The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 325 – Successful Promotion

"bang bang bang"

"Dang Dang Dang Dang"

On this exciting arena, the flames are constantly splashing, and the fighting has not stopped for a moment. When the collision between sharp blades and swords becomes a habit, when the blood splatters the players' sweat At that time, everyone fought desperately for the promotion quota.

"Forget it, you are not my opponent. With you now, I can easily defeat you." In one of the arenas, an assassin actually gave up the wretched and shameless fighting and fought hand-to-hand with a melee professional player.

As a thief player, Yue Zhiyan had lost his usual calmness. He couldn't bear the fact that Yuchen could easily defeat him without a weapon. His eyes were red and he attacked like crazy.

One hit, two hits, Yuchen didn't need a weapon to block at all, relying on his vigorous body to perfectly dodge the opponent's attack.


"Earth Fissure Spike!"

At the moment when Yuchen dodged the attack of Moon Flame, Yuchen dodged his dagger, but the opponent stabbed the dagger into the ground, trembling for a while, and in the next second there was an explosion from Yuchen's ground. Rows of thrusts, Yuchen was startled when he saw this, a silver halo appeared under his feet, he immediately flew into the sky, and took a few steps back.

"Oh? Can thieves still use such skills?" Yuchen looked at Yue Zhiyan in shock. If it wasn't for mentality, maybe the strength of Yue Zhiyan at this moment is at least 50.00% higher than it is now.

"Hmph, the good show is yet to come!" The more he fought, the more courageous Yue Zhiyan in front of him was. His eyes became sharper, his breathing became more relaxed, and his mind gradually calmed down. , the dagger in his hand swung faster.

Seeing the opponent's changes, Yuchen showed a surprised face, and then a smile rose from the corner of his mouth: "Hehe, there are only half of the people left in the battle, and there is still more than an hour before the end. How far can you go?"


Facing the extremely powerful Yuchen, Yue Zhiyan finally calmed down slowly, took a deep breath, and disappeared from the arena, ready to launch a sneak attack.

The arena of one person made the atmosphere of the scene weird. Silence, Quiet, Yanyu and others have basically qualified. They were all watching this battle. They were very puzzled, why didn't Yuchen solve the battle quickly?

"This guy, doesn't he want to recruit security?" Misty Rain murmured.

"At the beginning, his steps were disordered, his breathing was uneven, and even his murderous aura was exposed. As a thief, he failed, but now it seems..." Mo Mo also looked at the ring, and looked at Moon Zhiyan with a gleam of light.

"What kind of recruiting? I think this guy wants to conquer this young lady by force. Let me just say, Yu Wuchen is a gay guy." An Jing shrugged and looked at Yuchen's performance. Although his face was relaxed, his heart was already a little bit It's heavy, Yuchen's strength so far is simply the tip of the iceberg, making it impossible to guess how strong he is?

"The battle has begun!"

I don't know who in the crowd exclaimed. On the ring where Yuchen and the others belonged, a sword sound resounded throughout the audience. Everyone looked at it, and saw Yuchen took out the broken sword to block the attack of Moon Zhiyan. First sneak attack!

Yue Zhiyan's sneak attack failed, and he immediately jumped back a few steps, but there was an excited smile on his face: "What? Are you finally willing to take out your weapon?"

Yuchen didn't speak, but looked at the black sword in his hand without saying a word, then glanced at the sky, and sighed: "Is that so, do you also want to go to this last moment?"

At the moment when the flame of the moon assassinated, Yuchen could dodge with speed and even attack. However, his right hand moved involuntarily. It was the black sword in his hand...

As if he understood something, Yuchen let out a long sigh. It has reached this point, it seems enough, right?

Su Xingyuchen held up the black sword to protect his chest, and drew a trace of black light in the air, his entire broken skirt began to fly, even his black hair began to flutter, and there was a wave of fluctuation in the surrounding air , Seeing this scene, the masters present looked terrified, knowing that Yuchen was coming for real.

"Holding a broken sword in your hand? Do you want to show how strong you are? A rag? Hmph, is your equipment deliberately designed to attract those ignorant girls? Even the head of Yuhui is just an ordinary person. "Seeing the change in Yuchen's momentum, Yue Zhiyan's face became serious.

"Hey, is it now that you want to interfere with my mentality?" Yuchen looked at Yue Zhiyan with a smile and didn't speak. Thinking to himself, his expression suddenly changed: "This is your last chance!"

"Hidden Dragon Step!"


The white light circle swayed, and Yuchen flew out as if touching his face. The black iron sword in his hand exuded a shining light. Seeing Yuchen's strong attack, Yue Zhiyan's expression froze, and he rushed towards Yuchen head-on.

"Instant kill!"


