter what, the time for the much-anticipated World Martial Arts Association is getting closer and closer!

But now, there is still no news from Yuchen.

Where did he go when he disappeared at an altitude of 5000 meters?

This is a large hall, and the burning flames illuminate the huge space in this room. There are several weird statues around, one of which is actually a harpy head, and the rest are also very scary and weird.

The main hall is about [-] square meters. It can be regarded as a mansion like a palace. There are golden dragon chairs and pillars made of crystal in this huge palace, which can be described as extremely luxurious.

However, such a magnificent palace makes people feel eerie, because it is empty and even has a weird atmosphere.

"Where is this place?" Yuchen looked around in horror, not knowing what happened. Although he knew that he was teleported by the magic circle, where is this place?From this appearance, it seems to be a palace. Could it be that this is the top of the Floating Void City?

No, it's impossible, right?

"Chirp!" Just as Yuchen was contemplating, Xiao Ai beside him screamed in horror, and Xiao Ai's eyes became extremely sharp. Looking at it, Yuchen was dumbfounded all of a sudden!

He seemed to be petrified, motionless, his eyes gleamed with inconceivable gaze, and even his body was trembling, because in front of his eyes was a black knife that was all black and exuded a bewitching light!

This knife is about five feet long, the blade is very beautiful, like a purple flame, the whole body of the knife is black, and the whole body emits a strange light of red, purple, blue and black, illuminating the other half of the hall, falling upside down and suspended in a similar magic circle The blade is constantly spinning, the only shortcoming is that the blade is dull and dull.

Suddenly, something came to Yuchen's mind, he walked up to the black knife in shock and muttered: "This, is this the legendary weapon?"


"Yes, this is the legendary weapon, Black Knife Ghost City!" Just when Xiao Ai realized something was wrong, an old but very deep voice sounded behind Yuchen.

Yuchen trembled all over, turned his head with the black sword in his hand for an instant, and made an attack and defense posture, but Yuchen was stunned when he turned his head, but he still didn't relax his vigilance: "Old man, it really is you."

When he saw the face of the visitor, Yuchen was startled but then he was very shocked, as if he already had a guess in his mind.

"Young man, very good." The old man took off his bamboo hat, revealing his old face, but he was very radiant. This old man is obviously the guide of floating.

The appearance of the old man surprised Yuchen, but he soon felt relieved. After all, this old man gave people a strange feeling. From the very beginning, Yuchen was a little suspicious. At present, Yuchen still doesn't know his identity, and just watched vigilantly. elder.

Perhaps it was because he could see Yuchen's thoughts that the old man walked to Yuchen's side calmly, but he didn't move at all. Instead, he looked at the black knife with a look of sadness on his face, and then looked at the resplendent throne. The sadness of the face.

"Everyone in the world only knows that the Floating Void City has been destroyed, but they don't know that it is still there. When human beings' eyes are covered by desire, they can only see benefits in front of them. Back then, the owner of the Floating Void City was arrogant and wanted to unify the four main cities of mankind, but he never He wanted to bring about a huge disaster, but relying on his extraordinary strength and the true inheritance of floating air, he insisted on defeating the experts from all directions, and established this city in the sky, becoming the fifth city of mankind!"

Listening to the old man's narration, Yuchen fell into silence, quietly feeling the excitement in the words, Yuchen continued to listen to his memories of the past.

"Unexpectedly, the Floating Void City suffered a huge blow. A mysterious expert fought with the Floating Void City Lord to seal the Floating Void City here! However, after the war, his mysterious weapon remained here and became a legend! So far, 1000 years It's over..." The old man seemed to be remembering something, his tone unconsciously showed sadness, and a trace of crystal tears appeared in his eyes.

"This is the history you know. However, the real history is not like this. The person who sealed the floating city was not a mysterious master, but the king of the human race. He tampered with the history and made my floating city forever cast aside !” Speaking of this.The old man's expression became resentful, but he soon relaxed.

Yuchen heard it clearly, and asked in shock: "Isn't what we know the real history?" What the old man said was the second data history of the game released after the system update. However, this is not true?

Then Yuchen thought of something and said: "Old man, you are the Lord of the Floating City, right?" Obviously the other party has no malice towards him. If the other party wants to harm him, Yuchen doesn't think he will guide him, and he can still speak well now .

The old man did not refute, acquiesced, then turned to Yuchen and said: "Your eyes, let me see myself back then, little brother, I hope you can keep in mind a sentence, men, there will always be moments of unavoidable choices, the same Yes, there are moments when you have to avoid choices!"

Yuchen nodded, he still can't understand this sentence now, maybe in the near future he can...

"Young monster, are you willing to save my race? Let my floating city reappear in the world?" The old man said to Yuchen, his eyes full of hope.

Yuchen was stunned: "Isn't the Floating City open now? Also, why is it me?" There are [-] or [-] masters who came to the Floating City, but he was chosen?

The old man smiled: "Hehe, only you, no, or only those who are the lifeblood of the monster."

His words made Yuchen tremble all over and exclaimed: "Monster!?"

"That's right, Yaoxia, this existence that scares the world, I never thought that I would still see the surviving descendants of Yaoxia after 1000 years." The Lord of the Floating Sky City said a little excitedly.

But Yuchen became more and more dizzy, and the information in his mind became chaotic, the offspring of a monster?Could it be that the monsters were extinct 1000 years ago?What is going on, Yuchen feels that his career has become more and more complicated.

"Ding Dong, are you willing to accept the sss-level mission to liberate the floating city?"

The systematic inquiry made Yuchen stop there. He looked at the Lord of the Floating Sky City in disbelief. After all, he used to be the lord of a tyrant. Once he accepts the task and causes chaos in the floating world, isn't he a sinner?

"The years are merciless, and the water chestnut has long been smoothed." The old man said lightly, perhaps seeing the disbelief in Yuchen's eyes, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Actually, I didn't tell you the whole truth. At the time of the knife, you will know everything, trust me, I will not harm you, young monster!"

The old man said lightly, his eyes were full of determination, and he continued: "You are too weak now, knowing these things may not be a good thing for you!"

"Wait!" Yuchen hurriedly stopped, and now he was getting more and more confused, and couldn't understand what the Lord of the Floating Void City said.

"Can you tell me what you know? I'm very confused now." Yuchen asked with a puzzled face.

Looking at Yuchen who was full of doubts, the old man didn't speak for a long time, and he sighed after a long time: "Well, if you insist on knowing, I will tell you the real history of what happened back then..."

"Back then, the person who defeated me was not a monster, but he saved my Floating Void City. However, at that time, he was cast aside by the world. He came all the way to fight and came to the territory of the human race, but he was raped by the king of the human race. Hunt down, the leader of the human race 1000 years ago was the Xuanyuan clan..."

The old man was talking about what happened 1000 years ago, but Yuchen's heart was already turbulent. What happened thousands of years ago seems to revolve around the existence of the monster...

(ready to go home)

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