"younger brother!"

Yue Zhiyan walked down the ring in a daze, but a beautiful voice came from his face. He raised his head in a daze, and saw a beautiful girl with childlike face and huge *ru running towards him.

Yue Zhiyan murmured: "Sister, I lost..."

"Okay, don't be sad, that guy is not a human at all, but a beast! Don't worry about it, there are not many people who can defeat him." Han comforted, looking at the appearance of his always confident younger brother, Han My heart is also somewhat heartbroken.

"Yeah, don't compare yourself, you can't afford to be hurt." Xiao Ting also walked out, and comforted him, after all, the relationship between him and Han is still not clear and unclear, maybe it will happen one day together.

"Han, this is your younger brother?" Yuchen and the others walked out, glanced at Han, and then at Yue Zhiyan. Their expressions were indeed similar. Speaking of which, apart from Xiao Ting who had seen Han's face, there was nothing else in the Dream Union. No one seems to have seen it.

"Hahaha, brother Wuchen, congratulations, you have successfully advanced." Zhan Tian walked over and patted Yuchen on the shoulder boldly. "

"Hey, a big man is powerful and useless. I can only hate the bt of An Jing." Although Wang Zhantian was a little disappointed, after all, it should not be difficult to enter the top [-] with his strength, but he met An Jing here. , I lost the first game, and I just gave up in the second game. I can only admit that I am unlucky.

"Brother Zhan Tian gave in, it's better than someone, the person who hit me was very happy..." An Jing glanced at Misty Rain next to him.

Yan Yu hurriedly averted her eyes: "The martial arts tournament, the sword has no eyes, brother, I can't help it..."


Yuchen didn't bother to pay attention to the verbal dispute between these two guys, and walked to Yihan's side: "Yihan, where is Ruoxue?"

"Ruoxue, I don't know? Do you want me to go offline and have a look?" Yihan blinked her big eyes and said in puzzlement.

have no idea?Yuchen was taken aback, how is this possible, isn't it obvious that they are together?Yuchen looked at the sexy young woman Xuan'er, who was also puzzled and shook her head to express that she didn't know.

"Ding dong, the Wanqiang Tournament is over, and the competition is about to begin, please advance the players to enter the ring to compete!" Yuchen was about to go offline to have a look, when the system announced the end of the competition, and the next round was about to begin.

In the eyes of everyone, Yuchen once again entered the battlefield.

"You are Yu Wuchen?" Standing on the ring, a man looked at Yuchen arrogantly. On his chest was the logo of Long Xiang, and it was still red. He was obviously a member of the cadre level..

"Three, two, one..."

"Battle begins!"

"Hmph, I'll let you get down in three seconds!" Long Xiang's cadres looked at Yu Chen provocatively, however, a gust of wind blew by in the next second, and this Long Xiang cadre died on the spot under everyone's attention. He didn't know when Yuchen came to him.

From the second time, Longxiang's cadres learned to be obedient, stopped provoking, and stayed away from Yuchen. However, this also did not change his fate of failure. When Yuchen pierced his chest from behind, everything was announced. Finish.

The second match was still the same, Yuchen became violent like a ferocious beast, and when the duel reached the third match, Yuchen had successfully entered the top [-]!

After entering the top [-], Yuchen finally had time to rest, and immediately met Yihan and prepared to go offline.

With a flash of white light, both Yuchen and Yihan disappeared in place, Xuan'er felt bored and went offline, leaving behind the dream players who are still struggling...

After Yuchen went offline, while the Martial Arts Association was going on fiercely, on the Red Continent at the edge of the world, after a month of hard work, a man in black finally came to the top of the so-called Red Continent...

The fiery red sky, the fiery red white clouds, everything is red, only he is black, which seems out of place in this red world...

The land stretches as far as the eye can see, on this piece of crimson land, a man covered in languor and black clothes fluttering in the wind came to this brand new world. He looked into the distance and stared at it for a full minute...

The black robe fluttered in the wind. Standing on the [-]-meter cliff, it was difficult to breathe. The black hat only showed half of his face. The man in black looked down at the ground and murmured: "Is it finally here?" ? Xuanyuan Continent..."

Who is this man?What is the purpose of coming to Xuanyuan Continent?

At the same time, the changes that are happening are not only that, but also inside the Dream City.

When all the members went to watch the game or participate in the game, there were still more than a hundred people in the City of Dreams who did not act. Except for the guards left behind, a special meeting was solemnly being held in the inner hall of Dreams.

"Master, just in case our plan can be executed perfectly, we'd better think of a way to ruin his reputation, so that we can be justifiable, and we can replace him."

"Being ruined? It's easier said than done. Forget it. Let's do it when the time is right. I can't wait any longer."

"That Chen Yong seems to know the young master very well, do we want it?" An elderly voice came into the hall, different from his kind expression, this old man in his fifties had sinister eyes.

"No, his background is more complicated, so forget it, so what if he knows? No one in the group of people in the dream believes him, well, follow the plan, and I will go to see how the martial arts society is going. That's it, Yu Wuchen, you must win the championship, so that your dream can continue to develop as scheduled."

They didn't know that the conversation in front of them had been heard clearly and clearly by Chen Yong on the roof!

"Is there really a purpose? I knew it!" Chen Yong said coldly, a look of determination finally appeared in his eyes, it seems that it is time to tell the group of people in the dream, instead of watching this guy arrogant, it is better to let Yu That guy Chen continued to be arrogant, Chen Yong thought coldly, turned around and flew into the blue sky.

At this important moment of the martial arts competition, what kind of catastrophe will the sudden change of the dream cause the entire Xuanyuan Continent to fall into?What kind of conspiracy is hidden in this?

With a flash of white light, Yuchen returned to the familiar room. Just as he was about to get up, there was a scream outside the door...

Yuchen rushed in and saw Yihan standing at the door in panic, Yuchen asked eagerly, "Yihan, what's wrong?"

Yihan told Yuchen in a panic: "Yuchen, Ruoxue, Ruoxue..."

Yuchen trembled all over: "Ruoxue, what happened to Ruoxue?"

"Ruoxue, she's gone!"


Ruoxue actually left?Yuchen and Yihan in the living room were shocked, and an ominous premonition spread in their hearts.

(Second update, come all the flowers and VIPs, the light rain will break out)

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