When Yuchen's figure stopped, at the moment when the sword was drawn, Yue Zhiyan turned away from Yuchen's eyes at that moment, and the dagger also attacked Yuchen's back at that moment. The players held their breath.



"No, I'm going to be controlled, Yu Wuchen, don't lose!" Seeing that the situation is not good, those players who bought Yuchen to win naturally became anxious, calling to Yuchen on the ring in the field, but Yuchen I can't hear it anymore. In order not to be disturbed by the outside world, the arena is soundproof.

"Turn around and backstab? Do you want to stun Yuchen? Is this guy too naive?" Looking at the scene on the ring, Mo Mo showed a slight smile. To Yu Chen, Mo Mo is quite clear, if this guy is a As for the thief, he is definitely the number one thief player in Xuanyuan Continent!

Sure enough, at the moment when Silence's voice fell, the entire venue resounded with exclamation, and there was no other reason. On the ring, Yue Zhiyan, who had already successfully backstabbed, fell to nothing, and he attacked Yuchen actually came behind him.

The instant turning around and the perfect pace shocked everyone!

Yuchen's actions at this time were like a skilled thief using a backstab. Yuchen used the black iron sword to stab Yuezhiyan's back without hesitation.

"I won this match." When the sharp sword was about to pierce through Yue Zhiyan's heart, a triumphant smile appeared on the corner of Yue Zhiyan's mouth, which made Yuchen feel a little bad.

The secret channel is not good, but it is already too late!

"Silk Shadow Beam!"

Yue Zhiyan murmured at the corner of his mouth, his dagger pressed to the ground, and Yuchen's black sword also stopped at the heart of Yue Zhiyan's back at that moment, and he could no longer take half a step forward.

"I won this match!" When the silk shadow beam was activated successfully, Yue Zhiyan showed a smug smile. Under the scorching sun, everyone could see that Yuchen's hands, feet, and whole body were on the ring at this moment. There was an imperceptible silver thread wrapped around it, and it was these things that made him unable to move.

"Perfect Shadow Sting!"

"It's over!" Yue Zhiyan turned around and stabbed Yuchen's heart with the dagger in his hand. At that moment, exclamations and shouts came from the audience, but from Yuchen's angle, he didn't hear anything. I can only see those excited players..

Yue Zhiyan stabbed out the last sword excitedly, the dagger glowing with strong light was finally about to pierce his heart, with him now able to hit five consecutive stab attacks, even if Yuchen's life was over, Yue Zhiyan Yan is also sure that he can kill him instantly.

However, he was wrong. Is the battle really over as he expected?

"It's over? Ah, it's really over!"

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

An explosion-like sound resounded through Yuchen's arena, and the silver-white light soared into the sky, echoed above the barrier of the arena, and disintegrated into silver starlight, but Yuchen shouted loudly, using huge power Let the silk begin to break.

"No, it's impossible..." A five-second silk attack is equivalent to an attack that cannot be defended, but it can be forcibly torn off with force?How much strength does this require?Yue Zhiyan's eyes were full of horror.


In this silver light, Yuchen walked out slowly, the black sword in his hand had glowed like a silver flame, the light began to change, and finally turned black, like a black flame, Yuchen's body It is also covered with a layer of black flame light, as if covered with a layer of black clothes.

"How is it possible, how is it possible!!" Yue Zhiyan felt the power of terror for the first time since he entered some places. Fear spread in his heart and occupied his mind. Looking at Yuchen, he was trembling all over.

"Now, are you convinced?" Yuchen said coldly, the black arrogance all over his body was rising and falling like a demon roaring, and his whole body was like killing a god.

"No, no!" Yue Zhiyan started to roar, his eyes changed, and finally he thought of something, and his face became grim: "I won't lose, I won't lose!"

Yue Zhiyan suddenly put the dagger back into the package. This scene made all the players think that Yue Zhiyan had given up, but there were still many players frowning deeply. What does this guy want to do?

Seeing Yue Zhiyan's actions, Yuchen frowned to stop him and said, "Even if you use your so-called killer mace, it won't work for me. Wouldn't it be a pity to be exposed now as a dual-professional person?"

Hearing Yuchen's words, Yue Zhiyan looked at him in horror, and said in shock: "You, how do you know."

"It's nothing, forget it, join the dream, you can become stronger!" In fact, from the very beginning, when Yuchen knew the other party's information with his demon eyes, he would agree to the gamble. Everyone can't imagine.

"Become stronger?" Listening to Yuchen's words, Yue Zhiyan fell into deep thought...

He raised his head for a long time, and after a second, Yuchen got a system prompt, "I lost." There was nothing wrong with being young and frivolous, Yue Zhiyan left the ring after leaving a word...

"Ding Dong, congratulations on qualifying for the next competition!"

The system's reminder means that Yuchen is one step closer to the championship!

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